#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../../cluster.rc function volume_get_field() { local vol=$1 local field=$2 $CLI_2 volume get $vol $field | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}' } cleanup TEST launch_cluster 2; TEST $CLI_1 peer probe $H2; EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT 1 peer_count TEST $CLI_1 volume create $V0 $H1:$B1/$V0 $H2:$B2/$V0 TEST $CLI_1 volume start $V0 TEST $CLI_1 volume set $V0 performance.readdir-ahead on # Bring down 2nd glusterd TEST kill_glusterd 2 ##bug-1420637 and bug-1323287 - sync post glusterd restart TEST $CLI_1 volume set all cluster.server-quorum-ratio 60 TEST $CLI_1 volume set $V0 performance.readdir-ahead off TEST $CLI_1 volume set $V0 performance.write-behind off # Bring back 2nd glusterd TEST $glusterd_2 # After 2nd glusterd come back, there will be 2 nodes in a cluster EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT 1 peer_count; #bug-1420637-volume sync post glusterd restart EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT "60" volinfo_field_2 all cluster.server-quorum-ratio EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT "off" volinfo_field_2 $V0 performance.readdir-ahead #bug-1323287 EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT 'off' volume_get_field $V0 'write-behind' #bug-1213295 - volume stop should not crash glusterd post glusterd restart TEST $CLI_2 volume stop $V0 EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT 1 peer_count TEST $CLI_1 volume create $V1 $H1:$B1/$V1 $H2:$B2/$V1 cleanup