path: root/sanity/nightly_sanity/
diff options
authorRaghavendra Bhat <>2011-09-09 18:38:37 +0530
committerRaghavendra Bhat <>2011-09-09 18:38:37 +0530
commitaa957fac05e649acd870dedcf43c4192d33dc737 (patch)
treef89cd2375ddaeda9094cda179dfe7734a9d5238c /sanity/nightly_sanity/
parent9e3a24c3d4a0a171c758626b7e1ec5692fd7fb6d (diff)
some nightly sanity scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'sanity/nightly_sanity/')
1 files changed, 733 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sanity/nightly_sanity/ b/sanity/nightly_sanity/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f0b5500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sanity/nightly_sanity/
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+ulimit -c unlimited
+set -x
+set -u
+export PATH=$PATH:/opt/qa/tools:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
+echo $PATH;
+function _init()
+ arch=$(uname);
+ num_clients=1;
+ if [ "$arch" == "SunOs" ]; then
+ mount_type="nfs";
+ else
+ mount_type="fuse";
+ fi
+# translator="dht";
+ while getopts 't:c:m:' option
+ do
+ case $option in
+ t)
+ translator="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ c)
+ num_clients="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ m)
+ mount_type="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ "$arch" == "SunOs" ]; then
+ mount_type="nfs";
+ fi
+ echo "translator: $translator" && echo "mount type: $mount_type";
+ sleep 1;
+ DEFAULT_LOGDIR="/usr/local/var/log/glusterfs";
+# if [ $mount_type == "fuse" ]; then
+# WORKSPACE_DIR="/opt/users/nightly_sanity/glusterfs.git";
+# else
+# if [ $mount_type == "nfs" ]; then
+# WORKSPACE_DIR="/opt/users/nfs_sanity/glusterfs.git";
+# else
+# echo "Unknown mount type $mount_type";
+# exit 22;
+# fi
+# fi
+ WORKSPACE_DIR="/root/sanity/glusterfs.git";
+ WORKDIR="/export/nightly";
+ SPECDIR="/opt/users/nightly_sanity/$translator";
+ LOGDIR="$WORKDIR/logs_$translator/`date +%F`";
+ RESULTDIR=/export/nightly-results;
+ COREDIR="$WORKDIR/$translator";
+ CORE_REPOSITORY="/opt/cores_$mount_type/$translator";
+ LOGREPO="/export/qalogs/sanity_logs/nightly_sanity";
+ if [ "$arch" == "Linux" ]; then
+ echo "$COREDIR/core" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern;
+ echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid;
+ fi
+ #EMAIL=""
+# EMAIL="";
+# EMAIL="";
+ BINDIR="/opt/glusterfs/nightly";
+ TOOLDIR="/opt/qa/tools/tools.git/syscallbench";
+ echo "inited all the variables";
+# WORKSPACE_DIR="/home/gluster/laks/new/glusterfs/"
+# WORKDIR="/mnt/nightly"
+# SPECDIR="/opt/users/vijay/nightly"
+# LOGDIR="$WORKDIR/logs/`date +%F`"
+# RESULTDIR=/tmp/nightly-results
+# EMAIL=""
+# BINDIR="/home/gluster/laks/new/glusterfs/build/build"
+# function update_git ()
+# {
+# echo "$WORKSPACE_DIR in there"
+# git pull
+# }
+function prepare_dirs()
+ if [ ! -d $EXPORTDIR ]
+ then
+ mkdir -p $EXPORTDIR;
+ fi
+ # if [ ! -d $MOUNTDIR ]
+ # then
+ # mkdir -p $MOUNTDIR
+ # fi
+ # j=0;
+ # #Create individual export_dirs
+ # cd $SPECDIR
+ # for i in `ls server*.vol`
+ # do
+ # let "j += 1"
+ # mkdir -p $EXPORTDIR/export$j
+ # done
+ # j=0
+ # for i in `ls client*.vol`
+ # do
+ # let "j += 1"
+ # mkdir -p $MOUNTDIR/client$j
+ # done
+ if [ "$mount_type" == "both" ]; then
+ j=0;
+ for i in $(seq 1 $num_clients); do
+ let "j+=1";
+ mkdir -p $MOUNTDIR/client$j;
+ done
+ j=0;
+ for i in $(seq 1 $num_clients); do
+ let "j+=1";
+ mkdir -p $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$j;
+ done
+ else if [ "$mount_type" == "fuse" ];then
+ j=0;
+ for i in $(seq 1 $num_clients); do
+ let "j+=1";
+ mkdir -p $MOUNTDIR/client$j;
+ done
+ else if [ "$mount_type" == "nfs" ]; then
+ j=0;
+ for i in $(seq 1 $num_clients); do
+ let "j+=1";
+ mkdir -p $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$j;
+ done
+ else
+ echo "Unknown mount type; Please specify one of fuse , nfs or both";
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ]; then
+ mkdir -p $LOGDIR;
+ mkdir -p $LOGDIR/old_dump/;
+ mkdir -p $LOGDIR/new_dump/;
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d $SYSCALLDIR ]; then
