import itertools try: # py2/3 import simplejson as json except ImportError: # py2 import json import ddt from glusto.core import Glusto as g import pytest from openshiftstoragelibs import baseclass from openshiftstoragelibs import command from openshiftstoragelibs import heketi_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_storage_libs from openshiftstoragelibs import utils @ddt.ddt class TestHeketiZones(baseclass.BaseClass): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestHeketiZones, cls).setUpClass() clusters = heketi_ops.heketi_cluster_list( cls.heketi_client_node, cls.heketi_server_url, json=True) cls.cluster_id = clusters['clusters'][0] cls.allow_heketi_zones_update = g.config.get("common", {}).get( "allow_heketi_zones_update", False) def setUp(self): super(TestHeketiZones, self).setUp() self.node = self.ocp_master_node[0] self.h_client = self.heketi_client_node self.h_server = self.heketi_server_url def _set_heketi_zones(self, unique_zones_amount=1): h = heketi_ops.cmd_run_on_heketi_pod heketi_db_dir = h("mount | grep heketidbstorage | awk '{print $3}'") # Copy the Heketi DB file to a backup file to be able to export it h("cp %s/heketi.db heketi_export.db" % heketi_db_dir) # Export the Heketi DB to a json file h("rm -f heketi_db_export.json") h("heketi db export --dbfile=heketi_export.db " "--jsonfile=heketi_db_export.json") h("rm heketi_export.db") # Read json file info heketi_db_original_str = h("cat heketi_db_export.json") heketi_db_data = json.loads(heketi_db_original_str) # Process the Heketi DB data node_count = len([ n for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values() if (n['State'] == 'online' and n['Info']['cluster'] == self.cluster_id) ]) if node_count < unique_zones_amount: self.skipTest( "Not enough amount of online nodes (%s) to set '%s' unique " "zones." % (node_count, unique_zones_amount)) zones = itertools.cycle(range(unique_zones_amount)) for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values(): if (n['State'] == 'online' and n['Info']['cluster'] == self.cluster_id): n['Info']['zone'] = next(zones) + 1 # Schedule revert-back of the Heketi DB cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file = ( "bash -ec \"\"\"echo '%s' > heketi_db_import.json\"\"\"") cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file = "rm -f heketi_import.db" cmd_import_json_file = ( "heketi db import --jsonfile=heketi_db_import.json " "--dbfile=heketi_import.db") cmd_apply_imported_data = ( "mv -f heketi_import.db %s/heketi.db" % heketi_db_dir) cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files = ( "rm -f heketi_db_export.json heketi_db_import.json") for i in (1, 0): self.addCleanup( openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait, self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, i, wait_step=3) for cmd in (cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files, cmd_apply_imported_data, cmd_import_json_file, cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file, cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file % ( heketi_db_original_str.replace('"', '\\"'))): self.addCleanup(h, cmd) # Import the Heketi DB data heketi_db_updated_str = json.dumps(heketi_db_data).replace('"', '\\"') for cmd in (cmd_put_data_to_a_json_file % heketi_db_updated_str, cmd_remove_heketi_import_db_file, cmd_import_json_file, cmd_apply_imported_data, cmd_remove_heketi_import_json_files): h(cmd) # Apply changes by recreating the Heketi POD openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait( self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, 0, wait_step=3) openshift_ops.scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait( self.node, self.heketi_dc_name, 1, wait_step=3) return heketi_db_data def _get_online_nodes(self): node_ids = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(self.h_client, self.h_server) online_nodes = [] for node_id in node_ids: node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( self.h_client, self.h_server, node_id, json=True) if (node_info["state"] == "online" and node_info['cluster'] == self.cluster_id): online_nodes.append( (node_info["zone"], node_info['hostnames']['storage'])) return online_nodes def _check_for_available_zones(self, zone_count): # Check amount of available online heketi nodes online_nodes = self._get_online_nodes() node_count = len(online_nodes) # Check current amount of the Heketi zones actual_heketi_zones_amount = len(set([n[0] for n in online_nodes])) if zone_count != actual_heketi_zones_amount: if self.allow_heketi_zones_update: if zone_count > node_count: self.skipTest( "Not