path: root/tests/functional
diff options
authorValerii Ponomarov <>2019-08-17 03:17:38 +0530
committerValerii Ponomarov <>2019-09-13 18:54:38 +0530
commit93502c9b6d3a072d1cbfac01ddef94fac43da914 (patch)
treeb425867e8d22d72e8ff3c6bd61e4aa4e87eddca3 /tests/functional
parentc5c02f6402ebe010e8db71eda738857d73f7e83d (diff)
Add test cases for the heketi zones feature
Add 10 test cases for testing Heketi zones feature. To make all the Heketi zones test cases run in the single suite using the same cluster set 'common.allow_heketi_zones_update' config option to "True" value. By default it is set to "False" and only small set of test cases can run having such value. Change-Id: I69a1f7c96c9f52a06134e715e113ccd9b06764e6
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/functional')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functional/heketi/ b/tests/functional/heketi/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d948c0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional/heketi/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+import itertools
+ # py2/3
+ import simplejson as json
+except ImportError:
+ # py2
+ import json
+import ddt
+from glusto.core import Glusto as g
+from openshiftstoragelibs import baseclass
+from openshiftstoragelibs import heketi_ops
+from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_ops
+class TestHeketiZones(baseclass.BaseClass):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ super(TestHeketiZones, cls).setUpClass()
+ clusters = heketi_ops.heketi_cluster_list(
+ cls.heketi_client_node, cls.heketi_server_url, json=True)
+ cls.cluster_id = clusters['clusters'][0]
+ cls.allow_heketi_zones_update = g.config.get("common", {}).get(
+ "allow_heketi_zones_update", False)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestHeketiZones, self).setUp()
+ self.node = self.ocp_master_node[0]
+ def _set_heketi_zones(self, unique_zones_amount=1):
+ h = heketi_ops.cmd_run_on_heketi_pod
+ heketi_db_dir = h("mount | grep heketidbstorage | awk '{print $3}'")
+ # Copy the Heketi DB file to a backup file to be able to export it
+ h("cp %s/heketi.db heketi_export.db" % heketi_db_dir)
+ # Export the Heketi DB to a json file
+ h("rm -f heketi_db_export.json")
+ h("heketi db export --dbfile=heketi_export.db "
+ "--jsonfile=heketi_db_export.json")
+ h("rm heketi_export.db")
+ # Read json file info
+ heketi_db_original_str = h("cat heketi_db_export.json")
+ heketi_db_data = json.loads(heketi_db_original_str)
+ # Process the Heketi DB data
+ node_count = len([
+ n for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values()
+ if (n['State'] == 'online'
+ and n['Info']['cluster'] == self.cluster_id)
+ ])
+ if node_count < unique_zones_amount:
+ self.skipTest(
+ "Not enough amount of online nodes (%s) to set '%s' unique "
+ "zones." % (node_count, unique_zones_amount))
+ zones = itertools.cycle(range(unique_zones_amount))
+ for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values():
+ if (n['State'] == 'online'
+ and n['Info']['cluster'] == self.cluster_id):
+ n['Info']['zone'] = next(zones) + 1
+ # Schedule revert-back of the Heketi DB
+ cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file = (
+ "bash -ec \"\"\"echo '%s' > heketi_db_import.json\"\"\"")
+ cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file = "rm -f heketi_import.db"
+ cmd_import_json_file = (
+ "heketi db import --jsonfile=heketi_db_import.json "
+ "--dbfile=heketi_import.db")
+ cmd_apply_imported_data = (
+ "mv -f heketi_import.db %s/heketi.db" % heketi_db_dir)
+ cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files = (
+ "rm -f heketi_db_export.json heketi_db_import.json")
+ for i in (1, 0):
+ self.addCleanup(
+ openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait,
+ self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, i, wait_step=3)
+ for cmd in (cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files,
+ cmd_apply_imported_data,
+ cmd_import_json_file,
+ cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file,
+ cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file % (
+ heketi_db_original_str.replace('"', '\\"'))):
