path: root/tests/functional/arbiter
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authorSushilG96 <>2020-07-09 19:21:29 +0530
committerVaibhav Mahajan <>2020-07-29 05:01:24 +0000
commitabf3baef0973ca7bdf335130a24f122eeed7ab22 (patch)
tree84d77e8ef719f6c06fe26338b460a1509e6b145e /tests/functional/arbiter
parent2b9fbe6f29ed4ef7a90125db5b0341276fcf4c50 (diff)
[Test] Add TC to validate arbiter vol creation with differnet tags on devices
Change-Id: I2bcd6d6cecf79786f4de187929e3d42de5595c70 Signed-off-by: susgupta <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/functional/arbiter')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functional/arbiter/ b/tests/functional/arbiter/
index f8970ac1..0b5ff751 100755
--- a/tests/functional/arbiter/
+++ b/tests/functional/arbiter/
@@ -1560,3 +1560,262 @@ class TestArbiterVolumeCreateExpandDelete(baseclass.BaseClass):
# Power on gluster node and wait for the services to be up
self.power_on_gluster_node_vm(target_vm_name, target_ip)
+ def _arbiter_volume_device_tag_operations(
+ self, device_tag_count, vol_creation):
+ """Verify arbiter volume creation with different arbiter tags on
+ different devices
+ """
+ h_volume_size, bricks_list, h_devices_with_tag = 1, [], []
+ device_list_arbiter, vol_count = [], 5
+ h_client, h_url = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url
+ g_vol_option = 'user.heketi.arbiter true'
+ node_ids = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(h_client, h_url)
+ self.assertTrue(node_ids, "Failed to get heketi node list")
+ for i, node_id in enumerate(node_ids):
+ node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info(
+ h_client, h_url, node_id, json=True)
+ # Except 3 disable all the remaining nodes
+ if i > 2:
+ heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable(h_client, h_url, node_id)
+ self.addCleanup(
+ heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable, h_client, h_url, node_id)
+ continue
+ # Verify if 3 devices are present
+ if len(node_info['devices']) < 3:
+ # Add device if 3 devices are not found
+ storage_host_info = g.config.get("gluster_servers")
+ if not storage_host_info:
+ self.skipTest(
+ "Skip test case as 'gluster_servers' option is "
+ "not provided in config file")
+ # Fetch additional_devices details
+ storage_host_info = list(storage_host_info.values())[0]
+ storage_device = storage_host_info["additional_devices"][0]
+ # Add device to the node
+ heketi_ops.heketi_device_add(
+ h_client, h_url, storage_device, node_id)
+ # Fetch device info after device add
+ node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info(
+ h_client, h_url, node_id, json=True)
+ device_id = None
+ for device in node_info["devices"]:
+ if device["name"] == storage_device:
+ device_id = device["id"]
+ break
+ self.assertTrue(
+ device_id,
+ "Failed to add device {} on node"
+ " {}".format(storage_device, node_id))
+ self.addCleanup(
+ heketi_ops.heketi_device_delete,
+ h_client, h_url, device_id)
+ self.addCleanup(
+ heketi_ops.heketi_device_remove,
+ h_client, h_url, device_id)
+ self.addCleanup(
+ heketi_ops.heketi_device_disable,
+ h_client, h_url, device_id)
+ # Set arbiter tag on all 3 devices of particular nodes
+ # and disabled on other devices
+ for device in node_info['devices']:
+ device_info = heketi_ops.heketi_device_info(
+ h_client, h_url, device['id'], json=True)
+ device_tag = (
+ None if not device_tag_count else 'disabled'
+ if i < device_tag_count else 'required')
+ revert_to_tag = device_info.get('tags', {}).get('arbiter')
+ self._set_arbiter_tag_with_further_revert(
+ h_client, h_url, 'device', device['id'],
+ device_tag, revert_to_tag)
+ device_info = heketi_ops.heketi_device_info(
+ h_client, h_url, device['id'], json=True)
+ h_node_ip = node_info['hostnames']['storage']
+ h_device_tag = device_info.get('tags', {}).get('arbiter')
+ # Make sure that the tags are updated
+ err_msg = "Failed to update {} tags to device id {}"
+ if not device_tag_count:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ device_tag, h_device_tag,
+ err_msg.format(device_tag, device['id']))
+ else:
+ # Fetch the ip and device name were arbiter: requied
+ if h_device_tag == 'required':
+ arbiter_tag_node_ip = h_node_ip
+ device_list_arbiter.append(device)
+ # Make sure that all tags are placed properly
+ self.assertEqual(
+ device_tag, h_device_tag,
+ "Failed to add {} tags for device {} of node "
+ "{}".format(device_tag, device['id'], node_id))
+ # Create 5 volumes for verificaton
+ for count in range(vol_count):
+ try:
+ h_volume = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_create(
+ h_client, h_url, h_volume_size,
+ gluster_volume_options=g_vol_option, json=True)
+ h_vol_id = h_volume["id"]
+ h_vol_name = h_volume["name"]
+ self.addCleanup(
+ heketi_ops.heketi_volume_delete, h_client, h_url, h_vol_id,
+ h_vol_name, gluster_volume_options=g_vol_option)
+ # Verify if volume creation with the expected result for the
+ # given tags on devices
+ if not vol_creation:
+ raise exceptions.ExecutionError(
