# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. from math import ceil from random import sample from time import sleep, time from unittest import SkipTest from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.gluster.brick_libs import (bring_bricks_offline, get_online_bricks_list) from glustolibs.gluster.exceptions import ExecutionError from glustolibs.gluster.gluster_base_class import GlusterBaseClass, runs_on from glustolibs.gluster.glusterdir import mkdir from glustolibs.gluster.glusterfile import remove_file from glustolibs.gluster.lib_utils import (append_string_to_file, get_disk_usage, search_pattern_in_file) from glustolibs.gluster.quota_ops import (quota_enable, quota_fetch_list, quota_limit_usage, quota_set_alert_time, quota_set_hard_timeout, quota_set_soft_timeout) from glustolibs.gluster.volume_libs import get_subvols from glustolibs.gluster.volume_ops import volume_start from glustolibs.io.utils import validate_io_procs, wait_for_io_to_complete from glustolibs.misc.misc_libs import upload_scripts @runs_on([['dispersed', 'distributed-dispersed'], ['glusterfs']]) class TestEcQuotaError(GlusterBaseClass): """ Description: To check EIO errors changes to EDQUOTE errors when the specified quota limits are breached """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-statements @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.get_super_method(cls, 'setUpClass')() if cls.volume_type == 'distributed-dispersed': raise SkipTest('BZ #1707813 limits the functionality of fallocate') if cls.volume_type == 'dispersed': raise SkipTest('BZ #1339144 is being hit intermittently') cls.script_path = '/usr/share/glustolibs/io/scripts/fd_writes.py' ret = upload_scripts(cls.clients, cls.script_path) if not ret: raise ExecutionError('Failed to upload IO script to client') def setUp(self): self.get_super_method(self, 'setUp')() self.num_of_dirs = 2 # For test_ec_quota_errors_on_limit only one client is needed if 'on_limit' in self.id().split('.')[-1]: self.num_of_dirs = 1 self.mounts = [self.mounts[0]] ret = self.setup_volume_and_mount_volume(mounts=self.mounts) self.all_mount_procs = [] self.offline_bricks = [] if not ret: raise ExecutionError('Failed to setup and mount volume') def tearDown(self): if self.offline_bricks: ret, _, _ = volume_start(self.mnode, self.volname, force=True) if ret: raise ExecutionError('Not able to force start volume to bring ' 'offline bricks online') if self.all_mount_procs: ret = wait_for_io_to_complete(self.all_mount_procs, self.mounts) if not ret: raise ExecutionError('Wait for IO completion failed') ret = self.unmount_volume_and_cleanup_volume(mounts=self.mounts) if not ret: raise ExecutionError('Failed to unmount and cleanup volume') self.get_super_method(self, 'tearDown')() def _get_space_in_gb(self, host, path, size='free'): """ Return available or total space on the provided `path` Kwargs: size (str) : total/free(default) size to be queried on `path` """ space_avail = get_disk_usage(host, path) self.assertIsNotNone( space_avail, 'Failed to get disk usage stats of ' '{} on {}'.format(host, path)) if size == 'total': return int(ceil(space_avail['total'])) return int(ceil(space_avail['free'])) def _insert_bp(self, host, logpath): """ Generates and inserts a breakpoint in the given logpath on the host """ append_string = self.bp_text + str(self.bp_count) ret = append_string_to_file(host, logpath, append_string) self.assertTrue( ret, 'Not able to append string to the file {} ' 'on {}'.format(logpath, host)) self.bp_count += 1 def _fallocate_file(self): """ Perform `fallocate -l ` on """ # Delete the files if exists (sparsefile is created on absolute sizes) ret = remove_file(self.client, self.fqpath + '*', force=True) self.assertTrue( ret, 'Unable to delete existing file for `fallocate` of new file') sleep(5) # Create multiple sparsefiles rather than one big file sizes = [self.alloc_size] if self.alloc_size >= self.brick_size: sizes = ([self.brick_size // 2] * (self.alloc_size // self.brick_size)) sizes *= 2 sizes.append(self.alloc_size % self.brick_size) rem_size = self.alloc_size - sum(sizes) if rem_size: sizes.append(rem_size) for count, size in enumerate(sizes, start=1): ret, _, _ = g.run( self.client, 'fallocate -l {}G {}{}'.format(size, self.fqpath, count)) self.assertEqual( ret, 0, 'Not able to fallocate {}* file on {}'.format( self.fqpath, self.client)) count += 1 def _validate_error_in_mount_log(self, pattern, exp_pre=True): """ Validate type of error from mount log on setting quota """ assert_method = self.assertTrue assert_msg = ('Fail: Not able to validate presence of "{}" ' 'in mount log'.format(pattern)) if not exp_pre: assert_method = self.assertFalse