path: root/plugins/
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1 files changed, 102 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
index 4a4262f..faaa50b 100755
--- a/plugins/
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -48,29 +48,119 @@ def _getVolGeoRepStatusNRPECommand(volume):
return ("check_vol_status -a %s %s" % (volume, 'geo-rep'))
+#This function gets the replica pairs
+#bricks - list of bricks in the volume
+#pair_index - nth pair of replica's needs to be returned
+#rCount - replica count
+def getReplicaSet(bricks, pair_index, rCount):
+ start_index = (pair_index*rCount)-rCount
+ return(bricks[start_index:start_index+rCount])
+def _getVolDetailNRPECommand(volume):
+ return ("discover_volume_info -a %s" % (volume))
def _getVolumeStatusOutput(hostgroup, volume):
status, output = _executeRandomHost(hostgroup,
if status == utils.PluginStatusCode.OK:
- #Following query will return the output in format [[2,0]]
- #no.of bricks in OK state - 2 , CRITICAL state - 0
- brick_states_output = livestatus.readLiveStatusAsJSON(
+ brick_details = json.loads(livestatus.readLiveStatusAsJSON(
"GET services\n"
+ "Columns: description state host_address host_name\n"
"Filter: host_groups >= %s\n"
"Filter: custom_variable_values >= %s\n"
"Filter: description ~ Brick - \n"
- "Stats: state = 0\n"
- "Stats: state = 2\n"
- % (hostgroup, volume))
- brick_states = json.loads(brick_states_output)
- bricks_ok = brick_states[0][0]
- bricks_critical = brick_states[0][1]
+ % (hostgroup, volume)))
+ #output will be as below:
+ #[[u'Brick - /root/b3', 0, u'', u'nishanth-rhs-2']]
+ #parse this to find the no of critical/ok bricks and list of
+ #critical bricks
+ bricks_ok = 0
+ bricks_critical = 0
+ brick_list_critical = []
+ for brick_detail in brick_details:
+ if brick_detail[1] == utils.PluginStatusCode.OK:
+ bricks_ok += 1
+ elif brick_detail[1] == utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL:
+ bricks_critical += 1
+ #get the critical brick's host uuid if not present
+ #int the list
+ custom_vars = json.loads(livestatus.readLiveStatusAsJSON(
+ "GET hosts\n"
+ "Columns: custom_variables\n"
+ "Filter: groups >= %s\n"
+ "Filter: name = %s\n"
+ % (hostgroup, brick_detail[3])))
+ brick_dict = {}
+ brick_dict['brick'] = brick_detail[2] + ":" + \
+ brick_detail[0][brick_detail[0].find("/"):]
+ brick_dict['uuid'] = custom_vars[0][0]['HOST_UUID']
+ brick_list_critical.append(brick_dict)
+ #Get volume details
+ nrpeStatus, nrpeOut = _executeRandomHost(
+ hostgroup, _getVolDetailNRPECommand(volume))
+ volInfo = json.loads(nrpeOut)
+ #Get the volume type
+ vol_type = volInfo[volume]['type']
if bricks_ok == 0 and bricks_critical > 0:
status = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
- output = "All the bricks are in CRITICAL state"
+ output = "CRITICAL: Volume : %s type - All bricks " \
+ "are down " % (vol_type)
+ elif bricks_ok > 0 and bricks_critical == 0:
+ status = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
+ output = "OK: Volume : %s type - All bricks " \
+ "are Up " % (vol_type)
elif bricks_critical > 0:
- status = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
- output = "One or more bricks are in CRITICAL state"
+ if (vol_type == "DISTRIBUTE"):
+ status = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
+ output = "CRITICAL: Volume : %s type \n Brick(s) - <%s> " \
+ "is|are down " % \
+ (vol_type, ', '.join(dict['brick']for dict in
+ brick_list_critical))
+ elif (vol_type == "DISTRIBUTED_REPLICATE" or
+ vol_type == "REPLICATE"):
+ output = "WARNING: Volume : %s type \n Brick(s) - <%s> " \
+ "is|are down, but replica pair(s) are up" % \
+ (vol_type, ', '.join(dict['brick']for dict in
+ brick_list_critical))
+ status = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
+ bricks = []
+ for brick in volInfo[volume]['bricks']:
+ bricks.append(
+ {'brick': brick['brickaddress'] + ":" +
+ brick['brickpath'], 'uuid': brick['hostUuid']})
+ #check whether the replica is up for the bricks
+ # which are down
+ rCount = int(volInfo[volume]['replicaCount'])
+ noOfReplicas = len(bricks)/rCount
+ for index in range(1, noOfReplicas+1):
+ replica_list = getReplicaSet(bricks, index, rCount)
+ noOfBricksDown = 0
+ for brick in replica_list:
+ for brick_critical in brick_list_critical:
+ if brick.get('uuid') == brick_critical.get('uuid')\
+ and brick.get('brick').split(':')[1] == \
+ brick_critical.get('brick').split(':')[1]:
+ noOfBricksDown += 1
+ break
+ if noOfBricksDown == rCount:
+ output = "CRITICAL: Volume : %s type \n Bricks " \
+ "- <%s> are down, along with one or more " \
+ "replica pairs" % \
+ (vol_type,
+ ', '.join(dict['brick']for dict in
+ brick_list_critical))
+ status = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
+ break
+ else:
+ output = "WARNING: Volume : %s type \n Brick(s) - <%s> " \
+ "is|are down" % (vol_type,
+ ', '.join(dict['brick']
+ for dict in
+ brick_list_critical))
+ status = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
+ return status, output
return status, output