# Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along` # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ Description: A testcase to remove /var/log/glusterfs/ on client, mounting a volume and createing a file and a dir on it. """ from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.gluster.gluster_base_class import GlusterBaseClass, runs_on from glustolibs.gluster.exceptions import ExecutionError from glustolibs.gluster.glusterdir import (mkdir, get_dir_contents) from glustolibs.gluster.mount_ops import mount_volume, umount_volume @runs_on([['distributed', 'replicated', 'distributed-replicated', 'dispersed', 'distributed-dispersed'], ['glusterfs']]) class TestRemoveCientLogDirAndMount(GlusterBaseClass): def setUp(self): GlusterBaseClass.setUp.im_func(self) # Creating Volume and mounting volume. ret = self.setup_volume(self.mounts) if not ret: raise ExecutionError("Volume creation or mount failed: %s" % self.volname) g.log.info("Volme created and mounted successfully : %s", self.volname) def tearDown(self): # Resetting the /var/log/glusterfs on client # and archiving the present one. cmd = ('for file in `ls /var/log/glusterfs/`; do ' 'mv /var/log/glusterfs/$file' ' /var/log/glusterfs/`date +%s`-$file; done') ret, _, _ = g.run(self.mounts[0].client_system, cmd) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "Renaming all files failed") g.log.info("Successfully renamed files in" " /var/log/glusterfs on client: %s", self.mounts[0].client_system) cmd = ('mv /root/glusterfs/* /var/log/glusterfs/;' 'rm -rf /root/glusterfs') ret, _, _ = g.run(self.mounts[0].client_system, cmd) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "Failed to move old files back to /var/log/glusterfs") g.log.info("Successfully moved files in" " /var/log/glusterfs on client: %s", self.mounts[0]) # Unmounting the volume. ret, _, _ = umount_volume(mclient=self.mounts[0].client_system, mpoint=self.mounts[0].mountpoint) if ret: raise ExecutionError("Volume %s is not unmounted" % self.volname) g.log.info("Volume unmounted successfully : %s", self.volname) # clean up all volumes ret = self.cleanup_volume() if not ret: raise ExecutionError("Unable to delete volume % s" % self.volname) g.log.info("Volume deleted successfully : %s", self.volname) GlusterBaseClass.tearDown.im_func(self) def test_mount_after_removing_client_logs_dir(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """ Test Case: 1. Create all types of volumes. 2. Start all volumes. 3. Delete /var/log/glusterfs folder on the client. 4. Mount all the volumes one by one. 5. Run IO on all the mount points. 6. Check if logs are generated in /var/log/glusterfs/. """ # Removing dir /var/log/glusterfs on client. cmd = 'mv /var/log/glusterfs /root/' ret, _, _ = g.run(self.mounts[0].client_system, cmd) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "Unable to remove /var/log/glusterfs dir") g.log.info("Successfully removed /var/log/glusterfs on client: %s", self.mounts[0].client_system) # Mounting the volume. ret, _, _ = mount_volume(self.volname, mtype=self.mount_type, mpoint=self.mounts[0].mountpoint, mserver=self.mnode, mclient=self.mounts[0].client_system) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Volume %s is not mounted") % self.volname) g.log.info("Volume mounted successfully : %s", self.volname) # Running IO on the mount point. # Creating a dir on the mount point. ret = mkdir(self.mounts[0].client_system, self.mounts[0].mountpoint+"/dir2") self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed to create dir2") g.log.info("dir2 created successfully for %s", self.mounts[0]) # Creating a file on the mount point. cmd = ('touch %s/file' % self.mounts[0].mountpoint) ret, _, _ = g.run(self.mounts[0].client_system, cmd) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "Failed to create file") g.log.info("file created successfully for %s", self.mounts[0]) # Checking if logs are regenerated or not. ret = get_dir_contents(self.mounts[0].client_system, '/var/log/glusterfs/') self.assertIsNotNone(ret, 'Log files were not regenerated.') g.log.info("Log files were properly regenearted.") def test_mount_remove_client_logs_dir_remount(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """ 1. Create all types of volumes and start them. 2. Mount all volumes on clients. 3. Delete /var/log/glusterfs folder on client. 4. Run IO on all the mount points. 5. Unmount and remount all volumes. 6. Check if logs are regenerated or not. """ # Mounting the volume. ret, _, _ = mount_volume(self.volname, mtype=self.mount_type, mpoint=self.mounts[0].mountpoint, mserver=self.mnode, mclient=self.mounts[0].client_system) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Volume %s is not mounted.") % self.volname) g.log.info("Volume mounted successfully : %s", self.volname) # Removing dir /var/log/glusterfs on client. cmd = 'mv /var/log/glusterfs /root/' ret, _, _ = g.run(self.mounts[0].client_system, cmd) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "Unable to remove /var/log/glusterfs dir.") g.log.info("Successfully removed /var/log/glusterfs on client: %s", self.mounts[0]) # Running IO on the mount point. # Creating a dir on the mount point. ret = mkdir(self.mounts[0].client_system, self.mounts[0].mountpoint+"/dir") self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed to create dir.") g.log.info("dir created successfully for %s", self.mounts[0]) # Creating a file on the mount point. cmd = ('touch %s/file' % self.mounts[0].mountpoint) ret, _, _ = g.run(self.mounts[0].client_system, cmd) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "Failed to create file.") g.log.info("file created successfully for %s", self.mounts[0]) # Unmounting and remounting volume. ret, _, _ = umount_volume(mclient=self.mounts[0].client_system, mpoint=self.mounts[0].mountpoint) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Volume %s is not unmounted.") % self.volname) g.log.info("Volume unmounted successfully : %s", self.volname) ret, _, _ = mount_volume(self.volname, mtype=self.mount_type, mpoint=self.mounts[0].mountpoint, mserver=self.mnode, mclient=self.mounts[0].client_system) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Volume %s is not mounted.") % self.volname) g.log.info("Volume mounted successfully : %s", self.volname) # Checking if logs are regenerated or not. ret = get_dir_contents(self.mounts[0].client_system, '/var/log/glusterfs/') self.assertIsNotNone(ret, 'Log files were not regenerated.') g.log.info("Log files were properly regenearted.")