assert_msg = ('Fail: Not able to validate absence of "{}" ' 'in mount log'.format(pattern)) ret = search_pattern_in_file(self.client, pattern, self.logpath, self.bp_text + str(self.bp_count - 2), self.bp_text + str(self.bp_count - 1)) assert_method(ret, assert_msg) # Validate against `quota list` command if 'quota' in pattern.lower(): dir_path = '/dir/dir1' ret = quota_fetch_list(self.mnode, self.volname) self.assertIsNotNone( ret.get(dir_path), 'Not able to get quota list for the path {}'.format(dir_path)) ret = ret.get(dir_path) verified = False if ret['sl_exceeded'] is exp_pre and ret['hl_exceeded'] is exp_pre: verified = True self.assertTrue( verified, 'Failed to validate Quota list command against ' 'soft and hard limits') def _perform_quota_ops_before_brick_down(self): """ Refactor of common test steps across three test functions """ self.client, self.m_point = (self.mounts[0].client_system, self.mounts[0].mountpoint) ret = mkdir(self.client, '%s/dir/dir1' % self.m_point, parents=True) self.assertTrue(ret, 'Failed to create first dir on mountpoint') if self.num_of_dirs == 2: ret = mkdir(self.client, '%s/dir/dir' % self.m_point) self.assertTrue(ret, 'Failed to create second dir on mountpoint') # Types of errors self.space_error = 'Input/output error|No space left on device' self.quota_error = 'Disk quota exceeded' # Start IO from the clients cmd = ('/usr/bin/env python {} -n 10 -t 480 -d 10 -c 256 --dir ' '{}/dir/dir{}') for count, mount in enumerate(self.mounts, start=1): proc = g.run_async( mount.client_system, cmd.format(self.script_path, mount.mountpoint, count)) self.all_mount_procs.append(proc) # fallocate a large file and perform IO on remaining space online_bricks = get_online_bricks_list(self.mnode, self.volname) self.assertIsNotNone(online_bricks, 'Failed to get list of online ' 'bricks') brick_node, brick_path = online_bricks[0].split(':') self.brick_size = self._get_space_in_gb(brick_node, brick_path, size='total') self.free_disk_size = self._get_space_in_gb(self.client, self.m_point) self.fqpath = self.m_point + '/sparsefile' self.rem_size = 1 # Only 1G will be available to the mount self.alloc_size = self.free_disk_size - self.rem_size self._fallocate_file() # Insert breakpoint in the log self.bp_text = 'breakpoint_' + str(ceil(time())) + '_' self.bp_count = 1 self.logpath = ('/var/log/glusterfs/mnt-' + self.volname + '_glusterfs.log') self._insert_bp(self.client, self.logpath) # Create file with size greater than available mount space self.cmd = ('cd {}; cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc [:space:][:print:] ' '| head -c {}G > datafile_{};') self.fqpath = self.m_point + '/dir/dir1' proc = g.run_async( self.client, self.cmd.format(self.fqpath, self.rem_size * 2, self.bp_count)) self.assertFalse( validate_io_procs([proc], self.mounts[0]), 'Fail: Process should not allow data more ' 'than available space to be written') sleep(10) self._insert_bp(self.client, self.logpath) # Validate space error in the mount log self._validate_error_in_mount_log(pattern=self.space_error) # Enable quota and set all alert timeouts to 0secs ret, _, _ = quota_enable(self.mnode, self.volname) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, 'Not able to enable quota on the volume') for alert_type, msg in ((quota_set_alert_time, 'alert'), (quota_set_soft_timeout, 'soft'), (quota_set_hard_timeout, 'hard')): ret, _, _ = alert_type(self.mnode, self.volname, '0sec') self.assertEqual( ret, 0, 'Failed to set quota {} timeout to 0sec'.format(msg)) # Expose only 20G and set quota's on the dir self.rem_size = 20 # Only 20G will be available to whole mount self.alloc_size = self.free_disk_size - self.rem_size self.fqpath = self.m_point + '/sparsefile' self._fallocate_file() self._insert_bp(self.client, self.logpath) ret, _, _ = quota_limit_usage(self.mnode, self.volname, path='/dir/dir1', limit='10GB') self.assertEqual(ret, 0, 'Not able to set quota limit on /dir/dir1') if self.num_of_dirs == 2: ret, _, _ = quota_limit_usage(self.mnode, self.volname, path='/dir/dir2', limit='5GB') self.assertEqual(ret, 0, 'Not able to set quota limit on ' '/dir/dir2') # Write data more than available quota and validate error sleep(10) self.rem_size = 1 # Only 1G will be availble to /dir/dir1 self.alloc_size = 9 self.fqpath = self.m_point + '/dir/dir1/sparsefile' self._fallocate_file() self.fqpath = self.m_point + '/dir/dir1' proc = g.run_async( self.client, self.cmd.format(self.fqpath, self.rem_size * 2, self.bp_count)) self.assertFalse( validate_io_procs([proc], self.mounts[0]), 'Fail: Process should not allow data more ' 'than available space to be