+ mkdir -p $SYSCALLDIR;
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d $COREDIR ]; then
+ mkdir -p $COREDIR;
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d $CORE_REPOSITORY ]; then
+ mkdir -p $CORE_REPOSITORY;
+ fi
+function install_glusterfs()
+ ./;
+ if [ ! -d $BUILDDIR ]
+ then
+ mkdir $BUILDDIR;
+ fi
+ if [ "$arch" == "Linux" ]; then
+ make clean -j 32;
+ export CFLAGS="-g -O0 -DDEBUG";
+ ../configure CFLAGS="-g -O0 -DDEBUG" --enable-fusermount;
+ make -j 32>/dev/null;
+ echo "Post make";
+ make install -j 32>/dev/null;
+ else if [ "$arch" == "SunOs" ]; then
+ make clean;
+ export CFLAGS="-g -O0 -m64";
+ ../configure --prefix=$BINDIR >/dev/null;
+ make >/dev/null;
+ echo "Post make";
+ make install >/dev/null;
+ fi
+ fi
+function start_glusterd ()
+ glusterd -LDEBUG
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "glusterd could not be started. Returning"
+ return 11;
+ else
+ echo "glusterd started"
+ return 0;
+ fi
+function volume_create ()
+ vol_type=$1;
+ if [ $vol_type == "dht" ]; then
+ echo "Creating the distribute volume";
+ gluster volume create vol $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export1 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export2 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export3 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export4;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "gluster volume create failed. Check glusterd log file";
+ return 11;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $vol_type == "afr" ]; then
+ echo "Creating the replicate volume"
+ gluster volume create vol replica 2 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export1 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export2;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "gluster volume create failed. Check glusterd log file";
+ return 11;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $vol_type == "stripe" ]; then
+ echo "Creating the stripe volume";
+ gluster volume create vol stripe 4 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export1 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export2 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export3 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export4;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "gluster volume create failed. Check glusterd log file";
+ return 11;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $vol_type == "disrep" ]; then
+ echo "Creating a distributed-replicate volume";
+ gluster volume create vol replica 2 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export1 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export2 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export3 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export4;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "gluster volume create failed. Check glusterd log file";
+ return 11;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $vol_type == "dis-stripe" ]; then
+ echo "Creating a distributed-stripe volume";
+ gluster volume create vol stripe 2 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export1 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export2 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export3 $(hostname):$EXPORTDIR/export4;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "gluster volume create failed. Check glusterd log file";
+ return 11;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ fi
+function start_volume()
+ echo "Starting the volume";
+ gluster volume start vol;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "gluster volume start failed. Check glusterd log file"
+ return 11;
+ else
+ # echo "Setting brick log-level to debug";
+ # gluster volume set vol diagnostics.brick-log-level debug;
+ # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ # echo "Setting brick log level to debug failed. Going with normal log";
+ # fi
+ # echo "Setting client log-level to debug";
+ # gluster volume set vol diagnostics.client-log-level debug;
+ # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ # echo "Setting client log level to debug failed. Going with normal log";
+ # fi
+ return 0;
+ fi
+function mount_volume ()
+ echo "Started the volume. Mounting it"
+ if [ $mount_type == "fuse" ]; then
+ modprobe fuse;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "cannot load fuse. Exiting";
+ return 11;
+ fi
+ for i in $(seq 1 $num_clients)
+ do
+ #mount -t glusterfs $(hostname):vol $MOUNTDIR/client$i
+ glusterfs --volfile-server=$(hostname) --volfile-id=vol $MOUNTDIR/client$i -p /tmp/client_pid$i;
+ df -h; #to be removed
+ done
+ fi
+ if [ $mount_type == "nfs" ]; then
+ sleep 2;
+ gluster volume info vol;
+ sleep 2;
+ #showmount -e | grep -i "vol";
+ success=$?;
+ if [ $success -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "NFS server has not been started. There may be some problem while starting the volume or kernel nfs server may be running.";
+ return 11;
+ fi
+ for i in $(seq 1 $num_clients)
+ do
+ sleep 1;
+ mount -t nfs -o nolock $(hostname):vol $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$i
+ done
+ fi
+ if [ $mount_type == "both" ]; then
+ for i in $(seq 1 $num_clients)
+ do
+ modprobe fuse;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "cannot load fuse. Exiting";
+ return 11;
+ fi
+ #mount -t glusterfs $(hostname):vol $MOUNTDIR/client$i
+ glusterfs --volfile-server=$(hostname) --volfile-id=vol $MOUNTDIR/client$i -p /tmp/client_pid$i;
+ sleep 2;
+ gluster volume info vol;
+ sleep 2;
+ mount -t nfs -o nolock $(hostname):vol $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$i
+ done
+ # else
+# echo "Unknown mount type"
+# stop_glusterfs;
+# return 11;
+ fi
+function start_glusterfs ()
+ volume_create $translator;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error while creating the volume exiting.";
+ return 11;
+ fi
+ start_volume;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error while starting the volume exiting.";
+ return 11;
+ fi
+ mount_volume;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ if [ $mount_type == "fuse" ] || [ $mount_type == "both" ]; then
+ echo "Mounted the volume";
+ else
+ echo "Error while mounting the volume. Exiting.";
+ return 11;
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Mounted the volume";
+ fi
+function run_tests ()
+ if [ $mount_type == "fuse" ]; then
+ cd $MOUNTDIR/client1;
+ fi
+ if [ $mount_type == "nfs" ]; then
+ cd $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client1;
+ fi
+ set +e;
+ if [ "$arch" == "SunOs" ] || [ "$mount_type" == "nfs" ]; then
+ /opt/qa/tools/system_light/ -w $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client1 -t nfs -l /export/runlog.$translator
+ fi
+ if [ $mount_type == "fuse" ]; then
+ echo "executing tests on a fuse mount point"
+ /opt/qa/tools/system_light/ -w $MOUNTDIR/client1 -l /export/runlog.$translator
+ fi
+ # if [ $mount_type == "nfs" ]; then
+# echo "executing tests on an nfs mount point"
+# /opt/qa/tools/system_light/ -w $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client1 -t nfs -l /export/runlog.$translator;
+# fi
+ x=$?;
+ if [ !x ]
+ then
+ echo "Sanity Passed!";
+ else
+ echo "Sanity Failed. Please check your changes!";
+ fi
+ echo "Contents of mount point after all the tests" >> /export/runlog.$translator;
+ if [ "$arch" == "SunOs" ] || [ "$mount_type" == "nfs" ]; then
+ ls -laR $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client1 >> /export/runlog.$translator;
+ echo "removing the mount point contents" >> /export/runlog.$translator;
+ rm -rfv $MOUNTDIR/export/nfs_client1/*;
+ fi
+ if [ "$mount_type" == "fuse" ]; then
+ ls -laR $MOUNTDIR/client1 >> /export/runlog.$translator;
+ echo "removing the mount point contents" >> /export/runlog.$translator;
+ rm -rfv $MOUNTDIR/export/client1/*;
+ fi
+ set -e;
+function stop_glusterfs()
+ # This is a hack. Locktests process should not be running after the test is completed. Need to investigate it more. For time being just kill it forcefully so that there are no stale processes running even after the mount point is unmounted.
