path: root/extras/geo-rep/
diff options
authorAravinda VK <>2016-04-29 13:03:40 +0530
committerVijay Bellur <>2016-04-29 21:13:59 -0700
commit80e3832ec16f69d4184172cfc9afa9e42533e0ef (patch)
tree00ecd3591412011595e4a89719252cdacc689543 /extras/geo-rep/
parentae9d39890fc9a7bcd696cb441c4f3b2eb9677379 (diff)
geo-rep: Fix gluster binary invocation while running as cron
When scheduler script was executed as cron, it was unable to detect the Gluster binaries. BUG: 1331658 Change-Id: Ic9c533586ed9a472765f69aa2f87d004c46d4340 Signed-off-by: Aravinda VK <> Reviewed-on: CentOS-regression: Gluster Build System <> Tested-by: Gluster Build System <> NetBSD-regression: NetBSD Build System <> Smoke: Gluster Build System <> Reviewed-by: Vijay Bellur <>
Diffstat (limited to 'extras/geo-rep/')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/geo-rep/ b/extras/geo-rep/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c931111b365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/geo-rep/
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Schedule Geo-replication
+A tool to run Geo-replication when required. This can be used to
+schedule the Geo-replication to run once in a day using
+ # Run daily at 08:30pm
+ 30 20 * * * root python /usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/ \\
+ --no-color gv1 fvm1 gv2 >> /var/log/glusterfs/schedule_georep.log 2>&1
+This tool does the following,
+1. Stop Geo-replication if Started
+2. Start Geo-replication
+3. Set Checkpoint
+4. Check the Status and see Checkpoint is Complete.(LOOP)
+5. If checkpoint complete, Stop Geo-replication
+ python /usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/ <MASTERVOL> \\
+For example,
+ python /usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/ gv1 fvm1 gv2
+import subprocess
+import time
+import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
+import sys
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import tempfile
+import os
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
+ParseError = etree.ParseError if hasattr(etree, 'ParseError') else SyntaxError
+cache_data = {}
+SESSION_MOUNT_LOG_FILE = ("/var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication"
+ "/schedule_georep.mount.log")
+class GlusterBadXmlFormat(Exception):
+ """
+ Exception class for XML Parse Errors
+ """
+ pass
+def output_notok(msg, err="", exitcode=1):
+ out = "\033[31m[NOT OK]\033[0m {0}\n{1}\n"
+ else:
+ out = "[NOT OK] {0}\n{1}\n"
+ sys.stderr.write(out.format(msg, err))
+ sys.exit(exitcode)
+def output_warning(msg):
+ out = "\033[33m[ WARN]\033[0m {0}\n"
+ else:
+ out = "[ WARN] {0}\n"
+ sys.stderr.write(out.format(msg))
+def output_ok(msg):
+ out = "\033[32m[ OK]\033[0m {0}\n"
+ else:
+ out = "[ OK] {0}\n"
+ sys.stderr.write(out.format(msg))
+def execute(cmd, success_msg="", failure_msg="", exitcode=-1):
+ """
+ Generic wrapper to execute the CLI commands. Returns Output if success.
+ On success it can print message in stdout if specified.
+ On failure, exits after writing to stderr.
