# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. # import json import os import logging import fcntl from errno import EBADF from threading import Thread import multiprocessing from Queue import Queue from datetime import datetime, timedelta from eventsapiconf import (LOG_FILE, WEBHOOKS_FILE, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, UUID_FILE) import eventtypes # Webhooks list _webhooks = {} _webhooks_file_mtime = 0 # Default Log Level _log_level = "INFO" # Config Object _config = {} # Init Logger instance logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) NodeID = None webhooks_pool = None def boolify(value): value = str(value) if value.lower() in ["1", "on", "true", "yes"]: return True else: return False def log_event(data): # Log all published events unless it is disabled if not _config.get("disable-events-log", False): logger.info(repr(data)) def get_node_uuid(): val = None with open(UUID_FILE) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("UUID="): val = line.strip().split("=")[-1] break return val def get_config(key, default_value=None): if not _config: load_config() return _config.get(key, default_value) def get_event_type_name(idx): """ Returns Event Type text from the index. For example, VOLUME_CREATE """ return eventtypes.all_events[idx].replace("EVENT_", "") def setup_logger(): """ Logging initialization, Log level by default will be INFO, once config file is read, respective log_level will be set. """ global logger logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create the logging file handler fh = logging.FileHandler(LOG_FILE) formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s " "[%(module)s - %(lineno)s:%(funcName)s] " "- %(message)s") fh.setFormatter(formatter) # add handler to logger object logger.addHandler(fh) def load_config(): """ Load/Reload the config from REST Config files. This function will be triggered during init and when SIGUSR2. """ global _config _config = {} if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE): _config = json.load(open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)) if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): _config.update(json.load(open(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE))) def load_log_level(): """ Reads log_level from Config file and sets accordingly. This function will be triggered during init and when SIGUSR2. """ global logger, _log_level new_log_level = _config.get("log-level", "INFO") if _log_level != new_log_level: logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, new_log_level.upper())) _log_level = new_log_level.upper() def load_webhooks(): """ Load/Reload the webhooks list. This function will be triggered during init and when SIGUSR2. """ global _webhooks, _webhooks_file_mtime _webhooks = {} if os.path.exists(WEBHOOKS_FILE): _webhooks = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) st = os.lstat(WEBHOOKS_FILE) _webhooks_file_mtime = st.st_mtime def load_all(): """ Wrapper function to call all load/reload functions. This function will be triggered during init and when SIGUSR2. """ load_config() load_webhooks() load_log_level() def publish(ts, event_key, data): global NodeID if NodeID is None: NodeID = get_node_uuid() autoload_webhooks() message = { "nodeid": NodeID, "ts": int(ts), "event": get_event_type_name(event_key), "message": data } log_event(message) if _webhooks: plugin_webhook(message) else: # TODO: Default action? pass def autoload_webhooks(): global _webhooks_file_mtime try: st = os.lstat(WEBHOOKS_FILE) except OSError: st = None if st is not None: # If Stat is available and mtime is not matching with # previously recorded mtime, reload the webhooks file if st.st_mtime != _webhooks_file_mtime: load_webhooks() def get_jwt_token(secret, event_type, event_ts, jwt_expiry_time_seconds=60): import jwt payload = { "exp": datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=jwt_expiry_time_seconds), "iss": "gluster", "sub": event_type, "iat": event_ts } return jwt.encode(payload, secret, algorithm='HS256') def publish_to_webhook(url, token, secret, message_queue): # Import requests here since not used in any other place import requests http_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} while True: hashval = "" event_type, event_ts, message_json = message_queue.get() if token != "" and token is not None: hashval = token if secret != "" and secret is not None: hashval = get_jwt_token(secret, event_type, event_ts) if hashval: http_headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + hashval try: resp = requests.post(url, headers=http_headers, data=message_json) except requests.ConnectionError as e: logger.warn("Event push failed to URL: {url}, " "Event: {event}, " "Status: {error}".format( url=url, event=message_json, error=e)) continue finally: message_queue.task_done() if resp.status_code != 200: logger.warn("Event push failed to URL: {url}, " "Event: {event}, " "Status Code: {status_code}".format( url=url, event=message_json, status_code=resp.status_code)) def plugin_webhook(message): message_json = json.dumps(message, sort_keys=True) logger.debug("EVENT: {0}".format(message_json)) webhooks_pool.send(message["event"], message["ts"], message_json) class LockedOpen(object): def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self.filename = filename self.open_args = args self.open_kwargs = kwargs self.fileobj = None def __enter__(self): """ If two processes compete to update a file, The first process gets the lock and the second process is blocked in the fcntl.flock() call. When first process replaces the file and releases the lock, the already open file descriptor in the second process now points to a "ghost" file(not reachable by any path name) with old contents. To avoid that conflict, check the fd already opened is same or not. Open new one if not same """ f = open(self.filename, *self.open_args, **self.open_kwargs) while True: fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX) fnew = open(self.filename, *self.open_args, **self.open_kwargs) if os.path.sameopenfile(f.fileno(), fnew.fileno()): fnew.close() break else: f.close() f = fnew self.fileobj = f return f def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): self.fileobj.close() class PidFileLockFailed(Exception): pass class PidFile(object): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.pid = os.getpid() self.fh = None def cleanup(self, remove_file=True): try: if self.fh is not None: self.fh.close() except IOError as exc: if exc.errno != EBADF: raise finally: if os.path.isfile(self.filename) and remove_file: os.remove(self.filename) def __enter__(self): self.fh = open(self.filename, 'a+') try: fcntl.flock(self.fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError as exc: self.cleanup(remove_file=False) raise PidFileLockFailed(exc) self.fh.seek(0) self.fh.truncate() self.fh.write("%d\n" % self.pid) self.fh.flush() self.fh.seek(0) return self def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): self.cleanup() def webhook_monitor(proc_queue, webhooks): queues = {} for url, data in webhooks.items(): if isinstance(data, str) or isinstance(data, unicode): token = data secret = None else: token = data["token"] secret = data["secret"] queues[url] = Queue() t = Thread(target=publish_to_webhook, args=(url, token, secret, queues[url])) t.start() # Get the message sent to Process queue and distribute to all thread queues while True: message = proc_queue.get() for _, q in queues.items(): q.put(message) class WebhookThreadPool(object): def start(self): # Seperate process to emit messages to webhooks # which maintains one thread per webhook. Seperate # process is required since on reload we need to stop # and start the thread pool. In Python Threads can't be stopped # so terminate the process and start again. Note: In transit # events will be missed during reload self.queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=webhook_monitor, args=(self.queue, _webhooks)) self.proc.start() def restart(self): # In transit messages are skipped, since webhooks monitor process # is terminated. self.proc.terminate() self.start() def send(self, event_type, event_ts, message): self.queue.put((event_type, event_ts, message)) def init_webhook_pool(): global webhooks_pool webhooks_pool = WebhookThreadPool() webhooks_pool.start() def restart_webhook_pool(): global webhooks_pool if webhooks_pool is not None: webhooks_pool.restart()