enough online nodes '%s' to test '%s' " "unique Heketi zones." % (node_count, zone_count)) heketi_db_data = self._set_heketi_zones(zone_count) online_nodes = [ (n['Info']['zone'], n['Info']['hostnames']['storage']) for n in heketi_db_data['nodeentries'].values() ] else: self.skipTest( "Required amount of the Heketi zones (%s < %s) is not " "satisfied and 'common.allow_heketi_zones_update' config " "option is set to 'False'." % ( zone_count, actual_heketi_zones_amount)) def _validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( self, heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count, expand=False): online_nodes = self._get_online_nodes() for i in range(2): # Validate brick placement if heketi zone checking is 'strict' if heketi_zone_checking == 'strict': brick_hosts_ips = ( openshift_ops.get_gluster_host_ips_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name)) placement_zones = {} for brick_host_ip in brick_hosts_ips: for node_zone, node_ips in online_nodes: if brick_host_ip not in node_ips: continue placement_zones[node_zone] = placement_zones.get( node_zone, 0) + 1 break actual_zone_count = len(placement_zones) # NOTE(vponomar): '3' is default amount of volume replicas. # And it is just impossible to find more actual zones than # amount of replicas/bricks. brick_number = len(brick_hosts_ips) expected_zone_count = ( brick_number if brick_number < zone_count else zone_count) self.assertEqual( expected_zone_count, actual_zone_count, "PVC '%s' is incorrectly placed on the Heketi nodes " "according to their zones. Expected '%s' unique zones, " "got '%s'." % (pvc_name, zone_count, actual_zone_count)) # Expand PVC if needed if expand: expand_size, expand = 2, False openshift_storage_libs.enable_pvc_resize(self.node) openshift_ops.resize_pvc(self.node, pvc_name, expand_size) openshift_ops.verify_pvc_size(self.node, pvc_name, expand_size) else: break @pytest.mark.tier1 (3, "strict", False), (3, "strict", True), (4, "strict", False), (4, "strict", True), (1, "none", False), (1, "none", True), (2, "none", False), (2, "none", True), (3, "none", False), (3, "none", True), # PVC expansion cases: (3, "strict", False, True), (3, "strict", True, True), (1, "none", False, True), (1, "none", True, True), (2, "none", False, True), (2, "none", True, True), (3, "none", False, True), (3, "none", True, True), # Cases with minimum 4 nodes (3, "strict", False, False, 4), (3, "strict", True, False, 4), ) @ddt.unpack def test_check_pvc_placement_based_on_the_heketi_zones( self, zone_count, heketi_zone_checking, is_arbiter_vol, expand=False, node_count=None): # TODO(vponomar): implement setting env vars for the Heketi dc. # Check amount of available online nodes if node_count: online_node_count = len(self._get_online_nodes()) if online_node_count < node_count: self.skipTest( 'Available node count {} is less than expected node ' 'count {}'.format(online_node_count, node_count)) # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Create storage class setting "" option up prefix = "autotests-heketi-zones" sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=prefix, vol_name_prefix=prefix, allow_volume_expansion=expand, is_arbiter_vol=is_arbiter_vol, heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking) # Create PVC using above storage class pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=prefix, sc_name=sc_name) # Validate brick placement and expand if needed self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count, expand=expand) # Make sure that gluster vol has appropriate option set vol_info = openshift_ops.get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name( self.node, pvc_name) self.assertIn('', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual( vol_info['options'][''], heketi_zone_checking) if is_arbiter_vol: self.assertIn('user.heketi.arbiter', vol_info['options']) self.assertEqual( vol_info['options']['user.heketi.arbiter'], 'true') # Create app DC with the above PVC self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3) def _get_online_devices_and_nodes_with_zone(self): """ This function returns the list of nodes and devices associated to zone Returns: dict: dict with zone, devices and nodes values e.g., { zone_1: { "nodes": [ node1, node2, node3], "devices": [ device1, device2] }, zone_2: { "nodes": [ node1, node2, node3], "devices": [ device1, device2] } } """ zone_devices_nodes = dict() topology_info = heketi_ops.heketi_topology_info( self.h_client, self.h_server, json=True) for cluster in topology_info['clusters']: for node in cluster['nodes']: if node['state'] == 'online': if