#!/bin/python """ Copyright (c) 2010 Gluster, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. GlusterFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GlusterFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import os import string import sys class NFSRequest: def __init__ (self, logline, linecount): self.calllinecount = 0 self.xid = "" self.op = "" self.opdata = "" self.replydata = "" self.replylinecount = 0 tokens = logline.strip ().split (" ") if "XID:" not in tokens: return None if "args:" not in tokens: return None self.calllinecount = linecount xididx = tokens.index ("XID:") self.xid = tokens [xididx+1].strip(",") opidx = tokens.index ("args:") self.op = tokens [opidx-1].strip (":") self.opdata = " ".join(tokens [opidx+1:]) def getXID (self): return self.xid def setReply (self, logline, linecount): tokens = logline.strip ().split (" ") statidx = tokens.index ("NFS:") self.replydata = " ".join (tokens [statidx+1:]) self.replylinecount = linecount def dump (self): print "ReqLine: " + str(self.calllinecount) + " XID: " + self.xid + " " + self.op + " ARGS: " + self.opdata + " RepLine: " + str(self.replylinecount) + " " + self.replydata class NFSLogAnalyzer: def __init__ (self): self.xid_request_map = {} self.orphan_replies = {} self.CALL = 1 self.REPLY = 2 def handle_call_line (self, logline, linecount): newreq = NFSRequest (logline, linecount) xid = newreq.getXID () self.xid_request_map [xid] = newreq def handle_reply_line (self, logline, linecount): tokens = logline.strip ().split (" ") xididx = tokens.index ("XID:") xid = tokens [xididx + 1].strip(",") if xid not in self.xid_request_map.keys (): self.orphan_replies [xid] = logline else: self.xid_request_map [xid].setReply (logline, linecount) def analyzeLine (self, logline, linecount): tokens = logline.strip ().split (" ") msgtype = 0 if "XID:" not in tokens: return if "args:" in tokens: msgtype = self.CALL elif "NFS:" in tokens: msgtype = self.REPLY if msgtype == self.CALL: self.handle_call_line (logline, linecount) elif msgtype == self.REPLY: self.handle_reply_line (logline, linecount) def getStats (self): rcount = len (self.xid_request_map.keys ()) orphancount = len (self.orphan_replies.keys ()) print "Requests: " + str(rcount) + ", Orphans: " + str(orphancount) def dump (self): self.getStats () for rq in self.xid_request_map.values (): rq.dump () linecount = 0 la = NFSLogAnalyzer () progmsgcount = 1000 dumpinterval = 2000000 if "--progress" in sys.argv: idx = sys.argv.index ("--progress") progmsgcount = int(sys.argv[idx+1]) if "--dump" in sys.argv: idx = sys.argv.index ("--dump") dumpinterval = int(sys.argv[idx+1]) for line in sys.stdin: linecount = linecount + 1 if linecount % dumpinterval == 0: sys.stderr.write ("Dumping data..\n") la.dump () la = NFSLogAnalyzer () if linecount % progmsgcount == 0: sys.stderr.write ("Integrating line: "+ str(linecount) + "\n") la.analyzeLine (line, linecount) la.dump ()