path: root/tests/distaf/distaf_libs/io_libs/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/distaf/distaf_libs/io_libs/')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/distaf/distaf_libs/io_libs/ b/tests/distaf/distaf_libs/io_libs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e5c17432c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/distaf/distaf_libs/io_libs/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of DiSTAF
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Description: Library for file operations.
+import re
+import socket
+from distaf.util import tc
+def write_file(filename, file_contents=" ", create_mode='', filesize='', \
+ server=''):
+ """
+ This module writes the file along with file contents
+ @paramater:
+ * filename - <str> absolute path name of the file to be created
+ * file_contents - <str> (optional) file content
+ * create_mode - <str> (optional) mode to create the file
+ * filesize - <str> (optional) filesize
+ * server - <str> (optional) name of the server to write the
+ file. If not given, the function takes the
+ first node from config file
+ @Returns: True, on success
+ False, on failure
+ """
+ if server == '':
+ server = tc.nodes[0]
+ if create_mode == '':
+ create_mode = 'open'
+ if create_mode != 'open':
+ try:
+ conn = tc.get_connection(server, 'root')
+ if conn == -1:
+ tc.logger.error("Unable to get connection to 'root' of "
+ "node %s" % server)
+ return False
+ if not conn.modules.os.path.exists(conn.modules.os.path.\
+ dirname(filename)):
+ conn.modules.os.makedirs(conn.modules.os.path.\
+ dirname(filename))
+ except:
+ tc.logger.error("Exception occured while creating directory for "
+ "file %s" % filename)
+ return False
+ finally:
+ conn.close()
+ if create_mode == 'open':
+ try:
+ conn = tc.get_connection(server, 'root')
+ if conn == -1:
+ tc.logger.error("Unable to get connection to 'root' of node "
+ "%s" % server)
+ return False
+ if not conn.modules.os.path.exists(conn.modules.os.path.\
+ dirname(filename)):
+ conn.modules.os.makedirs(conn.modules.os.path.\
+ dirname(filename))
+ with, 'w') as _filehandle:
+ _filehandle.write(file_contents)
+ except:
+ tc.logger.error("Exception occured while writing file %s" \
+ % filename)
+ return False
+ finally:
+ conn.close()
+ elif create_mode == 'echo':
+ cmd = "echo " + file_contents + " > " + filename
+ ret, _, _ =, cmd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ return False
+ elif create_mode == 'touch':
+ cmd = "touch " + filename
+ ret, _, _ =, cmd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ return False
+ elif create_mode == 'dd':
+ if filesize == '':
+ tc.logger.error("Invalid argument for dd cmd. Pass correct \
+ number of parameters")
+ return False
+ cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=%s count=1" % (filename, filesize)
+ ret, _, _ =, cmd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+def remove_file(filename, server=''):
+ """
+ This module removes the given file
+ @paramater:
+ * filename - <str> absolute path name of the file to be created
+ * server - <str> (optional) name of the server to write the
+ file. If not given, the function takes the
+ first node from config file
+ @Returns: True, on success
+ False, on failure
+ """
+ if server == '':
+ server = tc.nodes[0]
+ try:
+ conn = tc.get_connection(server, 'root')
+ if conn == -1:
+ tc.logger.error("Unable to get connection to 'root' of node %s" \
+ % server)
+ return False
+ if conn.modules.os.path.exists(filename):
+ conn.modules.os.remove(filename)
+ except:
+ tc.logger.error("Exception occured while removing file %s" % filename)
+ return False
+ finally:
+ conn.close()
+ return True
+def calculate_checksum(file_list, server=''):
+ """
+ This module calculates checksum (sha256sum) for the given file list
+ @paramater:
+ * file_list - <list> absolute file names for which checksum to be
+ calculated
+ * server - <str> (optional) name of the server.
+ If not given, the function takes the
+ first node from config file
+ @Returns: checksum value in dict format, on success
+ None, on failure
+ """
+ if server == '':
+ server = tc.nodes[0]
+ cmd = "sha256sum %s" % ' '.join(file_list)
+ ret =, cmd)
+ if ret[0] != 0:
+ tc.logger.error("Failed to execute checksum command in server %s" \
+ % server)
+ return None
+ checksum_dict = {}
+ for line in ret[1].split('\n')[:-1]:
+ match ='^(\S+)\s+(\S+)', line.strip())
+ if match is None:
+ tc.logger.error("checksum output is not in \
+ expected format")
+ return None
+ checksum_dict[] =
+ return checksum_dict
+def get_extended_attributes_info(file_list, encoding='hex', attr_name='', \
+ server=''):
+ """
+ This module gets extended attribute info for the given file list
+ @paramater:
+ * file_list - <list> absolute file names
+ * encoding - <str> (optional) encoding format
+ * server - <str> (optional) name of the server.
+ If not given, the function takes the
+ first node from config file
+ @Returns: Extended attribute info in dict format, on success
+ None, on failure
+ """
+ if server == '':
+ server = tc.nodes[0]
+ server = socket.gethostbyname(server)
+ if attr_name == '':
+ cmd = "getfattr -d -m . -e %s %s" % (encoding, ' '.join(file_list))
+ else:
+ cmd = "getfattr -d -m . -n %s %s" % (attr_name, ' '.join(file_list))
+ ret =, cmd)
+ if ret[0] != 0:
+ tc.logger.error("Failed to execute getfattr command in server %s" \
+ % server)
+ return None
+ attr_dict = {}
+ for each_attr in ret[1].split('\n\n')[:-1]:
+ for line in each_attr.split('\n'):
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ match ='.*file:\s(\S+).*', line)
+ if match is None:
+ tc.logger.error("getfattr output isn't in expected format")
+ return None
+ key = "/" +
+ attr_dict[key] = {}
+ else:
+ output = line.split('=')
+ attr_dict[key][output[0]] = output[1]
+ return attr_dict
+def get_filepath_from_rhsnode(filename, server=''):
+ """
+ This module gets filepath of the given file from rhsnode
+ @paramater:
+ * filename - <str> absolute name of the file
+ * server - <str> (optional) name of the server.
+ If not given, the function takes the
+ first client from config file
+ @Returns: file path for the given file in rhs node in list format
+ on success None, on failure
+ """
+ if server == '':
+ server = tc.clients[0]
+ output = get_extended_attributes_info([filename], \
+ attr_name='trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo', server=server)
+ if output is None:
+ tc.logger.error("Failed to get path info")
+ return None
+ pathinfo = output[filename]['trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo']
+ return re.findall(".*?POSIX.*?:(\S+)\>", pathinfo)