node['zone'] not in zone_devices_nodes: zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']] = dict() if 'nodes' not in zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']]: zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']]['nodes'] = [] (zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']][ 'nodes'].append(node['id'])) for device in node['devices']: if device['state'] == 'online': if node['zone'] not in zone_devices_nodes: zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']] = dict() if 'devices' not in zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']]: zone_devices_nodes[node['zone']]['devices'] = [] (zone_devices_nodes[ node['zone']]['devices'].append(device['id'])) return zone_devices_nodes def _check_heketi_pod_to_come_up_after_changing_env(self): # Wait for heketi pod get to restart heketi_pod = openshift_ops.get_pod_names_from_dc( self.node, self.heketi_dc_name)[0] openshift_ops.wait_for_resource_absence(self.node, "pod", heketi_pod) new_heketi_pod = openshift_ops.get_pod_names_from_dc( self.node, self.heketi_dc_name)[0] openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready(self.node, new_heketi_pod) def _set_zone_checking_option_in_heketi_dc_or_create_sc( self, is_set_env, prefix): sc_name = None if is_set_env: # Set env option for strict zone checking in heketi dc set_env = ('HEKETI_POST_REQUEST_VOLUME_OPTIONS=' '" strict"') unset_env, e_list = "HEKETI_POST_REQUEST_VOLUME_OPTIONS-", "--list" cmd_set_env = ( "oc set env dc/{} {}".format(self.heketi_dc_name, set_env)) cmd_unset_env = ( "oc set env dc/{} {}".format(self.heketi_dc_name, unset_env)) command.cmd_run(cmd_set_env, hostname=self.node) self._check_heketi_pod_to_come_up_after_changing_env() self.addCleanup( self._check_heketi_pod_to_come_up_after_changing_env) self.addCleanup(command.cmd_run, cmd_unset_env, hostname=self.node) # List all envs and validate if env is set successfully env = set_env.replace('"', '') cmd_list_env = ( "oc set env dc/{} {}".format(self.heketi_dc_name, e_list)) env_list = command.cmd_run(cmd_list_env, hostname=self.node) self.assertIn(env, env_list, "Failed to set env {}".format(env)) else: # Create storage class setting "" up heketi_zone_checking = "strict" sc_name = self.create_storage_class( sc_name_prefix=prefix, vol_name_prefix=prefix, heketi_zone_checking=heketi_zone_checking) return sc_name def _create_dcs_and_check_brick_placement( self, prefix, sc_name, heketi_zone_checking, zone_count): app_pods = [] # Create multiple PVCs using storage class pvc_names = self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs( pvc_name_prefix=prefix, pvc_amount=5, sc_name=sc_name) # Create app dcs with I/O for pvc_name in pvc_names: app_dc = openshift_ops.oc_create_app_dc_with_io( self.node, pvc_name=pvc_name, dc_name_prefix=prefix) self.addCleanup(openshift_ops.oc_delete, self.node, 'dc', app_dc) # Get pod names pod_name = openshift_ops.get_pod_name_from_dc(self.node, app_dc) app_pods.append(pod_name) # Validate brick placement in heketi zones self._validate_brick_placement_in_correct_zone_or_with_expand_pvc( heketi_zone_checking, pvc_name, zone_count) return app_pods @pytest.mark.tier1 (3, False), (3, True), (4, True), (3, False, True), (3, True, True), (4, True, True), ) @ddt.unpack def test_check_node_disable_based_on_heketi_zone( self, zone_count, is_disable_on_different_zone, is_set_env=False): """Validate node disable in different heketi zones""" expected_node_count, heketi_zone_checking = 4, "strict" prefix = "hzone-{}".format(utils.get_random_str()) # Check amount of available online nodes online_node_count = len(self._get_online_nodes()) if online_node_count < expected_node_count: self.skipTest( 'Available node count {} is less than expected node ' 'count {}'.format(online_node_count, expected_node_count)) # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Get the online devices and nodes w.r.t. to zone zone_devices_nodes = self._get_online_devices_and_nodes_with_zone() # Set heketi zone checking option to "strict" sc_name = self._set_zone_checking_option_in_heketi_dc_or_create_sc( is_set_env, prefix) # Choose a zone and node_id to disable the device for zone, nodes_and_devices in zone_devices_nodes.items(): if zone_count == 3: # Select a node with a zone having multiple nodes in same # zone to cover the test cases disable node in same zone if len(nodes_and_devices['nodes']) > 1: zone_with_disabled_node = zone disabled_node = nodes_and_devices['nodes'][0] break else: # Select node from any of the zones zone_with_disabled_node = zone disabled_node = nodes_and_devices['nodes'][0] break # Disable