# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY :or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ Description: Test Glusterfind when node is down """ from random import choice from time import sleep from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.gluster.exceptions import ExecutionError from glustolibs.gluster.gluster_base_class import GlusterBaseClass, runs_on from glustolibs.gluster.volume_ops import set_volume_options from glustolibs.gluster.peer_ops import wait_for_peers_to_connect from glustolibs.gluster.lib_utils import list_files from glustolibs.gluster.glusterfile import ( file_exists, remove_file, check_if_pattern_in_file) from glustolibs.gluster.glusterfind_ops import ( gfind_create, gfind_list, gfind_pre, gfind_post, gfind_delete) from glustolibs.gluster.gluster_init import ( stop_glusterd, start_glusterd, wait_for_glusterd_to_start) from glustolibs.misc.misc_libs import ( reboot_nodes, are_nodes_online) @runs_on([["replicated", "distributed-replicated", "dispersed", "distributed", "distributed-dispersed"], ["glusterfs"]]) class TestGlusterFindNodeDown(GlusterBaseClass): """ Test glusterfind operation when a node is down. """ def setUp(self): """ setup volume and mount volume Initiate necessary variables """ # calling GlusterBaseClass setUp self.get_super_method(self, 'setUp')() self.file_limit = 0 # Setup Volume and Mount Volume ret = self.setup_volume_and_mount_volume(mounts=self.mounts) if not ret: raise ExecutionError("Failed to Setup_Volume %s" % self.volname) g.log.info("Successful in Setup Volume %s", self.volname) self.session = "test-session-%s" % self.volname self.outfiles = [("/tmp/test-outfile-%s-%s.txt" % (self.volname, i))for i in range(0, 2)] # Set the changelog rollover-time to 1 second # This needs to be done in order for glusterfind to keep checking # for changes in the mount point option = {'changelog.rollover-time': '1'} ret = set_volume_options(self.mnode, self.volname, option) if not ret: raise ExecutionError("Failed to set the volume option %s for %s" % (option, self.volname)) g.log.info("Successfully set the volume option for the volume %s", self.volname) def _perform_io_and_validate_presence_of_files(self): """ Function to perform the IO and validate the presence of files. """ self.file_limit += 10 # Starting IO on the mounts cmd = ("cd %s ; touch file{%d..%d}" % (self.mounts[0].mountpoint, self.file_limit-10, self.file_limit)) ret, _, _ = g.run(self.mounts[0].client_system, cmd) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "Failed to create files on mountpoint") g.log.info("Files created successfully on mountpoint") # Gather the list of files from the mount point files = list_files(self.mounts[0].client_system, self.mounts[0].mountpoint) self.assertIsNotNone(files, "Failed to get the list of files") g.log.info("Successfully gathered the list of files from mount point") # Check if the files exist for filename in files: ret = file_exists(self.mounts[0].client_system, filename) self.assertTrue(ret, ("Unexpected: File '%s' does not exist" % filename)) g.log.info("Successfully validated existence of '%s'", filename) def _perform_glusterfind_pre_and_validate_outfile(self): """ Function to perform glusterfind pre and validate outfile """ # Perform glusterfind pre for the session ret, _, _ = gfind_pre(self.mnode, self.volname, self.session, self.outfiles[0], full=True, noencode=True, debug=True) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to perform glusterfind pre")) g.log.info("Successfully performed glusterfind pre") # Check if the outfile exists ret = file_exists(self.mnode, self.outfiles[0]) self.assertTrue(ret, ("Unexpected: File '%s' does not exist" % self.outfiles[0])) g.log.info("Successfully validated existence of '%s'", self.outfiles[0]) # Check if all the files are listed in the outfile for i in range(1, self.file_limit+1): ret = check_if_pattern_in_file(self.mnode, "file%s" % i, self.outfiles[0]) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("File 'file%s' not listed in %s" % (i, self.outfiles[0]))) g.log.info("File 'file%s' listed in %s", i, self.outfiles[0]) def test_gfind_when_node_down(self): """ Verifying the glusterfind functionality when node is down. 1. Create a volume 2. Create a session on the volume 3. Create various files from mount point 4. Bring down glusterd on one of the node 5. Perform