path: root/xlators/features/glupy/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xlators/features/glupy/examples/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 777 deletions
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/examples/ b/xlators/features/glupy/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e012f6c547..00000000000
--- a/xlators/features/glupy/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys
-import stat
-from uuid import UUID
-from time import strftime, localtime
-from gluster.glupy import *
-# This translator was written primarily to test the fop entry point definitions
-# and structure definitions in ''.
-# It is similar to the C language debug-trace translator, which logs the
-# arguments passed to the fops and their corresponding cbk functions.
-dl.get_id.restype = c_long
-dl.get_id.argtypes = [ POINTER(call_frame_t) ]
-dl.get_rootunique.restype = c_uint64
-dl.get_rootunique.argtypes = [ POINTER(call_frame_t) ]
-def uuid2str (gfid):
- return str(UUID(''.join(map("{0:02x}".format, gfid))))
-def st_mode_from_ia (prot, filetype):
- st_mode = 0
- type_bit = 0
- prot_bit = 0
- if filetype == IA_IFREG:
- type_bit = stat.S_IFREG
- elif filetype == IA_IFDIR:
- type_bit = stat.S_IFDIR
- elif filetype == IA_IFLNK:
- type_bit = stat.S_IFLNK
- elif filetype == IA_IFBLK:
- type_bit = stat.S_IFBLK
- elif filetype == IA_IFCHR:
- type_bit = stat.S_IFCHR
- elif filetype == IA_IFIFO:
- type_bit = stat.S_IFIFO
- elif filetype == IA_IFSOCK:
- type_bit = stat.S_IFSOCK
- elif filetype == IA_INVAL:
- pass
- if prot.suid:
- prot_bit |= stat.S_ISUID
- if prot.sgid:
- prot_bit |= stat.S_ISGID
- if prot.sticky:
- prot_bit |= stat.S_ISVTX
- if
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IRUSR
- if prot.owner.write:
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IWUSR
- if prot.owner.execn:
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IXUSR
- if
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IRGRP
- if
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IWGRP
- if
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IXGRP
- if
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IROTH
- if prot.other.write:
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IWOTH
- if prot.other.execn:
- prot_bit |= stat.S_IXOTH
- st_mode = (type_bit | prot_bit)
- return st_mode
-def trace_stat2str (buf):
- gfid = uuid2str(buf.contents.ia_gfid)
- mode = st_mode_from_ia(buf.contents.ia_prot, buf.contents.ia_type)
- atime_buf = strftime("[%b %d %H:%M:%S]",
- localtime(buf.contents.ia_atime))
- mtime_buf = strftime("[%b %d %H:%M:%S]",
- localtime(buf.contents.ia_mtime))
- ctime_buf = strftime("[%b %d %H:%M:%S]",
- localtime(buf.contents.ia_ctime))
- return ("(gfid={0:s}, ino={1:d}, mode={2:o}, nlink={3:d}, uid ={4:d}, "+
- "gid ={5:d}, size={6:d}, blocks={7:d}, atime={8:s}, mtime={9:s}, "+
- "ctime={10:s})").format(gfid, buf.contents.ia_no, mode,
- buf.contents.ia_nlink,
- buf.contents.ia_uid,
- buf.contents.ia_gid,
- buf.contents.ia_size,
- buf.contents.ia_blocks,
- atime_buf, mtime_buf,
- ctime_buf)
-class xlator(Translator):
- def __init__(self, c_this):
- Translator.__init__(self, c_this)
- self.gfids = {}
- def lookup_fop(self, frame, this, loc, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE LOOKUP FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; " +
- "path={2:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_lookup(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, xdata)
- return 0
- def lookup_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- inode, buf, xdata, postparent):
- unique =dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key =dl.get_id(frame)
- if op_ret == 0:
- gfid = uuid2str(buf.contents.ia_gfid)
- statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
- postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE LOOKUP CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; *buf={3:s}; " +
- "*postparent={4:s}").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, statstr,
- postparentstr))
- else:
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE LOOKUP CBK - {0:d}: gfid={1:s};" +
- " op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_lookup(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- inode, buf, xdata, postparent)
- return 0
- def create_fop(self, frame, this, loc, flags, mode, umask, fd,
- xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE CREATE FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; " +
- "fd={3:s}; flags=0{4:o}; mode=0{5:o}; " +
- "umask=0{6:o}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
- fd, flags, mode, umask))
- dl.wind_create(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, flags, mode,
- umask, fd, xdata)
- return 0
- def create_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
- inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- if op_ret >= 0:
- gfid = uuid2str(inode.contents.gfid)
- statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
- preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
- postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE CREATE CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s};" +
- " op_ret={2:d}; fd={3:s}; *stbuf={4:s}; " +
- "*preparent={5:s};" +
- " *postparent={6:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
- fd, statstr,
- preparentstr,
- postparentstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE CREATE CBK- {0:d}: op_ret={1:d}; " +
- "op_errno={2:d}").format(unique, op_ret, op_errno))
- dl.unwind_create(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
- inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata)
- return 0
- def open_fop(self, frame, this, loc, flags, fd, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE OPEN FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; "+
- "flags={3:d}; fd={4:s}").format(unique, gfid,
- loc.contents.path, flags,
- fd))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_open(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, flags, fd, xdata)
- return 0
- def open_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE OPEN CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; op_ret={2:d}; "
- "op_errno={3:d}; *fd={4:s}").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, op_errno, fd))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_open(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def readv_fop(self, frame, this, fd, size, offset, flags, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READV FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "fd={2:s}; size ={3:d}; offset={4:d}; " +
- "flags=0{5:x}").format(unique, gfid, fd, size, offset,
- flags))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_readv (frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, size, offset,
- flags, xdata)
- return 0
- def readv_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, vector,
- count, buf, iobref, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- if op_ret >= 0:
- statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READV CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}, "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; *buf={3:s};").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret,
- statstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READV CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}, "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_readv (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- vector, count, buf, iobref, xdata)
