try: # py2/3 import simplejson as json except ImportError: # py2 import json import re import time from glusto.core import Glusto as g import six from openshiftstoragelibs import command from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions from openshiftstoragelibs import heketi_version from openshiftstoragelibs.utils import parse_prometheus_data from openshiftstoragelibs import waiter HEKETI_DC = g.config.get("cns", g.config.get("openshift"))[ "heketi_config"]["heketi_dc_name"] HEKETI_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = g.config.get("common", {}).get( "heketi_command_timeout", 120) MASTER_NODE = list(g.config["ocp_servers"]["master"].keys())[0] HEKETI_BHV = re.compile(r"Id:(\S+)\s+Cluster:(\S+)\s+Name:(\S+)\s\[block\]") HEKETI_OPERATIONS = re.compile(r"Id:(\S+)\s+Type:(\S+)\s+Status:(\S+)") HEKETI_NODES = re.compile(r"Id:(\S+)\s+Cluster:(\S+)") HEKETI_VOLUME = r"Id:(\S+)\s+Cluster:(\S+)\s+Name:(%s_\S+)" GET_HEKETI_PODNAME_CMD = ( "oc get pods -l deploymentconfig=%s " "--no-headers" % HEKETI_DC) TIMEOUT_PREFIX = "timeout %s " % HEKETI_COMMAND_TIMEOUT def cmd_run_on_heketi_pod(cmd, raise_on_error=True): """Autodetect Heketi podname and run specified command on it.""" heketi_podname = command.cmd_run( cmd=GET_HEKETI_PODNAME_CMD, hostname=MASTER_NODE).strip() # NOTE(vponomar): we redefine '--server' option which is provided # as part of the 'cmd' var. assert heketi_podname.strip(), ( "Heketi POD not found on '%s' node using following command: \n%s" % ( MASTER_NODE, GET_HEKETI_PODNAME_CMD)) if '--server=' in cmd and 'heketi-cli' in cmd: cmd_with_podname_prefix = ( "oc exec %s -- %s --server=http://localhost:8080" % ( heketi_podname, cmd)) else: cmd_with_podname_prefix = "oc exec %s -- %s" % (heketi_podname, cmd) result = command.cmd_run( cmd=cmd_with_podname_prefix, hostname=MASTER_NODE, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) return result def heketi_cmd_run(hostname, cmd, raise_on_error=True): """Run Heketi client command from a node backing up with Heketi pod CLI.""" try: out = command.cmd_run( cmd=cmd, hostname=hostname, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) except Exception as e: g.log.error( 'Failed to run "%s" command on the "%s" host. ' 'Got following error:\n%s' % (cmd, hostname, e)) if ('connection refused' in six.text_type(e).lower() or 'operation timed out' in six.text_type(e).lower()): time.sleep(1) out = cmd_run_on_heketi_pod(cmd, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) else: raise return out def _set_heketi_global_flags(heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Helper function to set heketi-cli global flags.""" heketi_server_url = ( heketi_server_url if heketi_server_url else ( "")) json = kwargs.get("json") secret = kwargs.get("secret") user = kwargs.get("user") json_arg = "--json" if json else "" secret_arg = "--secret %s" % secret if secret else "" user_arg = "--user %s" % user if user else "" if not user_arg: openshift_config = g.config.get("cns", g.config.get("openshift")) heketi_cli_user = openshift_config['heketi_config']['heketi_cli_user'] if heketi_cli_user: user_arg = "--user %s" % heketi_cli_user heketi_cli_key = openshift_config[ 'heketi_config']['heketi_cli_key'] if heketi_cli_key is not None: secret_arg = "--secret '%s'" % heketi_cli_key return (heketi_server_url, json_arg, secret_arg, user_arg) def heketi_volume_create(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, size, **kwargs): """Creates heketi volume with the given user options. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url size (str): Volume size Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - block : (bool) - clusters : (str)|None - disperse_data : (int)|None - durability : (str)|None - gid : (int)|None - gluster_volume_options : (str)|None - name : (str)|None - persistent_volume : (bool) - persistent_volume_endpoint : (str)|None - persistent_volume_file : (str)|None - redundancy : (int):None - replica : (int)|None - size : (int):None - snapshot-factor : (float)|None - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: volume create info on success, only cli option is specified without --json option, then it returns raw string output. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError when error occurs Example: heketi_volume_create(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, size) """ if not kwargs.get('user'): openshift_config = g.config.get("cns", g.config.get("openshift")) heketi_cli_user = openshift_config['heketi_config']['heketi_cli_user'] if heketi_cli_user: kwargs['user'] = heketi_cli_user heketi_cli_key = openshift_config[ 'heketi_config']['heketi_cli_key'] if heketi_cli_key is not None: kwargs['secret'] = heketi_cli_key heketi_server_url = ( heketi_server_url if heketi_server_url else ( "")) block_arg = "--block" if kwargs.get("block") else "" clusters_arg = ("--clusters %s" % kwargs.get("clusters") if kwargs.get("clusters") else "") disperse_data_arg = ("--disperse-data %d" % kwargs.get("disperse_data") if kwargs.get("disperse_data") else "") durability_arg = ("--durability %s" % kwargs.get("durability") if kwargs.get("durability") else "") gid_arg = "--gid %d" % int(kwargs.get("gid")) if kwargs.get("gid") else "" gluster_volume_options_arg = ("--gluster-volume-options '%s'" % kwargs.get("gluster_volume_options") if kwargs.get("gluster_volume_options") else "") name_arg = "--name %s" % kwargs.get("name") if kwargs.get("name") else "" persistent_volume_arg = ("--persistent-volume %s" % kwargs.get("persistent_volume") if kwargs.get("persistent_volume") else "") persistent_volume_endpoint_arg = ("--persistent-volume-endpoint %s" % (kwargs.get( "persistent_volume_endpoint")) if (kwargs.get( "persistent_volume_endpoint")) else "") persistent_volume_file_arg = ("--persistent-volume-file %s" % kwargs.get("persistent_volume_file") if kwargs.get("persistent_volume_file") else "") redundancy_arg = ("--redundancy %d" % int(kwargs.get("redundancy")) if kwargs.get("redundancy") else "") replica_arg = ("--replica %d" % int(kwargs.get("replica")) if kwargs.get("replica") else "") snapshot_factor_arg = ("--snapshot-factor %f" % float(kwargs.get("snapshot_factor")) if