+ "Expecting volume should not be created as tags on"
+ " devices {} required tags".format(device_tag_count))
+ # Get the device info only if arbiter: requied
+ for device in device_list_arbiter:
+ device_info = heketi_ops.heketi_device_info(
+ h_client, h_url, device['id'], json=True)
+ # Fetch vg from device info were arbiter tag is required
+ if device_info['bricks']:
+ vg = device_info['bricks'][0]['path']
+ self.assertTrue(
+ vg, "Failed to find the details of the bricks")
+ device_vg = DEVICE_REGEX.findall(vg)[0]
+ self.assertTrue(
+ device_vg,
+ "Failed to fetch the device vg from {}".format(vg))
+ h_devices_with_tag.append(device_vg)
+ # Fetch gluster volume list
+ g_vol_list = volume_ops.get_volume_list(
+ "auto_get_gluster_endpoint")
+ self.assertIn(
+ h_vol_name, g_vol_list,
+ "Failed to find heketi volume name {} in gluster volume"
+ " list {}".format(h_vol_name, g_vol_list))
+ g_vol_info = volume_ops.get_volume_info(
+ 'auto_get_gluster_endpoint', h_vol_name)
+ # Fetch the device id on which arbiter volume is present
+ for brick_details in g_vol_info[h_vol_name]["bricks"]["brick"]:
+ if brick_details['isArbiter'][0] == '1':
+ brick_ip_name = brick_details["name"]
+ self.assertTrue(
+ brick_ip_name,
+ "Brick details are empty for{}".format(h_vol_name))
+ bricks_list.append(brick_ip_name)
+ except AssertionError:
+ # Verify volume creation with the expected result for the
+ # given tags on nodes
+ if vol_creation:
+ raise
+ return
+ # Verify heketi topology info for tags
+ h_topology_info = heketi_ops.heketi_topology_info(
+ h_client, h_url, raise_on_error=True, json=True)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ h_topology_info, "Failed to fetch heketi topology info")
+ for i, node in enumerate(range(len(
+ h_topology_info['clusters'][0]['nodes']))):
+ node_details = h_topology_info['clusters'][0]['nodes'][node]
+ # Select the 3 nodes as remaining are disable
+ if i < 3:
+ for device in range(len(node_details['devices'])):
+ h_device_info = node_details['devices'][device]
+ self.assertTrue(
+ h_device_info,
+ "Failed to find the {} from the heketi topology "
+ "info {}".format('device info', device))
+ h_device_tag = h_device_info.get(
+ 'tags', {}).get('arbiter')
+ device_tag = (
+ None if not device_tag_count else 'disabled'
+ if i < device_tag_count else 'required')
+ err_msg = ("Expecting {} {} from device info and {} "
+ "from topology info should be same")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ device_tag, h_device_tag,
+ err_msg.format('tags', device_tag, h_device_tag))
+ if h_device_tag == 'required':
+ if h_device_info['bricks']:
+ # verfiy the vg where arbiter tag is required
+ vg = (h_device_info['bricks'][0]['path'])
+ h_device_vg = DEVICE_REGEX.findall(vg)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ h_device_vg,
+ "Failed to fetch the device vg from device"
+ " info {}".format(vg))
+ self.assertIn(
+ h_device_vg[0], h_devices_with_tag,
+ err_msg.format(
+ 'Vg', h_device_vg, h_devices_with_tag))
+ # Get the bricks ip on which arbiter volume is created
+ arbiter_brick_ip = {
+ brick.strip().split(":")[0] for brick in bricks_list}
+ self.assertTrue(
+ arbiter_brick_ip,
+ "Brick ip not found in {}".format(bricks_list))
+ # Get vg were the arbiter volume is stored
+ g_arbiter_vg = {
+ DEVICE_REGEX.findall(brick)[0] for brick in bricks_list}
+ self.assertTrue(
+ g_arbiter_vg, "Failed to find the device with aribter tag")
+ # Verify if the count of no arbiter tag on the node is more
+ # than one out of 3 nodes then ip will be on more than 1 node
+ if not device_tag_count:
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(
+ len(arbiter_brick_ip), 1,
+ "Expecting more than one ip but received "
+ "{}".format(arbiter_brick_ip))
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(arbiter_brick_ip), 1,
+ "Expecting one ip but received "
+ "{}".format(arbiter_brick_ip))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(arbiter_brick_ip), len(arbiter_tag_node_ip),
+ "Expecting the count of bricks where the volume is"
+ " created {} and number of nodes having the arbiter"
+ " tag {} ".format(arbiter_brick_ip, arbiter_tag_node_ip))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ arbiter_brick_ip.pop(), arbiter_tag_node_ip[0],
+ "Did not match ip of the bricks where the arbiter volume "
+ "is created {} and and number of nodes having the arbiter"
+ " tag {}".format(arbiter_brick_ip, arbiter_tag_node_ip))
+ # Verify if vg match from gluster and heketi side
+ for device in list(g_arbiter_vg):
+ self.assertIn(
+ device, h_devices_with_tag,
+ "Failed to match vg {} from gluster side with vg {} "
+ "from heketi side".format(device, h_devices_with_tag))
+ @pytest.mark.tier1
+ (1, False),
+ (2, True),
+ (0, True))
+ @ddt.unpack
+ @podcmd.GlustoPod()
+ def test_arbiter_volume_with_different_tags_on_devices(
+ self, device_tag_count, vol_creation):
+ """Test remove tags from nodes and check if arbiter volume is
+ created randomly"""
+ self._arbiter_volume_device_tag_operations(
+ device_tag_count, vol_creation)