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authorrgeorge <>2019-09-25 18:32:51 +0530
committerrgeorge <>2019-09-25 18:49:18 +0530
commit933348e94ad6283592ceb050c052c2330aae0902 (patch)
parentc3181ad2210ad76a1f27be046b43b108a71dc4f1 (diff)
Add TC to validate creation of 100 app pods with block volumes
Validate the creation of 100 app pods with block volumes attached to it. Verify iscsi login, multipath and check for volume mismatch across OCP, heketi and gluster Change-Id: If400b8d3fe3d0ba0f22169633f0bb537f3f237e5 Signed-off-by: rgeorge <>
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functional/gluster_stability/ b/tests/functional/gluster_stability/
index 33ac3509..2868815d 100644
--- a/tests/functional/gluster_stability/
+++ b/tests/functional/gluster_stability/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ from openshiftstoragelibs.exceptions import (
+from openshiftstoragelibs.gluster_ops import (
+ match_heketi_and_gluster_block_volumes_by_prefix
from openshiftstoragelibs.heketi_ops import (
@@ -29,6 +32,7 @@ from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_ops import (
+ match_pv_and_heketi_block_volumes,
@@ -62,6 +66,8 @@ from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_version import (
from openshiftstoragelibs import utils
from openshiftstoragelibs.waiter import Waiter
+HEKETI_BLOCK_VOLUME_REGEX = "^Id:(.*).Cluster:(.*).Name:%s_(.*)$"
class TestGlusterBlockStability(GlusterBlockBaseClass):
'''Class that contain gluster-block stability TC'''
@@ -81,6 +87,64 @@ class TestGlusterBlockStability(GlusterBlockBaseClass):
"Skipping this test case as multipath validation "
"is not supported in OCS 3.9")
+ def get_heketi_block_volumes(self, vol_prefix):
+ """Get list of heketi block volumes filtered by prefix
+ Args:
+ vol_prefix (str): volume name prefix used for the block PVC
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing two lists of heketi block volume IDs and names
+ """
+ heketi_cmd_out = heketi_blockvolume_list(
+ self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url,
+ secret=self.heketi_cli_key, user=self.heketi_cli_user
+ )
+ heketi_block_volume_ids, heketi_block_volume_names = [], []
+ for block_vol in heketi_cmd_out.split("\n"):
+ heketi_vol_match =
+ HEKETI_BLOCK_VOLUME_REGEX % vol_prefix, block_vol.strip())
+ if heketi_vol_match:
+ heketi_block_volume_ids.append(
+ (
+ heketi_block_volume_names.append(
+ (
+ return (sorted(heketi_block_volume_ids), sorted(
+ heketi_block_volume_names))
+ def bulk_app_pods_creation_with_block_pv(self, app_pod_count):
+ prefix = "autotest-%s" % utils.get_random_str()
+ self.create_storage_class(sc_name_prefix=prefix,
+ create_vol_name_prefix=True, set_hacount=3)
+ size_of_pvc = 1
+ # Create pvs & dc's
+ pvc_names = self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs(
+ pvc_size=size_of_pvc, pvc_amount=app_pod_count)
+ dcs = self.create_dcs_with_pvc(pvc_names)
+ # Validate iscsi sessions & multipath for created pods
+ for pvc_name in pvc_names:
+ dc_name, pod_name = dcs[pvc_name]
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready(self.node, pod_name, wait_step=10)
+ iqn, _, ini_node = self.verify_iscsi_sessions_and_multipath(
+ pvc_name, dc_name)
+ heketi_block_volume_ids, heketi_block_volume_names = (
+ self.get_heketi_block_volumes(vol_prefix=prefix))
+ # validate block volumes listed by heketi and pvs
+ match_pv_and_heketi_block_volumes(
+ self.node, heketi_block_volume_ids, pvc_prefix=prefix)
+ # validate block volumes listed by heketi and gluster
+ match_heketi_and_gluster_block_volumes_by_prefix(
+ heketi_block_volume_names, block_vol_prefix=(prefix + "_"))
def initiator_side_failures(self):
@@ -962,3 +1026,34 @@ class TestGlusterBlockStability(GlusterBlockBaseClass):
'Wrong volume count in heketi blockvolume list %s and expected '
'volume count is 9 ' % volume_count)
self.assertEqual(9, volume_count, msg)
+ def test_initiator_side_failures_create_100_app_pods_with_block_pv(self):
+ # Skip test case if OCS version in lower than 3.11.4
+ if get_openshift_storage_version() < "3.11.4":
+ self.skipTest("Skipping test case due to BZ-1607520, which is"
+ " fixed in OCS 3.11.4")
+ nodes = oc_get_schedulable_nodes(self.node)
+ # Get list of all gluster nodes
+ g_pods = get_ocp_gluster_pod_details(self.node)
+ g_nodes = [pod['pod_hostname'] for pod in g_pods]
+ # Skip test case if required schedulable node count not met
+ if len(set(nodes) - set(g_nodes)) < 1:
+ self.skipTest("skipping test case because it needs at least one"
+ " node schedulable")
+ # Make containerized Gluster nodes unschedulable
+ if g_nodes:
+ # Make gluster nodes unschedulable
+ oc_adm_manage_node(self.node, '--schedulable=false', nodes=g_nodes)
+ # Make gluster nodes schedulable
+ self.addCleanup(
+ oc_adm_manage_node, self.node, '--schedulable=true',
+ nodes=g_nodes)
+ # Create and validate 100 app pod creations with block PVs attached
+ self.bulk_app_pods_creation_with_block_pv(app_pod_count=100)