path: root/deployment/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deployment/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 477 deletions
diff --git a/deployment/ b/deployment/
deleted file mode 100755
index a099daae..00000000
--- a/deployment/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# set ts=4 sw=4 et
-import argparse
-import click
-import fileinput
-import json
-import os
-import random
-import requests
-import six
-from six.moves import configparser
-import sys
-import yaml
-class OCPOnVMWare(object):
- __name__ = 'OCPOnVMWare'
- console_port = 8443
- cluster_id = None
- deployment_type = None
- openshift_vers = None
- vcenter_host = None
- vcenter_username = None
- vcenter_password = None
- vcenter_template_name = None
- vcenter_folder = None
- vcenter_cluster = None
- vcenter_datacenter = None
- vcenter_datastore = None
- vcenter_resource_pool = None
- dns_zone = None
- app_dns_prefix = None
- vm_network = None
- rhel_subscription_user = None
- rhel_subscription_pass = None
- rhel_subscription_server = None
- rhel_subscription_pool = None
- no_confirm = False
- tag = None
- verbose = 0
- create_inventory = None
- compute_nodes = None
- ocp_hostname_prefix = None
- create_ocp_vars = None
- openshift_sdn = None
- container_storage = None
- openshift_disable_check = None
- wildcard_zone = None
- inventory_file = 'infrastructure.json'
- vmware_ini_path = None
- clean = None
- cns_automation_config_file_path = None,
- docker_registry_url = None
- docker_additional_registries = None
- docker_insecure_registries = None
- docker_image_tag = None
- ose_puddle_repo = None
- gluster_puddle_repo = None
- web_console_install = None
- disable_yum_update_and_reboot = None
- openshift_use_crio = None
- def __init__(self):
- self._parse_cli_args()
- self._read_ini_settings()
- self._create_inventory_file()
- self._create_ocp_vars()
- self._launch_refarch_env()
- def _parse_cli_args(self):
- """Command line argument processing"""
- tag_help = '''Skip to various parts of install valid tags include:
- - setup create the vCenter folder and resource pool
- - prod create and setup the OCP cluster
- - ocp-install install OCP on the prod VMs
- - ocp-config configure OCP on the prod VMs
- - clean unsubscribe and remove all VMs'''
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Deploy VMs to vSphere and install/configure OCP',
- formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--clean', action='store_true',
- help='Delete all nodes and unregister from RHN')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--create_inventory', action='store_true',
- help=('Deprecated and not used option. '
- 'Everything that is needed gets autocreated.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--create_ocp_vars', action='store_true',
- help='Deprecated and not used option.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--no_confirm', action='store_true',
- help='Skip confirmation prompt')
- parser.add_argument('--tag', default=None, help=tag_help)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--verbose', default=None, action='store_true',
- help='Verbosely display commands')
- self.args = parser.parse_args()
- self.verbose = self.args.verbose
- self.tag = self.args.tag
- self.no_confirm = self.args.no_confirm
- self.clean = self.args.clean
- def _is_rpm_and_image_tag_compatible(self):
- if not (self.docker_image_tag and self.ose_puddle_repo):
- return True
- url = self.ose_puddle_repo
- if url[-1] == '/':
- url += 'Packages/'
- else:
- url += '/Packages/'
- resp = requests.get(url)
- if resp.ok:
- v = self.docker_image_tag.split('v')[-1].strip().split('-')[0]
- return (('atomic-openshift-%s' % v) in resp.text)
- raise Exception(
- "Failed to pull list of packages from '%s' url." % url)
- def _read_ini_settings(self):
- """Read ini file settings."""
- scriptbasename = "ocp-on-vmware"
- defaults = {'vmware': {
- 'ini_path': os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(__file__), '%s.ini' % scriptbasename),
- 'console_port': '8443',
- 'container_storage': 'none',
- 'deployment_type': 'openshift-enterprise',
- 'openshift_vers': 'v3_11',
- 'vcenter_username': 'administrator@vsphere.local',
- 'vcenter_template_name': 'not-defined',
- 'vcenter_folder': 'ocp',
- 'vcenter_resource_pool': '/Resources/OCP3',
- 'app_dns_prefix': 'apps',
- 'vm_network': 'VM Network',
- 'cns_automation_config_file_path': '',
- 'docker_registry_url': '',
- 'docker_additional_registries': '',
- 'docker_insecure_registries': '',
- 'docker_image_tag': '',
- 'web_console_install': '',
- 'ose_puddle_repo': '',
- 'gluster_puddle_repo': '',
- 'rhel_subscription_pool': 'Employee SKU',
- 'openshift_sdn': 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet',
- 'compute_nodes': '2',
- 'ocp_hostname_prefix': 'openshift-on-vmware',
- 'tag': self.tag,
- 'openshift_disable_check': (
- 'docker_storage,docker_image_availability,disk_availability'),
- 'disable_yum_update_and_reboot': 'no',
- 'openshift_use_crio': 'false',
- }}
- if six.PY3:
- config = configparser.ConfigParser()
- else:
- config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
- # where is the config?
