#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../../volume.rc cleanup; ## Start and create a volume TEST glusterd; TEST pidof glusterd; TEST $CLI volume create $V0 replica 2 stripe 2 $H0:$B0/${V0}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; ## Verify volume is created EXPECT "$V0" volinfo_field $V0 'Volume Name'; EXPECT 'Created' volinfo_field $V0 'Status'; ## Start volume and verify TEST $CLI volume start $V0; EXPECT 'Started' volinfo_field $V0 'Status'; ## Setting quota-timeout as 20 TEST ! $CLI volume set $V0 features.quota-timeout 20 EXPECT '' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-timeout'; ## Enabling features.quota-deem-statfs TEST ! $CLI volume set $V0 features.quota-deem-statfs on EXPECT '' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' ## Enabling quota TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 enable EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota' ## Setting quota-timeout as 20 TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.quota-timeout 20 EXPECT '20' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-timeout'; ## Enabling features.quota-deem-statfs TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.quota-deem-statfs on EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' ## Disabling quota TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 disable EXPECT 'off' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota' EXPECT '' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' EXPECT '' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-timeout' ## Setting quota-timeout as 30 TEST ! $CLI volume set $V0 features.quota-timeout 30 EXPECT '' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-timeout'; ## Disabling features.quota-deem-statfs TEST ! $CLI volume set $V0 features.quota-deem-statfs off EXPECT '' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' ## Finish up TEST $CLI volume stop $V0; EXPECT 'Stopped' volinfo_field $V0 'Status'; TEST $CLI volume delete $V0; TEST ! $CLI volume info $V0; cleanup;