- return 0
- def writev_fop(self, frame, this, fd, vector, count, offset, flags,
- iobref, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE WRITEV FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; " +
- "fd={2:s}; count={3:d}; offset={4:d}; " +
- "flags=0{5:x}").format(unique, gfid, fd, count, offset,
- flags))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_writev(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, vector, count,
- offset, flags, iobref, xdata)
- return 0
- def writev_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, prebuf,
- postbuf, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- if op_ret >= 0:
- preopstr = trace_stat2str(prebuf)
- postopstr = trace_stat2str(postbuf)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE WRITEV CBK- {0:d}: op_ret={1:d}; " +
- "*prebuf={2:s}; " +
- "*postbuf={3:s}").format(unique, op_ret, preopstr,
- postopstr))
- else:
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE WRITEV CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_writev (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- prebuf, postbuf, xdata)
- return 0
- def opendir_fop(self, frame, this, loc, fd, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE OPENDIR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; "+
- "fd={3:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path, fd))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_opendir(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, fd, xdata)
- return 0
- def opendir_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
- xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE OPENDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; op_ret={2:d};"+
- " op_errno={3:d}; fd={4:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
- op_errno, fd))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_opendir(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- fd, xdata)
- return 0
- def readdir_fop(self, frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READDIR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; fd={2:s}; " +
- "size={3:d}; offset={4:d}").format(unique, gfid, fd, size,
- offset))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_readdir(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, size, offset,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def readdir_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
- xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; op_ret={2:d};"+
- " op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret, op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_readdir(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def readdirp_fop(self, frame, this, fd, size, offset, dictionary):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READDIRP FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; fd={2:s}; "+
- " size={3:d}; offset={4:d}").format(unique, gfid, fd, size,
- offset))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_readdirp(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, size, offset,
- dictionary)
- return 0
- def readdirp_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
- xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READDIRP CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_readdirp(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def mkdir_fop(self, frame, this, loc, mode, umask, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE MKDIR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; " +
- "mode={3:d}; umask=0{4:o}").format(unique, gfid,
- loc.contents.path, mode,
- umask))
- dl.wind_mkdir(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, mode, umask,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def mkdir_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
- preparent, postparent, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- if op_ret == 0:
- gfid = uuid2str(inode.contents.gfid)
- statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
- preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
- postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE MKDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; *stbuf={3:s}; *prebuf={4:s}; "+
- "*postbuf={5:s} ").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
- statstr,
- preparentstr,
- postparentstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE MKDIR CBK- {0:d}: op_ret={1:d}; "+
- "op_errno={2:d}").format(unique, op_ret, op_errno))
- dl.unwind_mkdir(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode,
- buf, preparent, postparent, xdata)
- return 0
- def rmdir_fop(self, frame, this, loc, flags, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE RMDIR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; "+
- "flags={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
- flags))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_rmdir(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, flags, xdata)
- return 0
- def rmdir_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, preparent,
- postparent, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- if op_ret == 0:
- preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
- postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE RMDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; *prebuf={3:s}; "+
- "*postbuf={4:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
- preparentstr,
- postparentstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE RMDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_rmdir(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- preparent, postparent, xdata)
- return 0
- def stat_fop(self, frame, this, loc, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE STAT FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; " +
- " path={2:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_stat(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, xdata)
- return 0
- def stat_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
- xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- if op_ret == 0:
- statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE STAT CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; *buf={3:s};").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- statstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE STAT CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_stat(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- buf, xdata)
- return 0
- def fstat_fop(self, frame, this, fd, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE FSTAT FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; " +
- "fd={2:s}").format(unique, gfid, fd))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_fstat(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, xdata)
- return 0
- def fstat_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
- xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- if op_ret == 0:
- statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE FSTAT CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
- " op_ret={2:d}; *buf={3:s}").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- statstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE FSTAT CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique.