kwargs.get("snapshot_factor") else "") json_arg = "--json" if kwargs.get("json") else "" secret_arg = ( "--secret %s" % kwargs.get("secret") if kwargs.get("secret") else "") user_arg = "--user %s" % kwargs.get("user") if kwargs.get("user") else "" cmd = ("heketi-cli -s %s volume create --size=%s %s %s %s %s %s %s " "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, str(size), block_arg, clusters_arg, disperse_data_arg, durability_arg, gid_arg, gluster_volume_options_arg, name_arg, persistent_volume_arg, persistent_volume_endpoint_arg, persistent_volume_file_arg, redundancy_arg, replica_arg, snapshot_factor_arg, json_arg, secret_arg, user_arg)) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_volume_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, volume_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi volume info command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url volume_id (str): Volume ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: volume info on success Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_volume_info(heketi_client_node, volume_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s volume info %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, volume_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_volume_expand(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, volume_id, expand_size, **kwargs): """Executes heketi volume expand command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url volume_id (str): Volume ID expand_size (str): volume expand size Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: volume expand info on success, only cli option is specified without --json option, then it returns raw string output. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_volume_expand(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, volume_id, expand_size) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = ("heketi-cli -s %s volume expand --volume=%s " "--expand-size=%s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, volume_id, expand_size, json_arg, admin_key, user)) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_volume_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, volume_id, raise_on_error=True, **kwargs): """Executes heketi volume delete command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url volume_id (str): Volume ID raise_on_error (bool): whether or not to raise exception in case of an error. Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: volume delete command output on success Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError when error occurs Example: heketi_volume_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, volume_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s volume delete %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, volume_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run( heketi_client_node, cmd, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) return out def heketi_volume_list(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Executes heketi volume list command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: volume list with --json on success, if cli option is specified without --json option or with url, it returns raw string output. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_volume_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s volume list %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_topology_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Executes heketi topology info command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: topology info if --json option is specified. If only cli option is specified, raw command output is returned on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_topology_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s topology info %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def hello_heketi(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Executes curl command to check if heketi server is alive. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: bool: True, if heketi server is alive Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: hello_heketi(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "curl --max-time 10 %s/hello" % heketi_server_url try: command.cmd_run(cmd=cmd, hostname=heketi_client_node) except Exception as e: g.log.error( 'Failed to run "%s" command on the "%s" host. ' 'Got following error:\n%s' % (cmd, heketi_client_node, e)) if ('connection refused' in six.text_type(e).lower() or 'operation timed out' in six.text_type(e).lower()): time.sleep(1) cmd_run_on_heketi_pod( "curl --max-time 10 http://localhost:8080/hello") else: raise return True def heketi_cluster_create(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Executes heketi cluster create command with provided options. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None - block : (bool)|None - file : (bool)|None Returns: str: cluster delete command output on success Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_cluster_create( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, block=True) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s cluster create %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user) if not kwargs.get("block", True): cmd += " --block=false" if not kwargs.get("file", True): cmd += " --file=false" cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if kwargs.get("json", False): return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_cluster_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, cluster_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi cluster delete command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url cluster_id (str): Cluster ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: cluster delete command output on success Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_cluster_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, cluster_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s cluster delete %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, cluster_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_cluster_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, cluster_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi cluster info command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url cluster_id (str): Volume ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: cluster info on success False: in case of failure Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_cluster_info(heketi_client_node, volume_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s cluster info %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, cluster_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_cluster_list(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Executes heketi cluster list command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: cluster list with --json on success, if cli option is specified without --json option or with url, it returns raw string output. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_cluster_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s cluster list %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_device_add(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_name, node_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi device add command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url device name (str): Device name to add node_id (str): Node id to add the device Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi device add command output on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_device_add(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_name, node_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s device add --name=%s --node=%s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, device_name, node_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_device_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi device delete command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url device id (str): Device id to delete Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi device delete command output on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_device_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s device delete %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, device_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_device_disable(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi device disable command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url device_id (str): Device id to disable device Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi device disable command output on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_device_disable(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s device disable %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, device_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_device_enable(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi device enable command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url device_id (str): Device id to enable device Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi device enable command output on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_device_enable(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s device enable %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, device_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_device_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi device info command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url device_id (str): Device ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: Str: device info as raw CLI output if "json" arg is not provided. Dict: device info parsed to dict if "json" arg is provided. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_device_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s device info %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, device_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: device_info = json.loads(out) return device_info else: return out def heketi_device_remove(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi device remove command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url device_id (str): Device id to remove device Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi device remove command output on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_device_remove(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, device_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s device remove %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, device_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_node_add(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, zone, cluster_id, management_host_name, storage_host_name, **kwargs): """Executes heketi node add command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url zone (int): The zone in which the node should reside cluster_id (str): The cluster in which the node should reside management_host_name (str): Management host name storage_host_name (str): Sotage host name Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: Str: Node info as raw CLI output if "json" arg is not provided. Dict: Node info parsed to dict if "json" arg is provided. Raises: exceptions.AssertionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_node_add( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, zone, cluster_id, management_host_name, storage_host_name) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = ( "heketi-cli -s %s node add %s %s %s " "--zone=%d --cluster=%s --management-host-name=%s " "--storage-host-name=%s" % ( heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user, zone, cluster_id, management_host_name, storage_host_name)) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) else: return out def heketi_node_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi node delete command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url. node_id (str): Node id to delete Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi node delete command output on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_node_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s