import ddt from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.gluster import peer_ops import pytest import six from openshiftstoragelibs import baseclass from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions from openshiftstoragelibs import gluster_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import heketi_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_storage_version from openshiftstoragelibs import podcmd from openshiftstoragelibs import utils @ddt.ddt class TestHeketiNodeOperations(baseclass.BaseClass): """Class to test heketi node operations """ def setUp(self): super(TestHeketiNodeOperations, self).setUp() self.node = self.ocp_master_node[0] self.h_node = self.heketi_client_node self.h_url = self.heketi_server_url @pytest.mark.tier0 @podcmd.GlustoPod() def test_heketi_node_list(self): """Test node list operation """ h_client, h_server = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url # List heketi nodes node_ips = [] heketi_node_id_list = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(h_client, h_server) for node_id in heketi_node_id_list: node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( h_client, h_server, node_id, json=True) node_ips.append(node_info["hostnames"]["storage"]) # Compare the node listed in previous step hostnames = [] list_of_pools = peer_ops.get_pool_list('auto_get_gluster_endpoint') self.assertTrue( list_of_pools, "Failed to get the pool list from gluster pods/nodes") for pool in list_of_pools: hostnames.append(pool["hostname"]) self.assertEqual( len(heketi_node_id_list), len(list_of_pools), "Heketi volume list %s is not equal to gluster volume list %s" % (node_ips, hostnames)) @pytest.mark.tier1 def test_heketi_node_info(self): """Test heketi node info operation """ h_client, h_server = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url # List heketi node heketi_node_id_list = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(h_client, h_server) self.assertTrue(heketi_node_id_list, "Node Id list is empty.") for node_id in heketi_node_id_list: node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( h_client, h_server, node_id, json=True) self.assertTrue(node_info, "Failed to retrieve the node info") self.assertEqual( node_info["id"], node_id, "Failed to match node ID. Exp: %s, Act: %s" % ( node_id, node_info["id"])) @pytest.mark.tier0 def test_heketi_node_states_enable_disable(self): """Test node enable and disable functionality """ h_client, h_server = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url node_list = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(h_client, h_server) online_hosts = [] for node_id in node_list: node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( h_client, h_server, node_id, json=True) if node_info["state"] == "online": online_hosts.append(node_info) if len(online_hosts) < 3: raise self.skipTest( "This test can run only if online hosts are more than 2") # Disable n-3 nodes, in case we have n nodes for node_info in online_hosts[3:]: node_id = node_info["id"] heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable(h_client, h_server, node_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable, h_client, h_server, node_id) # Create volume when 3 nodes are online vol_size = 1 vol_info = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_create( h_client, h_server, vol_size, json=True) self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_volume_delete, h_client, h_server, vol_info['id']) node_id = online_hosts[0]['id'] try: heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable(h_client, h_server, node_id) # Try to create a volume, volume creation should fail with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): heketi_volume = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_create( h_client, h_server, vol_size) self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_volume_delete, h_client, h_server, heketi_volume["id"]) finally: # Enable heketi node heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable(h_client, h_server, node_id) # Create volume when heketi node is enabled vol_info = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_create( h_client, h_server, vol_size, json=True) heketi_ops.heketi_volume_delete(h_client, h_server, vol_info['id']) def add_heketi_node_to_cluster(self, cluster_id): """Add new node to a cluster""" storage_host_info = g.config.get("additional_gluster_servers") if not storage_host_info: self.skipTest( "Skip test case as 'additional_gluster_servers' option is " "not provided in config file") storage_host_info = list(storage_host_info.values())[0] try: storage_hostname = storage_host_info["manage"] storage_ip = storage_host_info["storage"] except KeyError: msg = ("Config options 'additional_gluster_servers.manage' " "and '' must be set.") g.log.error(msg) raise exceptions.ConfigError(msg) h_client, h_server = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url storage_zone = 1 self.configure_node_to_run_gluster(storage_hostname) heketi_node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_add( h_client, h_server, storage_zone, cluster_id, storage_hostname, storage_ip, json=True) heketi_node_id = heketi_node_info["id"] self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_node_delete, h_client, h_server, heketi_node_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_node_remove, h_client, h_server, heketi_node_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable, h_client, h_server, heketi_node_id) self.assertEqual( heketi_node_info["cluster"], cluster_id, "Node got added in unexpected cluster exp: %s, act: %s" % ( cluster_id, heketi_node_info["cluster"])) return storage_hostname, storage_ip @pytest.mark.tier0 @podcmd.GlustoPod() def test_heketi_node_add_with_valid_cluster(self): """Test heketi node add operation with valid cluster id""" if (openshift_storage_version.get_openshift_storage_version() < "3.11.4"): self.skipTest( "This test case is not supported for < OCS 3.11.4 builds due " "to bug BZ-1732831") h_client, h_server = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url ocp_node = self.ocp_master_node[0] # Get heketi endpoints before adding node h_volume_ids = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_list( h_client, h_server, json=True) h_endpoints_before_new_node = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_endpoint_patch( h_client, h_server, h_volume_ids["volumes"][0]) cluster_info = heketi_ops.heketi_cluster_list( h_client, h_server, json=True) storage_hostname, storage_ip = self.add_heketi_node_to_cluster( cluster_info["clusters"][0]) # Get heketi nodes and validate for newly added node h_node_ids = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(h_client, h_server, json=True) for h_node_id in h_node_ids: node_hostname = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( h_client, h_server, h_node_id, json=True) if node_hostname["hostnames"]["manage"][0] == storage_hostname: break node_hostname = None err_msg = ("Newly added heketi node %s not found in heketi node " "list %s" % (storage_hostname, h_node_ids)) self.assertTrue(node_hostname, err_msg) # Check gluster peer status for newly added node if self.is_containerized_gluster(): gluster_pods = openshift_ops.get_ocp_gluster_pod_details(ocp_node) gluster_pod = [ gluster_pod["pod_name"] for gluster_pod in gluster_pods if gluster_pod["pod_hostname"] == storage_hostname][0] gluster_peer_status = peer_ops.get_peer_status( podcmd.Pod(ocp_node, gluster_pod)) else: gluster_peer_status = peer_ops.get_peer_status( storage_hostname) self.assertEqual( len(gluster_peer_status), len(self.gluster_servers)) err_msg = "Expected peer status is 1 and actual is %s" for peer in gluster_peer_status: peer_status = int(peer["connected"]) self.assertEqual(peer_status, 1, err_msg % peer_status) # Get heketi endpoints after adding node h_endpoints_after_new_node = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_endpoint_patch( h_client, h_server, h_volume_ids["volumes"][0]) # Get openshift openshift endpoints and patch with heketi endpoints heketi_db_endpoint = openshift_ops.oc_get_custom_resource( ocp_node, "dc", name=self.heketi_dc_name, custom=".:spec.template.spec.volumes[*].glusterfs.endpoints")[0] openshift_ops.oc_patch( ocp_node, "ep", heketi_db_endpoint, h_endpoints_after_new_node) self.addCleanup( openshift_ops.oc_patch, ocp_node, "ep", heketi_db_endpoint, h_endpoints_before_new_node) ep_addresses = openshift_ops.oc_get_custom_resource( ocp_node, "ep", name=heketi_db_endpoint, custom=".:subsets[*].addresses[*].ip")[0].split(",") err_msg = "Hostname %s not present in endpoints %s" % ( storage_ip, ep_addresses) self.assertIn(storage_ip, ep_addresses, err_msg) @pytest.mark.tier1 def test_heketi_node_add_with_invalid_cluster(self): """Test heketi node add operation with invalid cluster id""" storage_hostname, cluster_id = None, utils.get_random_str(size=33) try: