/* Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "xlator.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "logging.h" #include "cdc.h" #include "cdc-mem-types.h" static void cdc_cleanup_iobref (cdc_info_t *ci) { assert(ci->iobref != NULL); iobref_clear (ci->iobref); } int32_t cdc_readv_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iovec *vector, int32_t count, struct iatt *stbuf, struct iobref *iobref, dict_t *xdata) { int ret = -1; cdc_priv_t *priv = NULL; cdc_info_t ci = {0,}; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("cdc", this, default_out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO (this->name, frame, default_out); priv = this->private; if (op_ret <= 0) goto default_out; if ( (priv->min_file_size != 0) && (op_ret < priv->min_file_size) ) goto default_out; ci.count = count; ci.ibytes = op_ret; ci.vector = vector; ci.buf = NULL; ci.iobref = NULL; ci.ncount = 0; ci.crc = 0; ci.buffer_size = GF_CDC_DEF_BUFFERSIZE; /* A readv compresses on the server side and decompresses on the client side */ if (priv->op_mode == GF_CDC_MODE_SERVER) { ret = cdc_compress (this, priv, &ci, &xdata); } else if (priv->op_mode == GF_CDC_MODE_CLIENT) { ret = cdc_decompress (this, priv, &ci, xdata); } else { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid operation mode (%d)", priv->op_mode); } if (ret) goto default_out; STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (readv, frame, ci.nbytes, op_errno, ci.vec, ci.ncount, stbuf, iobref, xdata); cdc_cleanup_iobref (&ci); return 0; default_out: STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (readv, frame, op_ret, op_errno, vector, count, stbuf, iobref, xdata); return 0; } int32_t cdc_readv (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd, size_t size, off_t offset, uint32_t flags, dict_t *xdata) { fop_readv_cbk_t cbk = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_LIB_Z cbk = cdc_readv_cbk; #else cbk = default_readv_cbk; #endif STACK_WIND (frame, cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this), FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->readv, fd, size, offset, flags, xdata); return 0; } int32_t cdc_writev_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iatt *prebuf, struct iatt *postbuf, dict_t *xdata) { STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (writev, frame, op_ret, op_errno, prebuf, postbuf, xdata); return 0; } int32_t cdc_writev (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd, struct iovec *vector, int32_t count, off_t offset, uint32_t flags, struct iobref *iobref, dict_t *xdata) { int ret = -1; cdc_priv_t *priv = NULL; cdc_info_t ci = {0,}; size_t isize = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("cdc", this, default_out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO (this->name, frame, default_out); priv = this->private; isize = iov_length(vector, count); if (isize <= 0) goto default_out; if ( (priv->min_file_size != 0) && (isize < priv->min_file_size) ) goto default_out; ci.count = count; ci.ibytes = isize; ci.vector = vector; ci.buf = NULL; ci.iobref = NULL; ci.ncount = 0; ci.crc = 0; ci.buffer_size = GF_CDC_DEF_BUFFERSIZE; /* A writev compresses on the client side and decompresses on the server side */ if (priv->op_mode == GF_CDC_MODE_CLIENT) { ret = cdc_compress (this, priv, &ci, &xdata); } else if (priv->op_mode == GF_CDC_MODE_SERVER) { ret = cdc_decompress (this, priv, &ci, xdata); } else { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid operation mode (%d) ", priv->op_mode); } if (ret) goto default_out; STACK_WIND (frame, cdc_writev_cbk, FIRST_CHILD (this), FIRST_CHILD (this)->fops->writev, fd, ci.vec, ci.ncount, offset, flags, iobref, xdata); cdc_cleanup_iobref (&ci); return 0; default_out: STACK_WIND (frame, cdc_writev_cbk, FIRST_CHILD (this), FIRST_CHILD (this)->fops->writev, fd, vector, count, offset, flags, iobref, xdata); return 0; } int32_t init (xlator_t *this) { int ret = -1; char *temp_str = NULL; cdc_priv_t *priv = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("cdc", this, err); if (!this->children || this->children->next) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Need subvolume == 1"); goto err; } if (!this->parents) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "Dangling volume. Check volfile"); } priv = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*priv), gf_cdc_mt_priv_t); if (!priv) { goto err; } /* Check if debug mode is turned on */ GF_OPTION_INIT ("debug", priv->debug, bool, err); if( priv->debug ) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "CDC debug option turned on"); } /* Set Gzip Window Size */ GF_OPTION_INIT ("window-size", priv->window_size, int32, err); if ( (priv->window_size > GF_CDC_MAX_WINDOWSIZE) || (priv->window_size < GF_CDC_DEF_WINDOWSIZE) ) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid gzip window size (%d), using default", priv->window_size); priv->window_size = GF_CDC_DEF_WINDOWSIZE; } /* Set Gzip (De)Compression Level */ GF_OPTION_INIT ("compression-level", priv->cdc_level, int32, err); if ( ((priv->cdc_level < 1) || (priv->cdc_level > 9)) && (priv->cdc_level != GF_CDC_DEF_COMPRESSION) ) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid gzip (de)compression level (%d)," " using default", priv->cdc_level); priv->cdc_level = GF_CDC_DEF_COMPRESSION; } /* Set Gzip Memory Level */ GF_OPTION_INIT ("mem-level", priv->mem_level, int32, err); if ( (priv->mem_level < 1) || (priv->mem_level > 9) ) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid gzip memory level, using the default"); priv->mem_level = GF_CDC_DEF_MEMLEVEL; } /* Set min file size to enable compression */ GF_OPTION_INIT ("min-size", priv->min_file_size, int32, err); /* Mode of operation - Server/Client */ ret = dict_get_str (this->options, "mode", &temp_str); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Operation mode not specified !!"); goto err; } if (GF_CDC_MODE_IS_CLIENT (temp_str)) { priv->op_mode = GF_CDC_MODE_CLIENT; } else if (GF_CDC_MODE_IS_SERVER (temp_str)) { priv->op_mode = GF_CDC_MODE_SERVER; } else { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Bogus operation mode (%s) specified", temp_str); goto err; } this->private = priv; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "CDC xlator loaded in (%s) mode",temp_str); return 0; err: if (priv) GF_FREE (priv); return -1; } void fini (xlator_t *this) { cdc_priv_t *priv = this->private; if (priv) GF_FREE (priv); this->private = NULL; return; } struct xlator_fops fops = { .readv = cdc_readv, .writev = cdc_writev, }; struct xlator_cbks cbks = { }; struct volume_options options[] = { { .key = {"window-size"}, .default_value = "-15", .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_INT, .description = "Size of the zlib history buffer." }, { .key = {"mem-level"}, .default_value = "8", .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_INT, .description = "Memory allocated for internal compression state.\ 1 uses minimum memory but is slow and reduces \ compression ratio; memLevel=9 uses maximum memory \ for optimal speed. The default value is 8." }, { .key = {"compression-level"}, .default_value = "-1", .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_INT, .description = "Compression levels \ 0 : no compression, 1 : best speed, \ 9 : best compression, -1 : default compression " }, { .key = {"min-size"}, .default_value = "0", .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_INT, .description = "Data is compressed only when its size exceeds this." }, { .key = {"mode"}, .value = {"server", "client"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_STR, .description = "Set on the basis of where the xlator is loaded." }, { .key = {"debug"}, .default_value = "false", .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL, .description = "This is used in testing. Will dump compressed data \ to disk as a gzip file." }, { .key = {NULL} }, };