path: root/extras/glusterfs-volgen
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Diffstat (limited to 'extras/glusterfs-volgen')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/extras/glusterfs-volgen b/extras/glusterfs-volgen
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dcb9e3cea5..00000000000
--- a/extras/glusterfs-volgen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-import getopt, sys, os, string
-transport_type = "tcp"
-gfs_port = 6996
-raid_type = None
-num_replica = 2
-num_stripe = 4
-cache_size = "1GB"
-def print_usage (name):
- spaces = ' ' * (len(name) + 1)
- print name, " --name <volume-name>"
- print "%s[--raid 0|1|10]" % spaces
- print "%s[--transport tcp|ib-verbs]" % spaces
- print "%s[--cache-size <cache-size>]" % spaces
- print "%s[--port <port>]" % spaces
- print "%s[--export-directory <export-dir>]" % spaces
- print "%s[--num-stripe n]" % spaces
- print "%s[--num-replica m]" % spaces
- print "%s[--usage, --help]" % spaces
- print "%s[--upgrade]" % spaces
- print "%s[--version]" % spaces
- print "%sserver1 server2 ... serverN" % spaces
- return
-def print_version (version):
- print "glusterfs-volgen %s: A tool to generate volume files for GlusterFS." % version
- print "Copyright (C) 2009 Gluster, Inc. <>"
- print """License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
-This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
-There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."""
-def print_error (msg):
- print "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], msg)
-def setup_env ():
-# os.system ("mkdir -p "confdir"/glusterfs")
-# os.system ("touch "confdir"/glusterfs/19993")
- return
-def print_mount_volume (mount_fd, servers):
- global raid_type
- global gfs_port
- global transport_type
- global num_replica
- global num_stripe
- global cache_size
- # Make sure 'server list is uniq'
- tmp_servers = []
- for server in servers:
- if server in tmp_servers:
- print "duplicate entry in server list (%s).. exiting" % server
- sys.exit (1)
- tmp_servers.append (server);
- num_servers = len (servers)
- if num_servers is 0:
- print "no servers given, exiting"
- sys.exit (1)
- # Make sure proper RAID type is given
- if raid_type == 1:
- if (num_servers % num_replica) != 0:
- print_error ("raid type (%d) and number of of hosts (%d) not appropriate" % (raid_type, num_servers))
- sys.exit (1)
- num_stripe = 1
- if raid_type == 0:
- if (num_servers % num_stripe) != 0:
- print_error ("raid type (%d) and number of of hosts (%d) not appropriate" % (raid_type, num_servers))
- sys.exit (1)
- num_replica = 1
- if raid_type == 10:
- if (num_servers % (num_replica * num_stripe)) != 0:
- print_error ("raid type (%d) and number of of hosts (%d) not appropriate" % (raid_type, num_servers))
- sys.exit (1)
- cmdline = string.join (sys.argv, ' ')
- mount_fd.write ("## file auto generated by %s (mount.vol)\n" % sys.argv[0])
- mount_fd.write ("# Cmd line:\n")
- mount_fd.write ("# $ %s\n\n" % cmdline)
- if raid_type is not None:
- # Used for later usage
- mount_fd.write ("# RAID %d\n" % raid_type)
- mount_fd.write ("# TRANSPORT-TYPE %s\n" % transport_type)
- mount_fd.write ("# PORT %d\n\n" % gfs_port)
- for host in servers:
- mount_fd.write ("volume %s\n" % host)
- mount_fd.write (" type protocol/client\n")
- mount_fd.write (" option transport-type %s\n" % transport_type)
- mount_fd.write (" option remote-host %s\n" % host)
- mount_fd.write (" option remote-port %d\n" % gfs_port)
- mount_fd.write (" option remote-subvolume brick\n")
- mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- subvolumes = []
- subvolumes.append (host)
- # Stripe section.. if given
- if raid_type is 0 or raid_type is 10:
- subvolumes = []
- temp = []
- flag = 0
- for host in servers:
- temp.append (host)
- flag += 1
- if (flag % num_stripe) is 0:
- subvolumes.append (string.join (temp, ' '))
- temp = []
- max_stripe_idx = len (servers) / num_stripe
- stripe_idx = 0
- while stripe_idx < max_stripe_idx:
- mount_fd.write ("volume stripe-%d\n" % stripe_idx)
- mount_fd.write (" type cluster/stripe\n")
- mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % subvolumes[stripe_idx])
- mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- stripe_idx += 1
- # Replicate section
- if raid_type is 1 or raid_type is 10:
- if raid_type is 1:
- subvolumes = []
- temp = []
- flag = 0
- for host in servers:
- temp.append (host)
- flag += 1
- if (flag % num_replica) is 0:
- subvolumes.append (string.join (temp, ' '))
- temp = []
- else:
- subvolumes = []
- temp = []
- flag = 0
- while flag < stripe_idx:
- temp.append ("stripe-%d" % flag)
- flag += 1
- if (flag % num_replica) is 0:
- subvolumes.append (string.join (temp, ' '))
