/* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Z RESEARCH, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. GlusterFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GlusterFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "glusterfs.h" #include "common-utils.h" #include "dict.h" #include "hashfn.h" #include "logging.h" #include "compat.h" #include "byte-order.h" data_pair_t * get_new_data_pair () { data_pair_t *data_pair_ptr = NULL; data_pair_ptr = (data_pair_t *) CALLOC (1, sizeof (data_pair_t)); ERR_ABORT (data_pair_ptr); return data_pair_ptr; } data_t * get_new_data () { data_t *data = NULL; data = (data_t *) CALLOC (1, sizeof (data_t)); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "calloc () returned NULL"); return NULL; } LOCK_INIT (&data->lock); return data; } dict_t * get_new_dict_full (int size_hint) { dict_t *dict = CALLOC (1, sizeof (dict_t)); if (!dict) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "calloc () returned NULL"); return NULL; } dict->hash_size = size_hint; dict->members = CALLOC (size_hint, sizeof (data_pair_t *)); if (!dict->members) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "calloc () returned NULL"); return NULL; } LOCK_INIT (&dict->lock); return dict; } dict_t * get_new_dict (void) { return get_new_dict_full (1); } dict_t * dict_new (void) { dict_t *dict = NULL; dict = get_new_dict_full(1); if (dict) dict_ref (dict); return dict; } int32_t is_data_equal (data_t *one, data_t *two) { if (!one || !two || !one->data || !two->data) return 1; if (one == two) return 1; if (one->len != two->len) return 0; if (one->data == two->data) return 1; if (memcmp (one->data, two->data, one->len) == 0) return 1; return 0; } void data_destroy (data_t *data) { if (data) { LOCK_DESTROY (&data->lock); if (!data->is_static) { if (data->data) FREE (data->data); if (data->vec) FREE (data->vec); } data->len = 0xbabababa; if (!data->is_const) FREE (data); } } data_t * data_copy (data_t *old) { if (!old) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@old is NULL"); return NULL; } data_t *newdata = (data_t *) CALLOC (1, sizeof (*newdata)); if (!newdata) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@newdata - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } if (old) { newdata->len = old->len; if (old->data) newdata->data = memdup (old->data, old->len); if (old->vec) newdata->vec = memdup (old->vec, old->len * (sizeof (void *) + sizeof (size_t))); if (!old->data && !old->vec) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@newdata->data || @newdata->vec got NULL from CALLOC()"); return NULL; } } return newdata; } static data_pair_t * _dict_lookup (dict_t *this, char *key) { if (!this || !key) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@this=%p @key=%p", this, key); return NULL; } int hashval = SuperFastHash (key, strlen (key)) % this->hash_size; data_pair_t *pair; for (pair = this->members[hashval]; pair != NULL; pair = pair->hash_next) { if (pair->key && !strcmp (pair->key, key)) return pair; } return NULL; } static int32_t _dict_set (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value) { int hashval; data_pair_t *pair; char key_free = 0; int tmp = 0; if (!key) { asprintf (&key, "ref:%p", value); key_free = 1; } tmp = SuperFastHash (key, strlen (key)); hashval = (tmp % this->hash_size); pair = _dict_lookup (this, key); if (pair) { data_t *unref_data = pair->value; pair->value = data_ref (value); data_unref (unref_data); if (key_free) FREE (key); /* Indicates duplicate key */ return 0; } pair = (data_pair_t *) CALLOC (1, sizeof (*pair)); if (!pair) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@pair - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return -1; } pair->key = (char *) CALLOC (1, strlen (key) + 1); if (!pair->key) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@pair->key - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return -1; } strcpy (pair->key, key); pair->value = data_ref (value); pair->hash_next = this->members[hashval]; this->members[hashval] = pair; pair->next = this->members_list; pair->prev = NULL; if (this->members_list) this->members_list->prev = pair; this->members_list = pair; this->count++; if (key_free) FREE (key); return 0; } int32_t dict_set (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value) { int32_t ret; if (!this || !value) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@this=%p @value=%p", this, value); return -1; } LOCK (&this->lock); ret = _dict_set (this, key, value); UNLOCK (&this->lock); return ret; } data_t * dict_get (dict_t *this, char *key) { data_pair_t *pair; if (!this || !key) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p @key=%p", this, key); return NULL; } LOCK (&this->lock); pair = _dict_lookup (this, key); UNLOCK (&this->lock); if (pair) return pair->value; return NULL; } void dict_del (dict_t *this, char *key) { if (!this || !key) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p @key=%p", this, key); return; } LOCK (&this->lock); int hashval = SuperFastHash (key, strlen (key)) % this->hash_size; data_pair_t *pair = this->members[hashval]; data_pair_t *prev = NULL; while (pair) { if (strcmp (pair->key, key) == 0) { if (prev) prev->hash_next = pair->hash_next; else this->members[hashval] = pair->hash_next; data_unref (pair->value); if (pair->prev) pair->prev->next = pair->next; else this->members_list = pair->next; if (pair->next) pair->next->prev = pair->prev; FREE (pair->key); FREE (pair); this->count--; break; } prev = pair; pair = pair->hash_next; } UNLOCK (&this->lock); return; } void dict_destroy (dict_t *this) { if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p", this); return; } data_pair_t *pair = this->members_list; data_pair_t *prev = this->members_list; LOCK_DESTROY (&this->lock); while (prev) { pair = pair->next; data_unref (prev->value); FREE (prev->key); FREE (prev); prev = pair; } FREE (this->members); if (this->extra_free) FREE (this->extra_free); if (!this->is_static) FREE (this); return; } void dict_unref (dict_t *this) { int32_t ref; if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p", this); return; } LOCK (&this->lock); this->refcount--; ref = this->refcount; UNLOCK (&this->lock); if (!ref) dict_destroy (this); } dict_t * dict_ref (dict_t *this) { if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p", this); return NULL; } LOCK (&this->lock); this->refcount++; UNLOCK (&this->lock); return this; } void data_unref (data_t *this) { int32_t ref; if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p", this); return; } LOCK (&this->lock); this->refcount--; ref = this->refcount; UNLOCK (&this->lock); if (!ref) data_destroy (this); } data_t * data_ref (data_t *this) { if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p", this); return NULL; } LOCK (&this->lock); this->refcount++; UNLOCK (&this->lock); return this; } /* Serialization format: ---- Count:8 Key_len:8:Value_len:8 Key Value . . . */ int32_t dict_serialized_length_old (dict_t *this) { if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p", this); return -1; } int32_t len = 9; /* count + \n */ int32_t count = this->count; data_pair_t *pair = this->members_list; while (count) { len += 18; len += strlen (pair->key) + 1; if (pair->value->vec) { int i; for (i=0; ivalue->len; i++) { len += pair->value->vec[i].iov_len; } } else { len += pair->value->len; } pair = pair->next; count--; } return len; } int32_t dict_serialize_old (dict_t *this, char *buf) { if (!this || !buf) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "@this=%p @buf=%p", this, buf); return -1; } data_pair_t *pair = this->members_list; int32_t count = this->count; uint64_t dcount = this->count; // FIXME: magic numbers sprintf (buf, "%08"PRIx64"\n", dcount); buf += 9; while (count) { uint64_t keylen = strlen (pair->key) + 1; uint64_t vallen = pair->value->len; sprintf (buf, "%08"PRIx64":%08"PRIx64"\n", keylen, vallen); buf += 18; memcpy (buf, pair->key, keylen); buf += keylen; memcpy (buf, pair->value->data, pair->value->len); buf += pair->value->len; pair = pair->next; count--; } return (0); } dict_t * dict_unserialize_old (char *buf, int32_t size, dict_t **fill) { int32_t ret = 0; int32_t cnt = 0; if (!buf || fill == NULL || !*fill) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "@buf=%p @fill=%p @*fill=%p", buf, fill, *fill); return NULL; } uint64_t count; ret = sscanf (buf, "%"SCNx64"\n", &count); (*fill)->count = 0; if (!ret){ gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "sscanf on buf failed"); goto err; } buf += 9; if (count == 0) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "count == 0"); goto err; } for (cnt = 0; cnt < count; cnt++) { data_t *value = NULL; char *key = NULL; uint64_t key_len, value_len; ret = sscanf (buf, "%"SCNx64":%"SCNx64"\n", &key_len, &value_len); if (ret != 2) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "sscanf for key_len and value_len failed"); goto err; } buf += 18; key = buf; buf += key_len; value = get_new_data (); value->len = value_len; value->data = buf; value->is_static = 1; buf += value_len; dict_set (*fill, key, value); } goto ret; err: FREE (*fill); *fill = NULL; ret: return *fill; } int32_t dict_iovec_len (dict_t *this) { if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@this=%p", this); return -1; } int32_t len = 0; data_pair_t *pair = this->members_list; len++; /* initial header */ while (pair) { len++; /* pair header */ len++; /* key */ if (pair->value->vec) len += pair->value->len; else