path: root/doc/developer-guide/
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1 files changed, 89 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/doc/developer-guide/ b/doc/developer-guide/
index f92b5532eaf..ec991b81ec5 100644
--- a/doc/developer-guide/
+++ b/doc/developer-guide/
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ not exported to a header file).
enum fuse_interrupt_state {
+ /* ... */
+ /* ... */
typedef enum fuse_interrupt_state fuse_interrupt_state_t;
struct fuse_interrupt_record;
@@ -62,8 +63,58 @@ dummy implementation only for demonstration purposes.) Flush is chosen
because a `FLUSH` interrupt is easy to trigger (see
*tests/features/interrupt.t*). Interrupt handling for flush is switched on
by `--fuse-flush-handle-interrupt` (a hidden glusterfs command line flag).
-The flush interrupt handling code is guarded by the
-`flush_handle_interrupt` Boolean member of `fuse_private_t`.
+The implementation of flush interrupt is contained in the
+`fuse_flush_interrupt_handler()` function and blocks guarded by the
+if (priv->flush_handle_interrupt) { ...
+conditional (where `priv` is a `*fuse_private_t`).
+### Overview
+"Regular" fuse fops and interrupt handlers interact via a list containing
+interrupt records.
+If a fop wishes to have its interrupts handled, it needs to set up an
+interrupt record and insert it into the list; also when it's to finish
+(ie. in its "cbk" stage) it needs to delete the record from the list.
+If no interrupt happens, basically that's all to it - a list insertion
+and deletion.
+However, if an interrupt comes for the fop, the interrupt FUSE request
+will carry the data identifying an ongoing fop (that is, its `unique`),
+and based on that, the interrupt record will be looked up in the list, and
+the specific interrupt handler (a member of the interrupt record) will be
+Usually the fop needs to share some data with the interrupt handler to
+enable it to perform its task (also shared via the interrupt record).
+The interrupt API offers two approaches to manage shared data:
+- _Async or reference-counting strategy_: from the point on when the interrupt
+ record is inserted to the list, it's owned jointly by the regular fop and
+ the prospective interrupt handler. Both of them need to check before they
+ return if the other is still holding a reference; if not, then they are
+ responsible for reclaiming the shared data.
+- _Sync or borrow strategy_: the interrupt handler is considered a borrower
+ of the shared data. The interrupt handler should not reclaim the shared
+ data. The fop will wait for the interrupt handler to finish (ie., the borrow
+ to be returned), then it has to reclaim the shared data.
+The user of the interrupt API need to call the following functions to
+instrument this control flow:
+- `fuse_interrupt_record_insert()` in the fop to insert the interrupt record to
+ the list;
+- `fuse_interrupt_finish_fop()`in the fop (cbk) and
+- `fuse_interrupt_finish_interrupt()`in the interrupt handler
+to perform needed synchronization at the end their tenure. The data management
+strategies are implemented by the `fuse_interrupt_finish_*()` functions (which
+have an argument to specify which strategy to use); these routines take care
+of freeing the interrupt record itself, while the reclamation of the shared data
+is left to the API user.
### Usage
@@ -75,12 +126,15 @@ steps:
call (directly or as async callback) `fuse_interrupt_finish_interrupt()`.
The `intstat` argument to `fuse_interrupt_finish_interrupt` should be
- - `INTERRUPT_SQUELCHED` means that we choose not to handle the interrupt
+ - `INTERRUPT_SQUELCHED` means that the interrupt could not be delivered
and the fop is going on uninterrupted.
- `INTERRUPT_HANDLED` means that the interrupt was actually handled. In
this case the fop will be answered from interrupt context with errno
`EINTR` (that is, the fop should not send a response to the kernel).
+ (the enum `fuse_interrupt_state` includes further members, which are reserved
+ for internal use).
We return to the `sync` and `datap` arguments later.
- In the `fuse_<FOP>` function create an interrupt record using
`fuse_interrupt_record_new()`, passing the incoming `fuse_in_header` and
@@ -92,10 +146,10 @@ steps:
- In `fuse_<FOP>_cbk` call `fuse_interrupt_finish_fop()`.
- `fuse_interrupt_finish_fop()` returns a Boolean according to whether the
- interrupt was handled. If it was, then the fuse request is already
+ interrupt was handled. If it was, then the FUSE request is already
answered and the stack gets destroyed in `fuse_interrupt_finish_fop` so
- `fuse_<FOP>_cbk` can just return (zero). Otherwise follow the standard
- cbk logic (answer the fuse request and destroy the stack -- these are
+ `fuse_<FOP>_cbk()` can just return (zero). Otherwise follow the standard
+ cbk logic (answer the FUSE request and destroy the stack -- these are
typically accomplished by `fuse_err_cbk()`).
- The last two argument of `fuse_interrupt_finish_fop()` and
`fuse_interrupt_finish_interrupt()` are `gf_boolean_t sync` and
@@ -124,7 +178,34 @@ steps:
then that pointer will be directed to the `data` member of the interrupt
record and it's up to the caller what it's doing with it.
- If `sync` is true, interrupt handler can use `datap = NULL`, and
- fop handler will have `datap` set.
+ fop handler will have `datap` point to a valid pointer.
- If `sync` is false, and handlers pass a pointer to a pointer for
`datap`, they should check if the pointed pointer is NULL before
attempting to deal with the data.
+### FUSE answer for the interrupted fop
+The kernel acknowledges a successful interruption for a given FUSE request
+if the filesystem daemon answers it with errno EINTR; upon that, the syscall
+which induced the request will be abruptly terminated with an interrupt, rather
+than returning a value.
+In glusterfs, this can be arranged in two ways.
+- If the interrupt handler wins the race for the interrupt record, ie.
+ `fuse_interrupt_finish_fop()` returns true to `fuse_<FOP>_cbk()`, then, as
+ said above, `fuse_<FOP>_cbk()` does not need to answer the FUSE request.
+ That's because then the interrupt handler will take care about answering
+ it (with errno EINTR).
+- If `fuse_interrupt_finish_fop()` returns false to `fuse_<FOP>_cbk()`, then
+ this return value does not inform the fop handler whether there was an interrupt
+ or not. This return value occurs both when fop handler won the race for the
+ interrupt record against the interrupt handler, and when there was no interrupt
+ at all.
+ However, the internal logic of the fop handler might detect from other
+ circumstances that an interrupt was delivered. For example, the fop handler
+ might be sleeping, waiting for some data to arrive, so that a premature
+ wakeup (with no data present) occurs if the interrupt handler intervenes. In
+ such cases it's the responsibility of the fop handler to reply the FUSE
+ request with errro EINTR.