- temp = []
- max_mirror_idx = len (servers) / (num_replica * num_stripe)
- mirror_idx = 0
- while mirror_idx < max_mirror_idx:
- mount_fd.write ("volume mirror-%d\n" % mirror_idx)
- mount_fd.write (" type cluster/replicate\n")
- mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % subvolumes[mirror_idx])
- mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- mirror_idx += 1
- # Distribute section
- if raid_type is None:
- subvolumes = []
- for host in servers:
- subvolumes.append (host)
- elif raid_type is 0:
- subvolumes = []
- flag = 0
- while flag < stripe_idx:
- subvolumes.append ("stripe-%d" % flag)
- flag += 1
- else:
- subvolumes = []
- flag = 0
- while flag < mirror_idx:
- subvolumes.append ("mirror-%d" % flag)
- flag += 1
- if len (subvolumes) > 1:
- mount_fd.write ("volume distribute\n")
- mount_fd.write (" type cluster/distribute\n")
- mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % string.join (subvolumes, ' '))
- mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- subvolumes[0] = "distribute"
- mount_fd.write ("volume writebehind\n")
- mount_fd.write (" type performance/write-behind\n")
- mount_fd.write (" option cache-size 4MB\n")
- mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % subvolumes[0])
- mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- mount_fd.write ("volume io-cache\n")
- mount_fd.write (" type performance/io-cache\n")
- mount_fd.write (" option cache-size %s\n" % cache_size)
- mount_fd.write (" subvolumes writebehind\n")
- mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- return
-def print_export_volume (exp_fd, export_dir):
- global transport_type
- global gfs_port
- cmdline = string.join (sys.argv, ' ')
- exp_fd.write ("## file auto generated by %s (export.vol)\n" % sys.argv[0])
- exp_fd.write ("# Cmd line:\n")
- exp_fd.write ("# $ %s\n\n" % cmdline)
- exp_fd.write ("# TRANSPORT-TYPE %s\n" % transport_type)
- exp_fd.write ("# PORT %d\n\n" % gfs_port)
- exp_fd.write ("volume posix\n")
- exp_fd.write (" type storage/posix\n")
- exp_fd.write (" option directory %s\n" % export_dir)
- exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- exp_fd.write ("volume locks\n")
- exp_fd.write (" type features/locks\n")
- exp_fd.write (" subvolumes posix\n")
- exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- exp_fd.write ("volume brick\n")
- exp_fd.write (" type performance/io-threads\n")
- exp_fd.write (" option thread-count 8\n")
- exp_fd.write (" subvolumes locks\n")
- exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- exp_fd.write ("volume server\n")
- exp_fd.write (" type protocol/server\n")
- exp_fd.write (" option transport-type %s\n" % transport_type)
- exp_fd.write (" option auth.addr.brick.allow *\n")
- exp_fd.write (" option listen-port %d\n" % gfs_port)
- exp_fd.write (" subvolumes brick\n")
- exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
- return
-def upgrade_mount_volume (volume_path, new_servers):
- global transport_type
- global gfs_port
- global raid_type
- try:
- tmp_read_fd = file (volume_path, "r")
- except IOError, (errno, strerror):
- print_error ("open of %s failed: %s" % (volume_path, strerror))
- sys.exit (1)
- volume_file_buf = tmp_read_fd.readlines ()
- volume_file_buf = map (string.strip, volume_file_buf)
- old_servers = []
- for line in volume_file_buf:
- if line[0:6] == "# RAID":
- raid_type = int (line[7:])
- volume_name = ""
- if line[0:6] == "volume":
- volume_name = line[7:]
- if (volume_name == "stripe-0" or volume_name == "mirror-0" or volume_name == "distribute"):
- break
- old_servers.append (volume_name)
- if (len (line) > 22 and line[7:21] == "transport-type"):
- transport_type = line[22:]
- if (len (line) > 20 and line[7:18] == "remote-port"):
- gfs_port = int (line[19:])
- servers = old_servers + new_servers
- # Make sure 'server list is uniq'
- tmp_servers = []
- for server in servers:
- if server in tmp_servers:
- print_error ("duplicate entry in server list (%s)." % server)
- sys.exit (1)
- tmp_servers.append (server);
- try:
- tmp_fd = file (volume_path, "w")
- except IOError, (errno, strerror):
- print_error ("open of %s failed: %s" % (volume_path, strerror))
- sys.exit (1)
- print_mount_volume (tmp_fd, servers)
- print "Wrote new mount file %s" % volume_path
- return
-def main ():
- global transport_type
- global gfs_port
- global raid_type
- global num_replica
- global num_stripe
- main_name = None
- needs_upgrade = None
- version_num ="0.1.3"
- volume_name = None
- export_dir = None
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- print_usage (sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit (1)
- # TODO: take this variable from --prefix option.
