#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. import sys from errno import ENOENT, ENOTEMPTY import time from multiprocessing import Process import os import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, Action import logging import shutil from utils import execute, is_host_local, mkdirp, fail from utils import setup_logger, human_time, handle_rm_error from utils import get_changelog_rollover_time, cache_output, create_file import conf from changelogdata import OutputMerger PROG_DESCRIPTION = """ GlusterFS Incremental API """ ParseError = etree.ParseError if hasattr(etree, 'ParseError') else SyntaxError logger = logging.getLogger() node_outfiles = [] vol_statusStr = "" class StoreAbsPath(Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs): super(StoreAbsPath, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, os.path.abspath(values)) def get_pem_key_path(session, volume): return os.path.join(conf.get_opt("session_dir"), session, volume, "%s_%s_secret.pem" % (session, volume)) def node_cmd(host, host_uuid, task, cmd, args, opts): """ Runs command via ssh if host is not local """ try: localdir = is_host_local(host_uuid) # this is so to avoid deleting the ssh keys on local node which # otherwise cause ssh password prompts on the console (race conditions) # mode_delete() should be cleaning up the session tree if localdir and task == "delete": return pem_key_path = get_pem_key_path(args.session, args.volume) if not localdir: # prefix with ssh command if not local node cmd = ["ssh", "-oNumberOfPasswordPrompts=0", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", pem_key_path, "root@%s" % host] + cmd execute(cmd, exit_msg="%s - %s failed" % (host, task), logger=logger) if opts.get("copy_outfile", False) and not localdir: cmd_copy = ["scp", "-oNumberOfPasswordPrompts=0", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", pem_key_path, "root@%s:/%s" % (host, opts.get("node_outfile")), os.path.dirname(opts.get("node_outfile"))] execute(cmd_copy, exit_msg="%s - Copy command failed" % host, logger=logger) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(2) def run_cmd_nodes(task, args, **kwargs): global node_outfiles nodes = get_nodes(args.volume) pool = [] for num, node in enumerate(nodes): host, brick = node[1].split(":") host_uuid = node[0] cmd = [] opts = {} node_outfile = os.path.join(conf.get_opt("working_dir"), args.session, args.volume, "tmp_output_%s" % num) if task == "pre": if vol_statusStr != "Started": fail("Volume %s is not online" % args.volume, logger=logger) # If Full backup is requested or start time is zero, use brickfind change_detector = conf.get_change_detector("changelog") if args.full: change_detector = conf.get_change_detector("brickfind") node_outfiles.append(node_outfile) cmd = [change_detector, args.session, args.volume, brick, node_outfile, str(kwargs.get("start")), "--output-prefix", args.output_prefix] + \ (["--debug"] if args.debug else []) + \ (["--only-namespace-changes"] if args.only_namespace_changes else []) opts["node_outfile"] = node_outfile opts["copy_outfile"] = True elif task == "query": # If Full backup is requested or start time is zero, use brickfind change_detector = conf.get_change_detector("changelog") node_outfiles.append(node_outfile) cmd = [change_detector, args.session, args.volume, brick, node_outfile, str(kwargs.get("start"))] + \ ["--only-query"] + \ ["--output-prefix", args.output_prefix] + \ (["--debug"] if args.debug else []) + \ (["--only-namespace-changes"] if args.only_namespace_changes else []) opts["node_outfile"] = node_outfile opts["copy_outfile"] = True elif task == "cleanup": # After pre run, cleanup the working directory and other temp files # Remove the copied node_outfile in main node try: os.remove(node_outfile) except (OSError, IOError): logger.warn("Failed to cleanup temporary file %s" % node_outfile) pass cmd = [conf.get_opt("nodeagent"), "cleanup", args.session, args.volume] + (["--debug"] if args.debug else []) elif task == "create": if vol_statusStr != "Started": fail("Volume %s is not online" % args.volume, logger=logger) # When glusterfind create, create session directory in # each brick nodes cmd = [conf.get_opt("nodeagent"), "create", args.session, args.volume, brick, kwargs.get("time_to_update")] + \ (["--debug"] if args.debug else []) + \ (["--reset-session-time"] if args.reset_session_time else []) elif task == "post": # Rename pre status file to actual status file in each node cmd = [conf.get_opt("nodeagent"), "post", args.session, args.volume, brick] + \ (["--debug"] if args.debug else []) elif task == "delete": # When glusterfind delete, cleanup all the session files/dirs # from each node. cmd = [conf.get_opt("nodeagent"), "delete", args.session, args.volume] + \ (["--debug"] if args.debug else []) if cmd: p = Process(target=node_cmd, args=(host, host_uuid, task, cmd, args, opts)) p.start() pool.append(p) for num, p in enumerate(pool): p.join() if p.exitcode != 0: logger.warn("Command %s failed in %s" % (task, nodes[num][1])) if task in ["create", "delete"]: fail("Command %s