len++; pair = pair->next; } return len; } int32_t dict_to_iovec (dict_t *this, struct iovec *vec, int32_t count) { if (!this || !vec) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@this=%p @vec=%p", this, vec); return -1; } int32_t i = 0; data_pair_t *pair = this->members_list; vec[0].iov_len = 9; if (vec[0].iov_base) sprintf (vec[0].iov_base, "%08"PRIx64"\n", (int64_t)this->count); i++; while (pair) { int64_t keylen = strlen (pair->key) + 1; int64_t vallen = 0; if (pair->value->vec) { int i; for (i=0; ivalue->len; i++) { vallen += pair->value->vec[i].iov_len; } } else { vallen = pair->value->len; } vec[i].iov_len = 18; if (vec[i].iov_base) sprintf (vec[i].iov_base, "%08"PRIx64":%08"PRIx64"\n", keylen, vallen); i++; vec[i].iov_len = keylen; vec[i].iov_base = pair->key; i++; if (pair->value->vec) { int k; for (k=0; kvalue->len; k++) { vec[i].iov_len = pair->value->vec[k].iov_len; vec[i].iov_base = pair->value->vec[k].iov_base; i++; } } else { vec[i].iov_len = pair->value->len; vec[i].iov_base = pair->value->data; i++; } pair = pair->next; } return 0; } data_t * int_to_data (int64_t value) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } asprintf (&data->data, "%"PRId64, value); data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_int64 (int64_t value) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } asprintf (&data->data, "%"PRId64, value); data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_int32 (int32_t value) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } asprintf (&data->data, "%"PRId32, value); data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_int16 (int16_t value) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } asprintf (&data->data, "%"PRId16, value); data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_int8 (int8_t value) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } asprintf (&data->data, "%d", value); data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_uint64 (uint64_t value) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } asprintf (&data->data, "%"PRIu64, value); data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } static data_t * data_from_double (double value) { data_t *data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } ret = asprintf (&data->data, "%f", value); if (ret == -1) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - allocation failed by ASPRINTF"); return NULL; } data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_uint32 (uint32_t value) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } asprintf (&data->data, "%"PRIu32, value); data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_uint16 (uint16_t value) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } asprintf (&data->data, "%"PRIu16, value); data->len = strlen (data->data) + 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_ptr (void *value) { if (!value) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@value=%p", value); return NULL; } data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } data->data = value; return data; } data_t * data_from_static_ptr (void *value) { /* this is valid to set 0 as value.. if (!value) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@value=%p", value); return NULL; } */ data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } data->is_static = 1; data->data = value; return data; } data_t * str_to_data (char *value) { if (!value) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@value=%p", value); return NULL; } data_t *data = get_new_data (); if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data - NULL returned by CALLOC"); return NULL; } data->len = strlen (value) + 1; data->data = value; data->is_static = 1; return data; } data_t * data_from_dynstr (char *value) { if (!value) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@value=%p", value); return NULL; } data_t *data = get_new_data (); data->len = strlen (value) + 1; data->data = value; return data; } data_t * data_from_dynptr (void *value, int32_t len) { data_t *data = get_new_data (); data->len = len; data->data = value; return data; } data_t * bin_to_data (void *value, int32_t len) { if (!value) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@value=%p", value); return NULL; } data_t *data = get_new_data (); data->is_static = 1; data->len = len; data->data = value; return data; } int64_t data_to_int64 (data_t *data) { if (!data) return -1; char *str = alloca (data->len + 1); ERR_ABORT (str); memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; return (int64_t) strtoull (str, NULL, 0); } int32_t data_to_int32 (data_t *data) { if (!data) return -1; char *str = alloca (data->len + 1); ERR_ABORT (str); memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; return