- confdir = "/usr/local/etc/glusterfs"
- #rport = $(($(ls ${confdir}/glusterfs/ | sort | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d -) - 10));
- #cache_size = "$(free | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print $2 * .40}')KB"; # 40% of available memory
- export_volume_path="/dev/stdout"
- mount_volume_path="/dev/stdout"
- try:
- (opt, args) = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], "r:t:c:p:d:n:o:v:uh",
- ["raid=",
- "transport=",
- "cache-size=",
- "port=",
- "export-directory=",
- "num-stripe=",
- "num-replica=",
- "name=",
- "conf-dir=",
- "upgrade",
- "usage",
- "version",
- "help"])
- except getopt.GetoptError, (msg, opt):
- print msg
- sys.exit (1)
- for (o, val) in opt:
- if o == '--usage' or o == '--help':
- print_usage (sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit (0)
- if o == '--upgrade':
- needs_upgrade = 1
- if o == '--num-stripe':
- num_stripe = int (val)
- if o == '--num-replica':
- num_replica = int (val)
- if o == '-n' or o == '--name':
- main_name = val
- if o == '-o' or o == '--conf-dir':
- print val
- confdir = val
- if o == '-d' or o == '--export-directory':
- export_dir = val
- if o == '-p' or o == '--port':
- gfs_port = int (val)
- if o == '-c' or o == '--cache-size':
- cache_size = val
- if o == '-r' or o == '--raid':
- if (val != "1" and val != "0" and val != "10"):
- print_error ("--raid: '" + val + "' is not a valid RAID type.")
- print_usage (sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit (1)
- raid_type = int (val)
- if o == '-t' or o == '--transport':
- if (val != "tcp" and val != "ib-verbs"):
- print_error ("--transport: '" + val + "' is not a valid transport type.")
- print_usage (sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit (1)
- transport_type = val
- if o == '-v' or o == '--version':
- print_version (version_num)
- sys.exit (0)
- if main_name is None:
- print_error ("'--name' not specified.")
- print_usage (sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit (1)
- setup_env()
- export_volume_path = "%s/%s-export.vol" % (confdir, main_name)
- mount_volume_path = "%s/%s-mount.vol" % (confdir, main_name)
- num_servers = len (args)
- if num_servers is 0:
- print_error ("no servers specified.")
- print_usage (sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit (1)
- if needs_upgrade is 1:
- upgrade_mount_volume (mount_volume_path, args)
- sys.exit (0)
- if export_dir is None:
- print_error ("'--export-directory' not specified.")
- sys.exit (1)
- try:
- exp_fd = file (export_volume_path, "w")
- except IOError, (errno, strerror):
- print_error ("open of %s failed: %s" % (export_volume_path, strerror))
- sys.exit (1)
- try:
- mount_fd = file (mount_volume_path, "w")
- except IOError, (errno, strerror):
- print_error ("open of %s failed: %s" % (mount_volume_path, strerror))
- sys.exit (1)
- print_export_volume (exp_fd, export_dir)
- print "Wrote export file %s" % export_volume_path
- print_mount_volume (mount_fd, args)
- print "Wrote mount file %s" % mount_volume_path
- return
-main ()