failed in %s" % (task, nodes[num][1])) elif task == "pre" and args.disable_partial: sys.exit(1) @cache_output def get_nodes(volume): """ Get the gluster volume info xml output and parse to get the brick details. """ global vol_statusStr cmd = ["gluster", 'volume', 'info', volume, "--xml"] _, data, _ = execute(cmd, exit_msg="Failed to Run Gluster Volume Info", logger=logger) tree = etree.fromstring(data) # Test to check if volume has been deleted after session creation count_el = tree.find('volInfo/volumes/count') if int(count_el.text) == 0: fail("Unable to get volume details", logger=logger) # this status is used in caller: run_cmd_nodes vol_statusStr = tree.find('volInfo/volumes/volume/statusStr').text nodes = [] volume_el = tree.find('volInfo/volumes/volume') try: for b in volume_el.findall('bricks/brick'): nodes.append((b.find('hostUuid').text, b.find('name').text)) except (ParseError, AttributeError, ValueError) as e: fail("Failed to parse Volume Info: %s" % e, logger=logger) return nodes def _get_args(): parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=PROG_DESCRIPTION) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="mode") # create [--debug] [--force] parser_create = subparsers.add_parser('create') parser_create.add_argument("session", help="Session Name") parser_create.add_argument("volume", help="Volume Name") parser_create.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", action="store_true") parser_create.add_argument("--force", help="Force option to recreate " "the session", action="store_true") parser_create.add_argument("--reset-session-time", help="Reset Session Time to Current Time", action="store_true") # delete [--debug] parser_delete = subparsers.add_parser('delete') parser_delete.add_argument("session", help="Session Name") parser_delete.add_argument("volume", help="Volume Name") parser_delete.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", action="store_true") # list [--session ] [--volume ] parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list') parser_list.add_argument("--session", help="Session Name", default="") parser_list.add_argument("--volume", help="Volume Name", default="") parser_list.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", action="store_true") # pre # [--output-prefix ] [--full] parser_pre = subparsers.add_parser('pre') parser_pre.add_argument("session", help="Session Name") parser_pre.add_argument("volume", help="Volume Name") parser_pre.add_argument("outfile", help="Output File", action=StoreAbsPath) parser_pre.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", action="store_true") parser_pre.add_argument("--full", help="Full find", action="store_true") parser_pre.add_argument("--disable-partial", help="Disable Partial find, " "Fail when one node fails", action="store_true") parser_pre.add_argument("--output-prefix", help="File prefix in output", default=".") parser_pre.add_argument("--regenerate-outfile", help="Regenerate outfile, discard the outfile " "generated from last pre command", action="store_true") parser_pre.add_argument("-N", "--only-namespace-changes", help="List only namespace changes", action="store_true") # query --since-time # [--output-prefix ] [--full] parser_pre = subparsers.add_parser('query') parser_pre.add_argument("volume", help="Volume Name") parser_pre.add_argument("outfile", help="Output File", action=StoreAbsPath) parser_pre.add_argument("--since-time", help="UNIX epoch time since which " "listing is required", type=int) parser_pre.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", action="store_true") parser_pre.add_argument("--disable-partial", help="Disable Partial find, " "Fail when one node fails", action="store_true") parser_pre.add_argument("--output-prefix", help="File prefix in output", default=".") parser_pre.add_argument("-N", "--only-namespace-changes", help="List only namespace changes", action="store_true") # post parser_post = subparsers.add_parser('post') parser_post.add_argument("session", help="Session Name") parser_post.add_argument("volume", help="Volume Name") parser_post.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", action="store_true") return parser.parse_args() def ssh_setup(args): pem_key_path = get_pem_key_path(args.session, args.volume) if not os.path.exists(pem_key_path): # Generate ssh-key cmd = ["ssh-keygen", "-N", "", "-f", pem_key_path] execute(cmd, exit_msg="Unable to generate ssh key %s" % pem_key_path, logger=logger) logger.info("Ssh key generated %s" % pem_key_path) try: shutil.copyfile(pem_key_path + ".pub", os.path.join(conf.get_opt("session_dir"), ".keys", "%s_%s_secret.pem.pub" % (args.session, args.volume))) except (IOError, OSError) as e: fail("Failed to copy public key to %s: %s" % (os.path.join(conf.get_opt("session_dir"), ".keys"), e), logger=logger) # Copy pub file to all nodes cmd = ["gluster", "system::", "copy", "file", "/glusterfind/.keys/%s.pub" % os.path.basename(pem_key_path)] execute(cmd, exit_msg="Failed to distribute ssh keys", logger=logger) logger.info("Distributed ssh key to all nodes of Volume") # Add