#!/usr/bin/python2 import atexit import copy import optparse import os import pipes import shutil import string import subprocess import sys import tempfile import volfilter import platform # It's just more convenient to have named fields. class Brick: def __init__ (self, path, name): self.path = path self.sv_name = name self.size = 0 self.curr_size = 0 self.good_size = 0 def set_size (self, size): self.size = size def set_range (self, rs, re): self.r_start = rs self.r_end = re self.curr_size = self.r_end - self.r_start + 1 def __repr__ (self): value = self.path[:] value += "(%d," % self.size if self.curr_size: value += "0x%x,0x%x)" % (self.r_start, self.r_end) else: value += "-)" return value def get_bricks (host, vol): t = pipes.Template() t.prepend("gluster --remote-host=%s system getspec %s"%(host,vol),".-") return t.open(None,"r") def generate_stanza (vf, all_xlators, cur_subvol): sv_list = [] for sv in cur_subvol.subvols: generate_stanza(vf,all_xlators,sv) sv_list.append(sv.name) vf.write("volume %s\n"%cur_subvol.name) vf.write(" type %s\n"%cur_subvol.type) for kvpair in cur_subvol.opts.iteritems(): vf.write(" option %s %s\n"%kvpair) if sv_list: vf.write(" subvolumes %s\n"%string.join(sv_list)) vf.write("end-volume\n\n") def mount_brick (localpath, all_xlators, dht_subvol): # Generate a volfile. vf_name = localpath + ".vol" vf = open(vf_name,"w") generate_stanza(vf,all_xlators,dht_subvol) vf.flush() vf.close() # Create a brick directory and mount the brick there. os.mkdir(localpath) subprocess.call(["glusterfs","-f",vf_name,localpath]) # We use the command-line tools because there's no getxattr support in the # Python standard library (which is ridiculous IMO). Adding the xattr package # from PyPI would create a new and difficult dependency because the bits to # satisfy it don't seem to exist in Fedora. We already expect the command-line # tools to be there, so it's safer just to rely on them. # # We might have to revisit this if we get as far as actually issuing millions # of setxattr requests. Even then, it might be better to do that part with a C # program which has only a build-time dependency. def get_range (brick): t = pipes.Template() cmd = "getfattr -e hex -n trusted.glusterfs.dht %s 2> /dev/null" t.prepend(cmd%brick,".-") t.append("grep ^trusted.glusterfs.dht=","--") f = t.open(None,"r") try: value = f.readline().rstrip().split('=')[1][2:] except: print "could not get layout for %s (might be OK)" % brick return None v_start = int("0x"+value[16:24],16) v_end = int("0x"+value[24:32],16) return (v_start, v_end) def calc_sizes (bricks, total): leftover = 1 << 32 for b in bricks: if b.size: b.good_size = (b.size << 32) / total leftover -= b.good_size else: b.good_size = 0 if leftover: # Add the leftover to an old brick if we can. for b in bricks: if b.good_size: b.good_size += leftover break else: # Fine, just add it wherever. bricks[0].good_size += leftover # Normalization means sorting the bricks by r_start and (b) ensuring that there # are no gaps. def normalize (in_bricks): out_bricks = [] curr_hash = 0 used = 0 while curr_hash < (1<<32): curr_best = None for b in in_bricks: if b.r_start == curr_hash: used += 1 out_bricks.append(b) in_bricks.remove(b) curr_hash = b.r_end + 1 break else: print "gap found at 0x%08x" % curr_hash sys.exit(1) return out_bricks + in_bricks, used def get_score (bricks): score = 0 curr_hash = 0 for b in bricks: if not b.curr_size: curr_hash += b.good_size continue new_start = curr_hash curr_hash += b.good_size new_end = curr_hash - 1 if new_start > b.r_start: max_start = new_start else: max_start = b.r_start if new_end < b.r_end: min_end = new_end else: min_end = b.r_end if max_start <= min_end: score += (min_end - max_start + 1) return score if __name__ == "__main__": my_usage = "%prog [options] server volume [directory]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=my_usage) parser.add_option("-f", "--free-space", dest="free_space", default=False, action="store_true", help="use