storage_hostname, _ = self.add_heketi_node_to_cluster(cluster_id) except AssertionError as e: err_msg = ("validation failed: cluster: %s is not a valid UUID" % cluster_id) if err_msg not in six.text_type(e): raise err_msg = ("Unexpectedly node %s got added to cluster %s" % ( storage_hostname, cluster_id)) self.assertFalse(storage_hostname, err_msg) def get_node_to_be_added(self): try: # Initializes additional gluster nodes variables self.additional_gluster_servers = list( g.config['additional_gluster_servers'].keys()) self.additional_gluster_servers_info = ( g.config['additional_gluster_servers']) return list(self.additional_gluster_servers_info.values())[0] except (KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError): self.skipTest("Required 'additional_gluster_servers' option is " "not set in the config file.") def get_vol_ids_by_pvc_names(self, pvc_names): vol_ids = [] custom = (r':.metadata.annotations."gluster\.kubernetes\.io\/' 'heketi-volume-id"') for pvc in pvc_names: pv = openshift_ops.get_pv_name_from_pvc(self.node, pvc) vol_id = openshift_ops.oc_get_custom_resource( self.node, 'pv', custom, pv) vol_ids.append(vol_id[0]) return vol_ids def get_vol_names_from_vol_ids(self, vol_ids): vol_names = [] for vol_id in vol_ids: vol_info = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_info( self.h_node, self.h_url, vol_id, json=True) vol_names.append(vol_info['name']) return vol_names def verify_gluster_peer_status( self, gluster_node, new_node_manage, new_node_storage, state='present'): # Verify gluster peer status peer_status = openshift_ops.cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( self.node, 'gluster peer status', gluster_node) found = (new_node_manage in peer_status or new_node_storage in peer_status) if state == 'present': msg = ('Node %s did not get attached in gluster peer status %s' % (new_node_manage, peer_status)) self.assertTrue(found, msg) elif state == 'absent': msg = ('Node %s did not get deattached in gluster peer status %s' % (new_node_manage, peer_status)) self.assertFalse(found, msg) else: msg = "State %s is other than present, absent" % state raise AssertionError(msg) def verify_node_is_present_or_not_in_heketi( self, node_id, manage_hostname, storage_ip, state='present'): topology = heketi_ops.heketi_topology_info( self.h_node, self.h_url, json=True) if state == 'present': present = False for node in topology['clusters'][0]['nodes']: if node_id == node['id']: self.assertEqual( manage_hostname, node['hostnames']['manage'][0]) self.assertEqual( storage_ip, node['hostnames']['storage'][0]) present = True break self.assertTrue(present, 'Node %s not found in heketi' % node_id) elif state == 'absent': for node in topology['clusters'][0]['nodes']: self.assertNotEqual( manage_hostname, node['hostnames']['manage'][0]) self.assertNotEqual( storage_ip, node['hostnames']['storage'][0]) self.assertNotEqual(node_id, node['id']) else: msg = "State %s is other than present, absent" % state raise AssertionError(msg) def verify_gluster_server_present_in_heketi_vol_info_or_not( self, vol_ids, gluster_server, state='present'): # Verify gluster servers in vol info for vol_id in vol_ids: g_servers = heketi_ops.get_vol_file_servers_and_hosts( self.h_node, self.h_url, vol_id) g_servers = (g_servers['vol_servers'] + g_servers['vol_hosts']) if state == 'present': self.assertIn(gluster_server, g_servers) elif state == 'absent': self.assertNotIn(gluster_server, g_servers) else: msg = "State %s is other than present, absent" % state raise AssertionError(msg) def verify_volume_bricks_are_present_or_not_on_heketi_node( self, vol_ids, node_id, state='present'): for vol_id in vol_ids: vol_info = heketi_ops.heketi_volume_info( self.h_node, self.h_url, vol_id, json=True) bricks = vol_info['bricks'] self.assertFalse((len(bricks) % 3)) if state == 'present': found = False for brick in bricks: if brick['node'] == node_id: found = True break self.assertTrue( found, 'Bricks of vol %s does not present on node %s' % (vol_id, node_id)) elif state == 'absent': for brick in bricks: self.assertNotEqual( brick['node'], node_id, 'Bricks of vol %s is present ' 'on node %s' % (vol_id, node_id)) else: msg = "State %s is other than present, absent" % state raise AssertionError(msg) def get_ready_for_node_add(self, hostname): self.configure_node_to_run_gluster(hostname) h_nodes = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(self.h_node, self.h_url) # Disable nodes except first two