#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. # from __future__ import print_function import os import json from errno import EEXIST import requests import fasteners from prettytable import PrettyTable from gluster.cliutils import (Cmd, execute, node_output_ok, node_output_notok, sync_file_to_peers, GlusterCmdException, output_error, execute_in_peers, runcli) from events.eventsapiconf import (WEBHOOKS_FILE_TO_SYNC, WEBHOOKS_FILE, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE_TO_SYNC, EVENTSD, CONFIG_KEYS, BOOL_CONFIGS, INT_CONFIGS, RESTART_CONFIGS) def file_content_overwrite(fname, data): with open(fname + ".tmp", "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data)) os.rename(fname + ".tmp", fname) def create_custom_config_file_if_not_exists(): mkdirp(os.path.dirname(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE)) if not os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): with open(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, "w") as f: f.write("{}") def create_webhooks_file_if_not_exists(): mkdirp(os.path.dirname(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) if not os.path.exists(WEBHOOKS_FILE): with open(WEBHOOKS_FILE, "w") as f: f.write("{}") def boolify(value): val = False if value.lower() in ["enabled", "true", "on", "yes"]: val = True return val def mkdirp(path, exit_on_err=False, logger=None): """ Try creating required directory structure ignore EEXIST and raise exception for rest of the errors. Print error in stderr and exit """ try: os.makedirs(path) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno == EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: output_error("Fail to create dir %s: %s" % (path, e)) def is_enabled(service): rc, out, err = execute(["systemctl", "is-enabled", service]) return rc == 0 def is_active(service): rc, out, err = execute(["systemctl", "is-active", service]) return rc == 0 def enable_service(service): if not is_enabled(service): cmd = ["systemctl", "enable", service] return execute(cmd) return (0, "", "") def disable_service(service): if is_enabled(service): cmd = ["systemctl", "disable", service] return execute(cmd) return (0, "", "") def start_service(service): rc, out, err = enable_service(service) if rc != 0: return (rc, out, err) cmd = ["systemctl", "start", service] return execute(cmd) def stop_service(service): rc, out, err = disable_service(service) if rc != 0: return (rc, out, err) cmd = ["systemctl", "stop", service] return execute(cmd) def restart_service(service): rc, out, err = stop_service(service) if rc != 0: return (rc, out, err) return start_service(service) def reload_service(service): if is_active(service): cmd = ["systemctl", "reload", service] return execute(cmd) return (0, "", "") def sync_to_peers(restart=False): if os.path.exists(WEBHOOKS_FILE): try: sync_file_to_peers(WEBHOOKS_FILE_TO_SYNC) except GlusterCmdException as e: output_error("Failed to sync Webhooks file: [Error: {0}]" "{1}".format(e[0], e[2])) if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): try: sync_file_to_peers(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE_TO_SYNC) except GlusterCmdException as e: output_error("Failed to sync Config file: [Error: {0}]" "{1}".format(e[0], e[2])) action = "node-reload" if restart: action = "node-restart" out = execute_in_peers(action) table = PrettyTable(["NODE", "NODE STATUS", "SYNC STATUS"]) table.align["NODE STATUS"] = "r" table.align["SYNC STATUS"] = "r" for p in out: table.add_row([p.hostname, "UP" if p.node_up else "DOWN", "OK" if p.ok else "NOT OK: {0}".format( p.error)]) print (table) def node_output_handle(resp): rc, out, err = resp if rc == 0: node_output_ok(out) else: node_output_notok(err) def action_handle(action): out = execute_in_peers("node-" + action) column_name = action.upper() if action == "status": column_name = EVENTSD.upper() table = PrettyTable(["NODE", "NODE STATUS", column_name + " STATUS"]) table.align["NODE STATUS"] = "r" table.align[column_name + " STATUS"] = "r" for p in out: status_col_val = "OK" if p.ok else "NOT OK: {0}".format( p.error) if action == "status": status_col_val = "DOWN" if p.ok: status_col_val = p.output table.add_row([p.hostname, "UP" if p.node_up else "DOWN", status_col_val]) print (table) class NodeStart(Cmd): name = "node-start" def run(self, args): node_output_handle(start_service(EVENTSD)) class StartCmd(Cmd): name = "start" def run(self, args): action_handle("start") class NodeStop(Cmd): name = "node-stop" def run(self, args): node_output_handle(stop_service(EVENTSD)) class StopCmd(Cmd): name = "stop" def run(self, args): action_handle("stop") class NodeRestart(Cmd): name = "node-restart" def run(self, args): node_output_handle(restart_service(EVENTSD)) class RestartCmd(Cmd): name = "restart" def run(self, args): action_handle("restart") class NodeReload(Cmd): name = "node-reload" def run(self, args): node_output_handle(reload_service(EVENTSD)) class ReloadCmd(Cmd): name = "reload" def run(self, args): action_handle("reload") class NodeStatus(Cmd): name = "node-status" def run(self, args): node_output_ok("UP" if is_active(EVENTSD) else "DOWN") class StatusCmd(Cmd): name = "status" def run(self, args): webhooks = {} if os.path.exists(WEBHOOKS_FILE): webhooks = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) print ("Webhooks: " + ("" if webhooks else "None")) for w in webhooks: print (w) print () action_handle("status") class WebhookAddCmd(Cmd): name = "webhook-add" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of Webhook") parser.add_argument("--bearer_token", "-t", help="Bearer