- self.vmware_ini_path = os.environ.get(
- 'VMWARE_INI_PATH', defaults['vmware']['ini_path'])
- self.vmware_ini_path = os.path.expanduser(
- os.path.expandvars(self.vmware_ini_path))
- # apply defaults
- for k, v in defaults['vmware'].items():
- if not config.has_option('vmware', k):
- config.set('vmware', k, str(v))
- self.console_port = config.get('vmware', 'console_port')
- self.cluster_id = config.get('vmware', 'cluster_id')
- self.container_storage = config.get('vmware', 'container_storage')
- self.deployment_type = config.get('vmware', 'deployment_type')
- if os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV'):
- self.openshift_vers = (
- 'v3_%s' % os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'].split('_')[-1].split(
- '.')[-1])
- else:
- self.openshift_vers = config.get('vmware', 'openshift_vers')
- self.vcenter_host = config.get('vmware', 'vcenter_host')
- self.vcenter_username = config.get('vmware', 'vcenter_username')
- self.vcenter_password = config.get('vmware', 'vcenter_password')
- self.vcenter_template_name = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'vcenter_template_name')
- self.vcenter_folder = config.get('vmware', 'vcenter_folder')
- self.vcenter_datastore = config.get('vmware', 'vcenter_datastore')
- self.vcenter_datacenter = config.get('vmware', 'vcenter_datacenter')
- self.vcenter_cluster = config.get('vmware', 'vcenter_cluster')
- self.vcenter_datacenter = config.get('vmware', 'vcenter_datacenter')
- self.vcenter_resource_pool = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'vcenter_resource_pool')
- self.dns_zone = config.get('vmware', 'dns_zone')
- self.app_dns_prefix = config.get('vmware', 'app_dns_prefix')
- self.vm_network = config.get('vmware', 'vm_network')
- self.ocp_hostname_prefix = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'ocp_hostname_prefix') or 'ansible-on-vmware'
- self.lb_host = '%s-master-0' % self.ocp_hostname_prefix
- self.cns_automation_config_file_path = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'cns_automation_config_file_path')
- self.docker_registry_url = (
- config.get('vmware', 'docker_registry_url') or '').strip()
- self.docker_additional_registries = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'docker_additional_registries')
- self.docker_insecure_registries = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'docker_insecure_registries')
- self.docker_image_tag = (
- config.get('vmware', 'docker_image_tag') or '').strip()
- self.web_console_install = (
- config.get('vmware', 'web_console_install') or '').strip()
- self.ose_puddle_repo = config.get('vmware', 'ose_puddle_repo')
- self.gluster_puddle_repo = config.get('vmware', 'gluster_puddle_repo')
- self.rhel_subscription_user = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'rhel_subscription_user')
- self.rhel_subscription_pass = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'rhel_subscription_pass')
- self.rhel_subscription_server = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'rhel_subscription_server')
- self.rhel_subscription_pool = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'rhel_subscription_pool')
- self.openshift_sdn = config.get('vmware', 'openshift_sdn')
- self.compute_nodes = config.get('vmware', 'compute_nodes')
- self.storage_nodes = config.get('vmware', 'storage_nodes')
- self.openshift_disable_check = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'openshift_disable_check').strip() or (
- 'docker_storage,docker_image_availability,disk_availability')
- self.disable_yum_update_and_reboot = config.get(
- 'vmware', 'disable_yum_update_and_reboot').strip() or 'no'
- self.openshift_use_crio = (
- config.get('vmware', 'openshift_use_crio') or '').strip()
- err_count = 0
- required_vars = {
- 'vcenter_datacenter': self.vcenter_datacenter,
- 'vcenter_host': self.vcenter_host,
- 'vcenter_password': self.vcenter_password,
- 'vcenter_template_name': self.vcenter_template_name,
- 'dns_zone': self.dns_zone,
- }
- for k, v in required_vars.items():
- if v == '':
- err_count += 1
- print "Missing %s " % k
- if (self.cns_automation_config_file_path
- and not os.path.exists(
- os.path.abspath(self.cns_automation_config_file_path))):
- err_count += 1
- print ("Wrong value for 'cns_automation_config_file_path' "
- "config option. It is expected to be either a relative "
- "or an absolute file path.")