nodes for node_id in h_nodes[2:]: heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable(self.h_node, self.h_url, node_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable, self.h_node, self.h_url, node_id) def add_device_on_heketi_node(self, node_id, device_name): # Add Devices on heketi node heketi_ops.heketi_device_add( self.h_node, self.h_url, device_name, node_id) # Get device id of newly added device node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( self.h_node, self.h_url, node_id, json=True) for device in node_info['devices']: if device['name'] == device_name: return device['id'] raise AssertionError('Device %s did not found on node %s' % ( device_name, node_id)) def delete_node_and_devices_on_it(self, node_id): heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable(self.h_node, self.h_url, node_id) heketi_ops.heketi_node_remove(self.h_node, self.h_url, node_id) node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info( self.h_node, self.h_url, node_id, json=True) for device in node_info['devices']: heketi_ops.heketi_device_delete( self.h_node, self.h_url, device['id']) heketi_ops.heketi_node_delete(self.h_node, self.h_url, node_id) @pytest.mark.tier0'remove', 'delete') def test_heketi_node_remove_or_delete(self, operation='delete'): """Test node remove and delete functionality of heketi and validate gluster peer status and heketi topology. """ # Get node info to be added in heketi cluster new_node = self.get_node_to_be_added() new_node_manage = new_node['manage'] new_node_storage = new_node['storage'] self.get_ready_for_node_add(new_node_manage) h, h_node, h_url = heketi_ops, self.h_node, self.h_url # Get cluster id where node needs to be added. cluster_id = h.heketi_cluster_list(h_node, h_url, json=True) cluster_id = cluster_id['clusters'][0] h_nodes_list = h.heketi_node_list(h_node, h_url) node_needs_cleanup = False try: # Add new node h_new_node = h.heketi_node_add( h_node, h_url, 1, cluster_id, new_node_manage, new_node_storage, json=True)['id'] node_needs_cleanup = True # Get hostname of first gluster node g_node = h.heketi_node_info( h_node, h_url, h_nodes_list[0], json=True)['hostnames']['manage'][0] # Verify gluster peer status self.verify_gluster_peer_status( g_node, new_node_manage, new_node_storage) # Add Devices on newly added node device_id = self.add_device_on_heketi_node( h_new_node, new_node['devices'][0]) # Create PVC's and DC's vol_count = 5 pvcs = self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs(pvc_amount=vol_count) dcs = self.create_dcs_with_pvc(pvcs) # Get vol id's vol_ids = self.get_vol_ids_by_pvc_names(pvcs) # Get bricks count on newly added node bricks = h.get_bricks_on_heketi_node( h_node, h_url, h_new_node) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(bricks), vol_count) # Enable the nodes back, which were disabled earlier for node_id in h_nodes_list[2:]: h.heketi_node_enable(h_node, h_url, node_id) if operation == 'remove': # Remove the node h.heketi_node_disable(h_node, h_url, h_new_node) h.heketi_node_remove(h_node, h_url, h_new_node) # Delete the device h.heketi_device_delete(h_node, h_url, device_id) elif operation == 'delete': # Remove and delete device h.heketi_device_disable(h_node, h_url, device_id) h.heketi_device_remove(h_node, h_url, device_id) h.heketi_device_delete(h_node, h_url, device_id) # Remove node h.heketi_node_disable(h_node, h_url, h_new_node) h.heketi_node_remove(h_node, h_url, h_new_node) else: msg = "Operation %s is other than remove, delete." % operation raise AssertionError(msg) # Delete Node h.heketi_node_delete(h_node, h_url, h_new_node) node_needs_cleanup = False # Verify node is deleted from heketi self.verify_node_is_present_or_not_in_heketi( h_new_node, new_node_manage, new_node_storage, state='absent') # Verify gluster peer status self.verify_gluster_peer_status( g_node, new_node_manage, new_node_storage, state='absent') # Verify gluster servers are not present in vol info self.verify_gluster_server_present_in_heketi_vol_info_or_not( vol_ids, new_node_storage, state='absent') # Verify vol bricks are not present on deleted nodes self.verify_volume_bricks_are_present_or_not_on_heketi_node( vol_ids, new_node_storage, state='absent') # Wait for heal to complete gluster_ops.wait_to_heal_complete(g_node=g_node) for _, pod in dcs.values(): openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready(self.node, pod, timeout=1) finally: # Cleanup newly added Node if node_needs_cleanup: self.addCleanup(self.delete_node_and_devices_on_it, h_new_node) # Enable the nodes back, which were disabled earlier for node_id in h_nodes_list[2:]: self.addCleanup(h.heketi_node_enable, h_node, h_url, node_id) @pytest.mark.tier2 ("volume", "create"), ("volume", "delete"), ("volume", "expand"), ("blockvolume", "create"), ("blockvolume", "delete"), ) @ddt.unpack def test_volume_operations_while_node_removal_is_running( self, vol_type, vol_operation): """Test volume operations like create, delete and expand while node removal is running parallely at backend. """ # Get node info to be added in heketi cluster new_node = self.get_node_to_be_added() new_node_manage = new_node['manage'] new_node_storage = new_node['storage'] self.get_ready_for_node_add(new_node_manage) h, h_node, h_url = heketi_ops, self.h_node, self.h_url # Get cluster id where node needs to be added. cluster_id = h.heketi_cluster_list(h_node, h_url, json=True) cluster_id = cluster_id['clusters'][0] h_nodes_list = h.heketi_node_list(h_node, h_url) node_needs_cleanup = False try: # Add new node h_new_node = h.heketi_node_add( h_node, h_url, 1, cluster_id, new_node_manage, new_node_storage, json=True)['id'] node_needs_cleanup = True # Get hostname of first gluster node g_node = h.heketi_node_info( h_node, h_url, h_nodes_list[0], json=True)['hostnames']['manage'][0] # Verify gluster peer status self.verify_gluster_peer_status( g_node, new_node_manage, new_node_storage) # Add Devices on newly added node device_id = self.add_device_on_heketi_node( h_new_node, new_node['devices'][0]) # Create Volumes vol_count = 5 for i in range(vol_count): vol_info = h.heketi_volume_create( h_node, h_url, 1, clusters=cluster_id, json=True) self.addCleanup( h.heketi_volume_delete, h_node, h_url, vol_info['id']) # Get bricks count on newly added node bricks = h.get_bricks_on_heketi_node( h_node, h_url, h_new_node) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(bricks), vol_count) # Enable the nodes back, which were disabled earlier for node_id in h_nodes_list[2:]: h.heketi_node_enable(h_node, h_url, node_id) # Disable the node h.heketi_node_disable(h_node, h_url, h_new_node) vol_count = 2 if vol_type == 'volume' else 5 if vol_operation in ('delete', 'expand'): # Create file/block volumes to delete or expand while node # removal is running vol_list = [] for i in range(vol_count): vol_info = getattr(h, "heketi_%s_create" % vol_type)( h_node, h_url, 1, clusters=cluster_id, json=True) self.addCleanup( getattr(h, "heketi_%s_delete" % vol_type), h_node, h_url, vol_info['id'], raise_on_error=False) vol_list.append(vol_info) # Remove the node and devices on it cmd = 'heketi-cli node remove %s -s %s --user %s --secret %s' % ( h_new_node, h_url, self.heketi_cli_user, self.heketi_cli_key) proc = g.run_async(h_node, cmd) if vol_operation == 'create': # Create file/block volume while node removal is running for i in range(vol_count): vol_info = getattr(h, "heketi_%s_create" % vol_type)( h_node, h_url, 1, clusters=cluster_id, json=True) self.addCleanup( getattr(h, "heketi_%s_delete" % vol_type), h_node, h_url, vol_info['id']) elif vol_operation == 'delete': # Delete file/block volume while node removal is running for vol in vol_list: getattr(h, "heketi_%s_delete" % vol_type)( h_node, h_url, vol['id']) elif vol_operation == 'expand': # Expand file volume while node removal is running for vol in vol_list: vol_info = h.heketi_volume_expand( h_node, h_url, vol['id'], '1', json=True) self.assertEquals(2, vol_info['size']) else: msg = "Invalid vol_operation %s" % vol_operation raise AssertionError(msg) # Get the status of node removal command retcode, stdout, stderr = proc.async_communicate() msg = 'Failed to remove node %s from heketi with error %s' % ( h_new_node, stderr) self.assertFalse(retcode, msg) h.heketi_device_delete(h_node, h_url, device_id) h.heketi_node_delete(h_node, h_url, h_new_node) node_needs_cleanup = False # Verify node is deleted from heketi self.verify_node_is_present_or_not_in_heketi( h_new_node, new_node_manage, new_node_storage, state='absent') # Verify gluster peer status self.verify_gluster_peer_status( g_node, new_node_manage, new_node_storage, state='absent') finally: # Cleanup newly added Node if node_needs_cleanup: self.addCleanup(self.delete_node_and_devices_on_it, h_new_node) # Enable the nodes back, which were disabled earlier for node_id in h_nodes_list[2:]: self.addCleanup(h.heketi_node_enable, h_node, h_url, node_id)