import itertools try: # py2/3 import simplejson as json except ImportError: # py2 import json import ddt from glusto.core import Glusto as g import pytest from openshiftstoragelibs import baseclass from openshiftstoragelibs import command from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions from openshiftstoragelibs import heketi_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_storage_libs from openshiftstoragelibs import utils @ddt.ddt class TestHeketiZones(baseclass.BaseClass): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestHeketiZones, cls).setUpClass() clusters = heketi_ops.heketi_cluster_list( cls.heketi_client_node, cls.heketi_server_url, json=True) cls.cluster_id = clusters['clusters'][0] cls.allow_heketi_zones_update = g.config.get("common", {}).get( "allow_heketi_zones_update", False) def setUp(self): super(TestHeketiZones, self).setUp() self.node = self.ocp_master_node[0] self.h_client = self.heketi_client_node self.h_server = self.heketi_server_url self.prefix = "autotests-{}".format(utils.get_random_str()) def _set_heketi_zones(self, unique_zones_amount=1): h = heketi_ops.cmd_run_on_heketi_pod heketi_db_dir = h("mount | grep heketidbstorage | awk '{print $3}'") # Copy the Heketi DB file to a backup file to be able to export it h("cp %s/heketi.db heketi_export.db" % heketi_db_dir) # Export the Heketi DB to a json file h("rm -f heketi_db_export.json") h("heketi db export --dbfile=heketi_export.db " "--jsonfile=heketi_db_export.json") h("rm heketi_export.db") # Read json file info heketi_db_original_str = h("cat heketi_db_export.json") heketi_db_data = json.loads(heketi_db_original_str) # Process the Heketi DB data node_count = len([ n for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values() if (n['State'] == 'online' and n['Info']['cluster'] == self.cluster_id) ]) if node_count < unique_zones_amount: self.skipTest( "Not enough amount of online nodes (%s) to set '%s' unique " "zones." % (node_count, unique_zones_amount)) zones = itertools.cycle(range(unique_zones_amount)) for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values(): if (n['State'] == 'online' and n['Info']['cluster'] == self.cluster_id): n['Info']['zone'] = next(zones) + 1 # Schedule revert-back of the Heketi DB cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file = ( "bash -ec \"\"\"echo '%s' > heketi_db_import.json\"\"\"") cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file = "rm -f heketi_import.db" cmd_import_json_file = ( "heketi db import --jsonfile=heketi_db_import.json " "--dbfile=heketi_import.db") cmd_apply_imported_data = ( "mv -f heketi_import.db %s/heketi.db" % heketi_db_dir) cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files = ( "rm -f heketi_db_export.json heketi_db_import.json") for i in (1, 0): self.addCleanup( openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait, self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, i, wait_step=3) for cmd in (cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files, cmd_apply_imported_data, cmd_import_json_file, cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file, cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file % ( heketi_db_original_str.replace('"', '\\"'))): self.addCleanup(h, cmd) # Import the Heketi DB data heketi_db_updated_str = json.dumps(heketi_db_data).replace('"', '\\"') for cmd in (cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file % heketi_db_updated_str, cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file, cmd_import_json_file, cmd_apply_imported_data, cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files): h(cmd) # Apply changes by recreating the Heketi POD openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait( self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, 0, wait_step=3) openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait( self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, 1, wait_step=3) return heketi_db_data def _get_online_nodes(self): node_ids = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(self.h_client, self.h_server) online_nodes = [] for node_id in node_ids: node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( self.h_client, self.h_server, node_id, json=True) if (node_info["state"] == "online" and node_info['cluster'] == self.cluster_id): online_nodes.append( (node_info["zone"], node_info['hostnames']['storage'])) return online_nodes def _check_for_available_zones(self, zone_count): # Check amount of available online heketi nodes online_nodes = self._get_online_nodes() node_count = len(online_nodes) # Check current amount of the Heketi zones actual_heketi_zones_amount = len(set([n[0] for n in online_nodes])) if zone_count != actual_heketi_zones_amount: if self.allow_heketi_zones_update: if zone_count > node_count: self.skipTest( "Not enough online nodes '%s' to test '%s' " "unique Heketi zones." % (node_count, zone_count)) heketi_db_data = self._set_heketi_zones(zone_count) online_nodes = [ (n['Info']['zone'], n['Info']['hostnames']['storage']) for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values() ] else: self.skipTest( "Required amount of the Heketi zones (%s < %s) is not " "satisfied and 'common.allow_heketi_zones_update' config " "option is set to 'False'." % ( zone_count, actual_heketi_zones_amount)) def _validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( self, heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count, expand=False): online_nodes = self._get_online_nodes() for i in range(2): # Validate brick placement if heketi zone checking is 'strict' if heketi_zone_checking == 'strict': brick_hosts_ips = ( openshift_ops.get_gluster_host_ips_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name)) placement_zones = {} for brick_host_ip in brick_hosts_ips: for node_zone, node_ips in online_nodes: if brick_host_ip not in node_ips: continue placement_zones[node_zone] = placement_zones.get( node_zone, 0) + 1 break actual_zone_count = len(placement_zones) # NOTE(vponomar): '3' is default amount of volume replicas. # And it is just impossible to find more actual zones than # amount of replicas/bricks. brick_number = len(brick_hosts_ips) expected_zone_count = ( brick_number if brick_number < zone_count else zone_count) self.assertEqual( expected_zone_count, actual_zone_count, "PVC '%s' is incorrectly placed on the Heketi nodes " "according to their zones. Expected '%s' unique zones, " "got '%s'." % (pvc_name, zone_count, actual_zone_count)) # Expand PVC if needed if expand: expand_size, expand = 2, False openshift_storage_libs.enable_pvc_resize(self.node) openshift_ops.resize_pvc(self.node, pvc_name, expand_size) openshift_ops.verify_pvc_size(self.node, pvc_name, expand_size) else: break def _check_heketi_pod_to_come_up_after_changing_env(self): # Wait for heketi pod get to restart heketi_pod = openshift_ops.get_pod_names_from_dc( self.node, self.heketi_dc_name)[0] openshift_ops.wait_for_resource_absence(self.node, "pod", heketi_pod) new_heketi_pod = openshift_ops.get_pod_names_from_dc( self.node, self.heketi_dc_name)[0] openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready( self.node, new_heketi_pod, wait_step=20) def _set_zone_check_env_in_heketi_dc(self, heketi_zone_checking): set_env = ( 'HEKETI_POST_REQUEST_VOLUME_OPTIONS="' ' {}"').format(heketi_zone_checking) unset_env, e_list = "HEKETI_POST_REQUEST_VOLUME_OPTIONS-", "--list" env = set_env.replace('"', '') # Check if zone checking env is already set, then do nothing cmd_list_env = ( "oc set env dc/{} {}".format(self.heketi_dc_name, e_list)) env_list = command.cmd_run(cmd_list_env, hostname=self.node) if env in env_list: return # Set zone checking env option inside heketi dc cmd_set_env = ( "oc set env dc/{} {}".format(self.heketi_dc_name, set_env)) cmd_unset_env = ( "oc set env dc/{} {}".format(self.heketi_dc_name, unset_env)) command.cmd_run(cmd_set_env, hostname=self.node) self._check_heketi_pod_to_come_up_after_changing_env() self.addCleanup(self._check_heketi_pod_to_come_up_after_changing_env) self.addCleanup(command.cmd_run, cmd_unset_env, hostname=self.node) # List all envs and validate if env is set successfully new_env_list = command.cmd_run(cmd_list_env, hostname=self.node) self.assertIn(env, new_env_list, "Failed to set env {}".format(env)) @pytest.mark.tier1 (1, "none"), (2, "none"), (3, "none"), (1, "strict"), (2, "strict"), (3, "strict"), (4, "strict"), (3, "strict", 4), ) @ddt.unpack def test_pvc_placement_with_zone_check_set_in_sc( self, zone_count, heketi_zone_checking, node_count=None): # Check amount of available online nodes if node_count: online_node_count = len(self._get_online_nodes()) if online_node_count < node_count: self.skipTest( 'Available node count {} is less than expected node ' 'count {}'.format(online_node_count, node_count)) # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Create storage class setting "" up sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking) # PVC creation should fail when zones are below 3 and check is strict if heketi_zone_checking == "strict" and zone_count < 3: self.assertRaises( exceptions.ExecutionError, self.create_and_wait_for_pvc, pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name, timeout=30) else: # Create PVC using above storage class pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name) # Validate brick placement self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) self.assertIn('', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options'][''], heketi_zone_checking) # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) @pytest.mark.tier1 (1, "none"), (2, "none"), (3, "none"), (1, "strict"), (2, "strict"), (3, "strict"), (4, "strict"), (3, "strict", 4), ) @ddt.unpack def test_arbiter_pvc_placement_with_zone_check_set_in_sc( self, zone_count, heketi_zone_checking, node_count=None): # Check amount of available online nodes if node_count: online_node_count = len(self._get_online_nodes()) if