#!/bin/python2 """ Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. """ """ ABOUT: This script helps in visualizing backported and missed commits between two different branches, tags or commit ranges. In the list of missed commits, it will help you identify patches which are posted for reviews on gerrit server. USAGE: $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py --help usage: git-branch-diff.py [-h] [-s SOURCE] -t TARGET [-a AUTHOR] [-p PATH] [-o OPTIONS] git wrapper to diff local or remote branches/tags/commit-ranges optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE source pattern, it could be a branch, tag or a commit range -t TARGET, --target TARGET target pattern, it could be a branch, tag or a commit range -a AUTHOR, --author AUTHOR default: git config name/email, to provide multiple specify comma separated values -p PATH, --path PATH show source and target diff w.r.t given path, to provide multiple specify space in between them -o OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS add other git options such as --after=<>, --before=<> etc. experts use; SAMPLE EXECUTIONS: $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t origin/release-3.8 $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -s local_branch -t origin/release-3.7 $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -s 4517bf8..e66add8 -t origin/release-3.7 $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -s HEAD..c4efd39 -t origin/release-3.7 $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t v3.7.11 --author="author@redhat.com" $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t v3.7.11 --author="authorX, authorY, authorZ" $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t origin/release-3.8 --path="xlators/" $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t origin/release-3.8 --path="./xlators ./rpc" $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t origin/release-3.6 --author="*" $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t origin/release-3.6 --author="All" $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t origin/release-3.6 --author="Null" $ ./extras/git-branch-diff.py -t v3.7.11 --options="--after=2015-03-01 \ --before=2016-01-30" DECLARATION: While backporting commit to another branch only subject of the patch may remain unchanged, all others such as commit message, commit Id, change Id, bug Id, may be changed. This script works by taking commit subject as the key value for comparing two git branches, which can be local or remote. Note: This script may ignore commits which have altered their commit subjects while backporting patches. Also this script doesn't have any intelligence to detect squashed commits. AUTHOR: Prasanna Kumar Kalever """ from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import argparse import commands import subprocess import requests class GitBranchDiff: def __init__ (self): " color symbols" self.tick = u'\033[1;32m[ \u2714 ]\033[0m' self.cross = u'\033[1;31m[ \u2716 ]\033[0m' self.green_set = u'\033[1;34m' self.yello_set = u'\033[4;33m' self.color_unset = '\033[0m' self.parse_cmd_args() " replace default values with actual values from command args" self.g_author = self.argsdict['author'] self.s_pattern = self.argsdict['source'] self.t_pattern = self.argsdict['target'] self.r_path = self.argsdict['path'] self.options = ' '.join(self.argsdict['options']) self.gerrit_server = "http://review.gluster.org" def check_dir_exist (self, os_path): " checks whether given path exist" path_list = os_path.split() for path in path_list: if not os.path.exists(path): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("'%s' path %s is not valid" %(os_path, path)) return os_path def check_pattern_exist (self): " defend to check given branch[s] exit" status_sbr, op = commands.getstatusoutput('git log ' + self.s_pattern) status_tbr, op = commands.getstatusoutput('git log ' + self.t_pattern) if status_sbr != 0: print("Error: --source=" + self.s_pattern + " doesn't exit\n") self.parser.print_help() exit(status_sbr) elif status_tbr != 0: print("Error: --target=" + self.t_pattern + " doesn't exit\n") self.parser.print_help() exit(status_tbr) def check_author_exist (self): " defend to check given author exist, format incase of multiple" contrib_list = ['', '*', 'all', 'All', 'ALL', 'null', 'Null', 'NULL'] if self.g_author in contrib_list: self.g_author = "" else: ide_list = self.g_author.split(',') for ide in ide_list: cmd4 = 'git log ' + self.s_pattern + ' --author=' + ide c_list = subprocess.check_output(cmd4, shell = True) if len(c_list) is 0: print("Error: --author=%s doesn't exit" %self.g_author) print("see '%s --help'" %__file__) exit(1) if len(ide_list) > 1: self.g_author = "\|".join(ide_list) def connected_to_gerrit (self): "check if gerrit server is reachable" try: r = requests.get(self.gerrit_server, timeout=3) return True except requests.Timeout as err: " request timed out" print("Warning: failed to get list of open review commits on " \ "gerrit.\n" \ "hint: Request timed out! gerrit server could possibly " \ "slow ...\n") return False except requests.RequestException as err: " handle other errors" print("Warning: failed to get list of open review commits on " \ "gerrit\n" \ "hint: check with internet connection ...\n") return False def parse_cmd_args (self): " command line parser" author = subprocess.check_output('git config user.email', shell = True).rstrip('\n') source = "remotes/origin/master" options = [' --pretty=format:"%h %s" '] path = subprocess.check_output('git rev-parse --show-toplevel', shell = True).rstrip('\n') self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'git wrapper to ' 'diff local or remote branches/' 'tags/commit-ranges') self.parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', help = 'source pattern, it could be a branch,' ' tag or a commit range', default = source, dest = 'source') self.parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', help = 'target pattern, it could be a branch,' ' tag or a commit range', required = True, dest = 'target') self.parser.add_argument('-a', '--author', help = 'default: git config name/email, ' 'to provide multiple specify comma' ' seperated values', default = author, dest = 'author') self.parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', type = self.check_dir_exist, help = 'show source and target diff w.r.t ' 'given path, to provide multiple ' 'specify space in between them', default = path, dest = 'path') self.parser.add_argument('-o', '--options', help = 'add other git options such as ' '--after=<>, --before=<> etc. ' 'experts use;', default = options, dest = 'options', action='append') self.argsdict = vars(self.parser.parse_args()) def print_output (self): " display the result list" print("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n") print(self.tick + " Successfully Backported changes:") print(' {' + 'from: ' + self.s_pattern + \ ' to: '+ self.t_pattern + '}\n') for key, value in self.s_dict.items(): if value in self.t_dict.itervalues(): print("[%s%s%s] %s" %(self.yello_set, key, self.color_unset, value)) print("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n") print(self.cross + " Missing patches in " + self.t_pattern + ':\n') if self.connected_to_gerrit(): cmd3 = "git review -r origin -l" review_list = subprocess.check_output(cmd3, shell = True).split('\n') else: review_list = [] for key, value in self.s_dict.items(): if value not in self.t_dict.itervalues(): if any(value in s for s in review_list): print("[%s%s%s] %s %s(under review)%s" %(self.yello_set, key, self.color_unset, value, self.green_set, self.color_unset)) else: print("[%s%s%s] %s" %(self.yello_set, key, self.color_unset, value)) print("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n") def main (self): self.check_pattern_exist() self.check_author_exist() " actual git commands" cmd1 = 'git log' + self.options + ' ' + self.s_pattern + \ ' --author=\'' + self.g_author + '\' ' + self.r_path " could be backported by anybody so --author doesn't apply here" cmd2 = 'git log' + self.options + ' ' + self.t_pattern + \ ' ' + self.r_path s_list = subprocess.check_output(cmd1, shell = True).split('\n') t_list = subprocess.check_output(cmd2, shell = True) if len(t_list) is 0: print("No commits in the target: %s" %self.t_pattern) print("see '%s --help'" %__file__) exit() else: t_list = t_list.split('\n') self.s_dict = dict() self.t_dict = dict() for item in s_list: self.s_dict.update(dict([item.split(' ', 1)])) for item in t_list: self.t_dict.update(dict([item.split(' ', 1)])) self.print_output() if __name__ == '__main__': run = GitBranchDiff() run.main()