- else:
- self.cns_automation_config_file_path = os.path.abspath(
- self.cns_automation_config_file_path)
- if self.docker_image_tag and self.docker_registry_url:
- vers_from_reg = self.docker_registry_url.split(':')[-1].strip()
- if not vers_from_reg == self.docker_image_tag:
- err_count += 1
- print ("If 'docker_image_tag' and 'docker_registry_url' are "
- "specified, then their image tags should match. "
- "docker_image_tag='%s', docker_registry_url='%s'" % (
- self.docker_image_tag, self.docker_registry_url))
- if not self._is_rpm_and_image_tag_compatible():
- err_count += 1
- print ("OCP RPM versions and docker image tag do not match. "
- "Need either to change 'ose_puddle_repo' or "
- "'docker_image_tag' config options.")
- allowed_disable_checks = (
- 'disk_availability',
- 'docker_image_availability',
- 'docker_storage',
- 'memory_availability',
- 'package_availability',
- 'package_version',
- )
- self.openshift_disable_check_data = [
- el.strip()
- for el in self.openshift_disable_check.strip().split(',')
- if el.strip()
- ]
- if not all([(s in allowed_disable_checks)
- for s in self.openshift_disable_check_data]):
- err_count += 1
- print ("'openshift_disable_check' is allowed to have only "
- "following values separated with comma: %s.\n "
- "Got following value: %s" % (','.join(
- allowed_disable_checks), self.openshift_disable_check))
- if err_count > 0:
- print "Please fill out the missing variables in %s " % (
- self.vmware_ini_path)
- exit(1)
- self.wildcard_zone = "%s.%s" % (self.app_dns_prefix, self.dns_zone)
- if not self.cluster_id:
- # Create a unique cluster_id first
- self.cluster_id = ''.join(
- random.choice('0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
- for i in range(7))
- config.set('vmware', 'cluster_id', self.cluster_id)
- for line in fileinput.input(self.vmware_ini_path, inplace=True):
- if line.startswith('cluster_id'):
- print "cluster_id=" + str(self.cluster_id)
- else:
- print line,
- print 'Configured inventory values:'
- for each_section in config.sections():
- for (key, val) in config.items(each_section):
- if 'pass' in key:
- print '\t %s: ******' % (key)
- else:
- print '\t %s: %s' % (key, val)
- print '\n'
- def _create_inventory_file(self):
- click.echo('Configured inventory values:')
- click.echo('\tcompute_nodes: %s' % self.compute_nodes)
- click.echo('\tdns_zone: %s' % self.dns_zone)
- click.echo('\tapp_dns_prefix: %s' % self.app_dns_prefix)
- click.echo('\tocp_hostname_prefix: %s' % self.ocp_hostname_prefix)
- click.echo('\tUsing values from: %s' % self.vmware_ini_path)
- click.echo("")
- if not self.no_confirm:
- click.confirm('Continue using these values?', abort=True)
- master_name = "%s-master-0" % self.ocp_hostname_prefix
- d = {'host_inventory': {master_name: {
- 'guestname': master_name,
- 'guesttype': 'master',
- 'tag': str(self.cluster_id) + '-master',
- }}}
- for i in range(0, int(self.compute_nodes)):
- compute_name = "%s-compute-%d" % (self.ocp_hostname_prefix, i)
- d['host_inventory'][compute_name] = {
- 'guestname': compute_name,
- 'guesttype': 'compute',
- 'tag': '%s-compute' % self.cluster_id,
- }
- with open(self.inventory_file, 'w') as outfile:
- json.dump(d, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
- if self.args.create_inventory:
- exit(0)
- def _create_ocp_vars(self):
- if self.args.create_ocp_vars:
- click.echo(
- "No-op run. '--create_ocp_vars' option is not used anymore. "
- "Ending execution.")
