#!/bin/bash key=`echo $3 | cut -d '=' -f 1` val=`echo $3 | cut -d '=' -f 2` if [ "$key" != "cluster.enable-shared-storage" ] && [ "$key" != "enable-shared-storage" ]; then exit; fi if [ "$val" != 'enable' ]; then if [ "$val" != 'disable' ]; then exit; fi fi option=$val key_val_pair1=`echo $4 | cut -d ',' -f 1` key_val_pair2=`echo $4 | cut -d ',' -f 2` key=`echo $key_val_pair1 | cut -d '=' -f 1` val=`echo $key_val_pair1 | cut -d '=' -f 2` if [ "$key" != "is_originator" ]; then exit; fi is_originator=$val; key=`echo $key_val_pair2 | cut -d '=' -f 1` val=`echo $key_val_pair2 | cut -d '=' -f 2` if [ "$key" != "local_node_hostname" ]; then exit; fi local_node_hostname=$val; # Read gluster peer status to find the peers # which are in 'Peer in Cluster' mode and # are connected. number_of_connected_peers=0 while read -r line do # Already got two connected peers. Including the current node # we have 3 peers which is enough to create a shared storage # with replica 3 if [ "$number_of_connected_peers" == "2" ]; then break; fi key=`echo $line | cut -d ':' -f 1` if [ "$key" == "Hostname" ]; then hostname=`echo $line | cut -d ':' -f 2 | xargs` fi if [ "$key" == "State" ]; then peer_state=`echo $line | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '(' -f 1 | xargs` conn_state=`echo $line | cut -d '(' -f 2 | cut -d ')' -f 1 | xargs` if [ "$peer_state" == "Peer in Cluster" ]; then if [ "$conn_state" == "Connected" ]; then ((number_of_connected_peers++)) connected_peer[$number_of_connected_peers]=$hostname fi fi fi done < <(gluster peer status) # Include current node in connected peer list ((number_of_connected_peers++)) connected_peer[$number_of_connected_peers]=$local_node_hostname # forming the create vol command create_cmd="gluster --mode=script --wignore volume create \ gluster_shared_storage replica $number_of_connected_peers" # Adding the brick names in the command for i in "${connected_peer[@]}" do create_cmd=$create_cmd" "$i:"$GLUSTERD_WORKDIR"/ss_brick done if [ "$option" == "disable" ]; then # Unmount the volume on all the nodes umount /var/run/gluster/shared_storage cat /etc/fstab | grep -v "gluster_shared_storage /var/run/gluster/shared_storage/" > /var/run/gluster/fstab.tmp mv /var/run/gluster/fstab.tmp /etc/fstab fi if [ "$is_originator" == 1 ]; then if [ "$option" == "enable" ]; then # Create and start the volume $create_cmd gluster --mode=script --wignore volume start gluster_shared_storage fi if [ "$option" == "disable" ]; then # Stop and delete the volume gluster --mode=script --wignore volume stop gluster_shared_storage gluster --mode=script --wignore volume delete gluster_shared_storage fi fi function check_volume_status() { status=`gluster volume info gluster_shared_storage | grep Status | cut -d ':' -f 2 | xargs` echo $status } mount_cmd="mount -t glusterfs "$local_node_hostname":/gluster_shared_storage \ /var/run/gluster/shared_storage" if [ "$option" == "enable" ]; then retry=0; # Wait for volume to start before mounting status=$(check_volume_status) while [ "$status" != "Started" ]; do sleep 5; ((retry++)) if [ "$retry" == 3 ]; then break; fi status = check_volume_status; done # Mount the volume on all the nodes umount /var/run/gluster/shared_storage mkdir -p /var/run/gluster/shared_storage $mount_cmd cp /etc/fstab /var/run/gluster/fstab.tmp echo "$local_node_hostname:/gluster_shared_storage /var/run/gluster/shared_storage/ glusterfs defaults 0 0" >> /var/run/gluster/fstab.tmp mv /var/run/gluster/fstab.tmp /etc/fstab fi