#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. # from __future__ import print_function import os import json from errno import EEXIST import fcntl from errno import EACCES, EAGAIN import signal import sys import time import requests from prettytable import PrettyTable from gluster.cliutils import (Cmd, node_output_ok, node_output_notok, sync_file_to_peers, GlusterCmdException, output_error, execute_in_peers, runcli, set_common_args_func) from events.utils import LockedOpen, get_jwt_token from events.eventsapiconf import (WEBHOOKS_FILE_TO_SYNC, WEBHOOKS_FILE, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE_TO_SYNC, EVENTSD, CONFIG_KEYS, BOOL_CONFIGS, INT_CONFIGS, PID_FILE, RESTART_CONFIGS, ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG, ERROR_WEBHOOK_NOT_EXISTS, ERROR_CONFIG_SYNC_FAILED, ERROR_WEBHOOK_ALREADY_EXISTS, ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS, ERROR_ALL_NODES_STATUS_NOT_OK, ERROR_SAME_CONFIG, ERROR_WEBHOOK_SYNC_FAILED) def handle_output_error(err, errcode=1, json_output=False): if json_output: print (json.dumps({ "output": "", "error": err })) sys.exit(errcode) else: output_error(err, errcode) def file_content_overwrite(fname, data): with open(fname + ".tmp", "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data)) os.rename(fname + ".tmp", fname) def create_custom_config_file_if_not_exists(args): try: config_dir = os.path.dirname(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE) mkdirp(config_dir) except OSError as e: handle_output_error("Failed to create dir %s: %s" % (config_dir, e), json_output=args.json) if not os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): with open(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, "w") as f: f.write("{}") def create_webhooks_file_if_not_exists(args): try: webhooks_dir = os.path.dirname(WEBHOOKS_FILE) mkdirp(webhooks_dir) except OSError as e: handle_output_error("Failed to create dir %s: %s" % (webhooks_dir, e), json_output=args.json) if not os.path.exists(WEBHOOKS_FILE): with open(WEBHOOKS_FILE, "w") as f: f.write("{}") def boolify(value): val = False if value.lower() in ["enabled", "true", "on", "yes"]: val = True return val def mkdirp(path, exit_on_err=False, logger=None): """ Try creating required directory structure ignore EEXIST and raise exception for rest of the errors. Print error in stderr and exit """ try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(path): raise def is_active(): state = False try: with open(PID_FILE, "a+") as f: fcntl.flock(f.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) state = False except (IOError, OSError) as e: if e.errno in (EACCES, EAGAIN): # cannot grab. so, process still running..move on state = True else: state = False return state def reload_service(): pid = None if is_active(): with open(PID_FILE) as f: try: pid = int(f.read().strip()) except ValueError: pid = None if pid is not None: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGUSR2) return (0, "", "") def rows_to_json(json_out, column_name, rows): num_ok_rows = 0 for row in rows: num_ok_rows += 1 if row.ok else 0 json_out.append({ "node": row.hostname, "node_status": "UP" if row.node_up else "DOWN", column_name: "OK" if row.ok else "NOT OK", "error": row.error }) return num_ok_rows def rows_to_table(table, rows): num_ok_rows = 0 for row in rows: num_ok_rows += 1 if row.ok else 0 table.add_row([row.hostname, "UP" if row.node_up else "DOWN", "OK" if row.ok else "NOT OK: {0}".format( row.error)]) return num_ok_rows def sync_to_peers(args): if os.path.exists(WEBHOOKS_FILE): try: sync_file_to_peers(WEBHOOKS_FILE_TO_SYNC) except GlusterCmdException as e: handle_output_error("Failed to sync Webhooks file: [Error: {0}]" "{1}".format(e[0], e[2]), errcode=ERROR_WEBHOOK_SYNC_FAILED, json_output=args.json) if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): try: sync_file_to_peers(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE_TO_SYNC) except GlusterCmdException as e: handle_output_error("Failed to sync Config file: [Error: {0}]" "{1}".format(e[0], e[2]), errcode=ERROR_CONFIG_SYNC_FAILED, json_output=args.json) out = execute_in_peers("node-reload") if not args.json: table = PrettyTable(["NODE", "NODE STATUS", "SYNC STATUS"]) table.align["NODE STATUS"] = "r" table.align["SYNC STATUS"] = "r" json_out = [] if args.json: num_ok_rows = rows_to_json(json_out, "sync_status", out) else: num_ok_rows = rows_to_table(table, out) ret = 0 if num_ok_rows == 0: ret = ERROR_ALL_NODES_STATUS_NOT_OK elif num_ok_rows != len(out): ret = ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS if args.json: print (json.dumps({ "output": json_out, "error": "" })) else: print (table) # If sync status is not ok for any node set error code as partial success sys.exit(ret) def