/* Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "glusterfs/syscall.h" #include "glusterfs/mem-pool.h" #include "glusterfs/glusterfs.h" #include "glusterfs/globals.h" #include "glusterfs/events.h" #define EVENT_HOST "" #define EVENT_PORT 24009 int _gf_event(eventtypes_t event, const char *fmt, ...) { int ret = 0; int sock = -1; char *eventstr = NULL; va_list arguments; char *msg = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; char *host = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *result = NULL; xlator_t *this = THIS; char *volfile_server_transport = NULL; /* Global context */ ctx = this->ctx; if (event < 0 || event >= EVENT_LAST) { ret = EVENT_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; goto out; } if (ctx) { volfile_server_transport = ctx->cmd_args.volfile_server_transport; } if (!volfile_server_transport) { volfile_server_transport = "tcp"; } /* host = NULL returns localhost */ if (ctx && ctx->cmd_args.volfile_server && (strcmp(volfile_server_transport, "unix"))) { /* If it is client code then volfile_server is set use that information to push the events. */ host = ctx->cmd_args.volfile_server; } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; if ((getaddrinfo(host, TOSTRING(EVENT_PORT), &hints, &result)) != 0) { ret = EVENT_ERROR_RESOLVE; goto out; } // iterate over the result and break when socket creation is success. for (; result != NULL; result = result->ai_next) { sock = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol); if (sock != -1) { break; } } /* * If none of the addrinfo structures lead to a successful socket * creation, socket creation has failed. */ if (sock < 0) { ret = EVENT_ERROR_SOCKET; goto out; } va_start(arguments, fmt); ret = gf_vasprintf(&msg, fmt, arguments); va_end(arguments); if (ret < 0) { ret = EVENT_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; goto out; } ret = gf_asprintf(&eventstr, "%u %d %s", (unsigned)time(NULL), event, msg); GF_FREE(msg); if (ret <= 0) { ret = EVENT_ERROR_MSG_FORMAT; goto out; } /* Send Message */ if (sendto(sock, eventstr, strlen(eventstr), 0, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen) <= 0) { ret = EVENT_ERROR_SEND; goto out; } ret = EVENT_SEND_OK; out: if (sock >= 0) { sys_close(sock); } /* Allocated by gf_asprintf */ if (eventstr) GF_FREE(eventstr); if (result) freeaddrinfo(result); return ret; }