#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # As many tests are designed to take values of variables from 'env.rc', # it is good to source the file. While it is also required to source the # file individually in each tests (as it should be possible to run the # tests separately), exporting variables from env.rc is not harmful if # done here source ./tests/env.rc export TZ=UTC force="no" head="yes" retry="yes" tests="" exit_on_failure="yes" skip_bad_tests="yes" skip_known_bugs="yes" result_output="/tmp/gluster_regression.txt" section_separator="========================================" run_timeout=200 kill_after_time=5 nfs_tests=$RUN_NFS_TESTS # Option below preserves log tarballs for each run of a test separately # named: -iteration-.tar # If set to any other value, then log tarball is just named after the test and # overwritten in each iteration (saves space) # named: .tar # Use option -p to override default behavior skip_preserve_logs="yes" OSTYPE=$(uname -s) # Function for use in generating filenames with increasing "-" index # In: # $1 basepath: Directory where file needs to be created # $2 filename: Name of the file sans extension # $3 extension: Extension string that would be appended to the generated # filename # Out: # string of next available filename with appended "-" # Example: # Interested routines that want to create a file name, say foo-.txt at # location /var/log/gluster would pass in "/var/log/gluster" "foo" "txt" # and be returned next available foo- filename to create. # Notes: # Function will not accept empty extension, and will return the same name # over and over (which can be fixed when there is a need for it) function get_next_filename() { local basepath=$1 local filename=$2 local extension=$3 local next=1 local tfilename="${filename}-${next}" while [ -e "${basepath}/${tfilename}.${extension}" ]; do next=$((next+1)) tfilename="${filename}-${next}" done echo "$tfilename" } # Tar the gluster logs and generate a tarball named after the first parameter # passed in to the function. Ideally the test name is passed to this function # to generate the required tarball. # Tarball name is further controlled by the variable skip_preserve_logs function tar_logs() { t=$1 logdir=$(gluster --print-logdir) basetarname=$(basename "$t" .t) if [ -n "$logdir" ] then if [[ $skip_preserve_logs == "yes" ]]; then savetarname=$(get_next_filename "${logdir}" \ "${basetarname}-iteration" "tar" \ | tail -1) else savetarname="$basetarname" fi # Can't use --exclude here because NetBSD doesn't have it. # However, both it and Linux have -X to take patterns from # a file, so use that. (echo '*.tar'; echo .notar) > "${logdir}"/.notar \ && \ tar -cf "${logdir}"/"${savetarname}".tar -X "${logdir}"/.notar \ "${logdir}"/* 2> /dev/null \ && \ find "$logdir"/* -maxdepth 0 -name '*.tar' -prune \ -o -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' echo "Logs preserved in tarball $savetarname.tar" else echo "Logs not preserved, as logdir is not set" fi } function check_dependencies() { ## Check all dependencies are present MISSING="" # Check for dbench env dbench --usage > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING dbench" fi # Check for git env git --version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING git" fi # Check for nfs-utils (Linux-only: built-in NetBSD with different name) if [ "x`uname -s`" = "xLinux" ] ; then env mount.nfs -V > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING nfs-utils" fi fi # Check for netstat env netstat --version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING netstat" fi # Check for the Perl Test Harness env prove --version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING perl-Test-Harness" fi which json_verify > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING json_verify" fi # Check for XFS programs (Linux Only: NetBSD does without) if [ "x`uname -s`" = "xLinux" ] ; then env mkfs.xfs -V > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING xfsprogs" fi fi # Check for attr env getfattr --version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING attr" fi # Check for pidof pidof pidof > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING pidof" fi # Check for netstat env netstat --version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING netstat" fi # check for psutil python package test `uname -s` == "Darwin" || test `uname -s` == "FreeBSD" && { pip show psutil | grep -q psutil >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MISSING="$MISSING psutil" fi } ## If dependencies are missing, warn the user and abort if [ "x$MISSING" != "x" ]; then test "x${force}" != "xyes" && echo "Aborting." echo echo "The following required tools are missing:" echo for pkg in $MISSING; do echo " * $pkg" done echo test "x${force}" = "xyes" && return echo "Please install them and try again." echo exit 2 fi } function check_location() { regression_testsdir=$(dirname $0); if [ ! -f ${regression_testsdir}/tests/include.rc ]; then echo "Aborting." echo echo "The tests/ subdirectory seems to be missing." echo echo "Please correct the problem and try again." echo exit 1 fi } function check_user() { # If we're not running as root, warn the user and abort MYUID=`/usr/bin/id -u` if [ 0${MYUID} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Aborting." echo echo "The GlusterFS Test Framework must be run as root." echo echo "Please change to the root user and try again." echo exit 3 fi } function match() { # Patterns considered valid: # 0. Empty means everything # "" matches ** i.e all # 1. full or partial file/directory names # basic matches tests/basic # basic/afr matches tests/basic/afr # 2. globs # basic/* matches all files and directories in basic # basic/*/ matches subdirectories in basic (afr|ec) # 3. numbered bug matching # 884455 matches bugs/bug-884455.t # 859927 matches bugs/859927, bugs/bug-859927.t # 1015990 matches /bugs/bug-1015990-rep.t, bug-1015990.t # ...lots of other cases accepted as well, since globbing is tricky. local t=$1 shift local a local match=1 if [ -z "$@" ]; then match=0 return $match fi for a in $@ ; do case "$t" in *$a*) match=0 ;; esac done return $match } # Tests can have comment lines with some comma separated values within them. # Key names used to determine test status are # G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_CENTOS6 # G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_NETBSD7 # Some examples: # G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_CENTOS6=BAD_TEST,BUG=123456 # G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_CENTOS6=BRICK_MUX_BAD_TEST,BUG=123456 # G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_NETBSD7=KNOWN_ISSUE,BUG=4444444 # G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_CENTOS6=BAD_TEST,BUG=123456;555555 # G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_CENTOS6=NFS_TESTS,BUG=1385758 # You can change status of test to enabled or delete the line only if all the # bugs are closed or modified or if the patch fixes it. function get_test_status () { local test_name=$1 local host_os="" local result="" host_os=$(uname -s) case "$host_os" in # Leaving out the logic to determine the particular distro and version # for later. Why does the key have the distro and version then? # Because changing the key in all test files would be very big process # updating just this function with a better logic much simpler. Linux) result=$(grep -e "^#G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_CENTOS6" $test_name | \ awk -F"," {'print $1'} | awk -F"=" {'print $2'}) ;; NetBSD) result=$(grep -e "^#G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_NETBSD7" $test_name | \ awk -F"," {'print $1'} | awk -F"=" {'print $2'}) ;; *) result="ENABLED" ;; esac echo "$result" } function