+ self.addCleanup(h, cmd)
+ # Import the Heketi DB data
+ heketi_db_updated_str = json.dumps(heketi_db_data).replace('"', '\\"')
+ for cmd in (cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file % heketi_db_updated_str,
+ cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file,
+ cmd_import_json_file,
+ cmd_apply_imported_data,
+ cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files):
+ h(cmd)
+ # Apply changes by recreating the Heketi POD
+ openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait(
+ self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, 0, wait_step=3)
+ openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait(
+ self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, 1, wait_step=3)
+ return heketi_db_data
+ def _get_online_nodes(self):
+ node_ids = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(
+ self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url)
+ online_nodes = []
+ for node_id in node_ids:
+ node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info(
+ self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url,
+ node_id, json=True)
+ if (node_info["state"] == "online"
+ and node_info['cluster'] == self.cluster_id):
+ online_nodes.append(
+ (node_info["zone"], node_info['hostnames']['storage']))
+ return online_nodes
+ (3, "strict", False),
+ (3, "strict", True),
+ (4, "strict", False),
+ (4, "strict", True),
+ (1, "none", False),
+ (1, "none", True),
+ (2, "none", False),
+ (2, "none", True),
+ (3, "none", False),
+ (3, "none", True),
+ )
+ @ddt.unpack
+ def test_check_pvc_placement_based_on_the_heketi_zones(
+ self, zone_count, heketi_zone_checking, is_arbiter_vol):
+ # Check amount of available online heketi nodes
+ online_nodes = self._get_online_nodes()
+ node_count = len(online_nodes)
+ # Check current amount of the Heketi zones
+ actual_heketi_zones_amount = len(set([n[0] for n in online_nodes]))
+ if zone_count != actual_heketi_zones_amount:
+ if self.allow_heketi_zones_update:
+ if zone_count > node_count:
+ self.skipTest(
+ "Not enough online nodes '%s' to test '%s' "
+ "unique Heketi zones." % (node_count, zone_count))
+ heketi_db_data = self._set_heketi_zones(zone_count)
+ online_nodes = [
+ (n['Info']['zone'], n['Info']['hostnames']['storage'])
+ for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values()
+ ]
+ else:
+ self.skipTest(
+ "Required amount of the Heketi zones (%s < %s) is not "
+ "satisfied and 'common.allow_heketi_zones_update' config "
+ "option is set to 'False'." % (
+ zone_count, actual_heketi_zones_amount))
+ # Create storage class setting "" option up
+ prefix = "autotests-heketi-zones"
+ sc_name = self.create_storage_class(
+ sc_name_prefix=prefix, vol_name_prefix=prefix,
+ is_arbiter_vol=is_arbiter_vol,
+ heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking)
+ # Create PVC using above storage class
+ pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc(
+ pvc_name_prefix=prefix, sc_name=sc_name)
+ # Validate brick placement if heketi zone checking is set to 'strict'
+ if heketi_zone_checking == 'strict':
+ brick_hosts_ips = openshift_ops.get_gluster_host_ips_by_pvc_name(
+ self.node, pvc_name)
+ placement_zones = set()
+ for brick_host_ip in brick_hosts_ips:
+ for node_zone, node_ips in online_nodes:
+ if brick_host_ip not in node_ips:
+ continue
+ placement_zones.add(node_zone)
+ break
+ self.assertEqual(
+ zone_count, len(placement_zones),
+ "PVC '%s' is incorrectly placed on the Heketi nodes "
+ "according to their zones. Expected '%s' unique zones, got "
+ "'%s'." % (pvc_name, zone_count, len(placement_zones)))
+ # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set
+ vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name(
+ self.node, pvc_name)
+ self.assertIn('', vol_info['options'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ vol_info['options'][''],
+ heketi_zone_checking)
+ if is_arbiter_vol:
+ self.assertIn('user.heketi.arbiter', vol_info['options'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ vol_info['options']['user.heketi.arbiter'], 'true')
+ # Create app DC with the above PVC
+ self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3)