Using the Gluster Console Manager – Command Line Utility The Gluster Console Manager is a single command line utility that simplifies configuration and management of your storage environment. The Gluster Console Manager is similar to the LVM (Logical Volume Manager) CLI or ZFS Command Line Interface, but it works in sync with multiple storage servers. You can use the Gluster Console Manager while volumes are mounted and active too. Gluster automatically synchronizes volume configuration information across all Gluster servers. Using the Gluster Console Manager, you can create new volumes, start volumes, and stop volumes, as required. You can also add bricks to volumes, remove bricks from existing volumes, as well as change volume settings (such as some translator specific options), among other operations. You can also use these CLI commands to create scripts for automation, as well as use the commands as an API to allow integration with third-party applications. Running the Gluster Console Manager You can run the Gluster Console Manager on any GlusterFS server either by invoking the commands or by running the Gluster CLI in interactive mode. You can also use the gluster command remotely using SSH. To run commands directly: # gluster peer command For example: # gluster peer status To run the Gluster Console Manager in interactive mode # gluster You can execute gluster commands from the Console Manager prompt: gluster> command For example, to view the status of the peer server: # gluster gluster > peer status Display the status of the peer. With any 'gluster' installation, to check all the supported CLI commands, use 'gluster help' .