+ """
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = p.communicate()
+ if p.returncode == 0:
+ if success_msg:
+ output_ok(success_msg)
+ return out
+ else:
+ err_msg = err if err else out
+ output_notok(failure_msg, err=err_msg, exitcode=exitcode)
+def cache_output_with_args(func):
+ """
+ Decorator function to remember the output of any function
+ """
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ global cache_data
+ key = "_".join([func.func_name] + list(args))
+ if cache_data.get(key, None) is None:
+ cache_data[key] = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return cache_data[key]
+ return wrapper
+def cleanup(hostname, volname, mnt):
+ """
+ Unmount the Volume and Remove the temporary directory
+ """
+ execute(["umount", mnt],
+ failure_msg="Unable to Unmount Gluster Volume "
+ "{0}:{1}(Mounted at {2})".format(hostname, volname, mnt))
+ execute(["rmdir", mnt],
+ failure_msg="Unable to Remove temp directory "
+ "{0}".format(mnt))
+def glustermount(hostname, volname):
+ """
+ Context manager for Mounting Gluster Volume
+ Use as
+ with glustermount(HOSTNAME, VOLNAME) as MNT:
+ # Do your stuff
+ Automatically unmounts it in case of Exceptions/out of context
+ """
+ mnt = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="georepsetup_")
+ execute(["@SBIN_DIR@/glusterfs",
+ "--volfile-server", hostname,
+ "--volfile-id", volname,
+ mnt],
+ failure_msg="Unable to Mount Gluster Volume "
+ "{0}:{1}".format(hostname, volname))
+ if os.path.ismount(mnt):
+ yield mnt
+ else:
+ output_notok("Unable to Mount Gluster Volume "
+ "{0}:{1}".format(hostname, volname))
+ cleanup(hostname, volname, mnt)
+def get_bricks(volname):
+ """
+ Returns Bricks list, caches the Bricks list for a volume once
+ parsed.
+ """
+ value = []
+ cmd = ["@SBIN_DIR@/gluster", "volume", "info", volname, "--xml"]
+ info = execute(cmd)
+ try:
+ tree = etree.fromstring(info)
+ volume_el = tree.find('volInfo/volumes/volume')
+ for b in volume_el.findall('bricks/brick'):
+ value.append({"name": b.find("name").text,
+ "hostUuid": b.find("hostUuid").text})
+ except ParseError:
+ raise GlusterBadXmlFormat("Bad XML Format: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
+ return value
+def get_georep_status(mastervol, slave):
+ session_keys = set()
+ out = {}
+ cmd = ["@SBIN_DIR@/gluster", "volume", "geo-replication"]
+ if mastervol is not None:
+ cmd += [mastervol]
+ if slave:
+ cmd += [slave]
+ cmd += ["status", "--xml"]
+ info = execute(cmd)
+ try:
+ tree = etree.fromstring(info)
+ # Get All Sessions
+ for volume_el in tree.findall("geoRep/volume"):
+ sessions_el = volume_el.find("sessions")
+ # Master Volume name if multiple Volumes
+ mvol = volume_el.find("name").text
+ # For each session, collect the details
+ for session in sessions_el.findall("session"):
+ session_slave = "{0}:{1}".format(mvol, session.find(
+ "session_slave").text)
+ session_keys.add(session_slave)
+ out[session_slave] = {}
+ for pair in session.findall('pair'):
+ master_brick = "{0}:{1}".format(
+ pair.find("master_node").text,
+ pair.find("master_brick").text
+ )
+ out[session_slave][master_brick] = {
+ "mastervol": mvol,
+ "slavevol": pair.find("slave").text.split("::")[-1],
+ "master_node": pair.find("master_node").text,
+ "master_brick": pair.find("master_brick").text,
+ "slave_user": pair.find("slave_user").text,
+ "slave": pair.find("slave").text,
+ "slave_node": pair.find("slave_node").text,
+ "status": pair.find("status").text,
+ "crawl_status": pair.find("crawl_status").text,
+ "entry": pair.find("entry").text,
+ "data": pair.find("data").text,
+ "meta": pair.find("meta").text,
+ "failures": pair.find("failures").text,
+ "checkpoint_completed": pair.find(
+ "checkpoint_completed").text,
+ "master_node_uuid": pair.find("master_node_uuid").text,
+ "last_synced": pair.find("last_synced").text,
+ "checkpoint_time": pair.find("checkpoint_time").text,
+ "checkpoint_completion_time":
+ pair.find("checkpoint_completion_time").text
+ }
+ except ParseError:
+ raise GlusterBadXmlFormat("Bad XML Format: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
+ return session_keys, out
+def get_offline_status(volname, brick, node_uuid, slave):
+ node, brick = brick.split(":")
+ if "@" not in slave:
+ slave_user = "root"
+ else:
+ slave_user, _ = slave.split("@")
+ return {
+ "mastervol": volname,
+ "slavevol": slave.split("::")[-1],
+ "master_node": node,
+ "master_brick": brick,
+ "slave_user": slave_user,
+ "slave": slave,
+ "slave_node": "N/A",
+ "status": "Offline",
+ "crawl_status": "N/A",
+ "entry": "N/A",
+ "data": "N/A",
+ "meta": "N/A",
+ "failures": "N/A",
+ "checkpoint_completed": "N/A",
+ "master_node_uuid": node_uuid,
+ "last_synced": "N/A",
+ "checkpoint_time": "N/A",
+ "checkpoint_completion_time": "N/A"
+ }
+def get(mastervol=None, slave=None):
+ """
+ This function gets list of Bricks of Master Volume and collects
+ respective Geo-rep status. Output will be always ordered as the
+ bricks list in Master Volume. If Geo-rep status is not available
+ for any brick then it updates OFFLINE status.