glusterfind pre 6. Perform glusterfind post 7. Check the contents of outfile 8. Create more files from mountpoint 9. Reboot one of the nodes 10. Perform gluserfind pre 11. Perform glusterfind post 12. Check the contents of outfile """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # Create a session for the volume ret, _, _ = gfind_create(self.mnode, self.volname, self.session) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Unexpected: Creation of a session for the " "volume %s failed" % self.volname)) g.log.info("Successfully created a session for the volume %s", self.volname) # Perform glusterfind list to check if session exists _, out, _ = gfind_list(self.mnode, volname=self.volname, sessname=self.session) self.assertNotEqual(out, "No sessions found.", "Failed to list the glusterfind session") g.log.info("Successfully listed the glusterfind session") self._perform_io_and_validate_presence_of_files() # Wait for changelog to get updated sleep(2) # Bring one of the node down. self.random_server = choice(self.servers[1:]) ret = stop_glusterd(self.random_server) self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed to stop glusterd on one node.") g.log.info("Succesfully stopped glusterd on one node.") self._perform_glusterfind_pre_and_validate_outfile() # Perform glusterfind post for the session ret, _, _ = gfind_post(self.mnode, self.volname, self.session) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to perform glusterfind post")) g.log.info("Successfully performed glusterfind post") # Bring glusterd which was downed on a random node, up. ret = start_glusterd(self.random_server) self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed to start glusterd on %s" % self.random_server) g.log.info("Successfully started glusterd on node : %s", self.random_server) # Waiting for glusterd to start completely. ret = wait_for_glusterd_to_start(self.random_server) self.assertTrue(ret, "glusterd is not running on %s" % self.random_server) g.log.info("glusterd is started and running on %s", self.random_server) self._perform_io_and_validate_presence_of_files() # Perform IO self._perform_io_and_validate_presence_of_files() # Wait for changelog to get updated sleep(2) # Reboot one of the nodes. self.random_server = choice(self.servers[1:]) ret = reboot_nodes(self.random_server) self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed to reboot the said node.") g.log.info("Successfully started reboot process on one node.") self._perform_glusterfind_pre_and_validate_outfile() # Perform glusterfind post for the session ret, _, _ = gfind_post(self.mnode, self.volname, self.session) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to perform glusterfind post")) g.log.info("Successfully performed glusterfind post") # Gradual sleep backoff till the node has rebooted. counter = 0 timeout = 300 ret = False while counter < timeout: ret, _ = are_nodes_online(self.random_server) if not ret: g.log.info("Node's offline, Retrying after 5 seconds ...") sleep(5) counter += 5 else: ret = True break self.assertTrue(ret, "Node is still offline.") g.log.info("Rebooted node is online") # Wait for glusterd to start completely ret = wait_for_glusterd_to_start(self.random_server) self.assertTrue(ret, "glusterd is not running on %s" % self.random_server) g.log.info("glusterd is started and running on %s", self.random_server) def tearDown(self): """ tearDown for every test Clean up and unmount the volume """ # calling GlusterBaseClass tearDown self.get_super_method(self, 'tearDown')() # Delete the glusterfind sessions ret, _, _ = gfind_delete(self.mnode, self.volname, self.session) if ret: raise ExecutionError("Failed to delete session %s" % self.session) g.log.info("Successfully deleted session %s", self.session) # Remove the outfiles created during 'glusterfind pre' for out in self.outfiles: ret = remove_file(self.mnode, out, force=True) if not ret: raise ExecutionError("Failed to remove the outfile %s" % out) g.log.info("Successfully removed the outfiles") # Wait for the peers to be connected. ret = wait_for_peers_to_connect(self.mnode, self.servers, 100) if not ret: raise ExecutionError("Peers are not in connected state.") # Cleanup the volume ret = self.unmount_volume_and_cleanup_volume(mounts=self.mounts) if not ret: raise ExecutionError("Failed to Cleanup Volume") g.log.info("Successful in Cleanup Volume")