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_fstat(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- buf, xdata)
- return 0
- def statfs_fop(self, frame, this, loc, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- if loc.contents.inode:
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- else:
- gfid = "0"
- print(("GLUPY TRACE STATFS FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "path={2:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path))
- dl.wind_statfs(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, xdata)
- return 0
- def statfs_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
- xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- if op_ret == 0:
- #TBD: print buf (pointer to an iovec type object)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE STATFS CBK {0:d}: "+
- "op_ret={1:d}").format(unique, op_ret))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE STATFS CBK- {0:d}"+
- "op_ret={1:d}; op_errno={2:d}").format(unique,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- dl.unwind_statfs(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- buf, xdata)
- return 0
- def getxattr_fop(self, frame, this, loc, name, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE GETXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s};"+
- " name={3:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
- name))
- self.gfids[key]=gfid
- dl.wind_getxattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, name, xdata)
- return 0
- def getxattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- dictionary, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE GETXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}; "+
- " dictionary={4:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret, op_errno,
- dictionary))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_getxattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- dictionary, xdata)
- return 0
- def fgetxattr_fop(self, frame, this, fd, name, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE FGETXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; fd={2:s}; "+
- "name={3:s}").format(unique, gfid, fd, name))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_fgetxattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, name, xdata)
- return 0
- def fgetxattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- dictionary, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE FGETXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d};"+
- " dictionary={4:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
- op_errno, dictionary))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_fgetxattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- dictionary, xdata)
- return 0
- def setxattr_fop(self, frame, this, loc, dictionary, flags, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE SETXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s};"+
- " flags={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
- flags))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_setxattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, dictionary,
- flags, xdata)
- return 0
- def setxattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE SETXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_setxattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def fsetxattr_fop(self, frame, this, fd, dictionary, flags, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE FSETXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; fd={2:p}; "+
- "flags={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, fd, flags))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_fsetxattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, dictionary,
- flags, xdata)
- return 0
- def fsetxattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE FSETXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_fsetxattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def removexattr_fop(self, frame, this, loc, name, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE REMOVEXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "path={2:s}; name={3:s}").format(unique, gfid,
- loc.contents.path,
- name))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_removexattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, name,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def removexattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- print(("GLUPY TRACE REMOVEXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
- " op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_removexattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def link_fop(self, frame, this, oldloc, newloc, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- if (newloc.contents.inode):
- newgfid = uuid2str(newloc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- else:
- newgfid = "0"
- oldgfid = uuid2str(oldloc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE LINK FOP-{0:d}: oldgfid={1:s}; oldpath={2:s};"+
- "newgfid={3:s};"+
- "newpath={4:s}").format(unique, oldgfid,
- oldloc.contents.path,
- newgfid,
- newloc.contents.path))
- self.gfids[key] = oldgfid
- dl.wind_link(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), oldloc, newloc,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def link_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
- preparent, postparent, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- if op_ret == 0:
- statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
- preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
- postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE LINK CBK- {0:d}: op_ret={1:d} "+
- "*stbuf={2:s}; *prebuf={3:s}; "+
- "*postbuf={4:s} ").format(unique, op_ret, statstr,
- preparentstr,
- postparentstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE LINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; "+
- "op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_link(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode,
- buf, preparent, postparent, xdata)
- return 0
- def unlink_fop(self, frame, this, loc, xflag, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE UNLINK FOP- {0:d}; gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; "+
- "flag={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
- xflag))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_unlink(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, xflag,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def unlink_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- preparent, postparent, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- if op_ret == 0:
- preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
- postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE UNLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid ={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; *prebuf={3:s}; "+
- "*postbuf={4:s} ").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
- preparentstr,
- postparentstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE UNLINK CBK: {0:d}: gfid ={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; "+
- "op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_unlink(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- preparent, postparent, xdata)
- return 0
- def readlink_fop(self, frame, this, loc, size, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READLINK FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s};"+
- " size={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
- size))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_readlink(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, size,
- xdata)
- return 0
- def readlink_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- buf, stbuf, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- if op_ret == 0:
- statstr = trace_stat2str(stbuf)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
- " op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}; *prebuf={4:s}; "+
- "*postbuf={5:s} ").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, op_errno,
- buf, statstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE READLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
- " op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_readlink(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
- stbuf, xdata)
- return 0
- def symlink_fop(self, frame, this, linkpath, loc, umask, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE SYMLINK FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "linkpath={2:s}; path={3:s};"+
- "umask=0{4:o}").format(unique, gfid, linkpath,
- loc.contents.path, umask))
- self.gfids[key] = gfid
- dl.wind_symlink(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), linkpath, loc,
- umask, xdata)
- return 0
- def symlink_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata):
- unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- gfid = self.gfids[key]
- if op_ret == 0:
- statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
- preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
- postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
- print(("GLUPY TRACE SYMLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; *stbuf={3:s}; *preparent={4:s}; "+
- "*postparent={5:s}").format(unique, gfid,
- op_ret, statstr,
- preparentstr,
- postparentstr))
- else:
- print(("GLUPY TRACE SYMLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
- "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
- gfid,
- op_ret,
- op_errno))
- del self.gfids[key]
- dl.unwind_symlink(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
- inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata)
- return 0