# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest import os import types import loremipsum from gluster import gfapi class BinFileOpsTest(unittest.TestCase): vol = None path = None data = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.vol = gfapi.Volume("gfshost", "test") cls.vol.set_logging("/dev/null", 7) cls.vol.mount() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.vol = None def setUp(self): self.data = bytearray([(k % 128) for k in range(0, 1024)]) self.path = self._testMethodName + ".io" with self.vol.creat(self.path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_EXCL, 0644) as fd: fd.write(self.data) def test_bin_open_and_read(self): with self.vol.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY) as fd: self.assertTrue(isinstance(fd, gfapi.File)) buf = fd.read(len(self.data)) self.assertFalse(isinstance(buf, types.IntType)) self.assertEqual(buf, self.data) class FileOpsTest(unittest.TestCase): vol = None path = None data = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.vol = gfapi.Volume("gfshost", "test") cls.vol.set_logging("/dev/null", 7) cls.vol.mount() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.vol = None def setUp(self): self.data = loremipsum.get_sentence() self.path = self._testMethodName + ".io" with self.vol.creat(self.path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_EXCL, 0644) as fd: rc = fd.write(self.data) self.assertEqual(rc, len(self.data)) def tearDown(self): self.path = None self.data = None def test_open_and_read(self): with self.vol.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY) as fd: self.assertTrue(isinstance(fd, gfapi.File)) buf = fd.read(len(self.data)) self.assertFalse(isinstance(buf, types.IntType)) self.assertEqual(buf.value, self.data) def test_exists(self): e = self.vol.exists(self.path) self.assertTrue(e) def test_exists_false(self): e = self.vol.exists("filedoesnotexist") self.assertFalse(e) def test_getsize(self): size = self.vol.getsize(self.path) self.assertEqual(size, len(self.data)) def test_isfile(self): isfile = self.vol.isfile(self.path) self.assertTrue(isfile) def test_isdir_false(self): isdir = self.vol.isdir(self.path) self.assertFalse(isdir) def test_symlink(self): link = self._testMethodName + ".link" ret = self.vol.symlink(self.path, link) self.assertEqual(ret, 0) islink = self.vol.islink(link) self.assertTrue(islink) def test_islink_false(self): islink = self.vol.islink(self.path) self.assertFalse(islink) def test_lstat(self): sb = self.vol.lstat(self.path) self.assertFalse(isinstance(sb, types.IntType)) self.assertEqual(sb.st_size, len(self.data)) def test_rename(self): newpath = self.path + ".rename" ret = self.vol.rename(self.path, newpath) self.assertEqual(ret, 0) self.assertRaises(OSError, self.vol.lstat, self.path) def test_stat(self): sb = self.vol.stat(self.path) self.assertFalse(isinstance(sb, types.IntType)) self.assertEqual(sb.st_size, len(self.data)) def test_unlink(self): ret = self.vol.unlink(self.path) self.assertEqual(ret, 0) self.assertRaises(OSError, self.vol.lstat, self.path) def test_xattr(self): key1, key2 = "hello", "world" ret1 = self.vol.setxattr(self.path, "trusted.key1", key1, len(key1)) self.assertEqual(ret1, 0) ret2 = self.vol.setxattr(self.path, "trusted.key2", key2, len(key2)) self.assertEqual(ret2, 0) xattrs = self.vol.listxattr(self.path) self.assertFalse(isinstance(xattrs, types.IntType)) self.assertEqual(xattrs, ["trusted.key1", "trusted.key2"]) buf = self.vol.getxattr(self.path, "trusted.key1", 32) self.assertFalse(isinstance(buf, types.IntType)) self.assertEqual(buf, "hello") ret3 = self.vol.removexattr(self.path, "trusted.key1") self.assertEqual(ret3, 0) xattrs = self.vol.listxattr(self.path) self.assertFalse(isinstance(xattrs, types.IntType)) self.assertEqual(xattrs, ["trusted.key2"]) class DirOpsTest(unittest.TestCase): data = None dir_path = None file_path = None testfile = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.vol = gfapi.Volume("gfshost", "test") cls.vol.set_logging("/dev/null", 7) cls.vol.mount() cls.testfile = "testfile.io" @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.vol = None cls.testfile = None def setUp(self): self.data = loremipsum.get_sentence() self.dir_path = self._testMethodName + "_dir" self.vol.mkdir(self.dir_path, 0755) self.file_path = self.dir_path + "/" + self.testfile with self.vol.creat( self.file_path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_EXCL, 0644) as fd: rc = fd.write(self.data) self.assertEqual(rc, len(self.data)) def tearDown(self): self.dir_path = None self.file_path = None self.data = None def test_isdir(self): isdir = self.vol.isdir(self.dir_path) self.assertTrue(isdir) def test_isfile_false(self): isfile = self.vol.isfile(self.dir_path) self.assertFalse(isfile) def test_dir_listing(self): fd = self.vol.opendir(self.dir_path) self.assertTrue(isinstance(fd, gfapi.Dir)) files = [] while True: ent = fd.next() if not isinstance(ent, gfapi.Dirent): break name = ent.d_name[:ent.d_reclen] files.append(name) self.assertEqual(files, [".", "..", self.testfile]) def test_delete_file_and_dir(self): ret = self.vol.unlink(self.file_path) self.assertEqual(ret, 0) self.assertRaises(OSError, self.vol.lstat, self.file_path) ret = self.vol.rmdir(self.dir_path) self.assertEqual(ret, 0) self.assertRaises(OSError, self.vol.lstat, self.dir_path)