online_node_count < node_count: self.skipTest( 'Available node count {} is less than expected node ' 'count {}'.format(online_node_count, node_count)) # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Create storage class setting "" up sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, is_arbiter_vol=True, heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking) # PVC creation should fail when zones are below 3 and check is strict if heketi_zone_checking == "strict" and zone_count < 3: self.assertRaises( exceptions.ExecutionError, self.create_and_wait_for_pvc, pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name, timeout=30) else: # Create PVC using above storage class pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name) # Validate brick placement self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) self.assertIn('', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options'][''], heketi_zone_checking) self.assertIn('user.heketi.arbiter', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual( vol_info['options']['user.heketi.arbiter'], 'true') # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) @pytest.mark.tier1 (3, "strict"), (1, "none"), (2, "none"), (3, "none"), ) @ddt.unpack def test_pvc_placement_and_expansion_with_zone_check_set_in_sc( self, zone_count, heketi_zone_checking): # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Create storage class setting "" up sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, allow_volume_expansion=True, heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking) # Create PVC using above storage class pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name) # Validate brick placement and expand PVC self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count, expand=True) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) self.assertIn('', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options'][''], heketi_zone_checking) # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) @pytest.mark.tier1 (3, "strict"), (1, "none"), (2, "none"), (3, "none"), ) @ddt.unpack def test_pvc_arbiter_placement_and_expansion_with_zone_check_set_in_sc( self, zone_count, heketi_zone_checking): # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Create storage class setting "" up sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, allow_volume_expansion=True, is_arbiter_vol=True, heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking) # Create PVC using above storage class pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name) # Validate brick placement and expand PVC self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count, expand=True) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) self.assertIn('', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options'][''], heketi_zone_checking) self.assertIn('user.heketi.arbiter', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options']['user.heketi.arbiter'], 'true') # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) @pytest.mark.tier1, 4) def test_pvc_placement_with_zone_check_set_in_dc(self, zone_count): heketi_zone_checking = "strict" # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Set "" to strict inside heketi dc self._set_zone_check_env_in_heketi_dc(heketi_zone_checking) # Create a PVC pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc(pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix) # Validate brick placement self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) self.assertIn('', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options'][''], heketi_zone_checking) # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) @pytest.mark.tier1, 4) def test_check_arbiter_pvc_placement_zone_check_in_dc(self, zone_count): heketi_zone_checking = "strict" # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Create storage class with arbiter option set sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, is_arbiter_vol=True) # Set "" to strict inside heketi dc self._set_zone_check_env_in_heketi_dc(heketi_zone_checking) # Create a PVC pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name) # Validate brick placement self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) self.assertIn('', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options'][''], heketi_zone_checking) self.assertIn('user.heketi.arbiter', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options']['user.heketi.arbiter'], 'true') # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) @pytest.mark.tier1 (1, False), (1, True), (2, False), (2, True), ) @ddt.unpack def test_pvc_placement_and_expansion_with_zone_check_set_in_dc( self, zone_count, is_arbiter): heketi_zone_checking, expand_size = "strict", 2 # Create storage class setting expansion and arbiter option up sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, allow_volume_expansion=True, is_arbiter_vol=True) # Create PVC using above storage class pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name) # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Set "" to strict inside heketi dc self._set_zone_check_env_in_heketi_dc(heketi_zone_checking) # Expand PVC openshift_storage_libs.enable_pvc_resize(self.node) openshift_ops.resize_pvc(self.node, pvc_name, expand_size) openshift_ops.verify_pvc_size(self.node, pvc_name, expand_size) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) if is_arbiter: self.assertIn('user.heketi.arbiter', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual( vol_info['options']['user.heketi.arbiter'], 'true') # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) @pytest.mark.tier1 ("strict", "strict"), ("none", "strict"), ("strict", "none"), ) @ddt.unpack def test_check_pvc_placement_with_zone_check_in_sc_and_dc_both( self, check_in_dc, check_in_sc): zone_count = 3 # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Create storage class with arbiter option set sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, heketi_zone_checking=check_in_sc) # Set "" to strict inside heketi dc self._set_zone_check_env_in_heketi_dc(check_in_dc) # Create a PVC pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=sc_name) # Validate brick placement self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( check_in_dc, pvc_name, zone_count) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) self.assertIn('', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual(vol_info['options'][''], check_in_dc) # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) def _get_online_devices_and_nodes_with_zone(self): """ This function returns the list of nodes and devices associated to zone Returns: dict: dict with zone, devices and nodes values e.g., { zone_1: { "nodes": [ node1, node2, node3], "devices": [ device1, device2] }, zone_2: { "nodes": [ node1, node2, node3], "devices": [ device1, device2] } } """ zone_devices_nodes = dict() topology_info = heketi_ops.heketi_topology_info( self.h_client, self.h_server, json=True) for cluster in topology_info['clusters']: for node in cluster['nodes']: if node['state'] == 'online': if node['zone'] not in zone_devices_nodes: zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']] = dict() if 'nodes' not in zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']]: zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']]['nodes'] = [] (zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']][ 'nodes'].append(node['id'])) for device in node['devices']: if device['state'] == 'online': if node['zone'] not in zone_devices_nodes: zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']] = dict() if 'devices' not in zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']]: zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']]['devices'] = [] (zone_devices_nodes[ node['zone']]['devices'].append(device['id'])) return zone_devices_nodes def _create_dcs_and_check_brick_placement( self, prefix, sc_name, heketi_zone_checking, zone_count): app_pods = [] # Create multiple PVCs using storage class pvc_names = self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs( pvc_name_prefix=prefix, pvc_amount=5, sc_name=sc_name) # Create app dcs with I/O for pvc_name in pvc_names: app_dc = openshift_ops.oc_create_app_dc_with_io( self.node, pvc_name=pvc_name, dc_name_prefix=prefix) self.addCleanup(openshift_ops.oc_delete, self.node, 'dc', app_dc) # Get pod names pod_name = openshift_ops.get_pod_name_from_dc(self.node, app_dc) app_pods.append(pod_name) # Validate brick placement in heketi zones self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count) return app_pods @pytest.mark.tier1 (3, False), (3, True), (4, True), (3, False, True), (3, True, True), (4, True, True), ) @ddt.unpack def test_check_node_disable_based_on_heketi_zone( self, zone_count, is_disable_on_different_zone, is_set_env=False): """Validate node disable in different heketi zones""" expected_node_count, heketi_zone_checking, sc_name = 4, "strict", None # Check amount of available online nodes online_node_count = len(self._get_online_nodes()) if online_node_count < expected_node_count: self.skipTest( 'Available node count {} is less than expected node ' 'count {}'.format(online_node_count, expected_node_count)) # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Get the online devices and nodes w.r.t. to zone zone_devices_nodes = self._get_online_devices_and_nodes_with_zone() # Create sc or else directly set env to "strict" inside dc is_create_sc = not is_set_env if is_create_sc: sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking) if is_set_env: self._set_zone_check_env_in_heketi_dc(heketi_zone_checking) # Choose a zone and node_id to disable the device for zone, nodes_and_devices in zone_devices_nodes.items(): if zone_count == 3: # Select a node with a zone having multiple nodes in same # zone to cover the test cases disable node in same zone if len(nodes_and_devices['nodes']) > 1: zone_with_disabled_node = zone disabled_node = nodes_and_devices['nodes'][0] break else: # Select node from any of the zones zone_with_disabled_node = zone disabled_node = nodes_and_devices['nodes'][0] break # Disable the selected node heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable( self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_node) self.addCleanup(heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable, self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_node) # Create some DCs with PVCs and check brick placement in heketi zones pod_names = self._create_dcs_and_check_brick_placement( self.prefix, sc_name, heketi_zone_checking, zone_count) # Enable disabled node heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable( self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_node) if is_disable_on_different_zone: # Select the new node in a different zone for zone, nodes_and_devices in zone_devices_nodes.items(): if zone != zone_with_disabled_node: new_node_to_disable = nodes_and_devices['nodes'][0] break else: # Select the new node in the same zone new_node_to_disable = zone_devices_nodes[ zone_with_disabled_node]['nodes'][1] # Disable the newly selected node heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable( self.h_client, self.h_server, new_node_to_disable) self.addCleanup(heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable, self.h_client, self.h_server, new_node_to_disable) # Verify if pods are in ready state for pod_name in pod_names: openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready( self.node, pod_name, timeout=5, wait_step=2) @pytest.mark.tier1 (3, False), (3, True), (4, True), (3, False, True), (3, True, True), (4, True, True), ) @ddt.unpack def test_check_device_disable_based_on_heketi_zone( self, zone_count, is_disable_on_different_zone, is_set_env=False): """Validate device disable in different heketi zones""" online_device_count, expected_device_count = 0, 4 expected_node_count, heketi_zone_checking, sc_name = 4, "strict", None # Check amount of available online nodes online_node_count = len(self._get_online_nodes()) if online_node_count < expected_node_count: self.skipTest( 'Available node count {} is less than expected node ' 'count {}'.format(online_node_count, expected_node_count)) # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Get the online devices and nodes w.r.t. to zone zone_devices_nodes = self._get_online_devices_and_nodes_with_zone() # Check amount of available online heketi devices for zone in zone_devices_nodes: online_device_count += len( zone_devices_nodes[zone]['devices']) if online_device_count < expected_device_count: self.skipTest( "Expected the heketi device count {} is greater than the " "available device count {}".format( expected_device_count, online_device_count)) # Create sc or else directly set env to "strict" inside dc is_create_sc = not is_set_env if is_create_sc: sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=self.prefix, vol_name_prefix=self.prefix, heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking) if is_set_env: self._set_zone_check_env_in_heketi_dc(heketi_zone_checking) # Choose a zone and device_id to disable the device for zone, nodes_and_devices in zone_devices_nodes.items(): if zone_count == 3: # Select a device with a zone having multiple nodes in # same zone to cover the test cases "disable in same zone" if len(nodes_and_devices['devices']) > 1: zone_with_disabled_device = zone disabled_device = nodes_and_devices['devices'][0] break else: # Select device from any of the zones zone_with_disabled_device = zone disabled_device = nodes_and_devices['devices'][0] break # Disable the selected device heketi_ops.heketi_device_disable( self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_device) self.addCleanup(heketi_ops.heketi_device_enable, self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_device) # Create some DCs with PVCs and check brick placement in heketi zones pod_names = self._create_dcs_and_check_brick_placement( self.prefix, sc_name, heketi_zone_checking, zone_count) # Enable disabled device heketi_ops.heketi_device_enable( self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_device) if is_disable_on_different_zone: # Select the new device in a different zone for zone, nodes_and_devices in zone_devices_nodes.items(): if zone != zone_with_disabled_device: new_device_to_disable = nodes_and_devices['devices'][0] break else: # Select the new device in the same zone new_device_to_disable = zone_devices_nodes[ zone_with_disabled_device]['devices'][1] # Disable the newly selected device heketi_ops.heketi_device_disable( self.h_client, self.h_server, new_device_to_disable) self.addCleanup(heketi_ops.heketi_device_enable, self.h_client, self.h_server, new_device_to_disable) # Verify if pods are in ready state for pod_name in pod_names: openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready( self.node, pod_name, timeout=5, wait_step=2)