path: root/hdfs/0.20.2/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/glusterfs/
diff options
authorVenky Shankar <>2012-02-15 12:04:24 +0530
committerVijay Bellur <>2012-02-19 21:46:03 -0800
commit27e51951bc53f36b2286c70eb2263173b29d7a85 (patch)
tree13441707d30580ef1ed1bae219456cf38edbe2bd /hdfs/0.20.2/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/glusterfs/
parent4a65356275cda45f665dfa99d3712f6fb9087aff (diff)
GlusterFS Hadoop Plugin
Apache Hadoop plugin to run Map/Reduce (MR) jobs on data stored on GlusterFS. This is a drop in replacement for HDFS requiring the plugin jar and modification to a single conf file to enable MR jobs to process data on GlusterFS. Change-Id: I8862efec30708849fa7c544fed88b8e50e622fed BUG: 790671 Signed-off-by: Venky Shankar <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Vijay Bellur <> Tested-by: Gluster Build System <>
Diffstat (limited to 'hdfs/0.20.2/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/glusterfs/')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hdfs/0.20.2/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/glusterfs/ b/hdfs/0.20.2/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/glusterfs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0501cced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdfs/0.20.2/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/glusterfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Gluster, Inc. <>
+ * This file is part of GlusterFS.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements the Hadoop FileSystem Interface to allow applications to store
+ * files on GlusterFS and run Map/Reduce jobs on the data.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.fs.glusterfs;
+import java.util.regex.*;
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
+import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+ * This package provides interface for hadoop jobs (incl. Map/Reduce)
+ * to access files in GlusterFS backed file system via FUSE mount
+ */
+public class GlusterFileSystem extends FileSystem {
+ private FileSystem glusterFs = null;
+ private URI uri = null;
+ private Path workingDir = null;
+ private String glusterMount = null;
+ private boolean mounted = false;
+ /* for quick IO */
+ private boolean quickSlaveIO = false;
+ /* extended attribute class */
+ private GlusterFSXattr xattr = null;
+ /* hostname of this machine */
+ private static String hostname;
+ public GlusterFileSystem () {
+ }
+ public URI getUri () {
+ return uri;
+ }
+ public boolean FUSEMount (String volname, String server, String mount)
+ throws IOException, InterruptedException {
+ boolean ret = true;
+ int retVal = 0;
+ Process p = null;
+ String s = null;
+ String mountCmd = null;
+ mountCmd = "mount -t glusterfs " + server + ":" + "/" + volname + " " + mount;
+ try {
+ p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(mountCmd);
+ retVal = p.waitFor();
+ if (retVal != 0)
+ ret = false;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ System.out.println ("Problem mounting FUSE mount on: " + mount);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void initialize (URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
+ boolean ret = false;
+ String volName = null;
+ String remoteGFSServer = null;
+ String needQuickRead = null;
+ if (this.mounted)
+ return;
+ System.out.println("Initializing GlusterFS");
+ try {
+ volName = conf.get("fs.glusterfs.volname", "");
+ glusterMount = conf.get("fs.glusterfs.mount", "");
+ remoteGFSServer = conf.get("fs.glusterfs.server", "");
+ needQuickRead = conf.get("", "");
+ /*
+ * bail out if we do not have enough information to do a FUSE
+ * mount
+ */
+ if ( (volName.length() == 0) || (remoteGFSServer.length() == 0) ||
+ (glusterMount.length() == 0) )
+ System.exit (-1);
+ ret = FUSEMount(volName, remoteGFSServer, glusterMount);
+ if (!ret) {
+ System.out.println("Failed to initialize GlusterFS");
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ if ((needQuickRead.length() != 0)
+ && (needQuickRead.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")
+ || needQuickRead.equalsIgnoreCase("on")
+ || needQuickRead.equals("1")))
+ this.quickSlaveIO = true;
+ this.mounted = true;
+ this.glusterFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
+ this.workingDir = new Path(glusterMount);
+ this.uri = URI.create(uri.getScheme() + "://" + uri.getAuthority());
+ this.xattr = new GlusterFSXattr();
+ InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
+ this.hostname = addr.getHostName();
+ setConf(conf);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.out.println("Unable to initialize GlusterFS");
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ @Deprecated
+ public String getName () {
+ return getUri().toString();
+ }
+ public Path getWorkingDirectory () {
+ return this.workingDir;
+ }
+ public Path getHomeDirectory () {
+ return this.workingDir;
+ }
+ public Path makeAbsolute (Path path) {
+ String pth = path.toUri().getPath();
+ if (pth.startsWith(workingDir.toUri().getPath())) {
+ return path;
+ }
+ return new Path(workingDir + "/" + pth);
+ }
+ public void setWorkingDirectory (Path dir) {
+ this.workingDir = makeAbsolute(dir);
+ }
+ public boolean exists (Path path) throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ return f.exists();
+ }
+ public boolean mkdirs (Path path, FsPermission permission
+ ) throws IOException {
+ boolean created = false;
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ if (f.exists()) {
+ System.out.println("Directory " + f.getPath() + " already exist");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return f.mkdirs();
+ }
+ @Deprecated
+ public boolean isDirectory (Path path) throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ return f.isDirectory();
+ }
+ public boolean isFile (Path path) throws IOException {
+ return !isDirectory(path);
+ }
+ public Path[] listPaths (Path path) throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File (absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ String relPath = path.toUri().getPath();
+ String[] fileList = null;
+ Path[] filePath = null;
+ int fileCnt = 0;
+ fileList = f.list();
+ filePath = new Path[fileList.length];
+ for (; fileCnt < fileList.length; fileCnt++) {
+ filePath[fileCnt] = new Path(relPath + "/" + fileList[fileCnt]);
+ }
+ return filePath;
+ }
+ public FileStatus[] listStatus (Path path) throws IOException {
+ int fileCnt = 0;
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ String relpath = path.toUri().getPath();
+ String[] strFileList = null;
+ FileStatus[] fileStatus = null;
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ if (!f.exists()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (f.isFile())
+ return new FileStatus[] {
+ getFileStatus(path)
+ };
+ if (relpath.charAt(relpath.length() - 1) != '/')
+ relpath += "/";
+ strFileList = f.list();
+ fileStatus = new FileStatus[strFileList.length];
+ for (; fileCnt < strFileList.length; fileCnt++) {
+ fileStatus[fileCnt] = getFileStatusFromFileString(relpath + strFileList[fileCnt]);
+ }
+ return fileStatus;
+ }
+ public FileStatus getFileStatusFromFileString (String path)
+ throws IOException {
+ Path nPath = new Path(path);
+ return getFileStatus(nPath);
+ }
+ public FileStatus getFileStatus (Path path) throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ if (!f.exists ())
+ throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + f.getPath() + " does not exist.");
+ if (f.isDirectory ())
+ return new FileStatus(0, true, 1, 0, f.lastModified(), path.makeQualified(this));
+ else
+ return new FileStatus(f.length(), false, 0, getDefaultBlockSize(),
+ f.lastModified(), path.makeQualified(this));
+ }
+ /*
+ * creates a new file in glusterfs namespace. internally the file
+ * descriptor is an instance of OutputStream class.
+ */
+ public FSDataOutputStream create (Path path, FsPermission permission,
+ boolean overwrite, int bufferSize,
+ short replication, long blockSize,
+ Progressable progress)
+ throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ Path parent = null;
+ File f = null;
+ File fParent = null;
+ FSDataOutputStream glusterFileStream = null;
+ f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ if (f.exists ()) {
+ if (overwrite)
+ f.delete ();
+ else
+ throw new IOException(f.getPath() + " already exist");
+ }
+ parent = path.getParent();
+ fParent = new File ((makeAbsolute(parent)).toUri().getPath());
+ if ((parent != null) && (fParent != null) && (!fParent.exists()))
+ if (!fParent.mkdirs())
+ throw new IOException("cannot create parent directory: " + fParent.getPath());
+ glusterFileStream = new FSDataOutputStream(new GlusterFUSEOutputStream
+ (f.getPath(), false));
+ return glusterFileStream;
+ }
+ /*
+ * open the file in read mode (internally the file descriptor is an
+ * instance of InputStream class).