free space instead of total space") parser.add_option("-l", "--leave-mounted", dest="leave_mounted", default=False, action="store_true", help="leave subvolumes mounted") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help="verbose output") options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 3: fix_dir = args[2] else: if len(args) != 2: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) fix_dir = None hostname, volname = args[:2] # Make sure stuff gets cleaned up, even if there are exceptions. orig_dir = os.getcwd() work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bricks = [] def cleanup_workdir (): os.chdir(orig_dir) if options.verbose: print "Cleaning up %s" % work_dir for b in bricks: subprocess.call(["umount",b.path]) shutil.rmtree(work_dir) if not options.leave_mounted: atexit.register(cleanup_workdir) os.chdir(work_dir) # Mount each brick individually, so we can issue brick-specific calls. if options.verbose: print "Mounting subvolumes..." index = 0 volfile_pipe = get_bricks(hostname,volname) all_xlators, last_xlator = volfilter.load(volfile_pipe) for dht_vol in all_xlators.itervalues(): if dht_vol.type == "cluster/distribute": break else: print "no DHT volume found" sys.exit(1) for sv in dht_vol.subvols: #print "found subvol %s" % sv.name lpath = "%s/brick%s" % (work_dir, index) index += 1 mount_brick(lpath,all_xlators,sv) bricks.append(Brick(lpath,sv.name)) if index == 0: print "no bricks" sys.exit(1) # Collect all of the sizes. if options.verbose: print "Collecting information..." total = 0 for b in bricks: info = os.statvfs(b.path) # On FreeBSD f_bsize (info[0]) contains the optimal I/O size, # not the block size as it's found on Linux. In this case we # use f_frsize (info[1]). if platform.system() == 'FreeBSD': bsize = info[1] else: bsize = info[0] # We want a standard unit even if different bricks use # different block sizes. The size is chosen to avoid overflows # for very large bricks with very small block sizes, but also # accommodate filesystems which use very large block sizes to # cheat on benchmarks. blocksper100mb = 104857600 / bsize if options.free_space: size = info[3] / blocksper100mb else: size = info[2] / blocksper100mb if size <= 0: print "brick %s has invalid size %d" % (b.path, size) sys.exit(1) b.set_size(size) total += size # Collect all of the layout information. for b in bricks: hash_range = get_range(b.path) if hash_range is not None: rs, re = hash_range if rs > re: print "%s has backwards hash range" % b.path sys.exit(1) b.set_range(hash_range[0],hash_range[1]) if options.verbose: print "Calculating new layouts..." calc_sizes(bricks,total) bricks, used = normalize(bricks) # We can't afford O(n!) here, but O(n^2) should be OK and the result # should be almost as good. while used < len(bricks): best_place = used best_score = get_score(bricks) for i in xrange(used): new_bricks = bricks[:] del new_bricks[used] new_bricks.insert(i,bricks[used]) new_score = get_score(new_bricks) if new_score > best_score: best_place = i best_score = new_score if best_place != used: nb = bricks[used] del bricks[used] bricks.insert(best_place,nb) used += 1 # Finalize whatever we decided on. curr_hash = 0 for b in bricks: b.r_start = curr_hash curr_hash += b.good_size b.r_end = curr_hash - 1 print "Here are the xattr values for your size-weighted layout:" for b in bricks: print " %s: 0x0000000200000000%08x%08x" % ( b.sv_name, b.r_start, b.r_end) if fix_dir: if options.verbose: print "Fixing layout for %s" % fix_dir for b in bricks: value = "0x0000000200000000%08x%08x" % ( b.r_start, b.r_end) path = "%s/%s" % (b.path, fix_dir) cmd = "setfattr -n trusted.glusterfs.dht -v %s %s" % ( value, path) print cmd if options.leave_mounted: print "The following subvolumes are still mounted:" for b in bricks: print "%s on %s" % (b.sv_name, b.path) print "Don't forget to clean up when you're done."