+ pgrep locktests;
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ pkill locktests;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ killall -KILL locktests;
+ fi
+ fi
+ j=0;
+ for i in $(seq 1 $num_clients)
+ do
+ let "j += 1";
+ if [ $mount_type == "fuse" ]; then
+ umount $MOUNTDIR/client$j;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "unmounting $MOUNTDIR/client$j failed.";
+ fi
+ umount $MOUNTDIR/client$j -l;
+ else if [ $mount_type == "nfs" ]; then
+ set +e;
+ umount $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$j;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "unmounting $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$j failed";
+ fi
+ umount $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$j -l;
+ set -e;
+ else if [ $mount_type == "both" ]; then
+ set +e;
+ umount $MOUNTDIR/client$j;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "unmounting $MOUNTDIR/client$j failed";
+ fi
+ umount MOUNTDIR/client$j -l;
+ umount $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$j;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "unmounting $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client$j failed";
+ fi
+ umount $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client -l;
+ set -e;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ gluster --mode=script volume stop vol;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error while stopping glusterfs server processes.";
+ return 11;
+ fi
+ gluster --mode=script volume delete vol;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error while deleting the server processes. Going ahead with umount";
+ return 11;
+ fi
+ set +e;
+function stop_glusterd ()
+ pkill glusterd;
+function cleanup()
+ rm -rfv $EXPORTDIR/*;
+ rm -rfv $MOUNTDIR/client*;
+ rm -rfv $MOUNTDIR/nfs_client*
+ rm -rfv /etc/glusterd;
+function pre_run_cleanup ()
+ stop_glusterd;
+ cleanup;
+function pre_run()
+ # update_git;
+ #set -e;
+ echo "Entered pre_run";
+ prepare_dirs;
+ set -e;
+ install_glusterfs;
+function send_results()
+ if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ]
+ then
+ mkdir $LOGDIR;
+ fi
+ cd $LOGDIR;
+ if [ ! -d $RESULTDIR ]
+ then
+ mkdir $RESULTDIR;
+ else
+ rm -rf $RESULTDIR/*;
+ fi
+ #cp -r $LOGDIR/* $RESULTDIR;
+ cp /export/runlog.$translator $RESULTDIR;
+ mv /export/tests_failed $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ echo $translator >> $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ echo $mount_type >> $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ cat /tmp/posix | grep FAILED >> $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ cat /tmp/git_head* >> $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ #cat /tmp/bonnie >> $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ #cat /tmp/iozone >> $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ cat /export/$(date +%F) >>$LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ mv /export/$(date +%F) $LOGDIR;
+ DATE=$(date +%F);
+ found_gluster_core=0;
+ ls $COREDIR/core* ;
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ if [ ! -d $CORE_REPOSITORY/$DATE ]; then
+ fi
+ for i in $(ls $COREDIR)
+ do
+ file $COREDIR/$i | grep gluster;
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ found_gluster_core=1;
+ echo $i;
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $found_gluster_core -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "core generated for $translator" >> $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator;
+ else
+ rm -rf $COREDIR/core*;
+ fi
+ #mv $COREDIR/core* $CORE_REPOSITORY/core*_$translator_`date +%F`
+ fi
+ echo "Critical and error logs for client, nfs and glusterd" >> $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator;
+ for i in $(find $DEFAULT_LOGDIR -type f -iname "*.log")
+ do
