#!/bin/bash ulimit -c unlimited #set -x #set -u export PATH=$PATH:/opt/qa/tools:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin echo $PATH; function _init() { arch=$(uname); toprofile="toprofile" DEFAULT_LOGDIR="/usr/local/var/log/glusterfs"; WORKSPACE_DIR="/gluster/glusterfs"; ARCHIVEDIR="/archives/`date +%F`"; CWDIR=`dirname $0`; DATE=`date +%F`; WORKDIR="/tmp/nightly"; BUILDDIR="$WORKSPACE_DIR/build"; LOGDIR="$WORKDIR/logs_$toprofile/`date +%F`"; RESULTDIR="/tmp/nightly-results"; COREDIR="$WORKDIR/$toprofile"; CORE_REPOSITORY="/opt/cores"; if [ "$arch" == "Linux" ]; then echo "$COREDIR/core" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern; echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid; fi echo "inited all the variables"; } function prepare_dirs() { if [ ! -d $RESULTDIR ];then mkdir -p $RESULTDIR; fi if [ ! -d $ARCHIVEDIR ];then mkdir -p $ARCHIVEDIR; fi if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ]; then mkdir -p $LOGDIR; fi if [ ! -d $COREDIR ]; then mkdir -p $COREDIR; fi if [ ! -d $CORE_REPOSITORY ]; then mkdir -p $CORE_REPOSITORY; fi } function install_glusterfs() { cd $WORKSPACE_DIR git pull; ./autogen.sh; if [ ! -d $BUILDDIR ] then mkdir $BUILDDIR; fi cd $BUILDDIR; if [ "$arch" == "Linux" ]; then export CFLAGS="-g -O0 -DDEBUG"; ../configure CFLAGS="-g -O0 -DDEBUG" --quiet; make -j 32>/dev/null; echo "make done, Installing..."; make install -j 32>/dev/null; make clean && make distclean; fi } function start_glusterd () { glusterd -LDEBUG if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "glusterd could not be started. Returning" return 11; else echo "glusterd started successfully" return 0; fi } function stop_glusterd () { pkill glusterd; } function cleanup() { rm -rfv /etc/glusterd; rm -rfv $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/*; rm -rfv $WORKDIR; } function pre_run_cleanup () { stop_glusterd; cleanup; } function pre_run() { echo "Entered pre_run"; prepare_dirs; set -e; install_glusterfs; echo "Exiting pre_run"; } function save_and_send_results_and_logs() { #Arching Result and Logs egrep "PASS|FAIL|KEY" $RESULTDIR/temp.result >$RESULTDIR/top_profile.result cp -r $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/* $LOGDIR/; cp -r $LOGDIR $ARCHIVEDIR; cp $RESULTDIR/temp.result $ARCHIVEDIR ; cp $RESULTDIR/top_profile.result $ARCHIVEDIR ; #Send the results to vishwanath@shell.gluster.com ssh vishwanath@shell.gluster.com "rm -f ~/top-profile_sanity/*" #Remove this ugly hack ASAP. inotify programme should be taking care of this. scp $RESULTDIR/top_profile.result vishwanath@shell.gluster.com:~/top-profile_sanity/ scp $RESULTDIR/temp.result vishwanath@shell.gluster.com:~/top-profile_sanity/results_details.txt } function clean_results() { directory=`date +%F` rm -rf $RESULTDIR; } function check_and_kill () { pgrep gluster | xargs kill -9 } function post_run() { set +e; check_and_kill; save_and_send_results_and_logs; cleanup; clean_results; } function main() { echo "In main"; trap "post_run" INT TERM EXIT; pre_run_cleanup; pre_run; start_glusterd; $CWDIR/top_profile.sh >$RESULTDIR/temp.result trap - INT TERM EXIT post_run; } _init "$@" && main "$@"