# Glusto Tests `glusto-tests` repo contains automated testcases for testing gluster software. It provides the Libraries/Modules necessary for automating the gluster tests. Latest Code for this repo is managed on review.gluster.org The Libraries/Modules/Tests in glusto-tests are written using the `glusto` framework. TestCases in glusto-tests can we written/run using standard PyUnit, PyTest or Nose methodologies as supported by `glusto` framework. Refer the [docs](http://glusto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) for info on `glusto` framework. Issues need to be filed against the Github repo. To automate/run glusto-tests we need to install the following packages: --------------------------------------------------------------------- - glusto - glustolibs-gluster - glustolibs-io - gdeploy How to install glusto: ---------------------- One can use either of the two methods. - using pip # pip install --upgrade git+git://github.com/loadtheaccumulator/glusto.git - using git # git clone https://github.com/loadtheaccumulator/glusto.git # cd glusto # python setup.py For more info refer the [docs](http://glusto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/install.html). How to install the glustolibs-gluster and glustolibs-io libraries: ----------------------------------------------------------------- # git clone http://review.gluster.org/glusto-tests # cd glusto-tests/glustolibs-gluster # python setup.py install # cd glusto-tests/glustolibs-io # python setup.py install How to install gdeploy: ----------------------- - Install latest version of gdeploy from the following [link](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/sac/gdeploy/package/gdeploy/). How to run the test case: ------------------------- - Create config file containing info about the servers, clients, volumes, mounts. Please refer to example config file under tests directory in glusto-tests repo. The example config file is in yaml format and defines sections which provides info about the gluster cluster. We can use any `glusto` framework supported formats for writing the config files. Refer the following [link](http://glusto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/configurable.html). - glusto-tests are run using the `glusto` command available after installing the glusto framework. The various options to run tests as provided by glusto framework: To run PyUnit tests: # glusto -c 'config.yml' -d 'tests' # glusto -c 'config.yml unittest_list.yml' -u To run PyTest tests: # glusto -c 'config.yml' --pytest='-v -x tests -m bvt' To run Nose tests: # glusto -c 'config.yml' --nosetests='-v -w tests' For more info refer the [docs](http://glusto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/glusto.html#options-for-running-unit-tests). Writing tests in glusto-tests: ------------------------------ `tests` directory in glusto-tests contains testcases. One might want to create a dir with feature name as the name of test directory under `tests` to add new testcases. TestCases in glusto-tests can we written using standard PyUnit, PyTest or Nose methodologies as supported by `glusto` framework. One can follow the [PyUnit](http://glusto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/unittest.html) docs to write PyUnit tests, or [PyTest](http://glusto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/pytest.html) docs to write PyTest tests, or [Nose](http://glusto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/nosetests.html) docs to write Nose tests. Logging: -------- Log file name and Log level can be passed as argument to glusto command while running the glusto-tests. For example: # glusto -c 'config.yml' -l /tmp/glustotests_bvt.log --log-level DEBUG --pytest='-v -x tests -m bvt' One can configure log files, log levels in the testcases as well. For details on how to use glusto framework for configuring logs in tests Refer the following [docs](http://glusto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/loggable.html). Default log location is: `/tmp/glustomain.log` Note: When using `glusto` via the Python Interactive Interpreter, the default log location is `/tmp/glusto.log`. Refer to `docs/userguide/HOWTO` for a detailed information on how to install/setup/run/ report