import pytest from openshiftstoragelibs.baseclass import BaseClass from openshiftstoragelibs.gluster_ops import ( get_gluster_vol_status, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.heketi_ops import ( heketi_node_disable, heketi_node_enable, heketi_node_list, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_ops import ( get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name, ) class TestBrickMux(BaseClass): ''' Class that contains BrickMux test cases. ''' def setUp(self): super(TestBrickMux, self).setUp() self.node = self.ocp_master_node[0] @pytest.mark.tier2 def test_brick_multiplex_pids_with_diff_vol_option_values(self): """Test Brick Pid's should be same when values of vol options are diff """ h_client, h_url = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url # Disable heketi nodes except first three nodes h_nodes_list = heketi_node_list(h_client, h_url) for node_id in h_nodes_list[3:]: heketi_node_disable(h_client, h_url, node_id) self.addCleanup(heketi_node_enable, h_client, h_url, node_id) # Create storage class with diff volumeoptions sc1 = self.create_storage_class(volumeoptions=' 1') sc2 = self.create_storage_class(volumeoptions=' 2') # Create PVC's with above SC pvc1 = self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs(sc_name=sc1) pvc2 = self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs(sc_name=sc2) # Get vol info and status vol_info1 = get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name(self.node, pvc1[0]) vol_info2 = get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name(self.node, pvc2[0]) vol_status1 = get_gluster_vol_status(vol_info1['gluster_vol_id']) vol_status2 = get_gluster_vol_status(vol_info2['gluster_vol_id']) # Verify vol options err_msg = ('Volume option " %s" did not got match for ' 'volume %s in gluster vol info') self.assertEqual( vol_info1['options'][''], '1', err_msg % (1, vol_info1['gluster_vol_id'])) self.assertEqual( vol_info2['options'][''], '2', err_msg % (2, vol_info2['gluster_vol_id'])) # Get the PID's and match them pids1 = set() for brick in vol_info1['bricks']['brick']: host, bname = brick['name'].split(":") pids1.add(vol_status1[host][bname]['pid']) pids2 = set() for brick in vol_info2['bricks']['brick']: host, bname = brick['name'].split(":") pids2.add(vol_status2[host][bname]['pid']) err_msg = ('Pids of both the volumes %s and %s are expected to be' 'same. But got the different Pids "%s" and "%s".' % (vol_info1['gluster_vol_id'], vol_info2['gluster_vol_id'], pids1, pids2)) self.assertEqual(pids1, pids2, err_msg)