+ echo "error and critical logs in $(basename $i)" >> $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator;
+ grep "\ E\ " $i >> $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator;
+ grep "\ C\ " $i >> $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator;
+ done
+ echo "Critical and error logs for server processes" >> $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator;
+ for i in $(find $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/bricks -type f -iname "*.log")
+ do
+ echo "error and critical logs in $(basename $i)" >> $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator;
+ grep "\ E\ " $i >> $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator;
+ grep "\ C\ " $i >> $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator;
+ done
+ rm -rf $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/*.log;
+ rm -rf $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/bricks/*;
+ tar cjf results_$translator.bz2 $RESULTDIR;
+ # git push log files
+ echo "Pushing logs to qalogs git repo: "
+ mkdir -p $LOGREPO/`date +%F`/$translator/
+ cp $LOGDIR/results_$translator.bz2 $LOGREPO/`date +%F`/$translator/;
+ cd /export/qalogs && git pull && git add . && git commit -a -m "log for `date +%F`" && git push;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Commit failed. Recommit bz2 log manually." > /tmp/git_log_commit;
+ else
+ echo "Commit successful." > /tmp/git_log_commit;
+ fi
+ cd $LOGDIR;
+# echo "Sending results";
+# sleep 2;
+# mutt -a results_$translator.bz2 -s "Sanity Results for `date +%F`" -i $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator $EMAIL <.;
+ ###############IMP##############################
+ #This part is needed if the iozone and bonnie results are to be uploaded in the dev server
+# cp /tmp/bonnie /tmp/bonnie_$translator_`date +%F`;
+# cp /tmp/iozone /tmp/iozone_$translator_`date +%F`;
+# scp /tmp/bonnie_`date +%F`;
+# scp /tmp/iozone_`date +%F`;
+ ##############IMP################################
+# rm /export/bonnie /export/iozone;
+ rm /tmp/posix;
+ scp $LOGDIR/logs_failed_$translator $EMAIL/result/;
+ scp $LOGDIR/tests_failed_$translator $EMAIL/nightly_sanity/;
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "sending mail failed" > /tmp/mail_result;
+ else
+ echo "sending mail successful" >/tmp/mail_result;
+ fi
+function clean_results()
+ directory=`date +%F`
+# mkdir /tmp/old/$directory -p;
+# mv $RESULTDIR/* /tmp/old/$directory
+ rm -rf $RESULTDIR;
+function syscallbench_plot()
+ cp /tmp/`date +%F` $SYSCALLDIR
+ mv today yesterday
+ ln -s `date +%F` today
+ $TOOLDIR/syscallbench-plot today yesterday > $LOGDIR/
+function check_and_kill ()
+ pgrep glusterfs;
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ pkill glusterfs;
+ fi
+ pgrep glusterfsd;
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ pkill glusterfsd;
+ fi
+ pgrep glusterd;
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ pkill glusterd;
+ fi
+function post_run()
+ set +e;
+ stop_glusterfs;
+ check_and_kill;
+ send_results;
+ cleanup;
+ syscallbench_plot;
+ clean_results;
+function take_statedump ()
+ local dir;
+ dir=$1;
+ for i in $(ls /etc/glusterd/vols/vol/run)
+ do
+ BRICK_PID=$(cat /etc/glusterd/vols/vol/run/$i);
+ kill -USR1 $BRICK_PID;
+ sleep 1;
+ mv /tmp/glusterdump.$BRICK_PID $dir;
+ done
+ for j in $(seq 1 $num_clients)
+ do
+ CLIENT_PID=$(cat /tmp/client_pid$j);
+ kill -USR1 $CLIENT_PID;
+ sleep 1;
+ mv /tmp/glusterdump.$CLIENT_PID $dir;
+ done
+function main()
+ echo "In main";
+ #translator=$1
+ trap "post_run" INT TERM EXIT;
+ pre_run_cleanup;
+ pre_run;
+ start_glusterd;
+ start_glusterfs;
+ take_statedump $LOGDIR/old_dump/;
+ run_tests;
+ take_statedump $LOGDIR/new_dump/;
+ trap - INT TERM EXIT
+ post_run;
+#check for command line arg.
+# if [ ! $# -eq 3 ]
+# then
+# echo "Usage: afr/dht/stripe <number of clients> <mount type>";
+# exit;
+# fi
+_init "$@" && main "$@"