node_output_handle(resp): rc, out, err = resp if rc == 0: node_output_ok(out) else: node_output_notok(err) def action_handle(action, json_output=False): out = execute_in_peers("node-" + action) column_name = action.upper() if action == "status": column_name = EVENTSD.upper() if not json_output: table = PrettyTable(["NODE", "NODE STATUS", column_name + " STATUS"]) table.align["NODE STATUS"] = "r" table.align[column_name + " STATUS"] = "r" json_out = [] if json_output: rows_to_json(json_out, column_name.lower() + "_status", out) else: rows_to_table(table, out) return json_out if json_output else table class NodeReload(Cmd): name = "node-reload" def run(self, args): node_output_handle(reload_service()) class ReloadCmd(Cmd): name = "reload" def run(self, args): out = action_handle("reload", args.json) if args.json: print (json.dumps({ "output": out, "error": "" })) else: print (out) class NodeStatus(Cmd): name = "node-status" def run(self, args): node_output_ok("UP" if is_active() else "DOWN") class StatusCmd(Cmd): name = "status" def run(self, args): webhooks = {} if os.path.exists(WEBHOOKS_FILE): webhooks = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) json_out = {"webhooks": [], "data": []} if args.json: json_out["webhooks"] = webhooks.keys() else: print ("Webhooks: " + ("" if webhooks else "None")) for w in webhooks: print (w) print () out = action_handle("status", args.json) if args.json: json_out["data"] = out print (json.dumps({ "output": json_out, "error": "" })) else: print (out) class WebhookAddCmd(Cmd): name = "webhook-add" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of Webhook") parser.add_argument("--bearer_token", "-t", help="Bearer Token", default="") parser.add_argument("--secret", "-s", help="Secret to add JWT Bearer Token", default="") def run(self, args): create_webhooks_file_if_not_exists(args) with LockedOpen(WEBHOOKS_FILE, 'r+'): data = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) if data.get(args.url, None) is not None: handle_output_error("Webhook already exists", errcode=ERROR_WEBHOOK_ALREADY_EXISTS, json_output=args.json) data[args.url] = {"token": args.bearer_token, "secret": args.secret} file_content_overwrite(WEBHOOKS_FILE, data) sync_to_peers(args) class WebhookModCmd(Cmd): name = "webhook-mod" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of Webhook") parser.add_argument("--bearer_token", "-t", help="Bearer Token", default="") parser.add_argument("--secret", "-s", help="Secret to add JWT Bearer Token", default="") def run(self, args): create_webhooks_file_if_not_exists(args) with LockedOpen(WEBHOOKS_FILE, 'r+'): data = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) if data.get(args.url, None) is None: handle_output_error("Webhook does not exists", errcode=ERROR_WEBHOOK_NOT_EXISTS, json_output=args.json) if isinstance(data[args.url], str) or \ isinstance(data[args.url], unicode): data[args.url]["token"] = data[args.url] if args.bearer_token != "": data[args.url]["token"] = args.bearer_token if args.secret != "": data[args.url]["secret"] = args.secret file_content_overwrite(WEBHOOKS_FILE, data) sync_to_peers(args) class WebhookDelCmd(Cmd): name = "webhook-del" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of Webhook") def run(self, args): create_webhooks_file_if_not_exists(args) with LockedOpen(WEBHOOKS_FILE, 'r+'): data = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) if data.get(args.url, None) is None: handle_output_error("Webhook does not exists", errcode=ERROR_WEBHOOK_NOT_EXISTS, json_output=args.json) del data[args.url] file_content_overwrite(WEBHOOKS_FILE, data) sync_to_peers(args) class NodeWebhookTestCmd(Cmd): name = "node-webhook-test" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url") parser.add_argument("bearer_token") parser.add_argument("secret") def run(self, args): http_headers = {} hashval = "" if args.bearer_token != ".": hashval = args.bearer_token if args.secret != ".": hashval = get_jwt_token(args.secret, "TEST", int(time.time())) if hashval: http_headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + hashval try: resp = requests.post(args.url, headers=http_headers) except requests.ConnectionError as e: node_output_notok("{0}".format(e)) except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema as e: node_output_notok("{0}".format(e)) if resp.status_code != 200: node_output_notok("{0}".format(resp.status_code)) node_output_ok() class WebhookTestCmd(Cmd): name = "webhook-test" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of Webhook") parser.add_argument("--bearer_token", "-t", help="Bearer Token") parser.add_argument("--secret", "-s", help="Secret to generate Bearer Token") def run(self, args): url = args.url bearer_token = args.bearer_token secret = args.secret if not args.url: url = "." if not