strtoul (str, NULL, 0); } int16_t data_to_int16 (data_t *data) { if (!data) return -1; char *str = alloca (data->len + 1); ERR_ABORT (str); memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; return strtol (str, NULL, 0); } int8_t data_to_int8 (data_t *data) { if (!data) return -1; char *str = alloca (data->len + 1); ERR_ABORT (str); memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; return (int8_t)strtol (str, NULL, 0); } uint64_t data_to_uint64 (data_t *data) { if (!data) return -1; char *str = alloca (data->len + 1); ERR_ABORT (str); memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; return strtoll (str, NULL, 0); } uint32_t data_to_uint32 (data_t *data) { if (!data) return -1; char *str = alloca (data->len + 1); ERR_ABORT (str); memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; return strtol (str, NULL, 0); } uint16_t data_to_uint16 (data_t *data) { if (!data) return -1; char *str = alloca (data->len + 1); ERR_ABORT (str); memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; return strtol (str, NULL, 0); } char * data_to_str (data_t *data) { if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data=%p", data); return NULL; } return data->data; } void * data_to_ptr (data_t *data) { if (!data) { return NULL; } return data->data; } void * data_to_bin (data_t *data) { if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data=%p", data); return NULL; } return data->data; } void dict_foreach (dict_t *dict, void (*fn)(dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, void *data), void *data) { if (!data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data=%p", data); return; } data_pair_t *pairs = dict->members_list; while (pairs) { fn (dict, pairs->key, pairs->value, data); pairs = pairs->next; } } static void _copy (dict_t *unused, char *key, data_t *value, void *newdict) { dict_set ((dict_t *)newdict, key, (value)); } dict_t * dict_copy (dict_t *dict, dict_t *new) { if (!dict) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "@data=%p", dict); return NULL; } if (!new) new = get_new_dict_full (dict->hash_size); dict_foreach (dict, _copy, new); return new; } dict_t * dict_copy_with_ref (dict_t *dict, dict_t *new) { dict_t *local_new = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO("dict", dict, fail); if (new == NULL) { local_new = dict_new (); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO("dict", local_new, fail); new = local_new; } dict_foreach (dict, _copy, new); fail: return new; } /* * !!!!!!! CLEANED UP CODE !!!!!!! */ /** * Common cleaned up interface: * * Return value: 0 success * -val error, val = errno */ static int dict_get_with_ref (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t **data) { data_pair_t * pair = NULL; int ret = -ENOENT; if (!this || !key || !data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } LOCK (&this->lock); { pair = _dict_lookup (this, key); } UNLOCK (&this->lock); if (pair) { ret = 0; *data = data_ref (pair->value); } err: return ret; } static int _data_to_ptr (data_t *data, void **val) { int ret = 0; if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } *val = data->data; err: return ret; } static int _data_to_int8 (data_t *data, int8_t *val) { int ret = 0; char * str = NULL; if (!data || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } str = alloca (data->len + 1); if (!str) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; errno = 0; *val = strtol (str, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) ret = -errno; err: return ret; } static int _data_to_int16 (data_t *data, int16_t *val) { int ret = 0; char * str = NULL; if (!data || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } str = alloca (data->len + 1); if (!str) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; errno = 0; *val = strtol (str, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) ret = -errno; err: return ret; } static int _data_to_int32 (data_t *data, int32_t *val) { int ret = 0; char * str = NULL; if (!data || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } str = alloca (data->len + 1); if (!str) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; errno = 0; *val = strtol (str, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) ret = -errno; err: return ret; } static int _data_to_int64 (data_t *data, int64_t *val) { int ret = 0; char * str = NULL; if (!data || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } str = alloca (data->len + 1); if (!str) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; errno = 0; *val = strtoll (str, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) ret = -errno; err: return ret; } static int _data_to_uint16 (data_t *data, uint16_t *val) { int ret = 0; char * str = NULL; if (!data || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } str = alloca (data->len + 1); if (!str) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; errno = 0; *val = strtoul (str, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) ret = -errno; err: return ret; } static int _data_to_uint32 (data_t *data, uint32_t *val) { int ret = 0; char * str = NULL; if (!data || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } str = alloca (data->len + 1); if (!str) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; errno = 0; *val = strtoul (str, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) ret = -errno; err: return ret; } static int _data_to_uint64 (data_t *data, uint64_t *val) { int ret = 0; char * str = NULL; if (!data || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } str = alloca (data->len + 1); if (!str) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; errno = 0; *val = strtoull (str, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) ret = -errno; err: return ret; } static int _data_to_double (data_t *data, double *val) { int ret = 0; char * str = NULL; if (!data || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } str = alloca (data->len + 1); if (!str) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } memcpy (str, data->data, data->len); str[data->len] = '\0'; errno = 0; *val = strtod (str, NULL); if (errno != 0) ret = -errno; err: return ret; } int dict_get_int8 (dict_t *this, char *key, int8_t *val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_int8 (data, val); err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_int8 (dict_t *this, char *key, int8_t val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_int8 (val); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_int16 (dict_t *this, char *key, int16_t *val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_int16 (data, val); err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_int16 (dict_t *this, char *key, int16_t val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_int16 (val); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_int32 (dict_t *this, char *key, int32_t *val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_int32 (data, val); err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_int32 (dict_t *this, char *key, int32_t val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_int32 (val); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_int64 (dict_t *this, char *key, int64_t *val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_int64 (data, val); err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_int64 (dict_t *this, char *key, int64_t val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_int64 (val); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_uint16 (dict_t *this, char *key, uint16_t *val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_uint16 (data, val); err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_uint16 (dict_t *this, char *key, uint16_t val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_uint16 (val); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_uint32 (dict_t *this, char *key, uint32_t *val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_uint32 (data, val); err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_uint32 (dict_t *this, char *key, uint32_t val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_uint32 (val); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_uint64 (dict_t *this, char *key, uint64_t *val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_uint64 (data, val); err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_uint64 (dict_t *this, char *key, uint64_t val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_uint64 (val); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_double (dict_t *this, char *key, double *val) { data_t *data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !val) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_double (data, val); err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_double (dict_t *this, char *key, double val) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_double (val); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_set_static_ptr (dict_t *this, char *key, void *ptr) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_static_ptr (ptr); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_set_dynptr (dict_t *this, char *key, void *ptr, size_t len) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_dynptr (ptr, len); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_ptr (dict_t *this, char *key, void **ptr) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!this || !key || !ptr) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = _data_to_ptr (data, ptr); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_ptr (dict_t *this, char *key, void *ptr) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_ptr (ptr); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_str (dict_t *this, char *key, char **str) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = -EINVAL; if (!this || !key || !str) { goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret < 0) { goto err; } if (!data || !data->data) { goto err; } *str = data->data; err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_str (dict_t *this, char *key, char *str) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = str_to_data (str); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_set_dynstr (dict_t *this, char *key, char *str) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; data = data_from_dynstr (str); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_get_bin (dict_t *this, char *key, void **bin) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = -EINVAL; if (!this || !key || !bin) { goto err; } ret = dict_get_with_ref (this, key, &data); if (ret < 0) { goto err; } if (!data || !data->data) { goto err; } *bin = data->data; err: if (data) data_unref (data); return ret; } int dict_set_bin (dict_t *this, char *key, void *ptr, size_t size) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!ptr || (size < 0)) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } data = bin_to_data (ptr, size); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } data->data = ptr; data->len = size; data->is_static = 0; ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } int dict_set_static_bin (dict_t *this, char *key, void *ptr, size_t size) { data_t * data = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!ptr || (size < 0)) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } data = bin_to_data (ptr, size); if (!data) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } data->data = ptr; data->len = size; data->is_static = 1; ret = dict_set (this, key, data); err: return ret; } /** * Serialization format: * -------- -------- -------- ----------- ------------- * | count | key len | val len | key \0| value * ---------------------------------------- ------------- * 4 4 4 */ #define DICT_HDR_LEN 4 #define DICT_DATA_HDR_KEY_LEN 4 #define DICT_DATA_HDR_VAL_LEN 4 /** * _dict_serialized_length - return the length of serialized dict. This * procedure has to be called with this->lock held. * * @this : dict to be serialized * @return: success: len * : failure: -errno */ int _dict_serialized_length (dict_t *this) { int ret = -EINVAL; int count = 0; int len = 0; int i = 0; data_pair_t * pair = NULL; len = DICT_HDR_LEN; count = this->count; if (count < 0) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "count (%d) < 0!", count); goto out; } pair = this->members_list; while (count) { if (!pair) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "less than count data pairs found!"); goto out; } len += DICT_DATA_HDR_KEY_LEN + DICT_DATA_HDR_VAL_LEN; if (!pair->key) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "pair->key is null!"); goto out; } len += strlen (pair->key) + 1 /* for '\0' */; if (!pair->value) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "pair->value is null!"); goto out; } if (pair->value->vec) { for (i = 0; i < pair->value->len; i++) { if (pair->value->vec[i].iov_len < 0) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "iov_len (%"GF_PRI_SIZET") < 0!", pair->value->vec[i].iov_len); goto out; } len += pair->value->vec[i].iov_len; } } else { if (pair->value->len < 0) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "value->len (%d) < 0", pair->value->len); goto out; } len += pair->value->len; } pair = pair->next; count--; } ret = len; out: return ret; } /** * _dict_serialize - serialize a dictionary into a buffer. This procedure has * to be called with this->lock held. * * @this: dict to serialize * @buf: buffer to serialize into. This must be * atleast dict_serialized_length (this) large * * @return: success: 0 * failure: -errno */ int _dict_serialize (dict_t *this, char *buf) { int ret = -1; data_pair_t * pair = NULL; int32_t count = 0; int32_t keylen = 0; int32_t vallen = 0; if (!buf) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "buf is null!"); goto out; } count = this->count; if (count < 0) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "count (%d) < 0!", count); goto out; } *(int32_t *) buf = hton32 (count); buf += DICT_HDR_LEN; pair = this->members_list; while (count) { if (!pair) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "less than count data pairs found!"); goto out; } if (!pair->key) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "pair->key is null!"); goto