#!/bin/bash function _init () { set -e; if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Continuing tests with current working directory." M=$PWD; else if [ ! -d $2 ]; then echo "2nd argument needs to be a valid directory." exit 42; else M=$2; fi fi if echo $1 | egrep -q '^[0-9]+$'; then T=$1; else echo "First argument was not a number, continuing with default" T=600; fi echo $T export pid_untar; export pid_remove; } function run_tests() { old_PWD=$PWD; cd $M; sleep 1; untar & sleep 2; remove_kernel & sleep $T; cd $old_PWD; } function untar () { cd $M; while true do tar -xjf /opt/qa/tools/linux- & pid_untar=$!; wait $pid_untar; done } function remove_kernel () { while true do rm -rf $M/linux- & pid_remove=$!; wait $pid_remove; done } function watchdog () { # insurance against hangs during the test sleep $1; echo "Kicking in watchdog after $1 secs"; } function finish () { for i in $(jobs -pr) do echo "killing jobs" kill -KILL $i; sleep 2; done sleep 10; rm -rf $M/linux- & cleanup_remove=$!; wait $cleanup_remove; } function main () { watchdog $T & trap finish INT EXIT; set -x; run_tests; } _init "$@" && main "$@";