#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../../volume.rc . $(dirname $0)/../../cluster.rc function get_value() { local key=$1 local var="CLI_$2" eval cli_index=\$$var $cli_index volume info | grep "^$key"\ | sed 's/.*: //' } cleanup TEST launch_cluster 2 TEST $CLI_1 peer probe $H2; EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT 1 peer_count TEST $CLI_1 volume create $V0 $H1:$B1/${V0}0 $H2:$B2/${V0}1 EXPECT "$V0" get_value 'Volume Name' 1 EXPECT "Created" get_value 'Status' 1 TEST $CLI_1 volume start $V0 EXPECT "Started" get_value 'Status' 1 #Bring down 2nd glusterd TEST kill_glusterd 2 #set the volume all options from the 1st glusterd TEST $CLI_1 volume set all cluster.server-quorum-ratio 80 #Bring back the 2nd glusterd TEST $glusterd_2 #Verify whether the value has been synced EXPECT '80' get_value 'cluster.server-quorum-ratio' 1 EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT '1' peer_count EXPECT_WITHIN $PROBE_TIMEOUT '80' get_value 'cluster.server-quorum-ratio' 2 cleanup;