try: # py2/3 import simplejson as json except ImportError: # py2 import json from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.gluster.volume_ops import get_volume_list, get_volume_info import mock import pytest import six from openshiftstoragelibs.baseclass import BaseClass from openshiftstoragelibs import command from openshiftstoragelibs.heketi_ops import ( get_heketi_volume_and_brick_count_list, heketi_blockvolume_create, heketi_blockvolume_delete, heketi_cluster_delete, heketi_cluster_list, heketi_db_check, heketi_node_delete, heketi_node_info, heketi_node_list, heketi_volume_create, heketi_volume_delete, heketi_volume_expand, heketi_volume_info, heketi_volume_list, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_ops import cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions from openshiftstoragelibs import podcmd from openshiftstoragelibs import waiter class TestHeketiVolume(BaseClass): """ Class to test heketi volume create """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestHeketiVolume, cls).setUpClass() cls.volume_size = 1 @pytest.mark.tier0 @podcmd.GlustoPod() def test_volume_create_and_list_volume(self): """Validate heketi and gluster volume list""""List gluster volumes before Heketi volume creation") existing_g_vol_list = get_volume_list('auto_get_gluster_endpoint') self.assertTrue(existing_g_vol_list, ("Unable to get volumes list"))"List heketi volumes before volume creation") existing_h_vol_list = heketi_volume_list( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True)["volumes"]"Heketi volumes successfully listed")"Create a heketi volume") out = heketi_volume_create(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, self.volume_size, json=True)"Heketi volume successfully created" % out) volume_id = out["bricks"][0]["volume"] self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_id)"List heketi volumes after volume creation") h_vol_list = heketi_volume_list( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True)["volumes"]"Heketi volumes successfully listed")"List gluster volumes after Heketi volume creation") g_vol_list = get_volume_list('auto_get_gluster_endpoint') self.assertTrue(g_vol_list, ("Unable to get volumes list"))"Successfully got the volumes list") # Perform checks self.assertEqual( len(existing_g_vol_list) + 1, len(g_vol_list), "Expected creation of only one volume in Gluster creating " "Heketi volume. Here is lists before and after volume creation: " "%s \n%s" % (existing_g_vol_list, g_vol_list)) self.assertEqual( len(existing_h_vol_list) + 1, len(h_vol_list), "Expected creation of only one volume in Heketi. Here is lists " "of Heketi volumes before and after volume creation: %s\n%s" % ( existing_h_vol_list, h_vol_list)) @pytest.mark.tier1 @podcmd.GlustoPod() def test_create_vol_and_retrieve_vol_info(self): """Validate heketi and gluster volume info""""Create a heketi volume") out = heketi_volume_create(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, self.volume_size, json=True) self.assertTrue(out, ("Failed to create heketi " "volume of size %s" % self.volume_size))"Heketi volume successfully created" % out) volume_id = out["bricks"][0]["volume"] self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_id)"Retrieving heketi volume info") out = heketi_volume_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_id, json=True) self.assertTrue(out, ("Failed to get heketi volume info"))"Successfully got the heketi volume info") name = out["name"] vol_info = get_volume_info('auto_get_gluster_endpoint', volname=name) self.assertTrue(vol_info, "Failed to get volume info %s" % name)"Successfully got the volume info %s" % name) @pytest.mark.tier0 def test_create_vol_and_retrieve_topology_info(self): volume_names = [] volume_ids = [] # Create 3 volumes and make 3rd volume of type distributed replica"Creating 3 volumes") for i in range(3): out = heketi_volume_create(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, self.volume_size, json=True)"Heketi volume %s successfully created" % out) volume_names.append(out["name"]) volume_ids.append(out["bricks"][0]["volume"]) self.addCleanup(heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_ids[i], raise_on_error=(i == 2)) heketi_volume_expand(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_ids[1], 1) # Check if volume is shown in the heketi topology topology_volumes = get_heketi_volume_and_brick_count_list( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) existing_volumes = [v for v, _ in topology_volumes] for v in volume_names: self.assertIn(v, existing_volumes) for v, b_count in topology_volumes: expected_bricks_count = 6 if v == volume_names[1] else 3 self.assertGreaterEqual( b_count, expected_bricks_count, 'Bricks number of the %s volume is %s and it is expected ' 'to be greater or equal to %s' % ( v, b_count, expected_bricks_count)) # Delete first 2 volumes and verify their deletion in the topology for vol_id in volume_ids[:2]:"Deleting volume %s" % vol_id) heketi_volume_delete(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_id) topology_volumes = get_heketi_volume_and_brick_count_list( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) existing_volumes = [v for v, _ in topology_volumes] for vol_name in volume_names[:2]: self.assertNotIn(vol_name, existing_volumes, ( "volume %s shown in the heketi topology after deletion" "\nTopology info:\n%s" % ( vol_name, existing_volumes))) # Check the existence of third volume self.assertIn( volume_names[2], existing_volumes, "volume %s not " "shown in the heketi topology\nTopology info" "\n%s" % (volume_ids[2], existing_volumes))"Sucessfully verified the topology info") @pytest.mark.tier1 def test_to_check_deletion_of_cluster(self): """Validate deletion of cluster with volumes""" # List heketi volumes"List heketi volumes") volumes = heketi_volume_list(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True) if (len(volumes["volumes"]) == 0):"Creating heketi volume") out = heketi_volume_create(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, self.volume_size, json=True) self.assertTrue(out, ("Failed to create heketi " "volume of size %s" % self.volume_size))"Heketi volume successfully created" % out) volume_id = out["bricks"][0]["volume"] self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_id) # List heketi cluster's"Listing heketi cluster list") out = heketi_cluster_list(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True) self.assertTrue(out, ("Failed to list heketi cluster"))"All heketi cluster successfully listed") cluster_id = out["clusters"][0] # Deleting a heketi cluster"Trying to delete a heketi cluster" " which contains volumes and/or nodes:" " Expected to fail") self.assertRaises( AssertionError, heketi_cluster_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, cluster_id, )"Expected result: Unable to delete cluster %s" " because it contains volumes " " and/or nodes" % cluster_id) # To confirm deletion failed, check heketi cluster list"Listing heketi cluster list") out = heketi_cluster_list(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True) self.assertTrue(out, ("Failed to list heketi cluster"))"All heketi cluster successfully listed") @pytest.mark.tier0 def test_to_check_deletion_of_node(self): """Validate deletion of a node which contains devices""" # Create Heketi volume to make sure we have devices with usages heketi_url = self.heketi_server_url vol = heketi_volume_create( self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, 1, json=True) self.assertTrue(vol, "Failed to create heketi volume.")"Heketi volume successfully created") volume_id = vol["bricks"][0]["volume"] self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_id) # Pick up suitable node node_ids = heketi_node_list(self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url) self.assertTrue(node_ids) for node_id in node_ids: node_info = heketi_node_info( self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, node_id, json=True) if (node_info['state'].lower() != 'online' or not node_info['devices']): continue for device in node_info['devices']: if device['state'].lower() != 'online': continue if device['storage']['used']: node_id = node_info['id'] break else: self.assertTrue( node_id, "Failed to find online node with online device which " "has some usages.") # Try to delete the node by its ID"Trying to delete the node which contains devices in it. " "Expecting failure.") self.assertRaises( AssertionError, heketi_node_delete, self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, node_id) # Make sure our node hasn't been deleted"Listing heketi node list") node_list = heketi_node_list(self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url) self.assertTrue(node_list, ("Failed to list heketi nodes")) self.assertIn(node_id, node_list) node_info = heketi_node_info( self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, node_id, json=True) self.assertEqual(node_info['state'].lower(), 'online') @pytest.mark.tier1 def test_blockvolume_create_no_free_space(self): """Validate error is returned when free capacity is exhausted""" # Create first small blockvolume blockvol1 = heketi_blockvolume_create( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, 1, json=True) self.assertTrue(blockvol1, "Failed to create block volume.") self.addCleanup( heketi_blockvolume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, blockvol1['id']) # Get info about block hosting volumes file_volumes = heketi_volume_list( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True) self.assertTrue(file_volumes) self.assertIn("volumes", file_volumes) self.assertTrue(file_volumes["volumes"]) max_block_hosting_vol_size, file_volumes_debug_info = 0, [] for vol_id in file_volumes["volumes"]: vol = heketi_volume_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_id, json=True) current_block_hosting_vol_size = vol.get('size', 0) if current_block_hosting_vol_size > max_block_hosting_vol_size: max_block_hosting_vol_size = current_block_hosting_vol_size if current_block_hosting_vol_size: file_volumes_debug_info.append(six.text_type({ 'id': vol.get('id', '?'), 'name': vol.get('name', '?'), 'size': current_block_hosting_vol_size, 'blockinfo': vol.get('blockinfo', '?'), })) self.assertGreater(max_block_hosting_vol_size, 0) # Try to create blockvolume with size bigger than available too_big_vol_size = max_block_hosting_vol_size + 1 try: blockvol2 = heketi_blockvolume_create( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, too_big_vol_size, json=True) except AssertionError: return if blockvol2 and blockvol2.get('id'): self.addCleanup( heketi_blockvolume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, blockvol2['id']) block_hosting_vol = heketi_volume_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, blockvol2.get('blockhostingvolume'), json=True) self.assertGreater( block_hosting_vol.get('size', -2), blockvol2.get('size', -1), ("Block volume unexpectedly was created. " "Calculated 'max free size' is '%s'.\nBlock volume info is: %s \n" "File volume info, which hosts block volume: \n%s," "Block hosting volumes which were considered: \n%s" % ( max_block_hosting_vol_size, blockvol2, block_hosting_vol, '\n'.join(file_volumes_debug_info)))) @pytest.mark.tier1 @podcmd.GlustoPod() def test_heketi_volume_create_with_cluster_node_down(self): if len(self.gluster_servers) < 5: self.skipTest("Nodes in the cluster are %s which is less than 5" % len(self.gluster_servers)) cmd_glusterd_stop = "systemctl stop glusterd" cmd_glusterd_start = "systemctl start glusterd" try: # Kill glusterd on 2 of the nodes for gluster_server in self.gluster_servers[:2]: cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( self.ocp_master_node[0], cmd_glusterd_stop, gluster_node=gluster_server) # Create heketi volume, get the volume id and volume name volume_info = heketi_volume_create( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, self.volume_size, json=True) volume_id = volume_info["id"] volume_name = volume_info['name'] self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_id) finally: for gluster_server in self.gluster_servers[:2]: self.addCleanup( cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node, self.ocp_master_node[0], cmd_glusterd_start, gluster_node=gluster_server) # Verify volume creation at the gluster side g_vol_list = get_volume_list('auto_get_gluster_endpoint') self.assertTrue(g_vol_list, "Failed to get gluster volume list") msg = "volume: %s not found in the volume list: %s" % ( volume_name, g_vol_list) self.assertIn(volume_name, g_vol_list, msg) @pytest.mark.tier1 def test_verify_pending_entries_in_db(self): """Verify pending entries of volumes and bricks in db during volume creation from heketi side """ h_volume_size = 100 h_db_chk_bfr_v_creation = heketi_db_check( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) if (h_db_chk_bfr_v_creation["bricks"]["pending"] != 0 or h_db_chk_bfr_v_creation["volumes"]["pending"] != 0): self.skipTest( "Skip TC due to unexpected bricks/volumes pending operations") # Verify bricks and volume pending operation before creation self.assertEqual(h_db_chk_bfr_v_creation["bricks"]["pending"], 0) self.assertEqual(h_db_chk_bfr_v_creation["volumes"]["pending"], 0) # Temporary replace with g.async_run in heketi_volume_create func # to be able to run it in background.Also, avoid parsing the output as # it won't be json at that moment. Parse it after reading the async # operation results. def run_async(cmd, hostname, raise_on_error=True): return g.run_async(host=hostname, command=cmd) with mock.patch.object( json, 'loads', side_effect=(lambda j: j)): with mock.patch.object(command, 'cmd_run', side_effect=run_async): h_vol_creation_async_op = heketi_volume_create( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, h_volume_size, json=True) for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout=5, interval=1): h_db_chk_during_v_creation = heketi_db_check( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) if h_db_chk_during_v_creation["bricks"]["pending"] != 0: break if w.expired: err_msg = "No pending operation in Heketi db" g.log.error(err_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) retcode, stdout, stderr = h_vol_creation_async_op.async_communicate() heketi_vol = json.loads(stdout) volume_id = heketi_vol["id"] self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_id, raise_on_error=True) # Verify volume pending operation during creation self.assertFalse(h_db_chk_during_v_creation["bricks"]["pending"] % 3) self.assertEqual( h_db_chk_bfr_v_creation["volumes"]["pending"] + 1, h_db_chk_during_v_creation["volumes"]["pending"]) h_db_chk_after_v_creation = heketi_db_check( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) # Verify bricks and volume pending operation after creation self.assertEqual(h_db_chk_after_v_creation["bricks"]["pending"], 0) self.assertEqual(h_db_chk_after_v_creation["volumes"]["pending"], 0)