get_bug_list_for_disabled_test () { local test_name=$1 local host_os="" local result="" host_os=$(uname -s) case "$host_os" in # Leaving out the logic to determine the particular distro and version # for later. Why does the key have the distro and version then? # Because changing the key in all test files would be very big process # updating just this function with a better logic much simpler. Linux) result=$(grep -e "^#G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_CENTOS6" $test_name | \ awk -F"," {'print $2'} | awk -F"=" {'print $2'}) ;; NetBSD) result=$(grep -e "^#G_TESTDEF_TEST_STATUS_NETBSD7" $test_name | \ awk -F"," {'print $2'} | awk -F"=" {'print $2'}) ;; *) result="0000000" ;; esac echo "$result" } function run_tests() { RES=0 FAILED='' TESTS_NEEDED_RETRY='' GENERATED_CORE='' total_tests=0 selected_tests=0 skipped_bad_tests=0 skipped_known_issue_tests=0 total_run_tests=0 # key = path of .t file; value = time taken to run the .t file declare -A ELAPSEDTIMEMAP # Test if -k is supported for timeout command # This is not supported on centos6, but spuported on centos7 # The flags is required for running the command in both flavors timeout_cmd_exists="yes" timeout -k 1 10 echo "testing 'timeout' command" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then timeout_cmd_exists="no" fi all_tests=($(find ${regression_testsdir}/tests -name '*.t' | LC_COLLATE=C sort)) all_tests_cnt=${#all_tests[@]} for t in "${all_tests[@]}" ; do old_cores=$(ls /*-*.core 2> /dev/null | wc -l) total_tests=$((total_tests+1)) if match $t "$@" ; then selected_tests=$((selected_tests+1)) echo echo $section_separator "(${total_tests} / ${all_tests_cnt})" $section_separator if [[ $(get_test_status $t) =~ "BAD_TEST" ]] && \ [[ $skip_bad_tests == "yes" ]] then skipped_bad_tests=$((skipped_bad_tests+1)) echo "Skipping bad test file $t" echo "Reason: bug(s):" $(get_bug_list_for_disabled_test $t) echo $section_separator$section_separator echo continue fi if [[ $(get_test_status $t) == "KNOWN_ISSUE" ]] && \ [[ $skip_known_bugs == "yes" ]] then skipped_known_issue_tests=$((skipped_known_issue_tests+1)) echo "Skipping test file $t due to known issue" echo "Reason: bug(s):" $(get_bug_list_for_disabled_test $t) echo $section_separator$section_separator echo continue fi if [[ $(get_test_status $t) == "NFS_TEST" ]] && \ [[ $nfs_tests == "no" ]] then echo "Skipping nfs test file $t" echo $section_separator$section_separator echo continue fi total_run_tests=$((total_run_tests+1)) echo "[$(date +%H:%M:%S)] Running tests in file $t" starttime="$(date +%s)" local cmd_timeout=$run_timeout; if [ ${timeout_cmd_exists} == "yes" ]; then if [ $(grep -c "SCRIPT_TIMEOUT=" ${t}) == 1 ] ; then cmd_timeout=$(grep "SCRIPT_TIMEOUT=" ${t} | cut -f2 -d'='); echo "Timeout set is ${cmd_timeout}, default ${run_timeout}" fi timeout --foreground -k ${kill_after_time} ${cmd_timeout} prove -vmfe '/bin/bash' ${t} else prove -vmfe '/bin/bash' ${t} fi TMP_RES=$? ELAPSEDTIMEMAP[$t]=`expr $(date +%s) - $starttime` tar_logs "$t" # timeout always return 124 if it is actually a timeout. if ((${TMP_RES} == 124)); then echo "${t} timed out after ${cmd_timeout} seconds" fi if [ ${TMP_RES} -ne 0 ] && [ "x${retry}" = "xyes" ] ; then echo "$t: bad status $TMP_RES" echo "" echo " *********************************" echo " * REGRESSION FAILED *" echo " * Retrying failed tests in case *" echo " * we got some spurious failures *" echo " *********************************" echo "" if [ ${timeout_cmd_exists} == "yes" ]; then timeout --foreground -k ${kill_after_time} ${cmd_timeout} prove -vmfe '/bin/bash' ${t} else prove -vmfe '/bin/bash' ${t} fi TMP_RES=$? tar_logs "$t" if ((${TMP_RES} == 124)); then echo "${t} timed out after ${cmd_timeout} seconds" fi TESTS_NEEDED_RETRY="${TESTS_NEEDED_RETRY}${t} " fi if [ ${TMP_RES} -ne 0 ] ; then RES=${TMP_RES} FAILED="${FAILED}${t} " fi new_cores=$(ls /*-*.core 2> /dev/null | wc -l) if [ x"$new_cores" != x"$old_cores" ]; then core_diff=$((new_cores-old_cores)) echo "$t: $core_diff new core files" RES=1 GENERATED_CORE="${GENERATED_CORE}${t} " fi echo "End of test $t" echo $section_separator$section_separator echo if [ $RES -ne 0 ] && [ x"$exit_on_failure" = "xyes" ] ; then break; fi fi done echo echo "Run complete" echo $section_separator$section_separator echo "Number of tests found: $total_tests" echo "Number of tests selected for run based on pattern: $selected_tests" echo "Number of tests skipped as they were marked bad: $skipped_bad_tests" echo "Number of tests skipped because of known_issues: $skipped_known_issue_tests" echo "Number of tests that were run: $total_run_tests" echo echo "Tests ordered by time taken, slowest to fastest: " echo $section_separator$section_separator for key in "${!ELAPSEDTIMEMAP[@]}" do echo "$key - ${ELAPSEDTIMEMAP["$key"]} second" done | sort -rn -k3 # Output the errors into a file echo > "${result_output}" if [ ${RES} -ne 0 ] ; then FAILED=$( echo ${FAILED} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u ) FAILED_COUNT=$( echo -n "${FAILED}" | grep -c '^' ) echo -e "\n$FAILED_COUNT test(s) failed \n${FAILED}" >> "${result_output}" GENERATED_CORE=$( echo ${GENERATED_CORE} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u ) GENERATED_CORE_COUNT=$( echo -n "${GENERATED_CORE}" | grep -c '^' ) echo -e "\n$GENERATED_CORE_COUNT test(s) generated core \n${GENERATED_CORE}" >> "${result_output}" cat "${result_output}" fi TESTS_NEEDED_RETRY=$( echo ${TESTS_NEEDED_RETRY} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u ) RETRY_COUNT=$( echo -n "${TESTS_NEEDED_RETRY}" | grep -c '^' ) if [ ${RETRY_COUNT} -ne 0 ] ; then echo -e "\n${RETRY_COUNT} test(s) needed retry \n${TESTS_NEEDED_RETRY}" fi echo echo "Result is $RES" echo return ${RES} } function run_head_tests() { [ -d ${regression_testsdir}/.git ] || return 0 # The git command needs $cwd to be within the repository, but run_tests # needs it to be back where we started. pushd $regression_testsdir git_cmd="git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRTUXB" htests=$($git_cmd -r HEAD tests | grep '.t$') popd [ -n "$htests" ] || return 0 # Perhaps it's not ideal that we'll end up re-running these tests, but the # gains from letting them fail fast in the first round should outweigh the # losses from running them again in the second. OTOH, with so many of our # tests being non-deterministic, maybe it doesn't hurt to give the newest # tests an extra workout. run_tests "$htests" } function show_usage () { cat < [|]... Options: -f force -h skip tests altering from HEAD -H run only tests altering from HEAD -r retry failed tests -R do not retry failed tests -c dont't exit on failure -b don't skip bad tests -k don't skip known bugs -p don't keep logs from preceding runs -o OUTPUT -t TIMEOUT -n skip NFS tests --help EOF } usage="no" function parse_args () { args=`getopt -u -l help frRcbkphHno:t: "$@"` if ! [ $? -eq 0 ]; then show_usage exit 1 fi set -- $args while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -f) force="yes" ;; -h) head="no" ;; -H) head="only" ;; -r) retry="yes" ;; -R) retry="no" ;; -c) exit_on_failure="no" ;; -b) skip_bad_tests="no" ;; -k) skip_known_bugs="no" ;; -p) skip_preserve_logs="no" ;; -o) result_output="$2"; shift;; -t) run_timeout="$2"; shift;; -n) nfs_tests="no";; --help) usage="yes" ;; --) shift; break;; esac shift done tests="$@" } echo echo ... GlusterFS Test Framework ... echo # Get user options parse_args "$@" if [ x"$usage" == x"yes" ]; then show_usage exit 0 fi # Make sure we're running as the root user check_user # Make sure the needed programs are available check_dependencies # Check we're running from the right location check_location # Run the tests if [ x"$head" != x"no" ]; then run_head_tests || exit 1 fi if [ x"$head" != x"only" ]; then run_tests "$tests" || exit 1 fi