/* Copyright (c) 2008 Z RESEARCH, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. GlusterFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GlusterFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "guts-parse.h" #include "guts-tables.h" /* unavoidable usage of global data.. :'( */ static int32_t tio_fd = 0; int32_t guts_tio_init (const char *filename) { tio_fd = open (filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); if (tio_fd < 0) { gf_log ("guts", GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to open tio file %s", filename); } return tio_fd; } void guts_reply_dump (fuse_req_t req, const void *arg, int32_t len) { uint8_t *buf = NULL; uint8_t *ibuf = NULL; uint32_t buf_size = REP_HEADER_FULL_LEN + len; ibuf = buf = CALLOC (1, buf_size); /* being paranoid, checking for both ibuf and buf.. ;) */ if (ibuf && buf) { memcpy (ibuf, REP_BEGIN, strlen (REP_BEGIN)); ibuf += strlen (REP_BEGIN); memcpy (ibuf, req, sizeof (struct fuse_req)); ibuf += sizeof (struct fuse_req); memcpy (ibuf, &len, sizeof (len)); ibuf += sizeof (len); memcpy (ibuf, arg, len); gf_full_write (tio_fd, buf, buf_size); free (buf); } else { gf_log ("glusterfs-guts", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to allocate memory while dumping reply"); } } void guts_req_dump (struct fuse_in_header *in, const void *arg, int32_t len) { /* GUTS_REQUEST_BEGIN::::GUTS_REQUEST_END */ uint8_t *buf = NULL; uint8_t *ibuf = NULL; uint32_t buf_size = REQ_HEADER_FULL_LEN + len; ibuf = buf = CALLOC (1, buf_size); if (ibuf && buf) { memcpy (ibuf, REQ_BEGIN, strlen (REQ_BEGIN)); ibuf += strlen (REQ_BEGIN); memcpy (ibuf, in, sizeof (*in)); ibuf += sizeof (*in); memcpy (ibuf, &len, sizeof (len)); ibuf += sizeof (len); memcpy (ibuf, arg, len); gf_full_write (tio_fd, buf, buf_size); free (buf); } else { gf_log ("glusterfs-guts", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to allocate memory while dumping reply"); } } guts_req_t * guts_read_entry (guts_replay_ctx_t *ctx) { guts_req_t *req = NULL; guts_reply_t *reply = NULL; uint8_t begin[256] = {0,}; int32_t ret = 0; int32_t fd = ctx->tio_fd; while (!req) { req = guts_get_request (ctx); if (!req) { ret = read (fd, begin, strlen (REQ_BEGIN)); if (ret == 0) { gf_log ("glusterfs-guts", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "guts replay finished"); req = NULL; } if (is_request (begin)) { req = CALLOC (1, sizeof (*req)); ERR_ABORT (req); gf_full_read (fd, (char *)req, REQ_HEADER_LEN); req->arg = CALLOC (1, req->arg_len + 1); ERR_ABORT (req->arg); gf_full_read (fd, req->arg, req->arg_len); gf_log ("guts", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: fop %s (%d)\n", begin, guts_log[req->header.opcode].name, req->header.opcode); guts_add_request (ctx, req); req = guts_get_request (ctx); } else { /* whenever a reply is read, we put it to a hash table and we would like to retrieve it whenever * we get a reply for any call */ reply = CALLOC (1, sizeof (*reply)); ERR_ABORT (reply); gf_full_read (fd, (char *)reply, REP_HEADER_LEN); reply->arg = CALLOC (1, reply->arg_len + 1); ERR_ABORT (reply->arg); gf_full_read (fd, reply->arg, reply->arg_len); /* add a new reply to */ ret = guts_add_reply (ctx, reply); gf_log ("guts", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "got a reply with unique: %ld", reply->req.unique); } } } return req; } guts_reply_t * guts_read_reply (guts_replay_ctx_t *ctx, uint64_t unique) { guts_req_t *req = NULL; guts_reply_t *reply = NULL, *rep = NULL; uint8_t begin[256] = {0,}; int32_t ret = 0; int32_t fd = ctx->tio_fd; while (!rep) { ret = read (fd, begin, strlen (REQ_BEGIN)); if (ret == 0) { printf ("\ndone\n"); return NULL; } if (is_request (begin)) { req = CALLOC (1, sizeof (*req)); ERR_ABORT (req); gf_full_read (fd, (char *)req, REQ_HEADER_LEN); req->arg = CALLOC (1, req->arg_len + 1); ERR_ABORT (req->arg); gf_full_read (fd, req->arg, req->arg_len); gf_log ("guts", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: fop %s (%d)\n", begin, guts_log[req->header.opcode].name, req->header.opcode); ret = guts_add_request (ctx, req); } else { /* whenever a reply is read, we put it to a hash table and we would like to retrieve it whenever * we get a reply for any call */ reply = CALLOC (1, sizeof (*reply)); ERR_ABORT (reply); gf_full_read (fd, (char *)reply, REP_HEADER_LEN); reply->arg = CALLOC (1, reply->arg_len + 1); ERR_ABORT (reply->arg); gf_full_read (fd, reply->arg, reply->arg_len); /* add a new reply to */ if (reply->req.unique == unique) { return reply; } else { ret = guts_add_reply (ctx, reply); gf_log ("guts", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "got a reply with unique: %ld", reply->req.unique); } } } return NULL; }