#!/bin/bash # Script to copy the pem keys from the user's home directory # to $GLUSTERD_WORKDIR/geo-replication and then copy # the keys to other nodes in the cluster and add them to the # respective authorized keys. The script takes as argument the # user name and assumes that the user will be present in all # the nodes in the cluster. Not to be used for root user function main() { user=$1 master_vol=$2 slave_vol=$3 if [ "$user" == "" ]; then echo "Please enter the user's name" exit 1; fi if [ "$master_vol" == "" ]; then echo "Invalid master volume name" exit 1; fi if [ "$slave_vol" == "" ]; then echo "Invalid slave volume name" exit 1; fi COMMON_SECRET_PEM_PUB=${master_vol}_${slave_vol}_common_secret.pem.pub if [ "$user" == "root" ]; then echo "This script is not needed for root" exit 1; fi home_dir=`getent passwd $user | cut -d ':' -f 6`; if [ "$home_dir" == "" ]; then echo "No user $user found" exit 1; fi if [ -f $home_dir/${COMMON_SECRET_PEM_PUB} ]; then cp $home_dir/${COMMON_SECRET_PEM_PUB} ${GLUSTERD_WORKDIR}/geo-replication/ gluster system:: copy file /geo-replication/${COMMON_SECRET_PEM_PUB} gluster system:: execute add_secret_pub $user geo-replication/${master_vol}_${slave_vol}_common_secret.pem.pub else echo "$home_dir/common_secret.pem.pub not present. Please run geo-replication command on master with push-pem option to generate the file" exit 1; fi exit 0; } main "$@";