+ *
+ * if quick read mode is set then read the file by by-passing FUSE
+ * if we are on same slave where the file exist
+ */
+ public FSDataInputStream open (Path path) throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ FSDataInputStream glusterFileStream = null;
+ TreeMap<Integer, GlusterFSBrickClass> hnts = null;
+ if (!f.exists())
+ throw new IOException("File " + f.getPath() + " does not exist.");
+ if (quickSlaveIO)
+ hnts = xattr.quickIOPossible(f.getPath(), 0, f.length());
+ glusterFileStream = new FSDataInputStream(new GlusterFUSEInputStream(f, hnts, hostname));
+ return glusterFileStream;
+ }
+ public FSDataInputStream open (Path path, int bufferSize) throws IOException {
+ return open(path);
+ }
+ public FSDataOutputStream append (Path f, int bufferSize, Progressable progress)
+ throws IOException {
+ throw new IOException ("append not supported (as yet).");
+ }
+ public boolean rename (Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
+ Path absoluteSrc = makeAbsolute(src);
+ Path absoluteDst = makeAbsolute(dst);
+ File fSrc = new File(absoluteSrc.toUri().getPath());
+ File fDst = new File(absoluteDst.toUri().getPath());
+ if (fDst.isDirectory()) {
+ fDst = null;
+ String newPath = absoluteDst.toUri().getPath() + "/" + fSrc.getName();
+ fDst = new File(newPath);
+ }
+ return fSrc.renameTo(fDst);
+ }
+ @Deprecated
+ public boolean delete (Path path) throws IOException {
+ return delete(path, true);
+ }
+ public boolean delete (Path path, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ if (f.isFile())
+ return f.delete();
+ FileStatus[] dirEntries = listStatus(absolute);
+ if ((!recursive) && (dirEntries != null) && (dirEntries.length != 0))
+ throw new IOException ("Directory " + path.toString() + " is not empty");
+ if (dirEntries != null)
+ for (int i = 0; i < dirEntries.length; i++)
+ delete(new Path(absolute, dirEntries[i].getPath()), recursive);
+ return f.delete();
+ }
+ @Deprecated
+ public long getLength (Path path) throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ if (!f.exists())
+ throw new IOException(f.getPath() + " does not exist.");
+ return f.length();
+ }
+ @Deprecated
+ public short getReplication (Path path) throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ if (!f.exists())
+ throw new IOException(f.getPath() + " does not exist.");
+ return xattr.getReplication(f.getPath());
+ }
+ public short getDefaultReplication (Path path) throws IOException {
+ return getReplication(path);
+ }
+ public boolean setReplication (Path path, short replication)
+ throws IOException {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public long getBlockSize (Path path) throws IOException {
+ long blkSz;
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(path);
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ blkSz = xattr.getBlockSize(f.getPath());
+ if (blkSz == 0)
+ blkSz = getLength(path);
+ return blkSz;
+ }
+ public long getDefaultBlockSize () {
+ return 1 << 26; /* default's from hdfs, kfs */
+ }
+ @Deprecated
+ public void lock (Path path, boolean shared) throws IOException {
+ }
+ @Deprecated
+ public void release (Path path) throws IOException {
+ }
+ public BlockLocation[] getFileBlockLocations (FileStatus file, long start, long len)
+ throws IOException {
+ Path absolute = makeAbsolute(file.getPath());
+ File f = new File(absolute.toUri().getPath());
+ BlockLocation[] result = null;
+ if (file == null)
+ return null;
+ result = xattr.getPathInfo(f.getPath(), start, len);
+ if (result == null) {
+ System.out.println("Problem getting destination host for file "
+ + f.getPath());
+ return null;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // getFileBlockLocations (FileStatus, long, long) is called by hadoop
+ public BlockLocation[] getFileBlockLocations (Path p, long start, long len)
+ throws IOException {
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void copyFromLocalFile (boolean delSrc, Path src, Path dst)
+ throws IOException {
+ FileUtil.copy(glusterFs, src, this, dst, delSrc, getConf());
+ }
+ public void copyToLocalFile (boolean delSrc, Path src, Path dst)
+ throws IOException {
+ FileUtil.copy(this, src, glusterFs, dst, delSrc, getConf());
+ }
+ public Path startLocalOutput (Path fsOutputFile, Path tmpLocalFile)
+ throws IOException {
+ return tmpLocalFile;
+ }
+ public void completeLocalOutput (Path fsOutputFile, Path tmpLocalFile)
+ throws IOException {
+ moveFromLocalFile(tmpLocalFile, fsOutputFile);
+ }