/* Copyright (c) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include "globals.h" #include "run.h" #include "glusterd.h" #include "glusterfs.h" #include "glusterd-utils.h" #include "glusterd-svc-mgmt.h" #include "glusterd-proc-mgmt.h" #include "glusterd-conn-mgmt.h" #include "glusterd-messages.h" int glusterd_svc_create_rundir (char *rundir) { int ret = -1; ret = mkdir_p (rundir, 0777, _gf_true); if ((ret == -1) && (EEXIST != errno)) { gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, GD_MSG_CREATE_DIR_FAILED, "Unable to create rundir %s", rundir); } return ret; } static void glusterd_svc_build_logfile_path (char *server, char *logdir, char *logfile, size_t len) { snprintf (logfile, len, "%s/%s.log", logdir, server); } static void glusterd_svc_build_volfileid_path (char *server, char *volfileid, size_t len) { snprintf (volfileid, len, "gluster/%s", server); } static int glusterd_svc_init_common (glusterd_svc_t *svc, char *svc_name, char *workdir, char *rundir, char *logdir, glusterd_svc_manager_t manager, glusterd_svc_start_t start, glusterd_svc_stop_t stop, glusterd_conn_notify_t notify) { int ret = -1; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; char pidfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char logfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char volfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char sockfpath[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char volfileid[256] = {0}; char *volfileserver = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); ret = snprintf (svc->name, sizeof (svc->name), "%s", svc_name); if (ret < 0) goto out; svc->manager = manager; svc->start = start; svc->stop = stop; if (!notify) notify = glusterd_svc_common_rpc_notify; glusterd_svc_create_rundir (rundir); /* Initialize the connection mgmt */ glusterd_conn_build_socket_filepath (rundir, MY_UUID, sockfpath, sizeof (sockfpath)); ret = glusterd_conn_init (&(svc->conn), sockfpath, 600, notify); if (ret) goto out; /* Initialize the process mgmt */ glusterd_svc_build_pidfile_path (svc_name, workdir, pidfile, sizeof(pidfile)); glusterd_svc_build_volfile_path (svc_name, workdir, volfile, sizeof (volfile)); glusterd_svc_build_logfile_path (svc_name, logdir, logfile, sizeof (logfile)); glusterd_svc_build_volfileid_path (svc_name, volfileid, sizeof(volfileid)); if (dict_get_str (this->options, "transport.socket.bind-address", &volfileserver) != 0) { volfileserver = "localhost"; } ret = glusterd_proc_init (&(svc->proc), svc_name, pidfile, logdir, logfile, volfile, volfileid, volfileserver); if (ret) goto out; out: gf_msg_debug (this->name, 0, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } static int svc_add_args (dict_t *cmdline, char *arg, data_t *value, void *data) { runner_t *runner = data; runner_add_arg (runner, value->data); return 0; } int glusterd_svc_init (glusterd_svc_t *svc, char *svc_name, glusterd_svc_manager_t manager, glusterd_svc_start_t start, glusterd_svc_stop_t stop) { int ret = -1; char rundir[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); glusterd_svc_build_rundir (svc_name, priv->workdir, rundir, sizeof (rundir)); ret = glusterd_svc_init_common (svc, svc_name, priv->workdir, rundir, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY, manager, start, stop, NULL); return ret; } int glusterd_svc_start (glusterd_svc_t *svc, int flags, dict_t *cmdline) { int ret = -1; runner_t runner = {0,}; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; char valgrind_logfile[PATH_MAX] = {0}; char glusterd_uuid_option[1024] = {0}; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); if (glusterd_proc_is_running (&(svc->proc))) { ret = 0; goto out; } ret = access (svc->proc.volfile, F_OK); if (ret) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, GD_MSG_VOLFILE_NOT_FOUND, "Volfile %s is not present", svc->proc.volfile); goto out; } runinit (&runner); if (priv->valgrind) { snprintf (valgrind_logfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/valgrind-%s.log", svc->proc.logfile, svc->name); runner_add_args (&runner, "valgrind", "--leak-check=full", "--trace-children=yes", "--track-origins=yes", NULL); runner_argprintf (&runner, "--log-file=%s", valgrind_logfile); } runner_add_args (&runner, SBIN_DIR"/glusterfs", "-s", svc->proc.volfileserver, "--volfile-id", svc->proc.volfileid, "-p", svc->proc.pidfile, "-l", svc->proc.logfile, "-S", svc->conn.sockpath, NULL); if (cmdline) dict_foreach (cmdline, svc_add_args, (void *) &runner); gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, GD_MSG_SVC_START_SUCCESS, "Starting %s service", svc->name); if (flags == PROC_START_NO_WAIT) { ret = runner_run_nowait (&runner); } else { synclock_unlock (&priv->big_lock); { ret = runner_run (&runner); } synclock_lock (&priv->big_lock); } out: gf_msg_debug (this->name, 0, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_svc_stop (glusterd_svc_t *svc, int sig) { int ret = -1; ret = glusterd_proc_stop (&(svc->proc), sig, PROC_STOP_FORCE); if (ret) goto out; glusterd_conn_disconnect (&(svc->conn)); if (ret == 0) { svc->online = _gf_false; (void) glusterd_unlink_file ((char *)svc->conn.sockpath); } gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, GD_MSG_SVC_STOP_SUCCESS, "%s service is stopped", svc->name); out: gf_msg_debug (THIS->name, 0, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } void glusterd_svc_build_pidfile_path (char *server, char *workdir, char *path, size_t len) { char dir[PATH_MAX] = {0}; GF_ASSERT (len == PATH_MAX); glusterd_svc_build_rundir (server, workdir, dir, sizeof (dir)); snprintf (path, len, "%s/%s.pid", dir, server); } void glusterd_svc_build_volfile_path (char *server, char *workdir, char *volfile, size_t len) { char dir[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; GF_ASSERT (len == PATH_MAX); glusterd_svc_build_svcdir (server, workdir, dir, sizeof (dir)); snprintf (volfile, len, "%s/%s-server.vol", dir, server); } void glusterd_svc_build_svcdir (char *server, char *workdir, char *path, size_t len) { GF_ASSERT (len == PATH_MAX); snprintf (path, len, "%s/%s", workdir, server); } void glusterd_svc_build_rundir (char *server, char *workdir, char *path, size_t len) { char dir[PATH_MAX] = {0}; GF_ASSERT (len == PATH_MAX); glusterd_svc_build_svcdir (server, workdir, dir, sizeof (dir)); snprintf (path, len, "%s/run", dir); } int glusterd_svc_reconfigure (int (*create_volfile) ()) { int ret = -1; ret = create_volfile (); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_fetchspec_notify (THIS); out: return ret; } int glusterd_svc_common_rpc_notify (glusterd_conn_t *conn, rpc_clnt_event_t event) { int ret = 0; glusterd_svc_t *svc = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); /* Get the parent onject i.e. svc using list_entry macro */ svc = cds_list_entry (conn, glusterd_svc_t, conn); if (!svc) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, GD_MSG_SVC_GET_FAIL, "Failed to get the service"); return -1; } switch (event) { case RPC_CLNT_CONNECT: gf_msg_debug (this->name, 0, "%s has connected with " "glusterd.", svc->name); svc->online = _gf_true; break; case RPC_CLNT_DISCONNECT: if (svc->online) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, GD_MSG_NODE_DISCONNECTED, "%s has disconnected " "from glusterd.", svc->name); svc->online = _gf_false; } break; default: gf_msg_trace (this->name, 0, "got some other RPC event %d", event); break; } return ret; }