args.bearer_token: bearer_token = "." if not args.secret: secret = "." out = execute_in_peers("node-webhook-test", [url, bearer_token, secret]) if not args.json: table = PrettyTable(["NODE", "NODE STATUS", "WEBHOOK STATUS"]) table.align["NODE STATUS"] = "r" table.align["WEBHOOK STATUS"] = "r" num_ok_rows = 0 json_out = [] if args.json: num_ok_rows = rows_to_json(json_out, "webhook_status", out) else: num_ok_rows = rows_to_table(table, out) ret = 0 if num_ok_rows == 0: ret = ERROR_ALL_NODES_STATUS_NOT_OK elif num_ok_rows != len(out): ret = ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS if args.json: print (json.dumps({ "output": json_out, "error": "" })) else: print (table) sys.exit(ret) class ConfigGetCmd(Cmd): name = "config-get" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--name", help="Config Name") def run(self, args): data = json.load(open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)) if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): data.update(json.load(open(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE))) if args.name is not None and args.name not in CONFIG_KEYS: handle_output_error("Invalid Config item", errcode=ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG, json_output=args.json) if args.json: json_out = {} if args.name is None: json_out = data else: json_out[args.name] = data[args.name] print (json.dumps({ "output": json_out, "error": "" })) else: table = PrettyTable(["NAME", "VALUE"]) if args.name is None: for k, v in data.items(): table.add_row([k, v]) else: table.add_row([args.name, data[args.name]]) print (table) def read_file_content_json(fname): content = "{}" with open(fname) as f: content = f.read() if content.strip() == "": content = "{}" return json.loads(content) class ConfigSetCmd(Cmd): name = "config-set" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("name", help="Config Name") parser.add_argument("value", help="Config Value") def run(self, args): if args.name not in CONFIG_KEYS: handle_output_error("Invalid Config item", errcode=ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG, json_output=args.json) create_custom_config_file_if_not_exists(args) with LockedOpen(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, 'r+'): data = json.load(open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)) if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): config_json = read_file_content_json(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE) data.update(config_json) # Do Nothing if same as previous value if data[args.name] == args.value: handle_output_error("Config value not changed. Same config", errcode=ERROR_SAME_CONFIG, json_output=args.json) # TODO: Validate Value new_data = read_file_content_json(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE) v = args.value if args.name in BOOL_CONFIGS: v = boolify(args.value) if args.name in INT_CONFIGS: v = int(args.value) new_data[args.name] = v file_content_overwrite(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, new_data) # If any value changed which requires restart of REST server restart = False if args.name in RESTART_CONFIGS: restart = True if restart: print ("\nRestart glustereventsd in all nodes") sync_to_peers(args) class ConfigResetCmd(Cmd): name = "config-reset" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("name", help="Config Name or all") def run(self, args): create_custom_config_file_if_not_exists(args) with LockedOpen(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, 'r+'): changed_keys = [] data = {} if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): data = read_file_content_json(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE) # If No data available in custom config or, the specific config # item is not available in custom config if not data or \ (args.name != "all" and data.get(args.name, None) is None): handle_output_error("Config value not reset. Already " "set to default value", errcode=ERROR_SAME_CONFIG, json_output=args.json) if args.name.lower() == "all": for k, v in data.items(): changed_keys.append(k) # Reset all keys file_content_overwrite(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, {}) else: changed_keys.append(args.name) del data[args.name] file_content_overwrite(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, data) # If any value changed which requires restart of REST server restart = False for key in changed_keys: if key in RESTART_CONFIGS: restart = True break if restart: print ("\nRestart glustereventsd in all nodes") sync_to_peers(args) class SyncCmd(Cmd): name = "sync" def run(self, args): sync_to_peers(args) def common_args(parser): parser.add_argument("--json", help="JSON Output", action="store_true") if __name__ == "__main__": set_common_args_func(common_args) runcli()