out; } keylen = strlen (pair->key); *(int32_t *) buf = hton32 (keylen); buf += DICT_DATA_HDR_KEY_LEN; if (!pair->value) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "pair->value is null!"); goto out; } vallen = pair->value->len; *(int32_t *) buf = hton32 (vallen); buf += DICT_DATA_HDR_VAL_LEN; memcpy (buf, pair->key, keylen); buf += keylen; *buf++ = '\0'; if (!pair->value->data) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "pair->value->data is null!"); goto out; } memcpy (buf, pair->value->data, vallen); buf += vallen; pair = pair->next; count--; } ret = 0; out: return ret; } /** * dict_serialized_length - return the length of serialized dict * * @this: dict to be serialized * @return: success: len * : failure: -errno */ int dict_serialized_length (dict_t *this) { int ret = -EINVAL; if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "this is null!"); goto out; } LOCK (&this->lock); { ret = _dict_serialized_length (this); } UNLOCK (&this->lock); out: return ret; } /** * dict_serialize - serialize a dictionary into a buffer * * @this: dict to serialize * @buf: buffer to serialize into. This must be * atleast dict_serialized_length (this) large * * @return: success: 0 * failure: -errno */ int dict_serialize (dict_t *this, char *buf) { int ret = -1; if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "this is null!"); goto out; } if (!buf) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "buf is null!"); goto out; } LOCK (&this->lock); { ret = _dict_serialize (this, buf); } UNLOCK (&this->lock); out: return ret; } /** * dict_unserialize - unserialize a buffer into a dict * * @buf: buf containing serialized dict * @size: size of the @buf * @fill: dict to fill in * * @return: success: 0 * failure: -errno */ int32_t dict_unserialize (char *orig_buf, int32_t size, dict_t **fill) { char *buf = NULL; int ret = -1; int32_t count = 0; int i = 0; data_t * value = NULL; char * key = NULL; int32_t keylen = 0; int32_t vallen = 0; buf = orig_buf; if (!buf) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "buf is null!"); goto out; } if (size == 0) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "size is 0!"); goto out; } if (!fill) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "fill is null!"); goto out; } if (!*fill) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "*fill is null!"); goto out; } if ((buf + DICT_HDR_LEN) > (orig_buf + size)) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "undersized buffer passsed"); goto out; } count = ntoh32 (*(int32_t *) buf); buf += DICT_HDR_LEN; if (count < 0) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "count (%d) <= 0", count); goto out; } /* count will be set by the dict_set's below */ (*fill)->count = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if ((buf + DICT_DATA_HDR_KEY_LEN) > (orig_buf + size)) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "undersized buffer passsed"); goto out; } keylen = ntoh32 (*(int32_t *) buf); buf += DICT_DATA_HDR_KEY_LEN; if ((buf + DICT_DATA_HDR_VAL_LEN) > (orig_buf + size)) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "undersized buffer passsed"); goto out; } vallen = ntoh32 (*(int32_t *) buf); buf += DICT_DATA_HDR_VAL_LEN; if ((buf + keylen) > (orig_buf + size)) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "undersized buffer passsed"); goto out; } key = buf; buf += keylen + 1; /* for '\0' */ if ((buf + vallen) > (orig_buf + size)) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "undersized buffer passsed"); goto out; } value = get_new_data (); value->len = vallen; value->data = buf; value->is_static = 1; buf += vallen; dict_set (*fill, key, value); } ret = 0; out: return ret; } /** * dict_allocate_and_serialize - serialize a dictionary into an allocated buffer * * @this: dict to serialize * @buf: pointer to pointer to character. The allocated buffer is stored in * this pointer. The buffer has to be freed by the caller. * * @return: success: 0 * failure: -errno */ int32_t dict_allocate_and_serialize (dict_t *this, char **buf, size_t *length) { int ret = -EINVAL; ssize_t len = 0; if (!this) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "NULL passed as this pointer"); goto out; } if (!buf) { gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "NULL passed as buf"); goto out; } LOCK (&this->lock); { len = _dict_serialized_length (this); if (len < 0) { ret = len; goto unlock; } *buf = CALLOC (1, len); if (*buf == NULL) { ret = -ENOMEM; gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_ERROR, "out of memory"); goto unlock; } ret = _dict_serialize (this, *buf); if (ret < 0) { FREE (*buf); *buf = NULL; goto unlock; } if (length != NULL) { *length = len; } } unlock: UNLOCK (&this->lock); out: return ret; }