#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc # This test writes to same file with 2 fds and tests that eager-lock is not # causing extra delay because of post-op-delay-secs cleanup; function write_to_file { dd of=$M0/1 if=/dev/zero bs=1024k count=128 oflag=append 2>&1 >/dev/null } TEST glusterd TEST pidof glusterd TEST $CLI volume create $V0 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${V0}0 $H0:$B0/${V0}1 TEST $CLI volume set $V0 eager-lock on TEST $CLI volume set $V0 post-op-delay-secs 3 TEST $CLI volume set $V0 client-log-level DEBUG TEST $CLI volume start $V0 TEST $CLI volume profile $V0 start TEST $CLI volume set $V0 ensure-durability off TEST glusterfs --volfile-id=/$V0 --volfile-server=$H0 $M0 --attribute-timeout=0 --entry-timeout=0 write_to_file & write_to_file & wait #Test if the MAX [F]INODELK fop latency is of the order of seconds. inodelk_max_latency=$($CLI volume profile $V0 info | grep INODELK | awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if ($6 > max) max=$6;} END {print max}' | cut -d. -f 1 | egrep "[0-9]{7,}") TEST [ -z $inodelk_max_latency ] cleanup;