#! /bin/bash #Need to be copied to hooks//stop/pre #TODO: All gluster and samba paths are assumed for fedora like systems. #Some efforts are required to make it work on other distros. #The preferred way of creating a smb share of a gluster volume has changed. #The old method was to create a fuse mount of the volume and share the mount #point through samba. # #New method eliminates the requirement of fuse mount and changes in fstab. #glusterfs_vfs plugin for samba makes call to libgfapi to access the volume. # #This hook script automagically removes shares for volume on every volume stop #event by removing the volume related entries(if any) in smb.conf file. PROGNAME="Ssamba-stop" OPTSPEC="volname:" VOL= CONFIGFILE= PIDDIR= function parse_args () { ARGS=$(getopt -l $OPTSPEC -name $PROGNAME $@) eval set -- "$ARGS" while true; do case $1 in --volname) shift VOL=$1 ;; *) shift break ;; esac shift done } function find_config_info () { cmdout=`smbd -b | grep smb.conf` if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "Samba is not installed" exit 1 fi CONFIGFILE=`echo $cmdout | awk {'print $2'}` PIDDIR=`smbd -b | grep PIDDIR | awk {'print $2'}` } function del_samba_share () { volname=$1 sed -i "/\[gluster-$volname\]/,/^$/d" ${CONFIGFILE} } function sighup_samba () { pid=`cat ${PIDDIR}/smbd.pid` if [ "x$pid" != "x" ] then kill -HUP $pid; else service smb condrestart fi } parse_args $@ find_config_info del_samba_share $VOL sighup_samba