import re import ddt from glustolibs.gluster import volume_ops import pytest from openshiftstoragelibs.baseclass import BaseClass from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions from openshiftstoragelibs import heketi_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import heketi_version from openshiftstoragelibs import node_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import podcmd G_BRICK_REGEX = r'^.*:.*\/(brick_.*)\/.*$' H_BRICK_REGEX = r'^.*\/(brick_.*)$' @ddt.ddt class TestHeketiServerStateExamineGluster(BaseClass): def setUp(self): super(TestHeketiServerStateExamineGluster, self).setUp() self.node = self.ocp_master_node[0] version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(self.heketi_client_node) if version < '8.0.0-7': self.skipTest("heketi-client package %s does not support server " "state examine gluster" % version.v_str) @pytest.mark.tier1 def test_volume_inconsistencies(self): # Examine Gluster cluster and Heketi that there is no inconsistencies out = heketi_ops.heketi_examine_gluster( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) if ("heketi volume list matches with volume list of all nodes" not in out['report']): self.skipTest( "heketi and Gluster are inconsistent to each other") # create volume vol = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_create( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, 1, json=True) self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol['id']) # delete volume from gluster cluster directly openshift_ops.cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( self.node, "gluster vol stop %s force --mode=script" % vol['name']) openshift_ops.cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( self.node, "gluster vol delete %s --mode=script" % vol['name']) # verify that heketi is reporting inconsistencies out = heketi_ops.heketi_examine_gluster( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) self.assertNotIn( "heketi volume list matches with volume list of all nodes", out['report']) @pytest.mark.tier0'', 'block') def test_compare_real_vol_count_with_db_check_info(self, vol_type): """Validate file/block volumes using heketi db check.""" # Create File/Block volume block_vol = getattr(heketi_ops, 'heketi_%svolume_create' % vol_type)( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, 1, json=True) self.addCleanup( getattr(heketi_ops, 'heketi_%svolume_delete' % vol_type), self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, block_vol["id"]) # Check Heketi DB using Heketi CLI db_result = heketi_ops.heketi_db_check( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) vol_count = db_result["%svolumes" % vol_type]["total"] vol_list = getattr(heketi_ops, 'heketi_%svolume_list' % vol_type)( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True) count = len(vol_list["%svolumes" % vol_type]) self.assertEqual( count, vol_count, "%svolume count doesn't match expected " "result %s, actual result is %s" % (vol_type, count, vol_count)) @pytest.mark.tier0'device_count', 'node_count', 'bricks_count') def test_verify_db_check(self, count_type): """Validate the nodes, devices and bricks count in heketi db""" # Get the total number of nodes, devices and bricks from db check db_info = heketi_ops.heketi_db_check( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) db_devices_count = db_info["devices"]["total"] db_nodes_count = db_info["nodes"]["total"] db_bricks_count = db_info["bricks"]["total"] # Get the total number of nodes, devices and bricks from topology info topology_info = heketi_ops.heketi_topology_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True) topology_devices_count, topology_nodes_count = 0, 0 topology_bricks_count = 0 for cluster in topology_info['clusters']: topology_nodes_count += len(cluster['nodes']) if count_type == 'bricks_count' or 'device_count': for node in cluster['nodes']: topology_devices_count += len(node['devices']) if count_type == 'bricks_count': for device in node['devices']: topology_bricks_count += len(device['bricks']) # Compare the device count if count_type == 'device_count': msg = ("Devices count in db check {} and in topology info {} is " "not same".format(db_devices_count, topology_devices_count)) self.assertEqual(topology_devices_count, db_devices_count, msg) # Compare the node count elif count_type == 'node_count': msg = ( "Nodes count in db check {} and nodes count in topology info " "{} is not same".format(db_nodes_count, topology_nodes_count)) self.assertEqual(topology_nodes_count, db_nodes_count, msg) # Compare the bricks count elif count_type == 'bricks_count': msg = ("Bricks count in db check {} and bricks count in topology " "info {} is not same".format( db_bricks_count, topology_bricks_count)) self.assertEqual(topology_bricks_count, db_bricks_count, msg) @pytest.mark.tier1'', 'block') def test_compare_heketi_volumes(self, vol_type): """Validate file/block volume count using heketi gluster examine""" # Create some file/block volumes vol_size = 1 h_node, h_url = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url for i in range(5): volume = eval( "heketi_ops.heketi_{}volume_create".format(vol_type))( h_node, h_url, vol_size, json=True)['id'] self.addCleanup( eval("heketi_ops.heketi_{}volume_delete".format(vol_type)), h_node, h_url, volume) # Get the list of file/block volumes from heketi gluster examine out = heketi_ops.heketi_examine_gluster( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) examine_volumes, clusters = [], out['heketidb']['clusterentries'] for cluster in clusters.values(): examine_volumes += cluster['Info']['{}volumes'.format(vol_type)] # Get list of file/block volume from heketi blockvolume list heketi_volumes = eval( "heketi_ops.heketi_{}volume_list".format(vol_type))( h_node, h_url, json=True)['{}volumes'.format(vol_type)] # Compare file/block volume list self.assertEqual( heketi_volumes, examine_volumes, "Heketi {}volume list {} and list of blockvolumes in heketi " "gluster examine {} are not same".format( vol_type, heketi_volumes, examine_volumes)) @pytest.mark.tier2 def test_validate_report_after_node_poweroff(self): """Validate node report in heketi gluster examine after poweroff""" # Skip test if not able to connect to Cloud Provider try: node_ops.find_vm_name_by_ip_or_hostname(self.node) except (NotImplementedError, exceptions.ConfigError) as err: self.skipTest(err) # Power off one of the gluster node g_node = list(self.gluster_servers_info.values())[0]['manage'] vm_name = node_ops.find_vm_name_by_ip_or_hostname(g_node) self.power_off_gluster_node_vm(vm_name, g_node) # Check the information of offline node in gluster examine output msg = "could not fetch data from node {}".format(g_node) examine_msg = heketi_ops.heketi_examine_gluster( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url)['report'][1] self.assertEqual( examine_msg, msg, "Failed to generate error report for node {} in" " gluster examine output".format(g_node)) @pytest.mark.tier0 @podcmd.GlustoPod() def test_compare_brick_mount_status(self): """Compare the brick mount status from all nodes""" h_node_ip_list, h_mount_point, dev_paths = [], [], [] g_nodes, brick_list = [], [] cmd = "df -h {} | awk '{{print $6}}' | tail -1" h_node, h_url = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url # Create a volume and fetch the gluster volume info vol = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_create(h_node, h_url, 1, json=True) self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_volume_delete, h_node, h_url, vol['id']) vol_name = vol['name'] g_vol_info = volume_ops.get_volume_info( 'auto_get_gluster_endpoint', vol_name) self.assertTrue( g_vol_info, "Failed to get the volume info of {}".format(vol_name)) # Fetch bricks details from gluster vol info for brick_detail in g_vol_info[vol_name]['bricks']['brick']: brick = re.findall(G_BRICK_REGEX, brick_detail['name']) self.assertTrue( brick, "Failed to get brick for volume {}".format(vol_name)) brick_list.append(brick[0]) # Extract node data from examine glusterfs h_examine_gluster = heketi_ops.heketi_examine_gluster(h_node, h_url) h_node_details = h_examine_gluster.get("clusters")[0].get('NodesData') self.assertTrue( h_node_details, "Failed to get the node details {}".format(h_node_details)) h_brick_details = (h_node_details[0]['VolumeInfo']['Volumes'] ['VolumeList'][0]['Bricks']['BrickList']) # Fetch brick ip from examine glusterfs for i in range(len(h_brick_details)): node_bricks = h_brick_details[i]['Name'] self.assertTrue( node_bricks, "Failed to get the node bricks data {}".format(node_bricks)) h_node_ip_list.append(node_bricks.split(":")[0]) # Extract mount point and mount status for h_node_detail in h_node_details: for node_detail in h_node_detail['BricksMountStatus']['Statuses']: # Fetch brick from heketi examine brick = re.findall(H_BRICK_REGEX, node_detail['MountPoint']) self.assertTrue( brick, "Failed to get the brick details from " "{}".format(node_detail)) # Check if the mount point is of new volume if brick[0] in brick_list: dev_paths.append(node_detail['Device']) h_mount_point.append(node_detail['MountPoint']) h_mount_status = node_detail['Mounted'] # verify if the Mount status is True self.assertTrue( h_mount_status, "Expecting mount status to be true but found" " {}".format(h_mount_status)) h_nodes_ids = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(h_node, h_url) for node in h_nodes_ids: g_node = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( h_node, h_url, node, json=True) g_nodes.append(g_node['hostnames']['manage'][0]) # Validate mount point from heketi and gluster side for dev_path in dev_paths: # Fetch the mount path with respect to dev path for g_node in g_nodes: g_mount_point = openshift_ops.cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( self.node, cmd.format(dev_path, g_node)) if g_mount_point: self.assertIn( g_mount_point, h_mount_point, "Failed to match mount point {} from gluster side and" " {}".format(g_mount_point, h_mount_point))