written') sleep(10) self._insert_bp(self.client, self.logpath) self._validate_error_in_mount_log(pattern=self.quota_error) self._validate_error_in_mount_log(pattern=self.space_error, exp_pre=False) def _perform_quota_ops_after_brick_down(self): """ Refactor of common test steps across three test functions """ # Increase the quota limit on dir/dir1 and validate no errors on writes self.alloc_size = self.free_disk_size - 50 self.fqpath = self.m_point + '/sparsefile' self._fallocate_file() ret, _, _ = quota_limit_usage(self.mnode, self.volname, path='/dir/dir1', limit='40GB') self.assertEqual(ret, 0, 'Not able to expand quota limit on /dir/dir1') sleep(15) self._insert_bp(self.client, self.logpath) self.fqpath = self.m_point + '/dir/dir1' proc = g.run_async( self.client, self.cmd.format(self.fqpath, self.rem_size * 3, self.bp_count)) self.assertTrue( validate_io_procs([proc], self.mounts[0]), 'Fail: Not able to write data even after expanding quota limit') sleep(10) self._insert_bp(self.client, self.logpath) self._validate_error_in_mount_log(pattern=self.quota_error, exp_pre=False) self._validate_error_in_mount_log(pattern=self.space_error, exp_pre=False) # Decrease the quota limit and validate error on reaching quota self._insert_bp(self.client, self.logpath) ret, _, _ = quota_limit_usage(self.mnode, self.volname, path='/dir/dir1', limit='15GB') self.assertEqual(ret, 0, 'Not able to expand quota limit on /dir/dir1') sleep(10) self.fqpath = self.m_point + '/dir/dir1' self.rem_size = self._get_space_in_gb(self.client, self.fqpath) proc = g.run_async( self.client, self.cmd.format(self.fqpath, self.rem_size * 3, self.bp_count)) self.assertFalse( validate_io_procs([proc], self.mounts[0]), 'Fail: Process should not allow data more ' 'than available space to be written') sleep(10) self._insert_bp(self.client, self.logpath) self._validate_error_in_mount_log(pattern=self.quota_error) self._validate_error_in_mount_log(pattern=self.space_error, exp_pre=False) def test_ec_quota_errors_on_brick_down(self): """ Steps: - Create and mount EC volume on two clients - Create two dirs on the mount and perform parallel IO from clients - Simulate disk full to validate EIO errors when no space is left - Remove simulation and apply different quota limits on two dirs - Bring down redundant bricks from the volume - Validate EDQUOTE error on reaching quota limit and extend quota to validate absence of EDQUOTE error - Reduce the quota limit and validate EDQUOTE error upon reaching quota - Remove quota limits, unmount and cleanup the volume """ self._perform_quota_ops_before_brick_down() # Bring redundant bricks offline subvols = get_subvols(self.mnode, self.volname) self.assertTrue(subvols.get('volume_subvols'), 'Not able to get ' 'subvols of the volume') self.offline_bricks = [] for subvol in subvols['volume_subvols']: self.offline_bricks.extend( sample(subvol, self.volume.get('voltype')['redundancy_count'])) ret = bring_bricks_offline(self.volname, self.offline_bricks) self.assertTrue(ret, 'Not able to bring redundant bricks offline') self._perform_quota_ops_after_brick_down() # Bring offline bricks online ret, _, _ = volume_start(self.mnode, self.volname, force=True) self.assertEqual(ret, 0, 'Not able to bring offline bricks online') self.offline_bricks *= 0 g.log.info('Pass: Validating quota errors on brick down is successful') def test_ec_quota_errors_with_multiple_ios(self): """ Steps: - Create and mount EC volume on two clients - Create two dirs on the mount and perform parallel IO from clients - Simulate disk full to validate EIO errors when no space is left - Remove simulation and apply quota limits on base dir - Validate EDQUOTE error on reaching quota limit and extend quota to validate absence of EDQUOTE error - Reduce the quota limit and validate EDQUOTE error upon reaching quota - Remove quota limits, unmount and cleanup the volume """ self._perform_quota_ops_before_brick_down() self._perform_quota_ops_after_brick_down() g.log.info('Pass: Validating quota errors with multiple IOs is ' 'successful') def test_ec_quota_errors_on_limit(self): """ Steps: - Create and mount EC volume on one client - Create a dir on the mount and perform IO from clients - Simulate disk full to validate EIO errors when no space is left - Remove simulation and apply quota limits on the dir - Validate EDQUOTE error on reaching quota limit and extend quota to validate absence of EDQUOTE error - Reduce the quota limit and validate EDQUOTE error upon reaching quota - Remove quota limits, unmount and cleanup the volume """ # Only a single client is used self._perform_quota_ops_before_brick_down() self._perform_quota_ops_after_brick_down() g.log.info('Pass: Validating quota errors on limit breach is ' 'successful')