the selected node heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable( self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_node) self.addCleanup(heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable, self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_node) # Create some DCs with PVCs and check brick placement in heketi zones pod_names = self._create_dcs_and_check_brick_placement( prefix, sc_name, heketi_zone_checking, zone_count) # Enable disabled node heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable( self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_node) if is_disable_on_different_zone: # Select the new node in a different zone for zone, nodes_and_devices in zone_devices_nodes.items(): if zone != zone_with_disabled_node: new_node_to_disable = nodes_and_devices['nodes'][0] break else: # Select the new node in the same zone new_node_to_disable = zone_devices_nodes[ zone_with_disabled_node]['nodes'][1] # Disable the newly selected node heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable( self.h_client, self.h_server, new_node_to_disable) self.addCleanup(heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable, self.h_client, self.h_server, new_node_to_disable) # Verify if pods are in ready state for pod_name in pod_names: openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready( self.node, pod_name, timeout=5, wait_step=2) @pytest.mark.tier1 (3, False), (3, True), (4, True), (3, False, True), (3, True, True), (4, True, True), ) @ddt.unpack def test_check_device_disable_based_on_heketi_zone( self, zone_count, is_disable_on_different_zone, is_set_env=False): """Validate device disable in different heketi zones""" online_device_count, expected_device_count = 0, 4 expected_node_count, heketi_zone_checking = 4, "strict" prefix = "hzone-{}".format(utils.get_random_str()) # Check amount of available online nodes online_node_count = len(self._get_online_nodes()) if online_node_count < expected_node_count: self.skipTest( 'Available node count {} is less than expected node ' 'count {}'.format(online_node_count, expected_node_count)) # Check amount of available online heketi zones self._check_for_available_zones(zone_count) # Get the online devices and nodes w.r.t. to zone zone_devices_nodes = self._get_online_devices_and_nodes_with_zone() # Check amount of available online heketi devices for zone in zone_devices_nodes: online_device_count += len( zone_devices_nodes[zone]['devices']) if online_device_count < expected_device_count: self.skipTest( "Expected the heketi device count {} is greater than the " "available device count {}".format( expected_device_count, online_device_count)) # Set heketi zone checking option to "strict" sc_name = self._set_zone_checking_option_in_heketi_dc_or_create_sc( is_set_env, prefix) # Choose a zone and device_id to disable the device for zone, nodes_and_devices in zone_devices_nodes.items(): if zone_count == 3: # Select a device with a zone having multiple nodes in # same zone to cover the test cases "disable in same zone" if len(nodes_and_devices['devices']) > 1: zone_with_disabled_device = zone disabled_device = nodes_and_devices['devices'][0] break else: # Select device from any of the zones zone_with_disabled_device = zone disabled_device = nodes_and_devices['devices'][0] break # Disable the selected device heketi_ops.heketi_device_disable( self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_device) self.addCleanup(heketi_ops.heketi_device_enable, self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_device) # Create some DCs with PVCs and check brick placement in heketi zones pod_names = self._create_dcs_and_check_brick_placement( prefix, sc_name, heketi_zone_checking, zone_count) # Enable disabled device heketi_ops.heketi_device_enable( self.h_client, self.h_server, disabled_device) if is_disable_on_different_zone: # Select the new device in a different zone for zone, nodes_and_devices in zone_devices_nodes.items(): if zone != zone_with_disabled_device: new_device_to_disable = nodes_and_devices['devices'][0] break else: # Select the new device in the same zone new_device_to_disable = zone_devices_nodes[ zone_with_disabled_device]['devices'][1] # Disable the newly selected device heketi_ops.heketi_device_disable( self.h_client, self.h_server, new_device_to_disable) self.addCleanup(heketi_ops.heketi_device_enable, self.h_client, self.h_server, new_device_to_disable) # Verify if pods are in ready state for pod_name in pod_names: openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready( self.node, pod_name, timeout=5, wait_step=2)