- exit(0)
- def _launch_refarch_env(self):
- with open(self.inventory_file, 'r') as f:
- print yaml.safe_dump(json.load(f), default_flow_style=False)
- if not self.args.no_confirm:
- if not click.confirm('Continue adding nodes with these values?'):
- sys.exit(0)
- # Add section here to modify inventory file based on input
- # from user check your vmmark scripts for parsing the file and
- # adding the values.
- for line in fileinput.input(
- "inventory/vsphere/vms/vmware_inventory.ini", inplace=True):
- if line.startswith("server="):
- print "server=" + self.vcenter_host
- elif line.startswith("password="):
- print "password=" + self.vcenter_password
- elif line.startswith("username="):
- print "username=" + self.vcenter_username
- else:
- print line,
- if self.clean is True:
- tags = 'clean'
- elif self.tag:
- tags = self.tag
- else:
- tags = [
- 'setup',
- 'prod',
- 'ocp-install',
- 'ocp-configure',
- ]
- tags = ",".join(tags)
- # remove any cached facts to prevent stale data during a re-run
- command = 'rm -rf .ansible/cached_facts'
- os.system(command)
- playbook_vars_dict = {
- 'vcenter_host': self.vcenter_host,
- 'vcenter_username': self.vcenter_username,
- 'vcenter_password': self.vcenter_password,
- 'vcenter_template_name': self.vcenter_template_name,
- 'vcenter_folder': self.vcenter_folder,
- 'vcenter_cluster': self.vcenter_cluster,
- 'vcenter_datacenter': self.vcenter_datacenter,
- 'vcenter_datastore': self.vcenter_datastore,
- 'vcenter_resource_pool': self.vcenter_resource_pool,
- 'dns_zone': self.dns_zone,
- 'app_dns_prefix': self.app_dns_prefix,
- 'vm_network': self.vm_network,
- 'lb_host': self.lb_host,
- 'cns_automation_config_file_path': (
- self.cns_automation_config_file_path),
- 'ose_puddle_repo': self.ose_puddle_repo,
- 'gluster_puddle_repo': self.gluster_puddle_repo,
- 'wildcard_zone': self.wildcard_zone,
- 'console_port': self.console_port,
- 'cluster_id': self.cluster_id,
- 'deployment_type': self.deployment_type,
- 'openshift_vers': self.openshift_vers,
- 'rhsm_user': self.rhel_subscription_user,
- 'rhsm_password': self.rhel_subscription_pass,
- 'rhsm_satellite': self.rhel_subscription_server,
- 'rhsm_pool': self.rhel_subscription_pool,
- 'openshift_sdn': self.openshift_sdn,
- 'openshift_use_openshift_sdn': True,
- 'container_storage': self.container_storage,
- 'ocp_hostname_prefix': self.ocp_hostname_prefix,
- 'disable_yum_update_and_reboot': self.disable_yum_update_and_reboot
- }
- if self.openshift_disable_check_data:
- playbook_vars_dict["openshift_disable_check"] = (
- ','.join(self.openshift_disable_check_data))
- if self.docker_registry_url:
- playbook_vars_dict['oreg_url'] = self.docker_registry_url
- if self.docker_additional_registries:
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_docker_additional_registries'] = (
- self.docker_additional_registries)
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_docker_ent_reg'] = ''
- if self.docker_insecure_registries:
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_docker_insecure_registries'] = (
- self.docker_insecure_registries)
- if self.docker_image_tag:
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_image_tag'] = self.docker_image_tag
- if self.web_console_install:
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_web_console_install'] = (
- self.web_console_install)
- if self.openshift_vers == 'v3_11':
- if self.openshift_use_crio:
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_use_crio'] = (
- self.openshift_use_crio)
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_use_crio_only'] = (
- self.openshift_use_crio)
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_crio_enable_docker_gc'] = (
- self.openshift_use_crio)
- else:
- playbook_vars_dict['openshift_use_crio'] = 'false'
- if self.openshift_vers in ('v3_6', 'v3_7'):
- playbook_vars_dict['docker_version'] = '1.12.6'
- playbook_vars_str = ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v)
- for (k, v) in playbook_vars_dict.items())
- command = (
- "ansible-playbook"
- " --extra-vars '@./infrastructure.json'"
- " --tags %s"
- " -e '%s' playbooks/ocp-end-to-end.yaml"
- ) % (tags, playbook_vars_str)
- if self.verbose > 0:
- command += " -vvvvvv"
- click.echo('We are running: %s' % command)
- status = os.system(command)
- if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0:
- sys.exit(os.WEXITSTATUS(status))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- OCPOnVMWare()