#!/bin/bash ##Copy this file to tests/bugs before running run.sh (cp extras/test/bug-920583.t tests/bugs/) . $(dirname $0)/../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc TESTS_EXPECTED_IN_LOOP=4 cleanup; logdir=`gluster --print-logdir` TEST build_tester $(dirname $0)/open_and_sleep.c ## Start and create a volume TEST glusterd; TEST pidof glusterd; TEST $CLI volume create $V0 replica 2 stripe 2 $H0:$B0/${V0}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; ## Verify volume is is created EXPECT "$V0" volinfo_field $V0 'Volume Name'; EXPECT 'Created' volinfo_field $V0 'Status'; ## Start volume and verify TEST $CLI volume start $V0; EXPECT 'Started' volinfo_field $V0 'Status'; function log-file-name() { logfilename=$M0".log" echo ${logfilename:1} | tr / - } log_file=$logdir"/"`log-file-name` function test_interrupt { local handlebool="$1" local logpattern="$2" TEST $GFS --volfile-id=$V0 --volfile-server=$H0 --fuse-flush-handle-interrupt=$handlebool --log-level=DEBUG $M0 # If the test helper fails (which is considered a setup error, not failure of the test # case itself), kill will be invoked without argument, and that will be the actual # error which is caught. TEST "./$(dirname $0)/open_and_sleep $M0/testfile | { sleep 0.1; xargs -n1 kill -INT; }" TEST "grep -E '$logpattern' $log_file" # Basic sanity check, making sure filesystem has not crashed. TEST test -f $M0/testfile } # Theoretically FLUSH might finish before INTERRUPT is handled, # in which case we'd get the "no handler found" message (but it's unlikely). test_interrupt yes 'FLUSH.*interrupt handler triggered|INTERRUPT.*no handler found' EXPECT_WITHIN $UMOUNT_TIMEOUT "Y" force_umount $M0 test_interrupt no 'INTERRUPT.*no handler found' ## Finish up TEST $CLI volume stop $V0; EXPECT 'Stopped' volinfo_field $V0 'Status'; TEST $CLI volume delete $V0; TEST ! $CLI volume info $V0; cleanup_tester $(dirname $0)/open_and_sleep; cleanup;