to authorized_keys file in each node cmd = ["gluster", "system::", "execute", "add_secret_pub", "root", "/glusterfind/.keys/%s.pub" % os.path.basename(pem_key_path)] execute(cmd, exit_msg="Failed to add ssh keys to authorized_keys file", logger=logger) logger.info("Ssh key added to authorized_keys of Volume nodes") def enable_volume_options(args): execute(["gluster", "volume", "set", args.volume, "build-pgfid", "on"], exit_msg="Failed to set volume option build-pgfid on", logger=logger) logger.info("Volume option set %s, build-pgfid on" % args.volume) execute(["gluster", "volume", "set", args.volume, "changelog.changelog", "on"], exit_msg="Failed to set volume option " "changelog.changelog on", logger=logger) logger.info("Volume option set %s, changelog.changelog on" % args.volume) execute(["gluster", "volume", "set", args.volume, "changelog.capture-del-path", "on"], exit_msg="Failed to set volume option " "changelog.capture-del-path on", logger=logger) logger.info("Volume option set %s, changelog.capture-del-path on" % args.volume) def write_output(args, outfilemerger): with open(args.outfile, "a") as f: for row in outfilemerger.get(): # Multiple paths in case of Hardlinks paths = row[1].split(",") row_2_rep = None for p in paths: if p == "": continue p_rep = p.replace("%2F%2F", "%2F") if not row_2_rep: row_2_rep = row[2].replace("%2F%2F", "%2F") if p_rep == row_2_rep: continue f.write("%s %s %s\n" % (row[0], p_rep, row_2_rep)) def mode_create(session_dir, args): logger.debug("Init is called - Session: %s, Volume: %s" % (args.session, args.volume)) cmd = ["gluster", 'volume', 'info', args.volume, "--xml"] _, data, _ = execute(cmd, exit_msg="Failed to Run Gluster Volume Info", logger=logger) try: tree = etree.fromstring(data) statusStr = tree.find('volInfo/volumes/volume/statusStr').text except (ParseError, AttributeError) as e: fail("Invalid Volume: %s" % e, logger=logger) if statusStr != "Started": fail("Volume %s is not online" % args.volume, logger=logger) mkdirp(session_dir, exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) mkdirp(os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume), exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) status_file = os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume, "status") if os.path.exists(status_file) and not args.force: fail("Session %s already created" % args.session, logger=logger) if not os.path.exists(status_file) or args.force: ssh_setup(args) enable_volume_options(args) # Add Rollover time to current time to make sure changelogs # will be available if we use this time as start time time_to_update = int(time.time()) + get_changelog_rollover_time( args.volume) run_cmd_nodes("create", args, time_to_update=str(time_to_update)) if not os.path.exists(status_file) or args.reset_session_time: with open(status_file, "w", buffering=0) as f: f.write(str(time_to_update)) sys.stdout.write("Session %s created with volume %s\n" % (args.session, args.volume)) sys.exit(0) def mode_query(session_dir, args): # Verify volume status cmd = ["gluster", 'volume', 'info', args.volume, "--xml"] _, data, _ = execute(cmd, exit_msg="Failed to Run Gluster Volume Info", logger=logger) try: tree = etree.fromstring(data) statusStr = tree.find('volInfo/volumes/volume/statusStr').text except (ParseError, AttributeError) as e: fail("Invalid Volume: %s" % e, logger=logger) if statusStr != "Started": fail("Volume %s is not online" % args.volume, logger=logger) mkdirp(session_dir, exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) mkdirp(os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume), exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) mkdirp(os.path.dirname(args.outfile), exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) # Configure cluster for pasword-less SSH ssh_setup(args) # Enable volume options for changelog capture enable_volume_options(args) # Start query command processing if args.since_time: start = args.since_time logger.debug("Query is called - Session: %s, Volume: %s, " "Start time: %s" % ("default", args.volume, start)) run_cmd_nodes("query", args, start=start) # Merger # Read each Changelogs db and generate finaldb create_file(args.outfile, exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) outfilemerger = OutputMerger(args.outfile + ".db", node_outfiles) write_output(args, outfilemerger) try: os.remove(args.outfile + ".db") except (IOError, OSError): pass run_cmd_nodes("cleanup", args) sys.stdout.write("Generated output file %s\n" % args.outfile) else: fail("Please specify --since-time option") def mode_pre(session_dir, args): """ Read from Session file and write to session.pre file """ endtime_to_update = int(time.time()) - get_changelog_rollover_time( args.volume) status_file = os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume, "status") status_file_pre = status_file + ".pre" mkdirp(os.path.dirname(args.outfile), exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) # If Pre status file exists and running pre command again if os.path.exists(status_file_pre) and not args.regenerate_outfile: fail("Post command is not run after last pre, " "use --regenerate-outfile") start = 0 try: with open(status_file) as f: start = int(f.read().strip()) except ValueError: pass except (OSError, IOError) as e: fail("Error Opening Session file %s: %s" % (status_file, e), logger=logger) logger.debug("Pre is called - Session: %s, Volume: %s, " "Start time: %s, End time: %s" % (args.session, args.volume, start, endtime_to_update)) run_cmd_nodes("pre", args, start=start) # Merger if args.full: cmd = ["sort", "-u"] + node_outfiles + ["-o", args.outfile] execute(cmd, exit_msg="Failed to merge output files " "collected from nodes", logger=logger) else: # Read each Changelogs db and generate finaldb create_file(args.outfile, exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) outfilemerger = OutputMerger(args.outfile + ".db", node_outfiles) write_output(args, outfilemerger) try: os.remove(args.outfile + ".db") except (IOError, OSError): pass run_cmd_nodes("cleanup", args) with open(status_file_pre, "w", buffering=0) as f: f.write(str(endtime_to_update)) sys.stdout.write("Generated output file %s\n" % args.outfile) def mode_post(session_dir, args): """ If pre session file exists, overwrite session file If pre session file does not exists, return ERROR """ status_file = os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume, "status") logger.debug("Post is called - Session: %s, Volume: %s" % (args.session, args.volume)) status_file_pre = status_file + ".pre" if os.path.exists(status_file_pre): run_cmd_nodes("post", args) os.rename(status_file_pre, status_file) sys.stdout.write("Session %s with volume %s updated\n" % (args.session, args.volume)) sys.exit(0) else: fail("Pre script is not run", logger=logger) def mode_delete(session_dir, args): run_cmd_nodes("delete", args) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume), onerror=handle_rm_error) sys.stdout.write("Session %s with volume %s deleted\n" % (args.session, args.volume)) # If the session contains only this volume, then cleanup the # session directory. If a session contains multiple volumes # then os.rmdir will fail with ENOTEMPTY try: os.rmdir(session_dir) except OSError as e: if not e.errno == ENOTEMPTY: logger.warn("Failed to delete session directory: %s" % e) def mode_list(session_dir, args): """ List available sessions to stdout, if session name is set only list that session. """ if args.session: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(session_dir, args.session)): fail("Invalid Session", logger=logger) sessions = [args.session] else: sessions = [] for d in os.listdir(session_dir): if d != ".keys": sessions.append(d) output = [] for session in sessions: # Session Volume Last Processed volnames = os.listdir(os.path.join(session_dir, session)) for volname in volnames: if args.volume and args.volume != volname: continue status_file = os.path.join(session_dir, session, volname, "status") last_processed = None try: with open(status_file) as f: last_processed = f.read().strip() except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno == ENOENT: continue else: raise output.append((session, volname, last_processed)) if output: sys.stdout.write("%s %s %s\n" % ("SESSION".ljust(25), "VOLUME".ljust(25), "SESSION TIME".ljust(25))) sys.stdout.write("-"*75) sys.stdout.write("\n") for session, volname, last_processed in output: sess_time = 'Session Corrupted' if last_processed: try: sess_time = human_time(last_processed) except TypeError: sess_time = 'Session Corrupted' sys.stdout.write("%s %s %s\n" % (session.ljust(25), volname.ljust(25), sess_time.ljust(25))) if not output: if args.session or args.volume: fail("Invalid Session", logger=logger) else: sys.stdout.write("No sessions found.\n") def main(): try: args = _get_args() mkdirp(conf.get_opt("session_dir"), exit_on_err=True) # force the default session name if mode is "query" if args.mode == "query": args.session = "default" if args.mode == "list": session_dir = conf.get_opt("session_dir") else: session_dir = os.path.join(conf.get_opt("session_dir"), args.session) if not os.path.exists(session_dir) and \ args.mode not in ["create", "list", "query"]: fail("Invalid session %s" % args.session) # "default" is a system defined session name if args.mode in ["create", "post", "pre", "delete"] and \ args.session == "default": fail("Invalid session %s" % args.session) vol_dir = os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume) if not os.path.exists(vol_dir) and args.mode not in \ ["create", "list", "query"]: fail("Session %s not created with volume %s" % (args.session, args.volume)) mkdirp(os.path.join(conf.get_opt("log_dir"), args.session, args.volume), exit_on_err=True) log_file = os.path.join(conf.get_opt("log_dir"), args.session, args.volume, "cli.log") setup_logger(logger, log_file, args.debug) # globals() will have all the functions already defined. # mode_ will be the function name to be called globals()["mode_" + args.mode](session_dir, args) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Interrupted, exit with non zero error code sys.exit(2)