#!/bin/bash # This script takes glusterfs tar file, untars it and builds it. function main () { echo "cloning from the git:`date +%T`" >>$LOG_FILE time git clone git://github.com/gluster/glusterfs.git glusterfs.git 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Cannot clone the git repository" tar -xvf $GLUSTERFS_TAR_FILE mv glusterfs-$GFS_VERSION glusterfs.git fi cd $GLUSTERFS_DIR echo "running autogen.sh:`date +%T`" time ./autogen.sh 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "autogen failed:`date +%T`"; return 11; fi echo "running configure:`date +%T`" time ./configure 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "configure failed:`date +%T`"; return 11; fi echo "running make:`date +%T`" time make -j 32 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "make failed:`date +%T`"; return 11; else echo "all successful:`date +%T`" return 0; fi } main "$@"