+ """
+ out = []
+ session_keys, gstatus = get_georep_status(mastervol, slave)
+ for session in session_keys:
+ mvol, _, slave = session.split(":", 2)
+ slave = slave.replace("ssh://", "")
+ master_bricks = get_bricks(mvol)
+ out.append([])
+ for brick in master_bricks:
+ bname = brick["name"]
+ if gstatus.get(session) and gstatus[session].get(bname, None):
+ out[-1].append(gstatus[session][bname])
+ else:
+ out[-1].append(
+ get_offline_status(mvol, bname, brick["hostUuid"], slave))
+ return out
+def get_summary(mastervol, slave_url):
+ """
+ Wrapper function around Geo-rep Status and Gluster Volume Info
+ This combines the output from Bricks list and Geo-rep Status.
+ If a Master Brick node is down or Status is faulty then increments
+ the faulty counter. It also collects the checkpoint status from all
+ workers and compares with Number of Bricks.
+ """
+ down_rows = []
+ faulty_rows = []
+ out = []
+ status_data = get(mastervol, slave_url)
+ for session in status_data:
+ summary = {
+ "active": 0,
+ "passive": 0,
+ "faulty": 0,
+ "initializing": 0,
+ "stopped": 0,
+ "created": 0,
+ "offline": 0,
+ "paused": 0,
+ "workers": 0,
+ "completed_checkpoints": 0,
+ "checkpoint": False,
+ "checkpoints_ok": False,
+ "ok": False
+ }
+ for row in session:
+ summary[row["status"].replace("...", "").lower()] += 1
+ summary["workers"] += 1
+ if row["checkpoint_completed"] == "Yes":
+ summary["completed_checkpoints"] += 1
+ session_name = "{0}=>{1}".format(
+ row["mastervol"],
+ row["slave"].replace("ssh://", "")
+ )
+ if row["status"] == "Faulty":
+ faulty_rows.append("{0}:{1}".format(row["master_node"],
+ row["master_brick"]))
+ if row["status"] == "Offline":
+ down_rows.append("{0}:{1}".format(row["master_node"],
+ row["master_brick"]))
+ if summary["active"] == summary["completed_checkpoints"] and \
+ summary["faulty"] == 0 and summary["offline"] == 0:
+ summary["checkpoints_ok"] = True
+ if summary["faulty"] == 0 and summary["offline"] == 0:
+ summary["ok"] = True
+ out.append([session_name, summary, faulty_rows, down_rows])
+ return out
+def touch_mount_root(mastervol):
+ # Create a Mount and Touch the Mount point root,
+ # Hack to make sure some event available after
+ # setting Checkpoint. Without this their is a chance of
+ # Checkpoint never completes.