node delete %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, node_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_node_remove(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi node remove command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url node_id (str): Node id to remove node Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi node remove command output on success. Raises: AssertionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_node_remove(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s node remove %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, node_id, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_node_disable(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi node disable command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url node_id (str): Node id to disable node Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi node disable command output on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_node_disable(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s node disable %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, node_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_node_enable(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi node enable command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url node_id (str): Node id to enable device Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: heketi node enable command output on success. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_node_enable(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s node enable %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, node_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return out def heketi_node_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi node info command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url node_id (str): Node ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: node info on success, str: raw output if 'json' arg is not provided. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_node_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s node info %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, node_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_node_list(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Execute CLI 'heketi node list' command and parse its output. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url to perform request to Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: list of strings which are node IDs Raises: openshiftstoragelibs.exceptions.ExecutionError when command fails. """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s node list %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) heketi_node_id_list = [] for node in HEKETI_NODES.findall(out.strip()): heketi_node_id_list.append(node[0]) return heketi_node_id_list def heketi_blockvolume_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, block_volume_id, **kwargs): """Executes heketi blockvolume info command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url block_volume_id (str): block volume ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: block volume info on success. str: raw output if 'json' arg is not provided. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_blockvolume_info(heketi_client_node, block_volume_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s blockvolume info %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, block_volume_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_blockvolume_create(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, size, **kwargs): """Executes heketi blockvolume create Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url size (int): blockvolume size Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - name : (str)|None - clusters : (str)|None - ha : (int)|None - auth : (bool) - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: blockvolume create info on success, only cli option is specified without --json option, then it returns raw string output. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_blockvolume_create(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, size) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) auth = clusters = ha = name = None if heketi_server_url is None: heketi_server_url = ( "") if 'auth' in kwargs: auth = kwargs['auth'] if 'clusters' in kwargs: clusters = kwargs['clusters'] if 'ha' in kwargs: ha = int(kwargs['ha']) if 'name' in kwargs: name = kwargs['name'] auth_arg = clusters_arg = ha_arg = name_arg = '' if auth: auth_arg = "--auth" if clusters is not None: clusters_arg = "--clusters %s" % clusters if ha is not None: ha_arg = "--ha %d" % ha if name is not None: name_arg = "--name %s" % name cmd = ("heketi-cli -s %s blockvolume create --size=%s %s %s %s %s " "%s %s %s" % (heketi_server_url, str(size), auth_arg, clusters_arg, ha_arg, name_arg, admin_key, user, json_arg)) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_blockvolume_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, block_volume_id, raise_on_error=True, **kwargs): """Executes heketi blockvolume delete command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url block_volume_id (str): block volume ID raise_on_error (bool): whether or not to raise exception in case of an error. Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: str: volume delete command output on success Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_blockvolume_delete(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, block_volume_id) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s blockvolume delete %s %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, block_volume_id, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run( heketi_client_node, cmd, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) return out def heketi_blockvolume_list(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Executes heketi blockvolume list command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: volume list with --json on success, if cli option is specified without --json option or with url, it returns raw string output. False otherwise Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Example: heketi_volume_info(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url) """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s blockvolume list %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if json_arg: return json.loads(out) return out def heketi_blockvolume_list_by_name_prefix( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, prefix, **kwargs): """Get block volume id, cluster and name by name prefix. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url. prefix (str): Block volume name prefix. Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: list: tuple of bv id, cluster id and name Raises: exceptions.AssertionError: if command fails to execute on heketi server. """ # Delete json key from kwargs kwargs.pop("json", None) block_vols = heketi_blockvolume_list( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs) block_vol_regex = re.compile( r"Id:(\S+)\s+Cluster:(\S+)\s+Name:(%s_\S+)" % prefix) return block_vol_regex.findall(block_vols.strip()) def verify_volume_name_prefix(hostname, prefix, namespace, pvc_name, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Check whether heketi volume is present with volname prefix or not. Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to check the heketi vol prefix (str): volnameprefix given in storageclass namespace (str): namespace pvc_name (str): name of the pvc heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - json : (bool) - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: bool: True if volume found. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. """ heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) heketi_vol_name_prefix = "%s_%s_%s_" % (prefix, namespace, pvc_name) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s volume list %s %s %s | grep %s" % ( heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user, heketi_vol_name_prefix) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(hostname, cmd) output = out.strip()"heketi volume with volnameprefix present %s" % output) return True def set_tags(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, source, source_id, tag, **kwargs): """Set any tags on Heketi node or device. Args: - heketi_client_node (str) : Node where we want to run our commands. eg. "" - heketi_server_url (str) : This is a heketi server url eg. " - source (str) : This var is for node or device whether we want to set tag on node or device. Allowed values are "node" and "device". - sorrce_id (str) : ID of node or device. eg. "4f9c0249834919dd372e8fb3344cd7bd" - tag (str) : This is a tag which we want to set eg. "arbiter:required" Kwargs: user (str) : username secret (str) : secret for that user Returns: True : if successful Raises: ValueError : when improper input data are provided. exceptions.ExecutionError : when command fails. """ if source not in ('node', 'device'): msg = ("Incorrect value we can use 'node' or 'device' instead of %s." % source) g.log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) heketi_server_url, json_args, secret, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = ("heketi-cli -s %s %s settags %s %s %s %s" % (heketi_server_url, source, source_id, tag, user, secret)) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd)"Tagging of %s to %s is successful" % (source, tag)) return True def set_arbiter_tag(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, source, source_id, arbiter_tag_value, **kwargs): """Set Arbiter tags on Heketi node or device. Args: - heketi_client_node (str) : node where we want to run our commands. eg. "" - heketi_server_url (str) : This is a heketi server url eg. " - source (str) : This var is for node or device whether we want to set tag on node or device. Allowed values are "node" and "device". - source_id (str) : ID of Heketi node or device eg. "4f9c0249834919dd372e8fb3344cd7bd" - arbiter_tag_value (str) : This is a tag which we want to set Allowed values are "required", "disabled" and "supported". Kwargs: user (str) : username secret (str) : secret for that user Returns: True : if successful Raises: ValueError : when improper input data are provided. exceptions.ExecutionError : when command fails. """ version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(heketi_client_node) if version < '6.0.0-11': msg = ("heketi-client package %s does not support arbiter " "functionality" % version.v_str) g.log.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) if arbiter_tag_value in ('required', 'disabled', 'supported'): arbiter_tag_value = "arbiter:%s" % arbiter_tag_value return set_tags(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, source, source_id, arbiter_tag_value, **kwargs) msg = ("Incorrect value we can use 'required', 'disabled', 'supported'" "instead of %s" % arbiter_tag_value) g.log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) def rm_tags(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, source, source_id, tag, **kwargs): """Remove any kind of tags from Heketi node or device. Args: - heketi_client_node (str) : Node where we want to run our commands. eg. "" - heketi_server_url (str) : This is a heketi server url eg. " - source (str) : This var is for node or device whether we want to set tag on node or device. Allowed values are "node" and "device". - sorrce_id (str) : id of node or device eg. "4f9c0249834919dd372e8fb3344cd7bd" - tag (str) : This is a tag which we want to remove. Kwargs: user (str) : username secret (str) : secret for that user Returns: True : if successful Raises: ValueError : when improper input data are provided. exceptions.ExecutionError : when command fails. """ heketi_server_url, json_args, secret, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) if source not in ('node', 'device'): msg = ("Incorrect value we can use 'node' or 'device' instead of %s." % source) g.log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) cmd = ("heketi-cli -s %s %s rmtags %s %s %s %s" % (heketi_server_url, source, source_id, tag, user, secret)) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd)"Removal