Token", default="") def run(self, args): create_webhooks_file_if_not_exists() with fasteners.InterProcessLock(WEBHOOKS_FILE): data = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) if data.get(args.url, None) is not None: output_error("Webhook already exists") data[args.url] = args.bearer_token file_content_overwrite(WEBHOOKS_FILE, data) sync_to_peers() class WebhookModCmd(Cmd): name = "webhook-mod" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of Webhook") parser.add_argument("--bearer_token", "-t", help="Bearer Token", default="") def run(self, args): create_webhooks_file_if_not_exists() with fasteners.InterProcessLock(WEBHOOKS_FILE): data = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) if data.get(args.url, None) is None: output_error("Webhook does not exists") data[args.url] = args.bearer_token file_content_overwrite(WEBHOOKS_FILE, data) sync_to_peers() class WebhookDelCmd(Cmd): name = "webhook-del" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of Webhook") def run(self, args): create_webhooks_file_if_not_exists() with fasteners.InterProcessLock(WEBHOOKS_FILE): data = json.load(open(WEBHOOKS_FILE)) if data.get(args.url, None) is None: output_error("Webhook does not exists") del data[args.url] file_content_overwrite(WEBHOOKS_FILE, data) sync_to_peers() class NodeWebhookTestCmd(Cmd): name = "node-webhook-test" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url") parser.add_argument("bearer_token") def run(self, args): http_headers = {} if args.bearer_token != ".": http_headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + args.bearer_token try: resp = requests.post(args.url, headers=http_headers) except requests.ConnectionError as e: node_output_notok("{0}".format(e)) if resp.status_code != 200: node_output_notok("{0}".format(resp.status_code)) node_output_ok() class WebhookTestCmd(Cmd): name = "webhook-test" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of Webhook") parser.add_argument("--bearer_token", "-t", help="Bearer Token") def run(self, args): url = args.url bearer_token = args.bearer_token if not args.url: url = "." if not args.bearer_token: bearer_token = "." out = execute_in_peers("node-webhook-test", [url, bearer_token]) table = PrettyTable(["NODE", "NODE STATUS", "WEBHOOK STATUS"]) table.align["NODE STATUS"] = "r" table.align["WEBHOOK STATUS"] = "r" for p in out: table.add_row([p.hostname, "UP" if p.node_up else "DOWN", "OK" if p.ok else "NOT OK: {0}".format( p.error)]) print (table) class ConfigGetCmd(Cmd): name = "config-get" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--name", help="Config Name") def run(self, args): data = json.load(open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)) if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): data.update(json.load(open(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE))) if args.name is not None and args.name not in CONFIG_KEYS: output_error("Invalid Config item") table = PrettyTable(["NAME", "VALUE"]) if args.name is None: for k, v in data.items(): table.add_row([k, v]) else: table.add_row([args.name, data[args.name]]) print (table) def read_file_content_json(fname): content = "{}" with open(fname) as f: content = f.read() if content.strip() == "": content = "{}" return json.loads(content) class ConfigSetCmd(Cmd): name = "config-set" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("name", help="Config Name") parser.add_argument("value", help="Config Value") def run(self, args): if args.name not in CONFIG_KEYS: output_error("Invalid Config item") with fasteners.InterProcessLock(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): data = json.load(open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)) if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): config_json = read_file_content_json(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE) data.update(config_json) # Do Nothing if same as previous value if data[args.name] == args.value: return # TODO: Validate Value create_custom_config_file_if_not_exists() new_data = read_file_content_json(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE) v = args.value if args.name in BOOL_CONFIGS: v = boolify(args.value) if args.name in INT_CONFIGS: v = int(args.value) new_data[args.name] = v file_content_overwrite(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, new_data) # If any value changed which requires restart of REST server restart = False if args.name in RESTART_CONFIGS: restart = True sync_to_peers(restart=restart) class ConfigResetCmd(Cmd): name = "config-reset" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("name", help="Config Name or all") def run(self, args): with fasteners.InterProcessLock(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): changed_keys = [] data = {} if os.path.exists(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE): data = read_file_content_json(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE) if not data: return if args.name.lower() == "all": for k, v in data.items(): changed_keys.append(k) # Reset all keys file_content_overwrite(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, {}) else: changed_keys.append(args.name) del data[args.name] file_content_overwrite(CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE, data) # If any value changed which requires restart of REST server restart = False for key in changed_keys: if key in RESTART_CONFIGS: restart = True break sync_to_peers(restart=restart) class SyncCmd(Cmd): name = "sync" def run(self, args): sync_to_peers() if __name__ == "__main__": runcli()