#!/bin/sh ## Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. ## This file is part of GlusterFS. ## ## This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser ## General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or ## later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all ## cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. E_BADARGS=65 gfid_to_path () { brick_dir=$1; gfid_file=$(readlink -e $2); current_dir=$(pwd); cd $brick_dir; while read gfid do to_search=`echo .glusterfs/${gfid:0:2}"/"${gfid:2:2}"/"$gfid`; find . -samefile $to_search | grep -v $to_search; done < $gfid_file; cd $current_dir; } main () { if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` BRICK_DIR GFID_FILE"; exit $E_BADARGS; fi gfid_to_path $1 $2; } main "$@";