of %s tag from %s is successful." % (tag, source)) return True def rm_arbiter_tag(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, source, source_id, **kwargs): """Remove Arbiter tag from Heketi node or device. Args: - heketi_client_node (str) : Node where we want to run our commands. eg. "" - heketi_server_url (str) : This is a heketi server url eg. " - source (str) : This var is for node or device whether we want to set tag on node or device. Allowed values are "node" and "device". - source_id (str) : ID of Heketi node or device. eg. "4f9c0249834919dd372e8fb3344cd7bd" Kwargs: user (str) : username secret (str) : secret for that user Returns: True : if successful Raises: ValueError : when improper input data are provided. exceptions.ExecutionError : when command fails. """ version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(heketi_client_node) if version < '6.0.0-11': msg = ("heketi-client package %s does not support arbiter " "functionality" % version.v_str) g.log.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) return rm_tags(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, source, source_id, 'arbiter', **kwargs) def get_heketi_metrics(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, prometheus_format=False): """Execute curl command to get metrics output. Args: - heketi_client_node (str) : Node where we want to run our commands. - heketi_server_url (str) : This is a heketi server url. - prometheus_format (bool) : control the format of output by default it is False, So it will parse prometheus format into python dict. If we need prometheus format we have to set it True. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Returns: Metrics output: if successful """ version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(heketi_client_node) if version < '6.0.0-14': msg = ("heketi-client package %s does not support heketi " "metrics functionality" % version.v_str) g.log.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) cmd = "curl --max-time 10 %s/metrics" % heketi_server_url try: out = command.cmd_run(cmd=cmd, hostname=heketi_client_node) except Exception as e: g.log.error( 'Failed to run "%s" command on the "%s" host. ' 'Got following error:\n%s' % (cmd, heketi_client_node, e)) if ('connection refused' in six.text_type(e).lower() or 'operation timed out' in six.text_type(e).lower()): time.sleep(1) out = cmd_run_on_heketi_pod( "curl --max-time 10 http://localhost:8080/metrics") else: raise if prometheus_format: return out.strip() return parse_prometheus_data(out) def heketi_examine_gluster(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url): """Execute heketi command to examine output from gluster servers. Args: - heketi_client_node (str): Node where we want to run our commands. - heketi_server_url (str): This is a heketi server url. Raises: NotImplementedError: if heketi version is not expected exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. Returns: dictionary: if successful """ version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(heketi_client_node) if version < '8.0.0-7': msg = ("heketi-client package %s does not support server state examine" " gluster" % version.v_str) g.log.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) heketi_server_url, json_arg, secret, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url) # output is always json-like and we do not need to provide "--json" CLI arg cmd = ("heketi-cli server state examine gluster -s %s %s %s" % (heketi_server_url, user, secret)) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return json.loads(out) def get_block_hosting_volume_list( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Get heketi block hosting volume list. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: block hosting volume list Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. """ # Delete json key from kwargs kwargs.pop("json", None) volume_list = heketi_volume_list( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs) bhv = { volume[0]: {"Cluster": volume[1], "Name": volume[2]} for volume in HEKETI_BHV.findall(volume_list.strip())} return bhv def get_total_free_space(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url): """ Calculates free space across devices which are online and skips the ones which are offline. Args: - heketi_client_node (str): Node where we want to run our commands. - heketi_server_url (str): This is a heketi server url. Returns: int: if successful """ device_free_spaces = [] heketi_node_id_list = heketi_node_list( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url) for node_id in heketi_node_id_list: total_device_free_space = 0 node_info_dict = heketi_node_info( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id, json=True) if (node_info_dict["state"].strip().lower() != "online"): continue for device in node_info_dict["devices"]: if (device["state"].strip().lower() != "online"): continue total_device_free_space += (device["storage"]["free"]) device_free_spaces.append(total_device_free_space / 1024 ** 2) return int(sum(device_free_spaces)), len(device_free_spaces) def heketi_server_operations_list( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Executes heketi server operations list command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Returns: list: list of server operations pending Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: if command fails. """ version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(heketi_client_node) if version < '8.0.0-10': msg = ( "heketi-client package %s does not support operations " "list functionality" % version.v_str) g.log.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s %s %s server operations list" % ( heketi_server_url, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) if out: operations = [] for operation in HEKETI_OPERATIONS.findall(out.strip()): operations.append({ 'id': operation[0], 'type': operation[1], 'status': operation[2] }) return operations else:"No any pendig heketi server operation") return [] def heketi_server_operation_cleanup( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, operation_id=None, timeout=120, wait_time=5, **kwargs): """Executes heketi server operations cleanup command and wait until cleanup operations get completed for given timeout. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url operation_id (str): Operation Id needs to be cleaned. Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError: If cleanup not completed in given timeout. """ version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(heketi_client_node) if version < '8.0.0-10': msg = ( "heketi-client package %s does not support operations " "cleanup functionality" % version.v_str) g.log.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) heketi_server_url, json_arg, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s %s %s server operations cleanup" % ( heketi_server_url, admin_key, user) if operation_id: cmd += " %s" % operation_id cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout=timeout, interval=wait_time): cleanup_operations = heketi_server_operations_list( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cleanup_operation = [ operation["id"] for operation in cleanup_operations if operation["id"] == operation_id] if not cleanup_operation: break if w.expired: err_msg = ( "Heketi server cleanup operation still pending even " "after %s second" % timeout) g.log.error(err_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) def heketi_db_check(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Execute 'heketi db check' command. Args: - heketi_client_node (str): Node where we want to run our commands. - heketi_server_url (str): This is a heketi server url. Raises: NotImplementedError: if heketi version is not expected exceptions.AssertionError: if command fails. Returns: dictionary: if successful """ version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(heketi_client_node) if version < '8.0.0-7': msg = "heketi-client package %s does not support db check" % ( version.v_str) g.log.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) heketi_server_url, json_arg, secret, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) # output is always json-like and we do not need to provide "--json" CLI arg cmd = "heketi-cli db check %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, user, secret) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return json.loads(out) def heketi_volume_endpoint_patch( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, volume_id, **kwargs): """Execute heketi volume endpoint patch command. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url volume_id (str): Volume ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: endpoint info on success Raises: exceptions.AssertionError: if command fails. """ version = heketi_version.get_heketi_version(heketi_client_node) if version < '9.0.0-1': msg = ( "heketi-client package %s does not support endpoint patch " "functionality" % version.v_str) g.log.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) heketi_server_url, _, admin_key, user = _set_heketi_global_flags( heketi_server_url, **kwargs) cmd = "heketi-cli -s %s volume endpoint patch %s %s %s" % ( heketi_server_url, volume_id, admin_key, user) cmd = TIMEOUT_PREFIX + cmd out = heketi_cmd_run(heketi_client_node, cmd) return json.loads(out) def get_heketi_volume_and_brick_count_list( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs): """Calculate amount of volumes and bricks. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: list of tuples containing volume name and brick count example: [('heketidbstorage', 3), ('vol_dcedb64fae938d8a72d0749c2159fcdb', 6)] Raises: AssertionError: if command fails. """ topology_info = heketi_topology_info( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, json=True, **kwargs) volume_name_brick_count = [] for c in topology_info['clusters']: volume_name_brick_count = [ (v['name'], len(v['bricks'])) for v in c['volumes']] return volume_name_brick_count def get_vol_file_servers_and_hosts( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, volume_id, **kwargs): """Get volume file server and hosts. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url volume_id (str): Volume ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: dict: {'vol_servers': [], 'vol_hosts': []} Raises: AssertionError: if command fails. """ if 'json' in kwargs: raise AssertionError("json is not expected parameter") kwargs['json'] = True vol_info = heketi_volume_info( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, volume_id, **kwargs) glusterfs = vol_info['mount']['glusterfs'] vol_servers = ( glusterfs['device'].split(":")[:1] + glusterfs['options']['backup-volfile-servers'].split(",")) return {'vol_servers': vol_servers, 'vol_hosts': glusterfs['hosts']} def get_bricks_on_heketi_node( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id, **kwargs): """Get bricks on heketi node. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url node_id (str): Node ID Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: list: list of bricks. Raises: AssertionError: if command fails. """ if 'json' in kwargs: raise AssertionError("json is not expected parameter") kwargs['json'] = True node_info = heketi_node_info( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, node_id, **kwargs) if len(node_info['devices']) < 1: raise AssertionError("No device found on node %s" % node_info) bricks = [] for device in node_info['devices']: bricks += device['bricks'] return bricks def heketi_volume_list_by_name_prefix( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, prefix, **kwargs): """Get heketi volume id, cluster and name by volume name prefix. Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url. prefix (str): Volume name prefix. Kwargs: The keys, values in kwargs are: - secret : (str)|None - user : (str)|None Returns: list: Tuple of volume id, cluster id and name Raises: exceptions.AssertionError: If command fails to execute on heketi server. """ # Delete json key from kwargs kwargs.pop("json", None) h_volumes = heketi_volume_list( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, **kwargs) vol_regex = re.compile(HEKETI_VOLUME % prefix) return vol_regex.findall(h_volumes.strip())