+ with glustermount("localhost", mastervol) as mnt:
+ execute(["touch", mnt])
+def main(args):
+ turns = 1
+ # Stop Force
+ cmd = ["@SBIN_DIR@/gluster", "volume", "geo-replication", args.mastervol,
+ "%s::%s" % (args.slave, args.slavevol), "stop", "force"]
+ execute(cmd)
+ output_ok("Stopped Geo-replication")
+ # Set Checkpoint to NOW
+ cmd = ["@SBIN_DIR@/gluster", "volume", "geo-replication", args.mastervol,
+ "%s::%s" % (args.slave, args.slavevol), "config", "checkpoint",
+ "now"]
+ execute(cmd)
+ output_ok("Set Checkpoint")
+ # Start the Geo-replication
+ cmd = ["@SBIN_DIR@/gluster", "volume", "geo-replication", args.mastervol,
+ "%s::%s" % (args.slave, args.slavevol), "start"]
+ execute(cmd)
+ output_ok("Started Geo-replication and watching Status for "
+ "Checkpoint completion")
+ touch_mount_root(args.mastervol)
+ start_time = int(time.time())
+ duration = 0
+ # Sleep till Geo-rep initializes
+ time.sleep(60)
+ slave_url = "{0}::{1}".format(args.slave, args.slavevol)
+ # Loop to Check the Geo-replication Status and Checkpoint
+ # If All Status OK and all Checkpoints complete,
+ # Stop the Geo-replication and Log the Completeness
+ while True:
+ session_summary = get_summary(args.mastervol,
+ slave_url)
+ if len(session_summary) == 0:
+ # If Status command fails with another transaction error
+ # or any other error. Gluster cmd still produces XML output
+ # with different message
+ output_warning("Unable to get Geo-replication Status")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ continue
+ session_name, summary, faulty_rows, down_rows = session_summary[0]
+ chkpt_status = "COMPLETE" if summary["checkpoints_ok"] else \
+ ok_status = "OK" if summary["ok"] else "NOT OK"
+ if summary["ok"]:
+ output_ok("All Checkpoints {1}, "
+ "All status {2} (Turns {0:>3})".format(
+ turns, chkpt_status, ok_status))
+ else:
+ output_warning("All Checkpoints {1}, "
+ "All status {2} (Turns {0:>3})".format(
+ turns, chkpt_status, ok_status))
+ output_warning("Geo-rep workers Faulty/Offline, "
+ "Faulty: {0} Offline: {1}".format(
+ repr(faulty_rows),
+ repr(down_rows)))
+ if summary["checkpoints_ok"]:
+ output_ok("Stopping Geo-replication session now")
+ cmd = ["@SBIN_DIR@/gluster", "volume", "geo-replication",
+ args.mastervol,
+ "%s::%s" % (args.slave, args.slavevol), "stop"]
+ execute(cmd)
+ break
+ else:
+ # If Checkpoint is not complete after a iteration means brick
+ # was down and came online now. SETATTR on mount is not
+ # recorded, So again issue touch on mount root So that
+ # Stime will increase and Checkpoint will complete.
+ touch_mount_root(args.mastervol)
+ # Increment the turns and Sleep for 10 sec
+ turns += 1
+ duration = int(time.time()) - start_time
+ if args.timeout > 0 and duration > (args.timeout * 60):
+ cmd = ["@SBIN_DIR@/gluster", "volume", "geo-replication",
+ args.mastervol,
+ "%s::%s" % (args.slave, args.slavevol), "stop", "force"]
+ execute(cmd)
+ output_notok("Timed out, Stopping Geo-replication("
+ "Duration: {0}sec)".format(duration))
+ time.sleep(args.interval)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ description=__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("mastervol", help="Master Volume Name")
+ parser.add_argument("slave",
+ help="SLAVEHOST or root@SLAVEHOST "
+ "or user@SLAVEHOST",
+ metavar="SLAVE")
+ parser.add_argument("slavevol", help="Slave Volume Name")
+ parser.add_argument("--interval", help="Interval in Seconds. "
+ "Wait time before each status check",
+ type=int, default=10)
+ parser.add_argument("--timeout", help="Timeout in minutes. Script will "
+ "stop Geo-replication if Checkpoint is not complete "
+ "in the specified timeout time", type=int,
+ default=0)
+ parser.add_argument("--no-color", help="Use Color in CLI output",
+ action="store_true")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.no_color:
+ try:
+ main(args)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ output_notok("Exiting...")